Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Venomous Snake

[Arissa's POV]

When we arrived at the estate, Gisele was outside pacing. Her body was relaxed, though a fake look of worry played on her face.

As she spotted us, I didn't miss the annoyance that flashed in her eyes over seeing not only me, but the elders alive and well.

"Oh, thank the goddess.” She sighed, falling back into her acting. "I was so worried!"

Rushing forward, she grabbed Elder Theodore's hands as crocodile tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"I'm so relieved to see that none of you were injured or worse..."

"Well, most." I corrected, drawing her tear-filled gaze to me. “Elder lan didn't manage to survive.” For a moment, Gisele was silent, but soon she let an over-exaggerated sob escape her over my news.

"Oh no!" She wailed. "How could this be?"

I kept my mouth shut, watching Gisele’s well rehearsed act. To anyone else she would have been convincing, but to someone who lived around snakes for many years, I spotted them a mile away. "What is this?" Ivan asked, almost materializing right beside me.

"Fuck!" I hissed, jumping almost a foot in the air. "Announce yourself and remember personal space!"

"I didn't try to hide my approach.” Ivan pointed out, crossing his arms. "You just need to pay closer attention.”

"I do pay attention.” I shot back. "I was just distracted by a show.”

As the words left my lips, Ivan shifted his gaze to where mine rested.

Oblivious to Ivan's arrival, Gisele continued her perfectly planned act of concern.

"She's a damn good actress.” I murmured, wondering if Ivan saw through her too.

"That she is." Ivan agreed.

Turning, I eyed him, wondering again why he let this woman stay if he didn't trust her. What game was he trying to play?

"You are free to go." He said suddenly, catching me by surprise. "I can handle the rest of this."

"Are you going to continue to let her play her games here?" I pushed.

Based on how disappointed she seemed that the elders were still alive, my distrust of her grew stronger. She was clearly not as simple as we thought and I worried she would do some major damage if allowed to continue to move around freely.

"That isn't of your concern.”

His words were almost like a physical slap in the face towards me. Did he really distrust me so much?

"Sorry I asked.” I snapped. "Since it isn't my concern, don't ask me to spy again, uncle.”

I didn't bother waiting for a response from the asshole. I knew when I wasn't wanted or needed anymore and I never planned on begging for anyone's trust or to be included

Turning on my heel, I stormed away.

[lvan's POV]

I watched as Arissa stormed away, feeling an odd pain surge through me by how cold and lonely her back looked.

Shaking it off, I turned my attention back to Gisele and the elders. The woman was putting on a damn good show and no one would be the wiser of her inner deceit.

"Sir, would you like me to take the elders in for questioning about the attack?" Hans asked, coming up beside me from his hiding spot.

"Please do."

It seemed that I was going to have to play intimate with Gisele to get everything out of her. Now would be the perfect time to start. After all, she was doing a fine job and pretending to be upset. "I'll handle her." I sighed, motioning towards Gisele. "Be sure to make it clear to the elders that their cooperation is of the utmost importance. Don't make them feel as though we are treating them as criminals.”

"Yes, sir." Hans barked, beginning to move forward.

I continued to watch until Hans led the elders away, leaving Gisele alone. Sighing, I fixed a gentle smile on my face and moved towards her just as her eyes found me.

"Ivan!" She gasped, rushing forward. "I was so worried!"

As she spoke, she snaked her arms around my waist and laid her head against my chest.

"Nothing to fret.” I responded, patting her head.

It was taking everything in me to not recoil from her touch. I hated being fake and pretending, but I needed to confirm if my suspicion of my father was true and to do that I needed to make this woman trust me.

"How could they be so terrible to attack the elders?" Gisele continued, her voice trembling perfectly. "They've become too brave.”

She was right, THEY, had become too brave and I would be sure to make them pay dearly.

"Don't worry, my men will take care of them. Now, how about we go inside. You're skin is freezing.” "Are you worried for me?" She suddenly asked, lifting her dark eyes to meet mine. "I'm so happy.” "Of course I am.” I managed, feeling disgust roll through me. "I'm sorry I've left you alone these past few days.” I continued. "I'll be sure to make it up to you."

I could easily see a look of triumph flash across Gisele's gaze before her look of worry returned Good, she was buying my act. That meant soon she would be as good as putty in my hands.

"Do you mean it?" Gisele asked, playing up the pathetic card. "I was really beginning to think you didn't like me."

"I'm a man of my word." I assured. "Now, come."

I continued to allow the woman to cling to me as we entered the estate where maids and guards were waiting.

When they spotted us, their eyes grew huge with questions, but they kept their faces impassive. I was sure by doing this I looked like a real player given the fact I had carried Arissa into this place and now I was allowing another woman to cling to me.

"Do you think they'll gossip about us?" Gisele asked, pretending to be worried. "I don't want to ruin your reputation.”

"They wouldn't dare.”

I didn't miss the flash of disappointment that flashed across her face and had to hold back my amusement. It seemed that crushing this woman would be more interesting than I thought.

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