Some Mate You Are...

Chapter No More Games

As soon as we were completely in the hallway with the door of the office closed behind us, I turned to face Enzo. While I understood and, in many ways, agreed with the anger of our parents, given the situation. I did feel bad for the things that Alpha Griffith had said to him. As much as Enzo would never admit it, I knew that he did highly value his father’s opinion.

“Enzo, I’m sorry, are you alright?” I questioned, keeping my voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m fine.” Enzo answered, dismissively. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, I just thought, with everything that was said that…”

“It’s fine, really. I know what he thinks of me. I always have.”

He quickly shook off the hand that I had placed on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. I was hurt by his action but decided not to let it show. I knew he was upset, and I was trying to be supportive, not make things worse for him.

“I am sorry that I was not much help in there. You know that I cannot lie to my Alpha and Luna.” I attempted to explain, in case he was upset with anything that I had done in the meeting.

We were supposed to be attempting to work things out, after all. I did not want an issue to crop up between us so quickly.

“It is whatever, Hala.” Enzo replied, as he began to walk down the hall, away from me. “I’ll see you around.”

It took a moment for his words and his tone to sink in. Was he serious? Was he backing out already? What in the hell was wrong with this wolf?!

“Are you kidding me, right now?!”

Enzo continued walking away, but I was not going to allow him to blow me off so easily this time. I could feel my wolf threatening to surface with the amount of anger that I was attempting to contain. Had he not been the one who pursued me? Had he not been the one who expressed a desire to try and make this work? I had left him alone, as he had asked me to. He was the one who made the first move. He was the one who was just confessing his love to me a short time ago. How could he turn so cold again so quickly?

I rushed up to him and grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face me. I shoved his back into the wall and held him there. My claws began to extend, threatening to pierce his skin. He was going to hear me this time. I would make certain of it. I was not going to play his games any longer.

“I, Marvel Hala, reject…”

Suddenly a large, warm hand came down over my mouth, clamping it shut. Sparks flowed through me from the location of his touch. Part of me, the part that was prepared to accept the mate bond, wanted to melt into him right then and there. But the other part of me, the part that was determined not to get jerked around by him any longer, allowed me to hold my ground.

“What are you doing?” He hissed, anger flaring in his eyes.

I yanked his hand away from my face before making myself clear to him, once and for all.

“I am ending this. I don’t want to play your games. ‘You’ll see me around?’ What in the hell is that supposed to mean?! We are supposed to be acting as mates now and that is not how mates behave! We should be figuring out our place together, our future. Not seeing each other in passing. What about living arrangements? Am I not going to be moved into your room, as I should be? Are you really just going to push me away again?!”

“You heard my dad in there!” Enzo countered. “I am a fuck up! I am always going to be a fuck up! Should probably keep our distance in this as well, so that I can’t screw it up too.”

“How is staying separate from your mate not screwing it up?! Where has that behavior gotten us this far?! Is this path really one that you want to continue?” I pressed.

Enzo did not answer me. I waited several moments to see if he would speak. To give him a chance to think on his words and apologize. But instead, I saw his jaw tense as it clenched, his mouth thinned, his lips pressing together. I sighed in disappointment, shaking my head.

“I cannot believe that you went from hot to cold so quickly.” I scoffed. “I cannot do this, Enzo. I cannot have you telling me you love me and that you want to try to be mates one minute, only to have you trying to distance yourself in another. People may upset you. Heck, I may upset you. But it doesn’t mean that you just turn your back on us at the very first bump in the road. You are supposed to fight for those you love, not just walk away because it seems hard.”

I took a moment before continuing, letting my words sink in. I wanted him to understand how important the point that I was making was. Because what I planned to say next, should not be taken lightly. As much as it pained me, I meant every word.

“You have twenty-four hours, Enzo.” I sighed, causing him to catch my gaze, a sharp look in his eyes. “Twenty-four hours to decide if you actually have what it takes to be my mate. I don’t expect you to be perfect. I know that we will have our ups and downs, but that is part of being in a relationship. Especially one as serious as this. All that I ask of you is that you love me, respect me, and are loyal to me. That you make attempts at being a mate and planning a future with me. I really don’t think that is much to expect from a mate. But, if during the next twenty-four hours, you feel that you cannot even do the little bit that I ask of you, then it is time to finally reject our mating.”

Enzo opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. I would have the last word this time. I was going to be the one to walk away from him.

“Twenty-four hours, Enzo. That is all. Make your decision. I hope that you choose wisely.”

With that, I turned and stormed away from him, stomping my feet loudly as I went. He just stared after me, his mouth agape. All I could do was hope that I had not just made a huge mistake.

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