Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter seven


“It’s ok. Sleep Evadiene,” I whispered softly into her ear after I’d taken my teeth from her skin.

She did as I said, and I wrapped my arms under her legs and shoulders to pick her up. When I turned to take her back to my truck the others were staring at her and me.

“Something to say, say it,” I growled, walking passed them to slide her in the passenger seat.

“You can’t just take her,” Daley demanded but when my head snapped to her she shrunk away.

Ellion moved in front of her. “She’s right, she’s going to be pissed, never mind the illegality. People are going to miss her.”

“To hell with them. She is my mate and I’ll fight them all for her,” I muttered, buckling my Evadiene into her seat.

This was her place now, and no one else would ever ride up front in my truck but her. I kissed her head and closed the door, looking at them again.

“Well I’m sure in some regard that’s sweet, but as a human… this is kidnapping,” Spencer informed like I had been unaware.

“You can’t steal what is yours,” I smirked moving around my truck.

“Where are you taking her?” Daley asked in a small voice behind Ellion, keeping her head down.

I considered this, my condo wasn’t far, but from where we were, at this time of night, it would be less than a two hour drive to go home. When I came back the following week to check on any developments at the construction site I could bring her with me to get some things from her place.

“Home,” I said finally. “She will be safer with our pack after what’s happened.”

I didn’t say out loud that I was worried she’d panic and start screaming or try to run away, but I think they knew. They didn’t object further, knowing my mind was clearly set.

At last Ellion nodded. “We’ll be right behind you,” he assured. “She will be safe, and no one will follow us.”

I got into my truck, turning the heat on right away as I saw the goosebumps again covering her skin. There was a blanket in the backseat and I pulled it forward to drape over her.

Her head flopped toward the window, showing me the entirety of the red and swollen mark I’d left on her.

“Ow,” she whimpered softly, but still slept.

I did feel bad about that; I’d bitten quite deep, deeper than I meant to. I had hurt her, and with my bite right beside those horrid finger bruises I felt disgusting.

Unbuckling her I pulled her across the benched front seat to me and gently began kissing and licking the wound I’d made to encourage healing.

“I am so sorry my love,” I whispered into her hair, kissing the top, and absorbing her smell like gun powder and walking into a sawmill. “I promise I will never hurt you like that again. You will be safe, loved and cared for with me and mine. I swear it.”

She didn’t stir aside from light moans from my ministrations on her neck and when I was done I couldn’t bare to put her back in her seat. I laid her down on my lap and her hand naturally draped over my thigh to hold my leg.

I couldn’t help the low groan that her hand their elicit from me. “Evadiene, you really will drive me mad.”

By the time I could drag my eyes off her sleeping form, tucked under a blanket and wearing my jacket, the others were waiting, parked beside me. No one questioned where she had gone when she wasn’t in her seat, and followed dutifully behind me as I broke every speed limit to get home as quickly as possible.


When I woke up I was in a giant bed in a large room, and the panic subsided when I realized I was alone in it. The whole room smelt clean, like it had just had every linen washed and surface scrubbed and, if the bed wasn’t so comfortable, I would have assumed it was a hospital before I opened my eyes.

The room was glorious and big, the sun creeping in through the gaps in the curtains to light up the open space. Everything below my chin and above my tits ached and the night before began to slide back into my memory.

“The fuc…” I began but coughing took over.

My throat hurt worse than before, and lower on my neck felt tender and raw.

With my coughing there was movement on a couch in front of the fire place, and Covyn was quickly rushing over to me with palpable concern on his face. In a second he was kneeling on the floor beside the bed like a puppy without permission.

Good morning Evadiene, how are you feeling beautiful?” He asked, and if it wasn’t for the extreme furrow in his brows I would have thought his concern was fake.

I touched my neck, and then I remembered and shoved him away. “You bit me!”

He looked down sheepishly. “Yes, I’m sorry. Seeing you walk away… my wolf couldn’t take it. I’ve been sensing you near me over half a year now, we couldn’t bare to let you go.”

My face paled. “Wolf?”

He looked at me and his eyes seemed to fill with black from the centre and he looked away again. “Yes, I am wolven. So are my friends that you met last night.”

I rushed to the window and threw the curtain open. Instantly my eyes were caught by the large wolves fighting just outside my window. They looked up at me and all started to bow down, placing their muzzles on the ground.

Fuck fuck fuck! This is not the city I live in.

Covyn came up behind me with a low growl and closed the curtain. “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t give my men a show to talk about later,” he grumbled and I remembered I was still in my purple number from the club.

I turned to him slowly. “If you’re embarrassed by me, why did you bring me here?” I scoffed and folded my arms.

“Embarrassed? Why on Earth would I be embarrassed? You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen…”

“Your friends made it pretty clear yesterday that where I worked was a concern.” I interrupted. “…wait a minute..”

I paused, looked him up and down where he stood in just his boxers, momentarily appreciating how damn sexy he was, and then pushed him again. “You rejected me! I was leaving. How the fuck did I end up here?”

He flinched and sighed, taking my hand in his. “I wasn’t rejecting you… My wolf was.. more in control than I’d like to admit.” My chest met his as he pulled me in and he kissed the mark he’d made. “I’m sorry that I lost control. I never want to hurt you.”

I felt the truth in those words but it didn’t erase my anger. “Where am I Covyn!?” I demanded.

He refused to meet my eyes. “You’re in my pack’s house… in Ceciel..”

“What?!” I nearly yelled the word. “Please at least tell me I was only out for the night,” I groaned.

“Yes, just one night. It’s 9am on Saturday,” he assured.

“Thank goddess, where is my phone? I need my neighbour to check on my cat.” I don’t know why I searched my basically nonexistent top for anything, but turned to Covyn hopefully.

He looked at me confused. “You have a cat? “

I rolled my eyes. “Yea funny how little you know about the girl you kidnapped after a sexy dance.”

He growled at me now. “I didn’t kidnap you, you’re my mate, I brought you where you belong.”

“No, you took me over three hours away from my home and my cat without my permission,” I growled my own response and he took a step back. “Give me your phone now.”

He stared at my outstretched hand and shook his head. “Absolutely not.”

“What the fuck Covyn! I don’t give a shit who you are to all the people here, to me you are just the guy that came into my place of work for a private dance. I appreciate you not letting Sal black me out, but I don’t do life debts. Get yourself in check before I have to. It’s super great, for you, that you’ve decided I’ll just drop all my own shit and move in with you, but I had my own fucking life, and shit. Give it two days and eight different people will be filing missing person reports on me and then the real trouble will show up at your front door looking for me.” I was yelling at him but he didn’t take a step back, barely even moving as he took it.

“The cops won’t bother us out here.”

I looked incredulously at him but he didn’t look like he understood me at all. I sighed deeply at him and looked around the room, spotting a connected bathroom.

“Can I at least shower, oh controlling one?” I asked with a grand bow. “Or shall I wander the property in my two piece, covered in stripper glitter?”

His face softened. “Of course, take anything you need. There are some spare toothbrushes in the drawer, along with towels on the rack. I’ll bring you some clothes to change into, and when you’re done we can get some breakfast.”

I nodded a thanks before walking across the room. First I would have the fastest shower in history, but then I needed to find away out of here.

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