Submissive Milking (Part One)

Submissive Milking: Chapter 1

“I have something to confess,” Angelica said as she slowly stirred her sweet and sour soup.

“What’s that?” Cameron replied glancing up from his own bowl.

“I’ve really enjoyed our last few dates,” she began.

Reflexively Cameron half-laughed and nearly snorted his soup across the table. “I would say that was the truth,” he chuckled. Two nights ago Angelica had been in his bed screaming for him to make her cum as he fucked her as hard as he could while shoving a small silver bullet vibrator up her ass. All in all, in was a successful date. Even the neighbors had complained about the noise.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Not just that,” she said meaning her very vocal orgasms, “but the whole dating experience with you.”

Cameron took on a more serious attitude. “Oh. Well. Thanks. I guess it’s good that we both like Chinese food.”

“That’s not the confession,” Angelica said and brushed the bangs of her straight bob cut black hair out of her eyes. She needed a trim soon.

“What’s the confession?” Cameron asked as he finished off his soup. The server came and took away their bowls replacing his with a massive platter of kung pao chicken with vegetables and fried rice. Across the table Angelica started enjoying her vegetable curry classique in a hot pot. The sizzling ceramic pot in front of her was protected by a mesh cage and came with a warning from the server along with a hot pad on the table.

Angelica didn’t say anything until the server had disappeared and left them alone in the small space of the restaurant squeezed in between a massive round booth and an ornamental fireplace.

“So what’s the confession?” Cameron prompted her again.

Picking up her fork—eschewing the more difficult chopsticks—Angelica poked around at her meal and finally said, “I’m a bit of a submissive.”

“Oh. Is that all? I already got that impression.” Cameron smiled and swallowed a bite of chicken. In their two previous physical encounters it was always Cameron who had been the aggressor and they had both enjoyed it. Taking a moment to reflect, he realized that anything he had suggested she immediately went along with. It was as if the word “no” didn’t exist in her sexual vocabulary.

“Okay, I’m more than a bit of a submissive.” She took a deep breath and said, “I’m all submissive in bed. I want a guy that will dominate me. I need a guy who will tell me what to do and will make me happy. And make me cum. You have to do that. You have to make me cum.”

Cameron looked at her with his fork raised halfway to his mouth. “Haven’t I been doing that?” he asked after a long, uncomfortable pause.

She nodded and continued to eat. “Yes, you’ve been making me cum and it’s been wonderful.” Angelica paused and felt the dampness in her panties. Their fucking had been wonderful, but she wasn’t looking just for sex. She was looking for something more. An eager smile spread across her face. “And I want you to continue doing that. But I need something more.”

“Right,” he interrupted. “You want me to dominate you. You like being a submissive.”

Angelica held back snapping out a reply. She chewed her spicy dish a moment and swallowed. “No. Not exactly. I do like being a submissive, but—holy hell—I’m thirty two years old and I know myself. I am a submissive. It’s who I am. If you can’t dominate me and control in a way that makes me emotionally and sexually happy…then we should just end this now.”

Cameron was slightly taken aback. “Am I that bad a date?” he asked. They had only agreed to go out on a traditional vanilla date because they didn’t want to have to tell friends and family exactly how they had met and first started dating—internet dating sites, especially ones that catered to the kinkier community didn’t have the cache of meeting in the library or through friends of friends.

“No. It’s just that…the last guy I met and dated for a while told me he could dominate me…really dominate me…and he couldn’t.”


She looked down glumly at the remains of her meal. “Yeah. He tried, but he was really into spanking and rough sex. I like that well enough…but it’s now enough. I need more. I need someone…creative.” She looked up shyly through her bangs and eyelashes. “Are you creative?”

“I work processing numbers all day,” he told her. “I can be incredibly creative when I want a statistic to say or mean I need it to say or mean.”

Her smile was encouraging. “Let’s finish dinner and go back to your place. Hell, let’s wrap it all up and have it for leftovers in the middle of the night.”

Angelica screamed into the pillow. This was partly because she didn’t want to keep annoying Cameron’s neighbors with her loud sex vocalizations and partly because he was mashing her face into the soft pillow. Her arms were cuffed behind her back. He had one hand on the back of her neck and the other wrapped around the chain between the cuffs. Naturally she was face down on the bed, on her knees and chest, while Cameron pounded his cock into her pussy. Overall it felt wonderful. The pillow wasn’t the sort that made it hard to breathe but she was struggling to get enough air into her lungs…but that always occurred when Angelica was about to cum.

She wanted to not cum. She wanted the sex to last a minute longer. She wanted to be right on the edge of pleasure forever…and then she felt Cameron’s cock burying itself deeper than possible into her pussy, spreading open wide the cleft of her buttocks and making her scream again. His spunk pumped into her pussy and she groaned in frustration and release. The hot liquid in her pussy was enough to push her over the edge even when she wanted to hover there for the rest of her life.

His weight rested heavily on hers as they both came down from their orgasm high, but Cameron knew exactly how long it would feel good for her to be pressed into the mattress by his body and at what point it would be annoying and painful. When the point was met he levered himself off her and quickly found the handcuff key on the nightstand, releasing her sore arms.

“Thanks,” she said and gently rubbed the feeling back into her shoulders. She wasn’t the least bit surprised that he owned a pair of bondage cuffs. In fact, she was pleased. She wondered what other goodies and surprises he had in store for her. “That was great…”

“But?” he prompted.

“I didn’t say but.”

“I could hear it in your voice.” He flopped on the bed next to her. She reached out and caressed the light scattered of hair across his chest. She could feel his cum pooling in her pussy. It felt wonderful.

“But it wasn’t exactly creative,” she finished.

“Sheesh. Give me a little time. You only sprang this I’m a complete submissive; it’s who I am info on me two hours ago.”

“I demand a lot from my dominants,” she told him.

“You’ll get it before you get to go home,” he promised her.

“Oh? Really? Tell me.”

He rolled to his side to glare at her. “That would spoil part of the surprise. But are you serious about want me to dom you?”

“Yes.” Her eyes were shining with eagerness.

“Are you willing to wear a token of your submission?” he asked.

“Yes.” The word slipped out of her mouth before she realized she was saying it. What did he have in mind?

“Wait here,” he said and quickly exited the bedroom.

Angelica blinked at his sudden departure and was nonplussed. Where was he going? Certainly any sex toys he would have kept in his bedroom…wouldn’t he? And he was naked—sexy and naked—when he left the room. He couldn’t have gone far. Then she heard a door slam and wondered if he had left the house.

“Cameron?” she called out wondering what to do. She wasn’t exactly nervous or worried, but she was alone and naked in the bedroom of a man she hardly knew. It was half exciting and fun, half scary and nerve-wracking.

She started to get up and then quickly lay back down. Maybe it was a test, she reasoned. She had told him she wanted to be his sub and wanted him to dominate her. Maybe he was testing to see if she would follow his orders, even if they were casually given. A simple “wait here” was little more than a way of saying he’d be right back…unless he was playing a dominant game with her.

Angelica shivered with anticipation. Was he really that good?

The door slammed.

She wasn’t sure what door it was. It might have been the front door, but she couldn’t be sure. After having been in Cameron’s house only a few times she wasn’t yet familiar with the acoustics and door sounds.

She waited like a good sub.

Though he hadn’t ordered her to, she didn’t look at the clock; that made the waiting more delicious. She estimated it was no more than ten minutes later when the door open and closed again. Cameron reappeared in the bedroom doorway with a smirk on his face and a prize in his hand.

“Good. You waited. I like that in a submissive.”

“Thank you,” she said modestly.

Then Cameron said, “I want you to wear this.” He held up the object. She wasn’t surprised, but she wondered where it got it in less than ten minutes late in the evening while he was naked.

“A chain?”

“A submissive collar and lock,” he added swaying it back and forth in front of her eyes. It was a simple metal link chain and a small brass padlock. It wasn’t anything like any of the submissive chain collars Angelica had seen before.

“Where did you get it?” she asked.

“I made it,” he said proudly.

Her response was a little apprehensive. “Made it?”

His shrug was casual. “Yeah. I had some leftover chain in the garage and the padlock is an old one I used on my hiking pack. I still have the key. I want to put this on you, make you wear it home, and you won’t be able to take it off until the next time I see you.”

This was exactly the sort of thing that Angelica had been looking for in her next dominant. “Sounds like fun,” she said eagerly. “You want to assert your control over me?”

“Exactly. Now up on your knees and lift up your chin.”

She did as he ordered. Her breasts stuck out pertly and she assumed the pose she had seen so many other times in pictures of other women. The cool chain went around her neck and a little frisson of excitement rolled through her body. Somehow Cameron had managed to cut it to the exact correct length. When the lock snapped shut with a little click the frisson of excitement changed to a thrill of fear.

That was even better.

Then she realized that the chain, while not exactly tight around her neck, wasn’t perfectly loose either. The chain wasn’t the sort one would normally wear as jewelry. It was at that moment she realized she would be wearing turtlenecks and high necked shirts for the foreseeable future—not that Angelica ever wore anything that was the least bit revealing. She didn’t want anyone in her office to know what sort of games she engaged in during her free time.

“Do you like it?” he asked her, placing his hand on the top of her head and turning it so she would see her reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall.

Her answer was honest. “I love it.”

“Good. I’ll take if off next time you get in my bed.”

The smile that was plastered across Angelica’s face was so powerful that it was starting to hurt her cheeks. “Thank you,” she said settling back to the mattress.

Cameron grabbed her arms and pulled her up. “Nope,” he said. “Not tonight.”

“What not tonight?”

“You’re not staying in my bed tonight.” There was a tint of cruel color in his voice.

“I’m not?” Angelica was actually surprised.

“That’s correct. As a good submissive, you’ll have to earn that right. You can go home now. I’ll call you.”

It took her a moment to understand that he wasn’t joking. She wasn’t sure if she liked the treatment or was upset by it, but she was certain her best option was to go along with the game for now.

“Get dressed,” he ordered.

That was easy enough and she reached for her underwear that had been tossed aside during their rush to get naked.

“No,” he barked at her. “Not those.”


“Leave your panties,” he said. “And your bra. You can go home without them. You don’t need them.”

While it wasn’t a particularly kinky game Angelica was eager to play. Her clothes went on sans undergarments and she was summarily dismissed from Cameron’s house.

As she drove home she wondered—as her jeans scratched at the tender flesh of her ass and her nipples bounced around inside her shirt—if this was the best or worst decision she had ever made. Of maybe the craziest. That would be good too.

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