Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Disappointment

[Arissa’'s POV]

I attempted to make my way back to my room, but was stopped by Elder Theodore. Letting out a low growl, I turned to face him. Taking in those damn eyes that looked so much like my mother's. "Why are you here?" He demanded, blocking my way. "You should still be locked up like the criminal you are."

"Seems I got lucky." I shrugged in boredom. "Ivan wants me to carry a pup for him, and I'm considering it." I mean, I wasn't, but I knew that saying I was would piss this man off. "Anyway, I don't think what I'm doing is what is important here. What matters is figuring out why all of you were attacked at the sanctuary.”

As much as I despised all the elders aside from Elder lan, who was dead, it was quite an ordeal for the sanctuary to be attacked by the hunters.

"Because the omen was released." Elder Theodore spat.

I had to hold back my laughter. It was funny that these old men thought that everything was somehow related to me. Opening my mouth, I prepared to counter his words, but stopped as Ivan strolled in with Gisele clinging to his arm.

Confused, I tried to figure out why they were suddenly so close. But one look of cockiness from Gisele ended my debate.

"Well, isn't this cute?" I purred, immediately going on defense. "When did you two become so close?"

I wasn't quite sure why, but seeing them like that bugged me. Maybe it was simply because he was the one that had asked me to spy on her. Or maybe it was because I was feeling like maybe I could let Ivan in after he didn’t try anything when I was in heat. Whatever it was, I didn't like it and wanted it to go away.

"Are you jealous?" Gisele asked, smirking. "It seems that you arent the woman Ivan wants by his side after all.”

"Jealous?" I repeated, lifting my brow. "Why the hell would I be jealous of something like this?" "Wouldn't this mean he has chosen a proper partner and you should go back to prison?" Elder Theodore chimed in.

"Stay out of it, grandpa.” I growled, shooting him a glare. "No one asked for your input.”

"Mind your manners with the elders.” Ivan warned, catching me by surprise. "They are above you and should be treated with respect.”

His words were like a physical slap. I guess something in him had changed, and he truly was just fucking with my emotions this entire time.

Feeling a stab in my chest, I turned and stormed away. I knew when I wasn't wanted and I wasn't about to stick around. If this group of assholes wanted to make fun, I wouldn't allow it to be at my expense.

"Excuse me for being so rude.” I called over my shoulder. "I'll be sure to stay out of your way from here on out.

I didn't bother stopping to see if anyone would respond. After all, anything that would come from them would simply add insult to injury.

Once I got to my room, I flopped on my bed and pushed my palms against my eyes. Despite telling myself that I was fine, I could feel disappointment surging through me. I had truly begun to think that maybe Ivan wasn't so bad, but today he showed me that nothing had changed between us and I was just being naive.

Closing my eyes, I tried to push away the memory of the last time I put faith in someone.

Flashes of that day ten years ago when I was supposed to change for the first time still came and that night seemed to suck me in again.

I had begged my mother to not let them take me to be with the other omegas, but she just stood quietly and watched. That was the first and last time I ever begged for anyone's help. It was that night that I learned that you couldn't even depend on family.

"Get it together, Arissa.” I growled, sitting up and jumping to my feet.

I needed to do something to distract myself, but venturing out of my room wasn't the best idea. The elders were now in the estate and I could run into them around any corner. I also wasn't sure if Ivan and Gisele were still out and about, or if they had wandered off somewhere to fuck in peace.

"That doesn't matter." I hissed. "He can do whatever with whoever."

Fuck, how was it possible that I was such a wreck? This was a good thing. He finally showed his true colors before things actually got too deep. I should be happy about it, yet here I was moping. What the hell was getting into me?

[lvan's POV]

"Ivan, what's wrong?" Gisele asked as I continued to stare in the direction that Arissa had stormed off in. "Are you upset about that unmannered and unruly woman?"

What was wrong? That was a damn good question. Why was I feeling so unnerved about the way that Arissa had acted just now? She meant nothing to me, and her emotions shouldn't matter at all. Yet, here I was feeling like I actually wanted to run after her.

"I'm fine.” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Anyway, you should head to bed. I need to call a meeting with my subordinates to discuss what happened this evening. *

I was beginning to grow uncomfortable due to Gisele's clinging to me. I was a good actor, years of practice had made sure of that. However, there was only so much I could take of an oblivious woman's throwing herself at me, especially when she was working for my father.

"But..." Gisele pouted. "Would you keep me company a little longer?" As she spoke, she was sure to perk up her chest just enough to show off her cleavage. "I was so scared about what might happen to the elders.”

Coughing, I bit back my bark of laughter. I didn't know who she thought she was tricking, but it sure as hell wasn't me. I wasn't sure how, but I knew that she and my old man were behind that attack. My father craved power, and the best way to get it was to eliminate anyone above him. Although, I wasn't quite sure just how he was connected to the hunters. There was no reason for them to be helping the very creatures they killed daily.

"Maybe another time." I finally responded, faking a smile. “This is really important.”

"You must promise." Gisele pouted, pressing her chest against my arm. "I want your word."

"I give my word."

At this point, I was willing to promise anything to get rid of this woman. Giving a broad smile, he stood on tiptoe and kissed my cheek before rushing off.

Grimacing I wiped my cheek once she was out of sight. Pretending to trust her and get closer really was going to be tiring. It seemed that I needed to gain her trust sooner rather than later.

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