Submissive Milking (Part One)

Submissive Milking: Chapter 3

The next morning Cameron made them both breakfast and allowed Angelica to fully awake before bringing out the pump again. Just the sight of it made her edgy. “Today?” she asked nervously. “On a school day.”

He nodded once, sharply, and ignored her jest. “Twice a day, every day,” he said. “And the pills as well. You should take one of each this morning and then again tonight when you pump your breasts again.”

“I’m not sure if I can do this…”

His face was impassive when he looked up at her but his eyes were as cold as ice. “You can and you will. Open your shirt,” he instructed.

It was actually his shirt. She had slipped it on while they ate breakfast. Other than the Oxford button-down she wore nothing else other than the collar around her neck. Already she was a bit depressed knowing it would come off when she left his house. She followed orders and opened up the buttons, exposing her breasts. He had already moved the breast pump to the breakfast table and it was unlikely he would change his mind at this point in their relationship.

But isn’t this what she wanted? A dom who took control of her mind and body, changing her physically and mentally, pushing her limits to achieve…what exactly.

He handed her the funnels and she automatically pressed them to her breasts. “We’ll turn down the intensity just a bit this morning, we don’t want you to get too turned on before you have to go to work.”

She was glad she had thought ahead to bring a change of clothes. Glancing at the clock she saw she had just enough time to finish her second pumping, shower, dress and make it to work on time. “Thank you,” she said as he flicked the switch and the suction started.

He sat down across the table from her and watched the process. Her tits were pulled and distended, then released. They pinked up slightly and Angelica had to will herself not to wiggle in her chair…but that only lasted a few minutes. After that point she realized that even in the morning, at the breakfast table, after being clinically examined by Cameron that morning, and still with a half-finished plate of eggs in front of her, she was undeniably getting turned on.

“Oh fuck,” she half whispered.


She bit her lip and looked up at him across the table. “When I get done I’m going to want to fuck and I don’t have time.”

He smiled thinly but said and did nothing else. She closed her eyes and lost herself to the moment. She didn’t see him get up and walk behind her. She didn’t see him drop his pants and expose his erection. She did feel him lifting her up out of the chair and making her stand. She used her hands to hold the pump’s funnels to her tits, but they were fully engaged now and that was barely needed.

“Spread your legs,” he said.

She obeyed. It was an order she had heard a hundred times before from different lover and all her doms. He bent her a bit at the waist and grabbed her hips. The angle was a bit awkward, but he managed to insert his cock easily enough. When he entered her velvety pussy she moaned and dropped one hand to the table to steady herself.

Getting fucked while pumping her tits was definitely new and definitely worth the effort she reflected later as she sped to work. True, Cameron’s cum was pooling in her panties, but that was a price she was happy to pay.

At work it was Robbie who noticed first. Normally they were busy every morning in the medical lab running whatever tests the doctor’s had ordered overnight, but today she was a few minutes late and the work was already underway. She sat down at the small desk in the corner of the lab and immediately caught Robbie’s attention.

“You’re never late,” her sharp eyed, brown haired coworker said. His eyes narrowed behind his thick glasses and he said, “Oh my god…you got laid.”

“What?” Angelica tried to act innocent and surprised, but she was positive “guilty as charged” was written all over her face.

“The just slightly out of place hair, the exhausted yet satisfied look, rolling into work ten minutes late and not caring…yeah, you got laid.” Robbie finished his assessment with a smug look.

“Okay…so what?” Maybe Robbie had picked up on the fact that she had had sex this morning, but it would be impossible for her to know exactly what type of sex and what Cameron had been doing to her tits. “Not that I’m admitting anything.”

Robbie nodded. “Well, good for you. It’s about time. You’ve been walking around here all uptight and pissy for the past six months. It’s about time you got some.” The words coming from a man who always struck her as a bit up an uptight nebbish was more than passing strange. “Don’t let him treat you poorly, girl,” he said in a conspiratorial tone. “Nothing ever good came from a relationship where the man was in charge and using the woman.” He patted Angelica on the hand and went about his duties leaving Angelica to wonder who was really in charge of her new, strange relationship.

Cameron had ordered her to home that night. He didn’t want her sleeping over again, maybe for good reason, maybe because he was tired of her, maybe because they both needed a break. When she got home that night there was a package from Amazon waiting for her on the front porch. She wasn’t the least bit surprised that it was another breast pump. Shortly after her arrival home she received a text from her dom.

I trust the package arrived. Please use it and send either a short video or picture of you using it as intended.

At first Angelica didn’t know how to feel about the present and the order. Then she realized resisting the wishes of her dom was counterproductive and it wasn’t like it was painful.

After a quick meal and some preparation, she broke open the box, prepped the tubing and pump, and then gently applied them to her tits. It was almost like a firm yet gentle massage that was a good way to relax in the evening. Certainly there were worse things she could be doing. Getting her cell phone in the correct angle was the most difficult part but after several failed attempts at a decent picture she finally captured her face and breasts in a satisfactory composition. Right before sending the picture to Cameron it dawned upon her that this was the first time she had indulged in sexting, or any sort of nudity in pictures for her boyfriend or dom. She wasn’t opposed to the practice, but it wasn’t something she had ever indulged in before. Giggling, she sent Cameron the picture and then reapplied the soft cones to her breasts and lost herself in the sensations of getting nursed.

She didn’t really pass out, but she certainly achieved another state of consciousness as the pump worked its magic on her tits. There was no reason to resist the urge so Angelica gave herself over to the pump and pushed her hand down into her panties. She fingered her clit and her pussy, testing her wetness. She wasn’t soaked but she was headed that way. There was just enough moisture leaking from her pussy to make her cotton panties stick to her labia. She pushed aside the material and stuck her finger up inside herself as the pump continued to suck at her tits. After a minute of masturbation she knew a finger wasn’t going to be enough.

Angelica had set up the pump in the living room where she had reclined on the very comfortable couch that ran along the widest wall and was relatively private since it didn’t directly face the windows. She had shown enough foresight to close the curtains before beginning pumping. Her toys were in the bedroom. It was almost too far, but she willed herself to switch off the pump, quickly unplug it, and make a mad, anxious dash for the bedroom. The cups fell from her breasts and by the time she fell into her bed she was tangled up with the tubes and cords.

As she worked getting the tubes untangled, the cord plugged in, and rummaging around in the dresser drawer she had designated her toy box, frustration set in, as if she had been interrupted in the midst of the most intimate act possible. In a way, it was. Finally she had resituated herself and found her favorite lavender colored and slightly curved vibrator. The pump went on and her tits were eagerly sucked at by the funnels. She watched a minute as her nipples were dragged forward and then abruptly released, then the process repeated. Again and again. She wanted to watch forever but the she realized her pussy was warm and wet and waiting.

Twisting the base of the vibe Angelica yanked off her panties and sank the vibrator deep into her pussy with a sigh. “Yes,” she told herself. She was hooked up to machines and taking complete pleasure in the moment. There was nothing wrong with that she was doing, she told herself. Her body thrummed with pleasure and she never wanted it to end…but her fingers were too busy with the vibrator and the pump was too insistent at her tits. The orgasm exploded inside her body and she fairly shook with pleasure. It was easy to drop the vibrator away when the sensations became almost too much, but it was harder to find the switch for the pump.

Finally it was off and Angelica lay on her bed breathing deep, ragged gasps of air to help her recover from the ordeal. “I wonder what will happen if I put the silver bullet up my ass at the same time,” she pondered as she freed herself from the mechanical assistance she had needed.

“I’ll find out tomorrow.”

She woke up eagerly and knew exactly what she needed to do. After a quick run to the bathroom for a pee and a glass of water for her special pills, Angelica returned to her bed and pressed the breast pump funnels to her tits. The purple vibrator was still on the top of her nightstand and she looked at it a minute before giving in to temptation.

“Like I’d be able to resist if I wanted to,” she told herself.

The vibrator felt good on her clit and she gave into a slow, languorous self-fuck. It was going swimmingly, she kept bringing herself to the edge every couple of minutes then moved the vibrator away because she needed the pump to work a full thirty minutes. Many doms forbade their subs from masturbating without permission, but Cameron hadn’t set that particular restriction on her yet and she was going to indulge as much as possible until that changed. What did piss her off was the phone call that interrupted her masturbating.

Glancing at the caller ID she saw it was Cameron and quickly she decided to play with him. She turned off the vibrator but left the pump on while she answered his call. The vibrator she left in her pussy. It felt good to have her muscles clench around it as she talked to him.

“Wake up call,” Cameron said. “What are you doing?”

“Pumping my tits,” she told him. The sound of the pump had to be coming over the line clearly. And her voice was husky with lust. Even she could hear it.

“Good girl” he complimented her. “Have you taken your pills today?”

“Yes,” she answered proudly.

“Very good girl. Have you played with yourself?” he asked.

There was just the slightest of pauses as she considered whether to lie or not. “Yes,” she admitted. “I was using my vibrator while I pumped.”

“I see. And did you cum yet?”

“No.” That honest answer was easy.

“When was the last time you came?”

“Last night,” she told him.

“Tell me about it.”

“I used my pump like you ordered, and it felt so good that I had to get off. I got out my big purple vibrator and used it while I pumped until I came.”

“Was it good?”

“Yes. It was fucking fantastic!”

“Do you want to cum now?”


“Do you want to use your fingers or your vibrator?”


“Leave the phone on. I want to listen to you cum. Leave the pump on. Make yourself cum.”

“Okay.” He didn’t have to tell her twice. She twisted the tiny switch in the vibrator’s base and grabbed it with both hands. Spreading her legs wide she pushed it in and out as hard and fast as she could. The orgasm didn’t take long at all to arrive and she cried out sadly when it did. She wanted it to last forever. Her entire body clenched and spasmed. It was the best way to start the day.

“Good girl,” he complimented her again. “Go to work. Come home tonight and use the pump. If you want to cum you need to text me for permission.” He hung up.

It was going to be a very long day.

When she arrived home Angelica couldn’t wait to pull off her shirt and bra and put the breast pump to her tits. The moment she switched on the pump and the funnels eagerly sucked at her nipples she sighed and relaxed. After a minute she hiked up her skirt and slipped a hand inside her panties, then two fingers pressed on her clit, teasing just a little, just enough to pleasure herself.

That hadn’t been forbidden. She was allowed to touch herself. She wasn’t allowed to cum, that was the rule that Cameron had set up for her. All too soon she realized she wasn’t going to be able to just touch herself. She needed to cum. With an angry grunt, she switched off the pump and pulled out her phone.

I’m pumping myself right now, she texted to Cameron. I need to cum. Can I please masturbate?

However long it took for Cameron to reply would be too long, she knew, and therefore kept her hands out of her panties and turned the power on the pump all the way down. She could wait, she told herself. One time she had been tied up by her dom and not been allowed to cum for a long three-day weekend but was finally rewarded with her good behavior by a massive orgasm at the end of the ordeal. She could do this, she told herself. But then she realized that long weekend she had been helped by her dom who kept her hands manacled, usually behind her back, and he supervised her every moment of waking. Now she was alone and free and it was scaring her.

It was less than ten minutes later when Cameron texted back. Do you have a computer at home with Skype?

She did and it took less time than she had thought to set up the call. Positioning the laptop just so, she managed to get her entire body in frame with her vibrator and breast pump both working on her body as Cameron watched her masturbate from across the city. It was the first time she had indulged in this sort of sexting and she didn’t care who knew or what type of person it made her. It felt so good to cum for Cameron there was no shame or guilt. He simply sat at his desk and watched her. He might have been stroking his cock, but she wasn’t watching him. Her eyes were closed and she was pleasing herself.

“Very good,” he told her when she was done. “We’ll do this for a few more days. Then I have something special I’m working on for you.”

With that he closed the connection and she lay in her bed exhausted and satisfied.

And that was the pattern that repeated for the next week and a half with Cameron. Angelica had to pump at home. Sometimes she had to Skype with him, other times she was on the phone pumping and masturbating and talking, once in a while she had to take pictures of her using the breast pump. It wasn’t terribly satisfying, but it was working her up to a steady need to be nursed by Cameron. She wanted his lips on her tit once more. And more importantly, she wanted his cock in her pussy.

Then came the request she had been waiting for. It was a simple text from Cameron and the moment she saw it her stomach flip-flopped and her pussy quivered with anticipation.

Tomorrow. My house. Come prepared.

She knew what he wanted.

Angelica parked her car in the driveway and took a deep breath. For some reason she felt like a novice sub, going to see her dom for the first time. This wasn’t her first time—and while Cameron wasn’t an expert, he was proving to be adept at subjugating her. There was no need to go through the silly routine of removing her underclothes, she was already naked under her sweatshirt and black yoga pants.

Stepping confidently out of the car she walked up to the front door and paused when she saw the note on the door.

Come inside. Remove your clothes. Put on the collar.

She let a small giggle escape her lips when she thought about what would have happened if a delivery person had found the note before she did. “Only in bad 1970s porn,” Angelica said under her breath. After opening the door she walked inside and saw a small basket next to the entrance containing her collar. There was no sign or sound of Cameron. Angelica knew she was being watched so she quickly pulled off her clothes, kicked off her shoes, dumped them in the basket and wrapped the collar around her neck.

Once she was devoid of all clothes except for the pretty pink leather collar, Angelica waited. She stood in the entrance hall with her eyes downcast and concentrated on breathing slowly and naturally. She could feel the moisture building up in her pussy. The cool air caused her nipples to pucker and become erect. No doubt Cameron would like that.

It wasn’t that long—long enough to be a tease but not long enough to be a punishment—before Cameron stepped into the entry hall.

“You’re ready. Good.” There was a pink leather leash in his hand. He clipped it to the D-ring of the collar and he led her not to his bedroom but a spare room, a guest bedroom, that contained only a small twin bed, a dresser, a narrow writing desk, and a strange wood and metal construct in the middle of the floor.

It almost looked like a piece of modern art, yet Angelica knew it had to be for some other, more sinister purpose. That realization gave her a little start and moistened her pussy. “What’s that?” She asked, already half-guessing its purpose.

“That’s your milking post,” he told her. “It’s custom made by me for you. Do you like it?”

Clearly he was looking for her approval and Angelica was unsure if she liked that. She was supposed to be his submissive and seeking his approval, not the other way around. But it was also obvious that he was proud of his construct—it must have been the reason he kept her away for most of the last week—and he was eager to see her use it.

“It looks suitably intimidating,” she said evenly. “How does it work?”

“Very simply. Kneel down with your back to the center post,” he instructed after unclipping the leash from her neck. The milking post was essentially a 4×4 beam set vertically in a base of heavy plywood. The beam had several metal rings and attachments and clamps screwed into it. Where she knelt on the base was a thick piece of padding, it looked like an old pillow. At the edge of the base was an elegant metal frame that had been carefully soldered together.

“Move back,” he told her. “Press your ass against the post.”

She did as he instructed and wasn’t the least bit surprised when he pulled a short length of chain from the dresser and first clipped it to the large metal ring set screwed into the top of the post and then to her collar’s D-ring. It was hardly the first time she had been collared and bound. She liked the feeling of being owned and used by her master. Besides, the chain was hooked with a pair of carabineer clips—hardly tight security.

Then Cameron started to get serious with her restraints. She willingly held out her hands to accept manacles around her wrists—how could she say no to pink manacles that matched her collar? Another set went around her ankles which Cameron then restrained with just a pair of carabineer clips hooked to rings in the wooden base. She was slowly being locked into place and she was happy to do it. This was a new adventure for Angelica.

“Hands behind your back,” he told her. “Behind the post.” A single clip hooked her wrist cuffs together which were then hooked to yet another thick metal ring on the post.

“Very good,” he complimented her. “You look beautiful.”

Angelica resisted the urge to slump down. The chain to her collar was short enough that she could slouch very much. Her hand cuffs forced her chest out, making her tits jut out proudly. Between the wrist and ankle manacles she wasn’t going anywhere easily.

“Is this it,” she asked a bit boldly.

Cameron shook his head. “Hardly. I got this idea from my grandfather’s old dairy farm. When the cows came in to be milked we had to put their heads in a special metal restraint to hold them in place, attach the suction tubes, and milk ’em.”

“Is that what I am to you?” she asked a bit too saucily. “A cow?”

He ignored her flip attitude. “We used to drink raw milk when I was but a boy. Non-homogenized, non-pasteurized. I plan on doing that again. I’m going to get my milk fresh from the source.”

Angelica shivered with fear and delight. He knew how to control her body and mind.

“Just a couple of more adjustments,” he said and moved the metal rack in front of her forward. She had already figured out its purpose so when he out the breast pump and mounted the funnels to the metal frame she wasn’t the least surprised. She was excited.

Angelica didn’t move as Cameron carefully adjusted the frame and clamps to position the funnels and collection tubes just right. When everything was perfectly aligned she smiled up at him and waited for Cameron to flip the power switch. She could feel her nipples tingling with anticipation and was eager to see how it felt being milked in this position. It was a long shot but she knew some women were capable of orgasming from breast play alone. She wanted to see if this would be the time her body came from nipple play.

“Almost ready now,” he said.

“What else is there?” Was he going to force a ball or ring gag in her mouth? That she didn’t want; Angelica found them dehumanizing and they made it difficult to breathe or ask for help.

He didn’t directly answer her. “Kneel up straight,” he commanded. She did so, trying to affect the attitude of a proud slave in her restraints.

From the closet Cameron removed a three foot long wooden dowel. It was roughly an inch in diameter. When she saw it Angelica realized what the holes drilled into the side of the post her back was against was for. Then she realized where exactly Cameron was going to place it.

“Up high,” he instructed. She strained to make herself taller, an impossible proposition. The dowel went between her thighs, sticking out like an unnatural phallus. Cameron lifted it up until it touched her pussy and pressed against her labia. “Very good. Hold there,” he said and then fitted the dowel to the nearest hole. Unfortunately the nearest hole was slightly higher than where it was most comfortable.

Angelica moaned in pain as her body weight was suddenly supported primarily by her pussy as her thick lips wrapped around the dowel. The wood was smooth and warm—that wasn’t the problem. It was firmly in place when Cameron stepped back a moment and then found a support hook on the metal frame holding the breast pump to fix the dowel properly in place.

“Excellent. Does it hurt?” he asked.

She wondered if he cared if she was in pain or not. “Not really. Just sort of uncomfortable.” Angelica was nothing if not proud of her ability to absorb pain. It was a good trait for any sub to have.

“Perfect.” He flipped the switch to the pump and it sprang to life, sucking and pulling at her nipples. It felt good. It felt extremely good. Angelica’s eyes closed and she concentrated on her tits. The moment was interrupted by Cameron’s fingers tugging at her labia, carefully spreading them on both side of the dowel. “Pretty,” he commented. His manipulation of her bits distracted her from being milked. Her nipples were tingling and that was exciting her. Out of habit her hips moved forward, rubbing her labia and clit along the smooth wood.

“Ooh,” she moaned.

“Very good. Keep doing that,” Cameron told her as he sat back and watched the wanton display being put on by his sub.

Rubbing herself the way he wanted was unnatural and a bit painful, but what was an unnatural act and a tiny twinge of pain to an accomplished sub. Held in place by the milking post she was a slave to Cameron and a slave to her body’s needs. The pump pulled at her tits and she slowly and firmly rubbed her clit on the hard dowel between her legs.

The orgasm was a relief when it finally came. She didn’t want to cum too soon but she couldn’t refuse the needs of her body. Her cry of passion was ragged and harsh in her ears but when it was over she looked up proudly at Cameron. “I came,” she announced unnecessarily. He pointed downward and when her eyes saw her moisture smeared all over the dowel she felt shame mixed with pride.

“No, not your pussy,” he reprimanded her. “Your tits.”

Hanging from the rack the breast pump was still sucking at her tits. The nipples distended and released like she was used to, but then Cameron redirected her gaze at the small bottles attached to the funnels. “It’s not much, but we now know you are in good working order.”

In the bottom of both collection bottles was just a tiny bit of semi-clear liquid. No more than a few drops, but it was enough for Cameron to have proved his point. “Yes. I think you will make a good milk cow.”

Slowly he released her from the milking post. First he pulled away the breast pump and its funnels. Then she was freed from the manacles around her wrists and ankles. Finally he unclipped her leash from the top of the post but didn’t unbuckle the collar from her neck. She didn’t want him too.

As Angelica stood up and go the circulation back in her hands and feet—and stretched her knees that were sore from kneeling for so long—Cameron inspected the small bottles. “Not much, but that will change once your milk fully comes in,” he told her.

“That’s just…weird,” she said as she stood next to him and admired the tiny drops of liquid in the bottles. “I mean, I know my breasts are for that but to make them do it because you want to and then have it happen…it’s mind blowing.”

Cameron unscrewed the top of the first bottle and upended it onto his tongue as Angelica watched. She blinked in surprise and asked, “What…how does it taste?” It seemed wrong to be curious about her own breast milk, but Angelica couldn’t resist asking the question.

He closed his eyes and savored the milk on his tongue a long moment. There wasn’t much to swallow but she saw his Adam’s apple work up and down once. “Sweet,” he said. “Very sweet. Delicious.”

“Really?” Even though she had read about what breast milk was like—she had spent too much of her limited free time playing on the internet researching human breast milk and she knew it was supposed to be sweet, unlike cow’s milk, but it seemed wrong.

Not directly answering her question, Cameron unscrewed the cap to the second bottle and said, “Open your mouth.”

Angelica hesitated. Certainly drinking her own milk wasn’t dangerous…but it felt wrong to consume a body product that wasn’t specifically for her. Then again, it would be wrong to disobey her master’s order. A shiver of fear and anticipation ran over her body. Angelica opened her mouth and extended her tongue slightly. Cameron tilted the bottle and the few tiny drops inside fell onto her tongue. For a brief moment she was certain nothing was in the bottle, but then the sweetness spread over her taste buds and her mouth watered.

That certainly wasn’t a normal reaction, she told herself and swallowed the few drops down.

“Fruit juice,” she said. “Melon maybe, or something equally sweet.”

He nodded. “I agree. And I think you need to up your water intake.”

“What? Why?” She took offense at the insinuation that she wasn’t eating or drinking a proper diet.

“More water means more milk. More milk means I’m happier. It’s that simple.”


“Now get back down on your knees and suck my cock,” he ordered.

That was an order she was happy to follow. Even though her knees were sore she got back down, reached for Cameron’s pants, opened them up and pulled out his cock. While she wouldn’t be drinking additional water right away, certainly there was plenty of liquid in Cameron’s cum.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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