Tales of Regventus Book 6: Aurumist

Chapter 16

Griffa shuffled through messages as she sat on the sofa in the parlor, and she laid out a few on the table in front of her. Talon, who sat next to her, placed a few more on the table. She ruffled through her messages again to see if she missed any, but they all seemed to blur together. She blinked her eyes, shook her head, and tried to go through the stack again.

She was tired. She was not getting much sleep at night. There were so many things wrong in the kingdom, and she was sure she only knew less than half of it. The illness was still out there. They were sending out cure from Abscon and the Valley, but they couldn’t seem to stop the spread as it made its way through the lands at the north of the kingdom. It had made it to the East and West Sealand.

Griffa also knew there were many sick in Aurumist. The potion Golnar had used to release the magic in people of the first ring of Aurumist was corrupting the magic in the people who took it. They hadn’t heard yet from Devland or Camelia, but Griffa suspected it was getting worse. She thought there were other things wrong as well. She had dark dreams of suffering in the kingdom. She dreamed of people being forced from their homes, and of people dying. She dreamed of Regventus being destroyed completely.

She sighed and put the letters in her hand on her lap. She believed she had responded to all of those and received a response in return. It was only the ones on the table they had not received a confirmation that the recipient would attend the meeting in Abscon in a few days.

“So, these are the few leaders we have not heard from,” said Talon looking at the handful of letters in front of them. “We should send out another message today so it will get to all the villages in time.”

“I will need to go and write the messages in a moment,” yawned Griffa.

“I can write them, Griffa. You look like you could use a nap.” Talon gathered up the letters on the table into a small pile.

“It will do no good for me to go lay down as I cannot rest. I would rather work towards saving the kingdom.”

“Ansel said you weren’t sleeping well. Have you taken something?”

“I have,” replied Griffa as she put her large pile of messages on the side table “I can fall asleep, but I am disturbed throughout the night. I’ve tried to get Ansel to go sleep in the other room, but he won’t do it. He disturbs poor Kedan so many times a night, I am sure neither of them is getting enough sleep.”

“Kedan is your protector. It is his job to soothe you when you are unsettled, Griffa. He would be upset if you didn’t let him do his duty.”

“The problem is nothing seems to settle me for long. There is something happening soon in the kingdom. I wish I knew what it was so I could do something about it.”

“Hopefully, we will have word from the city by tomorrow. Devland’s message should be here soon.”

“Let’s talk about these weekly messages from Devland, shall we?” Griffa turned and looked at Talon.

Talon smiled. “What about them?”

“You talk of me running off to Aurumist without telling anyone, yet you take two of my trusted friends, and my protector and go to the city without telling me.”

“We were in the forest, well hidden. We didn’t show up in the middle of the palace and parade around. We weren’t in any danger.”

Griffa shook her head. “At least you didn’t curse Devland on sight. I think you might actually be learning restraint.”

“I wanted to do it, but I would much rather get information to help you. There is not much I wouldn’t do to keep you safe.”

Griffa gave Talon a half smile and laid her head on his shoulder. “I know, but you must know no matter what you do it may not be enough. You need to be prepared that I might not make it through this.”

Talon adjusted his arm and put it around Griffa. “I will not accept that. You will live and reign for many years. You will marry Ansel, and I will stay around and corrupt your children just enough that they know how to have fun.”

Griffa looked up slightly with a grimace at Talon.

“Proper fun, of course, that is fitting for a prince or princess of the kingdom,” said Talon as Griffa settled back against him.

“You will have your own children as well, Talon.” Griffa closed her eyes. “If they are girls, I will make sure they know it is perfectly acceptable for them to swim in the lake in the Valley and to not be pushed around by boys.”

“I will depend on it.” Talon kissed Griffa on top of her head.

She scooted slightly closer to Talon as he tightened his arm around her shoulder.

“I should probably get up before I fall asleep,” muttered Griffa.

“Take a quick nap. We have time to write our messages. I will wake you soon.”

Griffa nodded slightly and let herself drift off. She looked up, and she was in a large room. The floor was stone and the walls were gray. She looked above her and could not see a ceiling. She looked forward, and all she saw was darkness.

“Gryphon Keene,” said a loud, deep voice from the darkness

“Yes,” answered Griffa looking at the darkness.

“What is the kingdom worth to you?” asked the voice.

“Everything,” said Griffa.

“There must be some limit. There must be something you wouldn’t give,” said the voice.

Griffa thought over this. She thought of Ansel. Even though she loved him and didn’t want to be without him, she was prepared to give him up when she thought he would always be her protector. It hurt her, and it would have been immensely difficult to go on, but she would have done it. She thought of Talon and Max, and all her friends.

“If the ones I loved could be safe, I would do anything to save the kingdom.”

“What about your own life?” asked the voice.

“It means nothing against the people and the well-being of the kingdom.”

“Is it really worth it? The pain, the heartache, the strife you have and will have to go through. Will you be able to endure it all?”

Griffa knew her answer immediately. “Yes, I can endure it. I must.”

“You don’t have to, Gryphon,” said another voice. This one was kind and sounded as if it were a woman. “You could let the kingdom go. Its failures are not your fault.”

“I have plenty of fault in the state of the kingdom. I have not done all that I could. If I left it to die, I would not be satisfied. I would be culpable in its demise.”

The woman sighed. “I want you to think about your answer. I want you to meditate on if the kingdom is really worth all the pain and suffering for you. I want you to know for sure the kingdom is worth your life.”

“I could give you my answer right now as I don’t believe it will change,” said Griffa staring into the darkness.

“Think about it first. The time will come soon when you will have to give your final answer,” said the woman’s voice.

Griffa felt a strong magic surround her. It circled her and then entered her body. The magic made her feel powerful, loved, and peaceful.

“You need rest, dear one,” said the woman’s voice. “I will give you rest until we meet.”

Griffa felt her eyes grow heavy. She lay down on the cold stone floor and curled up. She closed her eyes, and everything went dark.

She opened her eyes and looked next to her. She was leaning against Ansel who was smiling down at her. She looked down at the other side of the sofa to see Kedan looking at her.

“How do you feel?” asked Ansel.

“Like I’ve slept too long. Where is Talon?”

“He is in your study working on the messages to send out today,” answered Ansel.

“I should help him then.” Griffa sat up and stretched.

“He should almost be done. He’s been in there for a few hours. It’s almost time for dinner,” said Ansel as Griffa looked at him.

“He said he would wake me up to help him. I shouldn’t have slept this long.”

“You needed the sleep. Kedan and I came in from sending out the latest group of guards. We offered to sit with you while he finished the messages. None of us minded letting you sleep. You already look more well rested than you have in a while.”

“I feel better than I have in a while. I will just go check in with Talon before we go to dinner. Then I would like to go see Zayden if you don’t mind, Kedan.”

“Not at all,” answered Kedan. “I will go with you.”

Griffa smiled and stood up. As she walked to her study, she thought over her dream, knowing there was nothing she would not do for her kingdom or the people she loved.

Three days later, Griffa looked in the mirror in her bedroom. She adjusted the skirt on her dark blue dress, looking at the sun etched on the bodice. She turned to see that the falcon on her shoulders that formed her sleeves were straight. She bent down her head to make sure her braids were neat and secure. After being assured everything was right, she picked up her thin crown and slipped it over her forehead.

She looked over herself one more time. Today was the most important meeting of her life. She would be meeting with the Ring, the council of the Valley, and many magical leaders from all over Regventus. She needed to look and act the part of the queen. She needed to be calm and self-assured. She needed to be able to convince all the people that she was a queen worthy of leading a kingdom.

She took a deep breath and told herself she could do this. She was meant to do this. If she didn’t do it, no one else would. If she was not queen, the kingdom would fall to Max. She had no doubt Max would be a wise and kind king, but he did not desire the title. She wasn’t sure how he would handle it. She believed he was strong, but he seemed very happy and suited for the position of a diviner. Griffa could not fail and put the pressure on the gentle and quiet man he had become. He did not need the burden. He had given up so much already.

She looked at herself one more time, turned and walked from the room. She went down the stairs and into the parlor to find everyone assembled there. Griffa first saw Max who sat in a seat facing her. He stood up as she entered the room. Everyone else stood up and turned to look at Griffa.

“Are we ready to go?” asked Griffa looking around.

Everyone stared at her, and Griffa looked down self-consciously playing with her skirt. Ansel walked over and took her hand as she looked up at him.

“You don’t need to doubt yourself,” said Ansel smiling at her. “You look every bit the magnificent queen you are today.”

She grinned slightly at him. “It’s a big day. I am asking a lot of the people we will meet. I don’t want to disappoint them or any of you.”

“Disappoint us?” asked Talon as he walked over closer to Griffa. “How in this kingdom would you ever disappoint any of us? You are our queen, Griffa. We serve you because we believe in you.”

“It’s such a large task today. I am asking these leaders to put their village and their people at risk. I am asking them to follow me,” said Griffa. “What if they don’t find me worthy of being followed?”

“You are asking them to save their villages and their people,” reminded Max. “If they refuse to listen that is how they will put their villages and people at risk. Only a very foolish or blind leader would think you aren’t worthy of being followed, Griffa.”

“I have met many leaders in this kingdom,” said Kedan. “When I was the Lord of the kingdom, I dined with so many prominent leaders, they all ran together. None of them have ever given me the hope and inspiration that you have. I knew almost as soon as I met you, that you were the only leader I would ever want to follow. Don’t doubt you who are, my queen.”

“We need to be going,” said Griffa. “Whatever happens, know that I cherish every one of you. I would do anything to save this kingdom just for each of you.”

They all put on their cloaks and left Keene Manor. Griffa looked up at the gray sky, wondering if it would snow soon. It was only two weeks until winter, and soon, snow would pile high in Abscon and other areas of the kingdom. They walked until they reached the town center.

Griffa stopped at the statue of the gods and bowed quickly in King Nathin’s direction before starring up at the gods. She put her hand on the sister’s foot and felt her magic react inside of her. It flowed through her, filling her with warmth, peace, and determination. She closed her eyes and prayed for the right words to say. She prayed for the ability to lead. She prayed she was somehow worthy to save Regventus.

Griffa took her hand off the statue and looked up at the gods. She smiled slightly and knew she could do this. She remembered she was meant to do this. She turned and looked at Talon who was staring at her. She gave him a smile that he returned before he and Ansel walked to stand by her side. She walked with them to the meeting hall as Kedan and Max fell in place behind her.

They walked into the hallway meeting hall and through the double doors that lead to the meeting room of the Ring. The meeting room had been transformed as the back wall had been taken away. A large canvas tent and had been placed from the hall all over the yard. There were many tables set up, with people sitting at them from all over the kingdom. Everyone was talking to one another. When people realized that the queen and her party had entered the room, the talking stopped.

Griffa walked to her usual place at the Ring table and looked around the space. She saw her Ring before here with the council of the Valley at the main table. She grinned at Addi, who sat with her mother, before scanning the rest of the space. She saw many leaders she knew including Bettina Devins. She also saw Daracha nearby who gave her a slight nod. Griffa took a deep breath and raised her hand to charm the space so her voice would be heard.

“May the gods guide our discussion, and may we always remember the responsibility we have to one another,” said Griffa looking straight ahead.

She t looked around and continued on. “I am very grateful you have all come to Abscon today for this meeting. I do not take the responsibilities you have to your people and your villages lightly, just as I do not take my responsibility to this kingdom lightly. I do not wish for any of you to suffer. I do not want to bring violence to your villages or your people, but the time has come when we can no longer let the kingdom continue on as it has for the past 300 years.

“The powers in Aurumist have long gone against everything our gods stand for. They have corrupted our kingdom, causing sickness and death to cover our lands. I know the sickness has not affected many of you, but do not forget the responsibility we have to all the people of the kingdom, including the non-gifted. If we ignore them, we will perish with them.

“Besides that, we know they will not stop with the non-gifted. One of our own people, Philo Quick is now in charge of the forces of Aurumist. His only goal is absolute power. He will come for every one of us, taking what we have for himself, until we are left with nothing but an empty kingdom.

“I have asked you here today to come together and to fight for what is right. I ask you to come and fight for your village, your people, and your kingdom. Some of you have already decided to join me in defeating the power that would destroy our kingdom, and some of you have not made a decision. The time where you can stall your decisions is over. You must choose today if you will fight with us, or sit aside and wait for the kingdom to fall. I will take any discussions and questions now.”

An older man stood up. Griffa knew he was the leader of a village in the Lowlands.

“I don’t doubt that the sickness in the kingdom is bad. It must be stopped, but what good will taking the city of Aurumist do? You say one of our own is in power. What will you do that is better than him?”

People started muttering over one another, and Griffa held her hand up.

“Philo Quick is everything that is evil and wrong. He doesn’t care about his people or this kingdom. He only wants power. He would be happy to let the sickness run rampart through our land. He wouldn’t care if your village burnt to the ground if it meant he could have more power.

“I am not perfect. I will be the first to say that. I do not have all the answers to save the kingdom, but I will listen to my Ring and all of you to find our way forward. If we can gain control of Aurumist, we will control Regventus. We can start healing the kingdom from the last five hundred years, and we can do it together.”

A middle-aged woman stood up. “Why are you the right one to lead us? I mean no disrespect, but why should we follow you as our queen?”

“She is of the full blood of Adalwen,” said Sidora looking at the woman. “She has been chosen by the gods. Can you really be in her presence and not feel it?”

“She is powerful, and I can feel that power,” said the woman. “She is beautiful, and she is well spoken, but so are many others. As far as being the blood of Adalwen, I believe there is another. The original news was that he was our king.”

“That news was wrong. Everyone was mistaken.” Max stood up. “I was thought to be the king. I even claimed the title for a while, but I know the truth now. Our queen is my kin, and she is the true ruler of our kingdom. I could tell you of the many visions I have had of her. I can tell you she is our only chance to go forward as a kingdom, but I would rather tell you that she is the kindest, bravest, and most inspiring person you will ever meet. She would do anything for any one of you in this room. There is nothing she would not do to save any one of your villages. Whether you choose to serve her or abandon her, she will never abandon any of you.”

Talon stood up and looked at Griffa before he turned to the room. “I am Talon Wendell. My family has led the Valley since the founding of the village. Before that we were trusted friends to every king or queen that ruled since King Nathin. I can tell you there is no doubt Gryphon Keene is the true queen of this kingdom. I would stake my village, my family name, my very life on it. In fact, I have given her my village and my life.”

Talon stopped for a moment and smiled. “I have known our queen for almost her whole life. I have known her as a friend, as a fellow village leader, and now I know her as my queen. I can tell you without a doubt she is our queen, and she will be perhaps the greatest ruler we have had since King Nathin.

“Sidora is right. I don’t know how you could be in her presence without realizing who she is. I have known my whole life she was special. My father knew it as well. Now that I know who she is, I cannot believe I didn’t realize it earlier. The powers in Aurumist know who she is. Philo Quick know she is the only obstacle to gaining what he truly wants. If you need further truth, look at her protector. What inspires a non-gifted person to give up his life and his son’s life to someone except the true ruler of our kingdom.”

“That brings up a question, I have,” said a man standing up in the back. “If Gryphon Keene is the true queen, why is she not protected by the line of Raya.”

Griffa saw Talon look at Ansel, and Ansel stood up as Talon sat down. “I am the only survivor of the line of Raya as most if not all of you know. I was our queen’s protector until recently. I willingly gave up the line of protectors from the line of Raya. The protector’s line was transferred to the Belles line. It was accepted by Kedan Belles who you see here today. He is our queen’s protector, and I have seen their conjoined power in person. There is no doubt.”

“Why did you give up the line, Ansel?” asked the man. “Did your queen request it?”

“No, she did not request it. I did so willingly.” Ansel looked down at Griffa and smiled. “I have long been in love with our queen. I am somehow fortunate enough that she returns my love. In order to be able to be by her side as her consort, I had to give up the line of protectors. I do not regret it. Kedan was the perfect choice for the new line. He was very devoted to our queen, and is more so now. He serves her well.”

Ansel sat down and Griffa took his hand and squeezed it before letting it go.

“What is the plan going forward?” asked a man to the side. “If we decide to follow our queen, what will happen?”

“We will attack Aurumist soon. If you decide to join me today, we will soon take the city. We will send you instructions on where to meet, and what you and your village will do in the city. Once we take the city, I will set up my Ring in Aurumist, and we will start slowly working to make Regventus into what it needs to be. It will not happen overnight. I probably won’t be able to accomplish everything in my lifetime, but with the gods’ guidance we will take steps to make the kingdom into what it was meant to be,” answered Griffa.

Griffa looked around, and everyone was silent.

“If there is no more discussion, I would like to say one more thing. If you choose to not support me in taking Aurumist, do not think there will be repercussion. I am not vengeful. If we are able to take the city and the throne, I will still be your queen. I will still see to your well-being. If you every need aid from me or anything else, you can ask, and you will have it.

“When I rule over this kingdom, I will always try to do so with wisdom and kindness. Know that as a leader of a village, I understand the magnitude of this decision. I know what it is to be responsible for my people. I only ask that you do as you see fit for your village and your people.”

Griffa sat down, and Talon grabbed her hand under the table. He held it and leaned over to whisper to her.

“You did very well, my queen. I have already given you my village, but I would do so again in heartbeat.”

Griffa squeezed his hand, feeling the strength and love coming from him as she whispered. “And you have my friendship, my devotion and my love.”

The rest of the meeting was spent with village leaders pledging themselves to Griffa as their queen. Only a small handful of villages didn’t make a decision. Those leaders left quickly before plans were discussed for Aurumist. The leaders who stayed were all told they would receive a message soon with a date for taking the city, and instruction on where to meet and what to do.

The message would come from Talon or the queen herself. The meeting adjourned, and many of the leaders came to speak quickly with Griffa before leaving. Addi came to speak with Griffa, saying she would stay a few days with her mother before coming back to Keene Manor. It was well into the afternoon before Griffa and the others walked home.

“I would call that a success,” said Talon as he walked by Griffa’s side. “There were a few idiots who ran away, but you have most of the magical folk in the kingdom committed to you.”

“It’s a hard decision for some,” said Griffa. “Especially for those who live on the edge of the kingdom. I do not blame them for not wanting to risk their people. They will still be a part of my kingdom when I rule.”

“You were quite impressive, Griffa.” Talon glanced at her with one of his smirks. “If they weren’t going to follow you, I don’t know if there is a person alive to whom they would listen.” Talon nudged her shoulder with his lightly as he walked. He gave her a smug smile. “I rather enjoyed watching you. It makes me look even more forward to serving on your Ring, if this is what it will be like.”

Griffa sighed and looked over at Ansel who only smiled at her. Griffa rolled her eyes and walked ahead, ready to eat and relax while she still could.

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