Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter eight


Evadiene really laid it on thick when she woke up, and I just took it. That was so unlike me that I wasn’t even sure what I was doing. To be fair, she had a few reasons to be angry. I watched her go to the bathroom, still in her work clothes, very happy that I had restrained myself at taking her shoes off. Despite very much wanting to clean her up and get her into fresh clothes, I knew she wouldn’t approve like a wolven girl would have. She was definitely different, especially for a human.

No one ever spoke to me the way she did, and I wouldn’t let anyone else think they could. Evadiene was special, and just watching her walk toward the bathroom was enough to make me smile. I went into my closet and grabbed a set of my clothes for her to change into and set it on the counter before closing the door behind me.

I heard the water switch on and went back to the window to see those outside. When they sensed my presence many of them dipped their heads, a couple that I knew had failed to advert their eyes when they saw Evadiene coward. I wouldn’t punish them, today, but I would make sure they knew that was as much mercy as I possessed when it came to her.

A knock came at the door and I went to check who it was, opening it to find Spencer and Ellion waiting eagerly. I swear I could see their wolf’s tails wagging with excitement just standing in the hall and I pushed them further out to close the door behind me.

“What?” I barked but their smiles didn’t waver.

“You slept in, so how was your night?” Spencer asked.

I rolled my eyes. “Even if she wasn’t absolutely exhausted from me marking her and something happened, I still wouldn’t tell you.”

Ellion elbowed him. “Obviously, but more importantly…” he gestured to the closed door like the question should be obvious. “What’s going on? Did you fight? Did she kick your ass? Which sofa are you banished to so I can join you and we can make forts.”

I chuckled and it reached my stomach. “Why did Daley kick you do the couch?”

He huffed. “She thinks marking her like that was too much and I should have stopped you.”

I eyed him with a smirk. “And she knows you stepping between me and what I want, especially my mate, would have been at great personal risk?”

He nodded, “she is aware.”

I laughed again. “Evadiene isn’t happy, and she’s got a cat at home I have to figure out what to do about… she’s just having a shower and then we’re going to get breakfast,” I informed, if only because I felt bad for Ellion and wanted to give him something to appease Daley with.

“So did you tell her everything,” Ellion asked and continued when I didn’t reply. “About being shifters? About your wolf? Who you really are? The mating bond? Fuck did you at least tell her why you bit her?”

Spencer’s scoffed louder than Ellion and through his hands up with exasperation. “Alpha you are awful with women.”

One of my eyebrows went up as I got more confused. “I told her I have a wolf and that’s why I bit her, but she didn’t ask anything… stop looking at me like that.”

Ellion rubbed the bridge of his nose as he asked, “did you at least tell her that now because you’ve marked her it will be physically painful to be apart?”

I waved a hand at them even as I felt a pain in my chest. The pain distracted me from speaking and I coughed to try and cover it up.

Ellion smacked his head, reading right through me. “You left your pissed off human mate, with no knowledge about us or the bond alone in your bedroom with a separate exit?”

The pain in my chest got worse, and it was this bad for me. “Fuck.”



I washed up quickly and put on the Tshirt, sweat pants and sweater Covyn had left for me. Leaving the shower on, I made my way to the bathroom window and luckily there was no one around.

Unfortunately I would have to do my exit barefoot, but with only a drain pipe to aid my two story exit I would have taken them off anyway. The pipe was well fashioned and I was grateful to have made it outside, even closing the window behind me.

Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Ceciel was east of Peine, so I need to head west.

I pulled my hood up and headed that way, avoiding others by staying down wind and in the shadows. The last bit to cross before there was forest was wide open field.

Well fuck.

It was clear, so I didn’t hesitate in starting to cross it but there was a pain in my chest and the place where he’d bit me throbbed with my pulse.

But I was almost there, and I could treat the wound when I got out of here. The best part is he didn’t know where I lived, so even though I had to leave the best job and people, I didn’t need to move right away.

When I hit the tree line my relief immediately turned into an eye roll as I heard people. With the pain in my chest making it hard to breathe I leaned against a tree and hoped they’d just walk passed.

“Alpha?” One of them called and I froze.

I was worried that Covyn had caught up to me already, but they rounded the tree and looked at me. I remembered then that I was in his clothes, so I must’ve smelt like him.

“You’re not the Alpha.”

That was for sure, he was much broader than me and I knew there was no way I’d pass so I had to lean into it. I looked up, letting my hair fall free of the hood and pretended I was distracted with my toes in the dirt, my practise smile spanning my face.

“What? Sorry I wasn’t listening. I came out here for some fresh air. I didn’t think anyone else was out here.” I looked over each face and they took a step back.

“You must be his mate…” one of them said cautiously.

I giggled. “That’s what he keeps telling me.”

They gave wary smiles. “He really said you could be out here alone?” Another asked.

I breathed a different sort of laugh. “Why wouldn’t he? I’m pretty sure he’s with Spencer or Ellion talking about last night at the strip club.”

“Strip club?” One whispered but I caught it and mocked surprise.

“You didn’t know?-“ I put both hands to my cheeks and pouted. “-oh no, now I’ve really done it. He’s going to be so mad at me.”

I made my eyes well with tears, which was made easier by the growing pain in the bite.

“Don’t cry,” a couple of them begged.

“It’s okay Luna, we won’t tell him we heard anything.” The one who spoke moved to touch my shoulder, thought better of it, and didn’t.

“Really? Thank you. I really just want him to be happy.”

And they fell for it all. They assured me they wouldn’t say anything, and told me not to wander too far away or leave the pack boarder.

When they were out of sight I went back on my way, toward home and hopefully a road. My feet were cold and my neck felt like it was on fire the further I went.

It must be infected.

I had been trudging painfully for a while when I felt it. The pack boarder wasn’t a wall or fence like I had imagined, no it was made of magic.

I could feel it vibrate in the air with life and hesitated crossing it. This could do nothing, or incapacitate me.

Well, I’d come this far. I reached a hand in first, feeling it warm and tingle my skin. The pain in my neck lessened by the new sensation, but as I stepped the wall came alive. Colours lit up the whole area around where my hand met it and I felt like I was giving it a hand shake.

It was definitely greeting me, and, as of to start conversation, it showed me short clips of every person or creature to cross the boarder. I felt my eyes roll back as my vision was consumed by what the boarder seemed to want me to know, and that was that this land is safe.

There was a lot. So many people had come and gone since this wall could share its story and it was overwhelming.

With my vision not of my surroundings, the next thing I knew I was the feeling cold dirt beneath my face.

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