Submissive Milking (Part One)

Submissive Milking: Chapter 2

Coming back to Cameron’s house was a relief. He had waited so long to call her and she knew it was a tease, a taunt, a torment. She liked all of those and knew he wouldn’t call her the day after he sent her home after keeping her panties. When she second day passed she started to get nervous, but told herself it would be worth the wait. She continued to hide her submissive chain under heavy, high-necked sweaters. On the third day she was certain he would call or text her, but that didn’t happen and she started to get nervous. Had he abandoned her already? Getting the chain off didn’t worry her too much because she knew she could go to the local TrueValue and get some bolt cutters to snip off the chain or padlock, but it was the fact that Cameron had put it around her neck and she wanted him to remove it.

At five days she was keeping her panic under wraps and was ecstatic when he finally called. The message he left just told her to when to appear at his doorstep. She rang the bell and waited. There were lights on inside and his car was out front so she knew he was there, but he still kept her waiting. She didn’t mind.

When he opened the door and asked her to step inside her stomach did flip-flops and she couldn’t wait to get her clothes off to follow his orders. She took one step inside and he closed the door behind her. “Stop. Don’t move,” he said. “Take off your clothes.”

She had worn a nice skirt and a blouse that just showed off the twinkling edge of her ersatz-submissive collar. These quickly came off and she paused a moment letting Cameron see her in the sexy matching black and pink lace bra and panty set. Normally she didn’t wear thong underwear, but tonight seemed to be the right occasion.

“Stop.” The word was uttered with complete anger. “You wore that here? Did I give you permission to wear a bra or panties in my house?”

Too late she realized she had fucked up. “No.” Her voice was small even to her ears.

“Turn around.”

She did as he obeyed and swallowed hard. Would he throw her out of the house in her underwear. That humiliation might be fun…but would it be the end of everything?

“Lower your panties just over your ass.”

Just a simple pain punishment, she realized.

The sting of the small flogger he had half-hidden in his hand made her yelp. “Count it out,” he ordered.

“One.” She was surprised how much her voice shook.



Her voice was steadier but her ass hurt.


She nearly screamed out the number.


Tears were in her eyes when he said, “Have you learned your lesson?”

Angelica’s response was immediate and without guile. “Yes.” Her hands went down to cover her tender backside with her panties still pulled beneath her cheeks. She could feel the scrap of material tickling the back of her thighs.

“Do you like to be disciplined?” he asked her, his voice still tight with anger.

She shook her head and realized that tears were slowly pooling in the corners of her eyes. That wasn’t like her at all. Normally she liked this sort of play. Teasing her dom and getting a bit of punishment in response. Anxiously she sniffed back a sob that was forming in the back of her throat and kept her tears in check. “No. No, I don’t. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” she apologized.

He nodded once. “Good. That’s better. I expect more of you,” he said as his voice modulated a bit. He paused and looked her up and down, admiring her body. Her bra was still in place and her panties were just barely hiding her well-groomed pussy. She had taken extra care to trim back the length of her black curls and carefully shape them into a neat stripe between her legs. While she didn’t have perfect body Angelica knew she attracted more than her fair share of male—and occasionally female—gazes of admiration. Maybe her belly was a little bit more rounded than the liked and her breasts were a little too large for her frame but she didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. A small smile played at the corners of Cameron’s mouth. “Are you ready to play?” he asked as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Angelica couldn’t stop her smile as he exposed his chest and the light brown hair that was scattered across his skin. He was already barefoot and when he casually dropped his shirt to the floor he was wearing only a pair of black pants. She nodded. “Yes. I’m ready.”

He grabbed her by the wrist and gently led her to the bedroom. “Is there a certain game you would like to play?” he asked. His manner had changed back to a much more neutral stance now that she had been properly disciplined and had taken her punishment willingly.

“Aren’t you supposed to be the one surprising me?” she asked a little bit impertinently.

Cameron admired the pink tinge to her ass as he pushed her through the bedroom door so she would fall to the bed on her front so he could continue to gaze upon her half-exposed buttocks. “I thought about that…but then I gave it too much thought.” She started to turn over to look at him but he put a hand on her back to prevent her motions. “You aren’t exactly an inexperienced sub, are you? You’ve played at this before, haven’t you? A lot?”

She stopped her struggle and looked across the room at the beige wall. “Umm…that’s probably true,” she half-admitted.

“How many doms have you had?” he asked. “How many boyfriends have you had that you made me your dom?”

“I’ve had…well, let me think. Two guys that told me they wanted to be my dom.”

“And how did it end with them?” She started to turn over again when he removed his hand from her back. “Don’t move. Just keep looking at the wall.” He moved away from the bed. She wondered what toy he was getting for her. “Answer the question.”

“Badly. Mostly. They were lousy doms so I ended it.”

“What about your boyfriends?”

“If they didn’t agree to dominate me the way I liked then I dumped them.”

“What about the ones who said yes?”

She sighed. “They usually didn’t last too long. I haven’t found the right guy yet.”

“And you think I’m the right guy?”

“I’m willing to try,” she said. The sound of shuffling papers filled the air behind her making Angelica wonder if he had prepared some special submissive contract for her to sign. She’d done that before; it was a fun game to play…but the contract never seemed to last. “Are you?”

“Certainly. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m trying to figure out what you really need to enjoy your submissiveness.”

“Are you going to spank my ass again?”

“Only if you need it and want it. Do you like being spanked?”


He turned the conversation a bit. “I’ll let you know that I’m probably not nearly as experienced as you are. But I like this game. I like dominating you. What do you really want to do as a submissive?” he asked her bluntly.

The question made her pause for a moment. “I guess I don’t know.”

Abruptly he rolled her over, tits up, and handed her a sheaf of papers and a pen. “Read this list. Check off what you’ve done. Cross out what you won’t do, ever—your hard limits. Then maybe we’ll see what you need.”

The list he gave her was long and comprehensive. Carefully, as Cameron watched her, Angelica went through the list indicating her likes and dislikes and experience. She check off just about everything in the corporal punishment section as already done and happy to do. Role playing didn’t really interest her, but she was surprised to discover she had done about half the listed activities. There were a lot of humiliation games on the list as well and while she didn’t consider shaving all her body hair or wearing a collar to be particularly humiliating she went along with it. The more gross ones she marked off as a hard limit. Scat play was right out. The entire list of bondage amusements she checked off as having done and would be willing to do again. Breath play was a no-no; too dangerous. Costumes and fetish wear didn’t really interest her but she was more than willing to indulge him if he wanted. She paused when she got to the body modification section. Tattoos and body piercing interested her but she hadn’t taken the leap yet. Would she allow him to “make” her get breast enlargement? No. Would she allow him to pick a drastically different hair style for her? Yes. Would she allow him to “force” her to put steel rings through her nipples or ink into her skin? She shivered with fear. Yes. Toys? Yes to everything. Phone sex? Skype sex? Posting nude pictures on the internet? Sex with another man or woman while he watched? Masturbating in front of him? Yes, yes, yes.

When she was done Angelica handed her homework back to Cameron and waited patiently as he read it over.

“There isn’t much you haven’t done,” he told her when he was done reading.

Angelica said nothing and waited expectantly.

“Stand up,” he ordered and led her to the opposite side of the room, the corner between the large window and the bathroom door. “Now stand there,” he told her.

She was left standing in the corner like a bad little girl. Her bra was still in place and her panties were still down beneath her buttocks.

“When I was little and my grandmother babysat me she would make me stand in the corner when I was bad. I hated it.” Unexpectedly the small flogger lashed out and stung her ass. She shivered with pleasure at the sting. “But I can see you like it.”

Angelica shook her head. “No. I like the spanking,” she told him.

“I have a couple of ideas for you,” he said. “You aren’t going to like them, but you’ll get used to the treatment. It’s lucky for you that you didn’t object to my kinks that were on the list.”

That statement made her wonder what she would indulge in for him.

“Tonight you’re going to get a good whipping, then you’re going to give me a good blowjob, and if I’m pleased you can share my bed. If not…” he trailed off. “Wait here.”

He exited the room and she stood in place in the corner waiting for his return. She knew it was another test. Just the idea of Cameron agreeing to be her dom turned her on. It took all of Angelica’s willpower to keep her hand out of her pussy. Waiting was terrible treatment because she didn’t know how long she would have to wait and had nothing to look at other than the beige wall.

It couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes before he returned, but without a clock she couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was an hour, maybe it was two minutes. Cameron said nothing and simply placed a hand on her back then started spanking her ass with the flogger once again. She yelped and whimpered with each blow but didn’t know how to react beyond that.

“I need to hear you cry; I want to see your tears,” he told her as he grabbed her neck and turned her head so he could see her eyes.

That was all she needed to let go. With his permission tears slid down her cheeks and she bawled like a baby. He watched for a minute, then turned her all the way around and pushed her to her knees.

Angelica knew what to do. She opened up his pants, fished out his cock, and proceeded to give him an enthusiastic blowjob to completion, swallowing his entire load.

“Very good,” he complimented her when she was done. He rewarded her with two pats to his face and then a light slap. That caught her off-guard but she didn’t complain. She knew it was done out of a dominants love for his submissive. Maybe Cameron didn’t love Angelica yet, but the dom’s heart already belonged to the sub.

Cameron allowed her to sleep in his bed, but she was forced to follow two conditions. The first was easy. She had to wear the new leather collar he had purchased for her. She was happy to lift up her chin and allow him to collar her. Just his words asking her to wear the collar for him was enough to make her pussy wet. It was the second request that gave her pause.

“You want me to wear cuffs while we sleep?” she asked as he held out the leather wrist cuffs that matched the collar around her neck. She was intrigued, but a bit frightened.

“I can’t have my submissive in my bed unrestrained, can I?” Cameron asked making a completely logical argument.

She wanted to say no. Common sense told her to say no. “I won’t be able to sleep with my hands behind my back,” she said instead.

Cameron reached out and grasped her wrist. She didn’t resist as he put the first band around her limb and then the other. “You’ll be cuffed in front. You’ll sleep on your side. I’ll spoon you. See?” he asked displaying the heavy metal rings on each manacle, and then reached out to fondle the one that hung from the collar. “They go together. If you like I can lock all three together.”

She slowly shook her head but brought up her hands in front of her breasts, squeezing them slightly, and allowed him to use the small padlock that had held the chain around her neck to lock the two cuffs together.

It wasn’t that bad, she told herself as she pressed her back against Cameron’s warm chest. She might have been his prisoner, she reasoned, but she was his willing prisoner so everything was right with the world.

In the morning she woke up with Cameron’s cock erect and pressing into the back of her thigh. By mutual unspoken consent she opened up her legs and he penetrated her right then and there in the bed as her hands were still cuffed together. She wouldn’t have said no in any event. It was what she wanted.

When he was done with her and his cum was oozing out of her pussy he released her hands. She was surprised they weren’t numb and sore. It was when he took off her collar that she felt disappointment.

“But I want to wear it,” she begged.

“To work?”

Angelica pouted. “No…but…”

“Here, wear this instead. I got it for you as well.” The necklace was plain, a simple triple twist chain that gave no indication of any special significance. When he fastened it around her neck it was tight, not exceedingly so or painfully so, but just enough for her to realize it she wasn’t going to forget it was there anytime soon.

“Come back tonight,” he told her. “I’ve decided what I’m going to do with you?”

“What are you going to do with me?” she asked eagerly. She wanted to be used and teased and fucked and made to cum and please him and obey his will.

“You’ll find out tonight.” His words were cold enough for Angelica to realize the conversation was over.

To her disappointment no one at work asked about her new necklace. In one respect that was okay because she didn’t think it would be a good idea to reveal it was a collar from her new dominant boyfriend. To her delight she remembered, as she pulled into Cameron’s driveway that evening, that she wasn’t supposed to go into his house wearing a bra or panties.

She had gone home that morning to change her clothes for some work-appropriate attire. Her bra and panties were plain and boring…until she tried to get out of them while still seated in her car.

Getting the bra off was easy. Her sweater was loose and roomy enough she could pull her arms inside the body and simply unhook and remove it with relative ease. Her panties were more of a problem. They were plain white cotton bikinis and she was wearing slacks so it was impossible to just reach up her skirt and yank them down. Her car was too small for her to take off her pants and she couldn’t get out and give the neighbors a show of her naked ass so she was forced to yank up the sides of the panties, pull out the emergency car escape tool designed to shatter windows and cut seatbelts, and cut each side of her panties with the seatbelt tool. It was then a simple matter to pull the remaining scrap of material out from her pants.

“The things I do for my sex life,” she said sadly as she shook her head and deposited the destroyed garment on the floor of the passenger seat.

Then, appropriately naked under her clothes, she proceeded up to the front door and rang Cameron’s bell.

When he opened the door, Cameron’s face was neutral. “Good. You’re here. Come in.” She followed him inside. He stopped at the edge of the entrance hall and waited expectantly for her. This time Angelica didn’t disappoint him. She quickly kicked off her shoes and then removed her clothes to stand naked in front of him without shame or nervousness.

“Chin up,” he ordered and she obeyed willingly, happily.

The collar went around her neck and she suddenly felt fully dressed though the bit of leather adorning her neck was all she wore. Cameron was in his casual work outfit and she didn’t feel the least bit out of place next to him.

“What next?” she asked a little too eagerly. She wanted to know how he was going to use her body and make it sing with pleasure.

“It’s time to indulge myself in my own kink,” he said. “Come to the bedroom.” He turned and led the way. In the past Angelica had dominants who made her crawl everywhere or made her walk in front of him so her ass could be admired as she carefully walked to show off her body. Cameron wasn’t interested in that. In the bedroom a small brown cardboard box was sitting on the bed. “Open it. We’ll be using it tonight. You’ll be using it regularly from now on.”

Angelica did as she was told and opened the box to pull out the contents. It took her a moment to understand what it was, but even after she saw the purpose of the device, she was puzzled. “A breast pump?” she asked. With a shrug she said, “I’ve never used one before, but it won’t hurt very much, or so I’ve heard.”

Cameron ignored her comment. “Set it up and use it,” he said. “I’ll be right back.” He left the bedroom and she set to work assembling the product designed for women who were breast feeding infants and wanted to express their milk at work or when they were away from their baby. It was a simple setup. A motor that contained a suction pump was connected to some flexible tubing that in turn connected to funnel-like cones that were shaped to accommodate all sizes of the female breast. At a slightly different angle in the middle of each funnel was a collection bottle for the milk.

When it was together she sat expectantly on the bed and waited. A minute later Cameron returned with two large pill bottles and a glass of water. “You’ll need this as well,” he said opening the bottles and handing her a pill from each. “Extracts of fenugreek and blessed thistle,” he told her handing over the pills and the glass of water.

“What are these for?” she asked while holding the large pills in her hand. This was probably what she feared the most—drugs that would affect her body in a way she wasn’t ready for. While Angelica might have an exciting and varied sex life compared to most Americans she would describe her intake of chemical substances as positively straightedge. When she got a headache she would opt for a dark, quiet room instead of ibuprofen. She had never been high, stoned, or drunk in her life.

“They’ll help your milk come in.”

“My milk?” she asked nervously.

“Yes, your milk. That’s what the pump is for. Breast and nipple stimulation are needed for that. I’d try hormones right away but that seems a little extreme. Part of the fun is the journey, the struggle.”

It finally dawned upon her what Cameron actually wanted from her. “You want to make me lactate?” she asked, stunned.

“Yes, of course. What do you think all of this is for?”

“Oh. Right, that would make sense…but why?”

With a winning smile he shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s something I’ve been a bit obsessed with for…well, forever. And you said you’ve never done this before. I’ve decided that you need your submissive limits pushed. This is some simple body modification that isn’t permanent and when your milk comes in I’ll get to indulge.” He smiled. “If this is too much for you then maybe we can find something else that pleases you…but the role of a submissive is to serve, not to question. Maybe we should just end it here.”

For a completely inexperienced dominant, Cameron was proving to be skilled at all the little tricks that made her pussy wet. “These pills, they don’t have any bad side effects, do they?”

Cameron shook his head. “Perfectly safe. They just promote lactation in women who need the extra help.”

She nodded and understood what he was saying. Despite herself Angelica felt a bit dizzy at the prospect of lactating for her brand new master. Then she realized this is exactly what she wanted. She needed her limits to be pushed. What harm could come of this?

Angelica tossed the pills into her mouth and washed them down with the glass of water.

“Now the pump,” Cameron instructed. “I think we should start with at least fifteen minutes, though half an hour would probably be better. Twice a day at least, morning and night. We’ll have your breasts flowing in no time at all.”

The soft silicone funnels were comfortable when they were pressed against Angelica’s warm, firm breasts. Cameron flipped the power switch and the motor hummed to life. The initial suction was gentle, less aggressive than most men who sucked on her nipples over the years. “Too little pressure,” Cameron said and adjusted the pressure. The section time the machine sucked at her breasts she felt it. There wasn’t any pain but it certainly was insistent, pulling at her tender flesh and drawing her breast and nipple well into the cylindrical length of the funnels. It was on the third suck that she looked down and saw how far into the tubes her nipples were pulled. It was unnatural but then she realized that was what must have been happening every time she had sex and there was breast play involved.

It didn’t hurt, but visually it was unnerving.

It went on not hurting for the next minute as the two lovers watched the machine massage Angelica’s tits. Cameron was fascinated and aroused by how her breasts were stretched and used by the machine. Angelica was nearly horrified by what was happening to her. At first she thought that her body shouldn’t be subjected to this type of use at all. And then…after a few minutes of pumping, the sensation changed from annoying, to odd, and then to vaguely sensual. And then…and then…it started turning her on.

“It feels good,” she reported to Cameron, her voice lower and huskier than normal.

“Excellent. I’m glad.”

“It shouldn’t feel like that,” she said, slightly worried about what was happening to her.

“Why not?”

“A machine turning me on?” she asked. “That’s not right.”

“And how is that different from a vibrator?” he asked her.

Even as her lust was rising, she saw the logic in his argument. She had been using vibrators for years and not only did they turn her on, she loved to use them and get off with them. In the end, it wasn’t so different at all. It was just a different location on the body and a slightly different motor.

“Okay. You’re right. But I don’t think it’s going to make me cum.”

He nodded in understanding. “Not right now. Not right away.”

And then he said nothing for a long time as the machine worked it magic on her. She couldn’t do much more than concentrate on the slightly pain and great pleasure of the breast pump. After a few minutes of letting herself go with the sensations she once more looked down at her breasts being distended inside the soft silicone cups and was frightened and intrigued at what was happening to her. For a brief fleeting moment she wished that milk was coming out of her tits to better please Cameron, the man she wanted to dominate her, but that wasn’t going to happen tonight. She knew she would have to have patience for that to happen.

Finally Cameron reached out and hit the switch, killing the power to the pump. Angelica’s eyes snapped open. She had drifted into a semi-conscious state and had been enjoying the treatment Cameron had been inflicting on her. He pulled the two funnels away from her breasts and smiled at her.

“Enjoy it much?”

Though she had been sitting up through the entire process, Angelica now suddenly felt like her entire body was devoid of energy. Her head started to loll to the side and she wanted to lay down. Her chin dropped to her chest and she looked down at her breasts.

They were swollen and red. Not an angry, violent red of abuse, but more of a pink from too much rubbing or a slight rash. “What the fuck?” she mumbled.

Cameron saw her looking at her reddened skin and tried to reassure her. “Perfectly normal,” he said. “They’ll swell a bit the first few times and the redness is a normal reaction as well. How do you feel?”

The question caught her slightly off guard but she knew the4 answer right away. “I feel good,” she told him. “I’m really hot right now.”

She reached up and pulled him toward her. Cameron didn’t resist and allowed her to drag him down to the bed on top of her. She was insistent as his body pressed into hers. Her hands pulled at his pants. Her legs came up and she used her feet to shove his pants down his legs. “Do you want to fuck?” he asked her, laughing at her need.

“Hell yeah,” she said. Her pussy was wet and open. Never before had a so much attention ben lavished on her breasts and she wasn’t going to waste the moment. “You need to fuck me. I need to be fucked.” She started to worry that he would say no, that as her dom it was his role to keep her on edge at all times and only reward her with sex when she had fully earned it.

He wasn’t that type of dom.

His cock was hard and he allowed her to grip him firmly and lead the way into her warmth. “Oh yes,” she sighed as he entered her pussy and she lost all conscious control of her limbs. “That’s what I need.”

Cameron wanted to laugh at her, but he was in much the same emotional state as she was. His hips started rocking and thrusting into her, but he couldn’t talk. His cock felt perfect inside her and it was all from watching her breasts be milked for the first time. True, there hadn’t been any milk produced yet, but that was just a matter of time and patience and perseverance.

Their love making that night wasn’t particularly skillful or exotic, but it was passionate and entirely draining for both of them.

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