Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter nine


I rushed into the bathroom and she wasn’t there. The shower ran and I could see wet footprints, so she did bathe, and her purple outfit was on the floor.

“Where is she?!” I growled, acutely aware of Spencer and Ellion coming up behind me.

“It doesn’t look like she could have left off the balcony,” Spencer determined, regarding the wolven that were still training outside. “Could she just be hiding?”

I followed her scent to the closed window and opened it, her scent continued and I could see little finger prints in the dirt around the sill and down the gutter.

“Fuck fuck!” I yelled, the pain in my chest increased and I knew her bite must be searing.

“No way…” I heard Spencer as he too looked out the window. “Well I guess what’s a gutter but a square pole -ow.”

Thankfully Ellion hit him before I had to and I jumped out of the window to chase after her. They were close behind me and I wouldn’t be sure if I was grateful for them following me until I found her.

She had made a lot of headway which I found surprising for a human making her way through a wolven pack, but soon I was at the tree lining the back half of the property. I realized that was the direction of the city, and she was trying to go home.

A few of my men came walking out of the woods from the way I could smell her heading and I snarled at them. “Have you seen my mate?”

They both gawked, looked at each other like they had been swindled, and pointed, wisely saying nothing.

I took off in that direction, my pain getting less the closer I got, and then I saw her. Her hand was in the barrier that surrounded our land, but it glowed, like the barrier was reacting to her.

She was staring blankly at the hand as I approached. “Evadiene? Hey beautiful, are you okay?”

She didn’t respond and when I was close enough to see her face I couldn’t see any features in her eyes, just the whites.

Then she was on the ground, her body falling limp to the side on the cold dirt and she started convulsing.

I rushed to her side, calling out her name but she was unresponsive.

“She’s epileptic,” Ellion gasped, spotting a bracelet I knew wasn’t there last night.

We turned her on her side and I held her gently, waiting for the seizure to end. Her hand still reached toward the invisible wall that protected us even though the glowing had stopped.

When her tremors slowed her arms wrapped in on herself, her eyes closed completely, and then when they opened she sat up suddenly and wiped some drool from her chin. She saw us all sitting there and her eyes quickly turned to me before she looked down.

“Would you believe I was exploring?” She asked, but she knew that I wouldn’t.

It didn’t matter. I was too worried to be angry.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were epileptic?” I begged, taking her hands in mine and kissing her fingers.

“I told you I needed to go back for my purse. I didn’t think you were going to kidnap me this far from any of my support.” My guilt consumed me and while I wanted to blame her I knew it was my fault.

She looked at my hands that held hers and seemed to see the hopeless regret I felt as she said, “But I don’t get them often, usually it’s stress or … What have you.” She looked at the invisible wall, or at least towards where it was. “Does that usually glow or was I hallucinating?”

“If it does that would be news to me too,” Spencer said before I could and I glared at him.

She glanced at him but looked back at me when I spoke. “Why did you climb out of the window and run away, you could have been hurt.”

I pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her, which I had the distinct feeling she allowed to happen.

“I didn’t run,” she scoffed. “I thought logically about every step, ow!” I had pulled the collar of the sweater over and the bite mark looked red and angry.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, looking at it carefully. “Because I’ve marked you so recently you need to stay close to me, or the mark will begin to fester and ache as our bond starves.”

“It feels like I dropped an iron on my flesh,” she gasped as my fingers gently traced the swollen skin.

I began kissing and sucking on the mark and I felt her shiver against me. I knew the tingles I sent through her skin would cause immediate relief but it would take work to calm it completely.

I took the sleeves of her sweater and carefully pulled her arms free. When I got it over her head her wet hair fell down over her back and that smell like gun powder took hold of me.

I picked her up off the ground, continuing to give her neck all of my attention, making her moan openly in my arms. “I can walk,” she murmured.

I smiled against her skin. “I’m aware. Let me take care of you.”

She let a soft giggle slip free as my short facial hair tickled her skin. Her voice was different than it had been when I first heard her in the club; lower, and more casual. It made me glad she felt at least that level of comfort with me.

“I’m still mad at you,” she moaned against my chest, turning in toward me more so I could reach her neck better.

“I know.”

“Will you take me home now?”

A long moan sounded from her lips and she wiggled in my arms as I began sucking on the skin and running my flat tongue over the wound.


She groaned now and pushed my face away. “It’s bad enough I’m missing work right now…”

“There’s no way the club is still open,” Spencer interrupted but she returned just as fast.

“I have two jobs. I often have multiple jobs, and I’m missing my day job,-“ she turned back to me, “-but I swear to the Goddess I do believe in and the God I don’t, if we don’t at least go get my cat I will make every day I’m here a living hell for everyone around me.”

“I’d believe her,” Spencer chuckled and I saw her smile.

“I’d take dumber’s advice, he’s very observant.” He looked at her with mild shock and confusion so she continued mockingly, “a stripper? Like, did you forget where you were or something?”

Ellion laughed. “She’s got you there, I like her.”

She smiled brighter. “Why thanks Ellion.” Returning her look to me she sigh with some defeat. “Aren’t you curious about the house you’re taking me away from?”

I returned to her neck hoping to distract her and she started moaning again like she was receiving a deep massage. I thought i felt all her stress leaving her body as she relaxed but then she giggled again.

“It could be beautiful,” she began. “It could also be a crack shack. Wouldn’t you love to see if you’re saving me from an impoverished life?”

I chuckled against her neck. “You just had to have a cat.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know, how inconsiderate of me to not consider any future kidnappers when Sequoia entered my life, but she has since become my entire world and my only child.”

She heard Spencer chuckle and shot him a look. “I also trained her to piss on the things of men I didn’t like so they wouldn’t come around again.” Ellion laughed at his expense. “Thank you Ellion.”

“What the fuck!” Spencer yelled at her and I shot him a glare so fast he showed me his neck in submission out of pure panic.

Evadiene begged me to let her down now and, even though I was no where near done touching her I complied.

“How many times did you disapprove because I’m a dancer?” She asked, staring at him with one brow raised.

“I didn’t.. I didn’t disapprove,” he said lighter, looking down and over to meet the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was against you, Luna.”

“There’s that word again. I’m not wolven,” she argued. “A few of them said it earlier, but I thought I’d be gone so I didn’t correct them.”

I nearly started growling at the reminder she tried to leave when she smacked my chest. “You are mine. Wolven or not, that makes you Luna,” I informed.

She pouted. “I don’t like it.”

I kissed her forehead. “Tough.” She continued to pout and though it was adorable the longer she crossed her arms, the more I wanted her in mine. “Fine, breakfast and then we will go pick up your cat, but then you are coming back with me.”

She smiled slightly, and when she dropped her arms I picked up one of her hands in mine.

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