Some Mate You Are...

Chapter A Father's Disappointment

“I…uh…well…you see…” I stumbled over what to say.

Obviously, I was not alright with the choices that Enzo was making. However, I did not want to cause any problems between him and his father. I did not feel that would help our relationship at all.

“She was just doing as I asked.” Enzo interrupted. “She was just being a good mate.”

“That is not what I asked, Enzo.” Alpha Griffith growled. “Also, I believe that Marvel, here, is more than capable of speaking for herself.”

Enzo pursed his lips in anger, but said nothing more in argument. Alpha Griffith turned his attention back to me.

“Well, Marvel, tell me how you feel about Enzo’s choices? Were you in support of him flaunting Cora around as his date during the dinner with the Blood Moon Pack?”

“I did not know that we were mates at that time.” I answered, honestly.

I shifted uncomfortably under his strong Alpha gaze. He studied me, carefully. I felt like a pup who had been caught fighting in the forest, being scrutinized for my bad behavior. I knew that I had done nothing wrong, at least, until my actions with Alpha Timber, still you could not help but squirm under an Alpha’s keen gaze.

“Help me to understand…” Alpha Griffith sighed, exasperated, he pressed his fingers to either side of the bridge of his nose before continuing. “How is it that you did not know that you and Enzo were mates at the Blood Moon dinner? I know, for a fact, that dinner took place after your birthday.”

I could hear Enzo huff in annoyance. I knew that I had, essentially, ratted him out but I was not certain what else he expected me to do. He knew that I could not lie to Alpha Griffith. I had done my best to be vague and allow for Enzo to answer as many of the questions as possible. If he was comfortable being deceitful to his father, that was his business. I, however, would not do it. I was not always the best wolf; I was not always the most well-behaved. But I was not one to make major waves either. I respected my Alpha and Luna as any good pack member should.

“I hid my scent.” Enzo finally admitted.

I let out a breath that I did not know that I had been holding. I was relieved that Enzo had taken that responsibility away from me. We were just starting to try and get along; I did not want to have to feel like I had to betray that so quickly. I may not have completely forgiven him but arguing all the time was getting us nowhere either.

“You did what?!” Alpha Griffith snapped, turning his attentions fully back to Enzo, anger burning in his eyes.

I could hear Luna Rigina audibly gasp in shock. My father growled, lowly, and my mother just shook her head. They had every right to be upset. This was considered an egregious and disrespectful act. You were not supposed to hide yourself from your mate in such a way. At least none of them would blame me for feeling justified in my assumption that I was being rejected. Any of them would have believed the same if they had been in my shoes.

“I hid my scent. I wasn’t ready, so I hid myself. Are you happy now?” Enzo charged, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.

This time, I was the one to gasp. I knew that Enzo was not always the most respectful when speaking to his father, but I had never heard anyone talk like that to the Alpha before.

“No, son, I am afraid that I am feeling quite the opposite of happy, at the moment. Right now, I would like to wring your ungrateful little neck.” Alpha Griffith growled out, struggling to control his anger as he spoke. “Do you not understand what a gift your mate is to you?! The Goddess has seen fit to grant you a soulmate. She has guaranteed that you would have someone to love you, protect you, and to desire your happiness even at the expense of their own. Mates are too be cherished from the very MOMENT that you find them until they take their last breath, leaving this world darker without their light to brighten it any longer." Alpha Griffith paused for a moment. "The fact that you took this away from Marvel. The fact that you could not see how precious discovering her as yours should have been.” Alpha Griffith paused to shake his head, slowly, in disappointment. “I must have gone wrong somewhere in raising you.”

I felt a little sorry for Enzo at the Alpha’s words. I was certain that had to sting a bit, but when I looked towards Enzo, he seemed unmoved. I began to worry that he may not have any feelings. Maybe the only emotions he could express anymore were anger and lust. I suddenly sensed that this mate pairing may not get any easier anytime soon.

“Griffith…” Luna Rigina spoke up, trying to calm her mate.

“No, Rigina, I’m sorry but he needs to hear this.” Alpha Griffith stated with no sense of uncertainty. “Enzo has pulled some real stupid crap before, but this takes the cake.” He turned his attention back to Enzo. “You are a fully grown wolf now, Enzo. How am I supposed to trust you with the pack, when I cannot even trust you to take care of your own mate?”

Enzo opened his mouth to protest, but obviously thought better of it, as he shut it again without speaking.

“You think that you aren’t ready to become Alpha. Well, I have to say that I agree with you.” Alpha Griffith went on with his lecture. “Marvel will begin Luna training with your mother. You, Enzo, you will continue your training with me. I will not hand this pack over to you until I feel that you deserve it. Until I feel that you deserve her.” He gestured towards me for a moment. “You are dismissed.” Alpha Griffith waved his hand, shooing Enzo away, disappointment etched on his face.

“We will begin training tomorrow, Marvel.” Luna Rigina added with a quick nod before Enzo and I turned to leave.

I walked towards the door; I was pulled from Enzo’s side by my father. He wrapped me in his arms and gave me a tight hug. I could tell that he was tense. He did not like the way that his daughter had been treated by her mate. I heard him growl at Enzo before releasing me from his hold and allowing me to go with him. I knew that my father had to be extremely upset. He did not act out on his emotions often. He was rather level-headed for a wolf. But he was angry now and I did not think that he would be forgiving Enzo anytime soon.

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