Some Mate You Are...

Chapter The Mate Bond

Kiara and I had just returned from our evening run. Aida had chosen not to join us this time as she needed alone time with Tyrus. I could not blame her, and I did my best to ignore the jealousy that was bubbling in my gut. She and her mate were perfect together. Tyrus loved Aida as a mate should and she loved him in return. I did not know if I was ever going to experience anything like that. But I shook that feeling off and did my best to remind myself that I am angry not upset.

I immediately headed into the shower when I arrived at home. Stripping my clothes off in my room as I walked into the en suite bath. I turned the shower on high because I needed to soothe my aching muscles. I had been pushing myself harder than I normally would, and my body was paying the price for it. I stepped into the calming water and allowed the steam to envelope me. I sighed in relief as the hot water began to roll down my back.

After about an hour of relaxation, I finally stepped out of the shower. The steam flowed into the room, filling it with a light fog. The air quickly cleared and dissipated around me as I had forgotten to close the bathroom door behind me. Not as though it mattered, it was very unlikely that anyone would come into my room anyway.

I quickly wandered across that tile floor and went into my room. I turned to the left as soon as I was out of the bathroom door. I flicked on the stereo that sat on my shelf, tuning into some music to soothe my rollercoaster of emotions. I turned around to go towards my dresser on the other side of the room. All I had on my mind, was a comfy pair of pajamas that I intended to slip on and the sounds of the song coursing through my speakers.

But when I turned around there was something unexpected in my room, sitting on my bed. I screamed in surprise and dropped my towel as my hands flew up into a defensive position. That was when he released his scent, a cool ocean breeze. If he had only done that sooner, then I would have been more aware of his presence in my private space. Not sure why he was still bothering to hide it anyway, not like anyone else was going to mistake him for their mate.

I was just about to say something to him. I intended to lecture him on boundaries and the importance of personal space. He had no right to be in my room while I was showering when he did not want to be my mate. However, I was stopped from having any kind of chance to react to his intrusion.

In the blink of an eye, my back was slammed against the wall with such force that it knocked the breath out of me. My lips parted in a gasp that was quickly swallowed by Enzo’s plump, demanding lips claiming mine. I did not return his efforts at first. The shock keeping me from being able to effectively understand my situation.

By the time, my logical mind had kicked in it was too late. He had me pinned beneath his body and I was tingling with the sparks from the mate bond on every inch of my skin. The electrical surge finding its way straight to my core. I began to burn with need as my center throbbed in anticipation of his touch. I was a gasping mess of longing, feeling desperate in my desire.

His kisses left my lips as they traveled down my neck. His hands began to explore my body. Groping at my breasts. Everything inside me screamed out for him, begging to give in to our dark hunger. He suckled at the nape of my neck, the spot where his mark was meant to lie. I could not suppress the moan that escaped my lips. This spurred him further as he growled against my skin, pressing our bodies impossibly closer. Bucking his hip, so that I could feel how hard he had grown.

“Oh…Marvel…” He panted.

Hearing his voice was all it took. My heart begged for him, but my brain had more sense. My body shivered hearing him breathe out my name. But my mind began to reel with unanswered questions. I gathered every ounce of strength that I had inside of me and I pushed him off my body.

I stood firm, in all my naked glory, my jaw set. I did not care if he looked at me, I was not ashamed of my form. Not to mention, he did not seem to mind at all. He did not even appear deterred from his intentions by my forcing space between us. He merely stared at me, breathing heavily, with dark, lust-filled eyes.

I stared back, glaring at him.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

"I should think that much was obvious." H stated, adjusting the stiff rod in his pants.

"Well, you can forget about that." I asserted, folding my arms across my chest.

He ran his fingers through his silky hair in frustration. He closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly before looking at me again.

“Why have you been avoiding me?” He questioned.

“You know why. Don’t be an idiot.”

“Don’t call me an idiot.”

“Then don’t act like one.”

I had a sudden sense of déjà vu from our childhood together. Before he had pushed me away the first time. I took a deep breath and tried to gather myself together. We were going to get nowhere if we continued to behave like young pups. We are adults now and we needed to act like it. Even if it was surprisingly easy to revert to old behaviors in his presence.

“Enzo…” I spoke, slowly, trying to control the conflicting emotions of desire and anger that were coursing through me. “Why are you in my room?”

“It was the only way to get you to talk to me.”

“What is there to talk about?” I shrugged, feigning disinterest in our situation.

“There is everything to talk about!” Enzo stepped towards me in irritation.

I did not flinch; I was going to stand my ground. I was not afraid of him, I knew that he would not hurt me, no matter how infuriated he may become. I was his mate and even if I had not been, I knew that he cared enough about me, on some level, to cause me no physical pain.

“I believe that you said all that you needed to at Kiara’s party. You are not ready to be the Alpha and you don’t want to be my mate.” I charged.

“That is not what I said and you know it.” Enzo came closer and placed his hands on my face. “I want you, I do…I just…”

His proximity was overwhelming and his touch was distracting me. I needed him to back off. I needed more space between us so that I could think properly. I was about to ask him to step back, when he brought his lips to mine again.

I had lost all control of this situation, I could not reconcile the feelings colliding within me. I began to return his hungry kisses for a moment. Before I finally regained myself, reminded that we were in the middle of a fight. I opened my eyes, pulled back from him and slapped him across the face.

He stared at me; shock clearly present in his wide green orbs. I was not certain if he had ever been smacked by a woman before. Though, I did not care, he needed to stop stealing kisses from me. Stop confusing me with his touch. When he was close to me, he was all I wanted. My very being yearned for him. Every cell inside my body cried out for his touch, like two magnets, drawn together no matter how much they try to part.

I had been fighting against the very thing that I was craving. The anger that I held towards him being no match for how the bond called out to me through the space between us. He continued to stare at me, panting heavily, wearing nothing but a tank top and loose shorts. His normally bright green eyes were darkened, I knew that he was not angry, he was aroused. I could sense it pouring off him in waves. He wanted me as badly as I wanted him, despite all of my better intentions.

I did not want to give into it. I did not want him to have the satisfaction of feeling me so intimately. The joining of our bodies together in harmony. Not again. I knew that it would be the best sex that either of us had ever had. That was how it was meant to be with your mate. Your body molded to theirs, made for each other, you could please each other in ways that you had never before dreamed possible. The tingling sensation that flowed through our touch, certainly did not harm things.

I could not help but wonder. If I did not take this opportunity, as it stood before me, to feel the ecstasy that being with your mate was supposed to produce. Then would I ever have a chance to experience that kind of euphoria again? Or would I miss out on the only opportunity that I may ever have to feel what it is to be locked in sweet carnal bliss with the person who represents the other half of your soul? The feeling of two mates joined in union?

“Fuck it.”

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