Some Mate You Are...

Chapter Giving In

I rushed at Enzo and jumped onto him without him having the opportunity to prepare himself. He fell backwards onto my bed and I straddled him from above, still completely naked.

“Changed your mind?” He questioned with an eyebrow cocked, his hands gripping at my waist.

“Don’t talk. Unless it’s to scream my name.” I instructed, then I crashed my lips down onto his.

Our mouths molded together, and he pulled me down onto his body. We both moaned into each other’s mouths at the increased contact. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and nipped at it lightly. He opened his mouth and granted me entrance. Our tongues tangled together in a dance; our battle for dominance only beginning.

He flipped me over, so that I lay on the bed and he pressed his body over mine, careful not to put his full weight down. He groaned into my mouth as he ground his throbbing rod against my waiting core.

“Stop…trying…to…dominate. I…am…an…Alpha. You…will…never…win.” He claimed in between kisses that he continued to pepper on my lips.

I let him believe that I was giving into his demands for the moment. I allowed my body to relax and I let him take the lead on our kisses. But the wolf within me would not give in so easily. I had never been one to be dominated, as the Beta’s daughter, I was typically held in higher regard than the wolves that I slept with. I was not used to being dominated and would not go down without a fight.

My logical mind told me to give over to my Alpha and mate. But my competitive side reminded me that as his mate we were, technically, equals. His Alpha title did not matter when it came to us. If I wanted to be in charge, then I could be. I knew that I should not do it. I knew that it would only spur things on if I did, but, once again, I could not help myself.

I wrapped my legs, tightly, around his waist, then I used my weight against him. Flipping us back over so that I was on top. If he had anticipated the move, then I may not have pulled it off so easily, but luckily for me, he was not prepared. I was successful in taking my position above him. Then without giving him a chance to respond, I extended my claws and shredded them across his shirt. Before using the openings to rip it away from his body.

I needed more contact between us. My skin craved to be against his. Touching every inch that I could reach. I ran my fingers over his muscled abdomen and I felt him begin to shiver beneath my touch. His hard girth twitching, desperately, as it stretched against the confines of his shorts.

“Good. This is how I want him to feel. I want him to beg for it.” I thought to myself with pride.

He sat up from his spot, propping himself on his elbow. He reached forward with his free hand and began to massage one of my breasts before his mouth found its way to other one. I let out a soft moan as my breathing quickened. I ground myself down against him, riding his hard, thick member as it shifted beneath me, begging to be released from its cloth confines. He moaned against my breasts, sucking my nipple further into his mouth.

I pushed against him, harder. I wished that the fabric of shorts, which still existed between us, was no longer there. I wanted to feel him against me. I thought that I was about to get my wish as I felt him reach down towards his waist. I lifted myself, slightly, to give him room to remove the fabric, freeing himself for me.

However, I was quickly surprised when he flipped me over and I landed onto the soft mattress with a thud. He did not climb back on top of me, but instead lay next to me. Pulling me against him. His fingers brushed gently against my exposed skin.

“Patience…” he whispered into my ear. “This is the first time that I get to have you as mates. I am going to savor every moment.”

I whimpered at the thought that he meant to take this slow. I was already a quivering mass of want and need. I did not know how much I could take.

“Don’t worry.” He breathed, hushing me. “You are going to enjoy this.”

I gasped as his fingers found their way between my thighs and continued to travel upward. When he reached my core, he began to flick at my little bundle of nerves before finding their way towards my entrance.

“You are already so wet.” He groaned out and I felt his member twitch against me.

Without another word, he had a finger inside of me, followed by a second and then I third. I moaned out and the sensation of being stretched and filled. He thrust his fingers in and out, the sparks from our bond sending me into a frenzy. When he curled his fingers inside of me, I cried out, not caring who could hear.

“You are so much tighter than I had expected.” He moaned out as his own need began to build.

I could not respond, and he continued to pump his fingers in and out of me, rubbing his thumb against my sensitive clit. My mind was mush, my body putty in his hands. He played me like an instrument that he knew well.

“Enzo…” I moaned only driving him to increase his rhythm.

“Oh…I love it when you say my name like that.” He growled, seductively, in response.

“Enzo…” I moaned again, louder. “I’m going to…”

Before I could finish the sentence I could feel the hot moisture being released and I cried out in relief.

“Good girl.” Enzo whispered. “Now my turn.”

I had not even had a moment to try and catch my breath before Enzo was on top of me. He kicked his shorts down his legs and off past his knees. He bent down and took a sniff of my throbbing, wet core.

“So sweet.” He sighed.

Then in a swift motion he leaned forward and I felt his tongue licking and teasing the same bundle of nerves that was already beyond its capacity.

“Oh my…” I cried out in surprise.

“You like that do you?” He asked before flicking his tongue against my clit again.

“Y-yes…” I managed through a breathy moan.

“I like it to. You taste sweeter than sugar.” He groaned as he licked his tongue along the entire length of my folds. “Unfortunately, I cannot wait any longer to be inside of you, so this is going to have to wait.” He stated before flicking his tongue against my sensitive mass again.

“Enzo…” I cried out.

He did not hesitate another moment. I felt him line the tip of his shaft up with my entrance and began to push himself inside of me. I cried out at the fullness of it. I thought that his three fingers had made me feel stretched, now I realized that he had merely been attempting to prepare me for the size of the real thing. I did not remember it being quite so large. I could feel it pulsating inside of me as we both struggled to ease it in.

Once I had managed to adjust to his size, he began moving again. Slowly increasing his speed as he slid in and out of me. Our bodies mixed together in harmony as if two puzzle pieces that were always meant to fit. Entangled in a symphony of bliss, never had I felt anything like what I was feeling with Enzo inside of me now.

We both cried out, moaning and calling each other’s names without a care in the world. We were not in a house full of other wolves; it was just the two of us, in our own universe, immersed completely within the other. It was as though our souls reached out, embracing each other as electrical surges exploded throughout my body like fireworks.

Encased in a cocoon of pure bliss as we rolled around enthralled in each other. This truly was the most euphoric and passionate that I had ever felt with another. I could hardly tell where I ended, and he began as we melted together our souls entwined.

I felt the orgasm building inside of me again, begging for release. I cried out as my juices flowed out of me, my insides in spasm around his thick member, massaging and milking out its own juices. At the same moment, I felt him buck against me, his body stiffening. He cried out before collapsing onto me. I could feel his hot seed having filled my insides to the brim.

We laid there, panting, our bodies still interlocked. His head rest on my chest and my fingers twisted through his hair. I was not certain what to say or what to think. My emotions were all over the place and my nerves were in a frenzy. My body was on a high as my brain searched for meaning; my heart crying out for recognition.

As he finally lifted himself off me, he paused a moment to plant a long, slow kiss on my neck, where his mark should lay. He grazed his teeth, gently, across my skin. I wondered, momentarily, if he was going to try to mark me. I felt my body begin to vibrate, radiating from the touch of his canines against me. Would I allow him to do it if he tried? Would he let me stop him if I tried? I did not have long to worry though. He merely nipped at my skin before raising off me and reaching for his shorts.

I wanted to ask what this meant for us. But I knew better than to do so. I was not a shy, meek, or unconfident girl. I spoke my mind often and had gotten in trouble for on it on many occasions. But this time, I was not sure that I wanted to hear the answer. For the moment, I just wanted to enjoy the feeling of having been with my mate, no matter how short lived.

I pushed myself off the bed and went into my bathroom. I grabbed a pair of pajamas on the way. I cleaned myself up and then headed back into my room. Exhausted and ready for bed. I fully expected that Enzo would be gone when I returned, and I tried not to let that thought bother me too much.

Although, I was, apparently, too quick to judge how Enzo would behave after we slept together. Because I found him, shirtless, sprawled out on my bed, eyes closed. I climbed in next to him, careful to keep my distance. I did not want him to think I was attempting to cuddle. I was not going to allow him to accuse me of being another one of his clingy groupies.

To my great surprise, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me as he pulled me close to him. He nuzzled his nose into my hair, and we fell asleep. No words were exchanged between us. For the moment, none needed to be.

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