Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Attempted Assassination

[Arissa's POV]

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. A sigh escaped me as my boredom grew. I had wanted to sneak out, but found Ivan had guards positioned outside my room and below my window. That left me with no room to easily leave.

"Asshole." I growled as his face popped in my head

An odd tug below my belly button followed, sending waves of confusion through me. Had I teased too much and now my body wanted more?

I didn't have much time to contemplate this as a slight rustling sounded from just above where a vent that I hadn't notice before Sar.

Growing quiet, I listened harder. I could just make out the controlled breathing of someone. Smirking slightly, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I wanted to know who would be so bold to attempt sneaking up on me.

For a moment whoever it was stayed quiet and unmoving, clearly waiting to see if I actually was asleep. Once they were convinced enough, they made their move.

Jumping up, I leaped forward, tackling the person to the ground.

"Who sent you?" I growled, pressing the dagger I had hidden on my thigh against the man’s neck. Instead of responding, he grunted and moved his lips.


Despite our clear positions, the man continued to not speak.

Realizing something was off, I grabbed his jaw with my free hand and pulled to find that he was missing his tongue.

Letting a snarl escape me, I slashed his neck. He was useless and since he had attempted to sneak up on me, he wasn't allowed to live.

"Well shit." I sighed, sitting back on my heels.

Now I wouldn't know who sent him. Although, I had an idea but there was no proof. Many wanted me dead. However, there was one in particular who wished for my death more than others.

Using my shirt, I began to wipe the now dead man's blood from my dagger just as the door to my room flew open.

Feeling amused, I watched as Ivan stormed in on high alert. His nostrils flared as he assessed the situation and his alpha aura radiated from him. Clearly he had smelt the man's blood from where ever he was hiding in the estate.

"What happened here?" He demanded, flicking his gaze from the lifeless body on the floor to me. "Why is there a dead person in your room?"

"Well," I began, pursing my lips. "This fellow thought it would be fun to forfeit his life by sneaking into ladies room."

"Sneak?" Ivan repeated in confusion. "What do you mean sneak?"

Lifting a hand, I pointed to the hole in my ceiling where the vent had been.

"He decided to become a mouse and scurry in the nooks and crannies of your estate.”

"And why did you kill him?" He pushed.

"Dead men tell no tales.” I smirked, deciding to fuck with him a bit.

"You didn't think of keeping him to question?" He asked in disbelief. "HE TRIED TO ATTACK YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!"

Lifting my hands, I covered my ears as Ivan's enraged voice echoed around the room.

Despite wanting to continue to mess with him, I feared if I made him any angrier I would get flung across the room by his aura.

"How about you look in his mouth." I sighed, disappointment flaring by the end of my fun.

Giving me a questioning look, Ivan did as I suggested.

"No tongue.” He murmured, standing back up. "Poor fool."

"Poor fool?" I repeated. "Why because he was led straight to his death?"

I couldn't help but wonder what exactly this man was promised for doing this. By his clumsy moves I knew he wasn't well trained. That meant that he was basically expected to die. So did that mean that they were testing me?

"By the way." I began, suddenly remembering my concern about security for the estate. "I meant to mention this the night I spied for you, but your estate isn't very quarded.”

For a moment, Ivan stared at me as if I was speaking in a foreign language. However, soon his eyes darkened.

"Seems my old man or Isaac have been busier than I thought.”


Was he suggesting that those two idiots were slowly replacing his men? If that was the case, I wouldn't mind finding the moles amongst the wolves.

"Why are you suddenly smiling creepily?" Ivan asked, drawing me out of my head. "You look like you are about to snap at any minute.”

"I mean..." I trailed off with a smirk.

"Are you volunteering yourself for free?”

Shit, he had me there. Was I really so bored that I was willing to do some killing for free?

"I guess.” I sighed.

"Then how about you meet me outside the estate tomorrow night?"

Tomorrow night? Man he worked fast, but that meant that I could burn off some energy doing what I did best.


Reaching out a hand, I waited for a shake. However, Ivan just stared at me with an odd expression. "What?" I asked, beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Is there something on my face?"

"I just remembered,” he began as a look of hunger began to show in his eyes.

"What?" Something told me I wasn't going to like what he was going to say, but something about the way he was watching me gave me a rush of excitement.

Maybe I was more of a pervert than I thought. I shouldn't have been expecting anything.

"I owe you a punishment for calling me uncle." He growled, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

A gasp escaped me as his hardness pressed against me. Fuck, was he really horny right now?

"Go find that bimbo." I hissed, attempting to free myself.

"She isn't the one that disobeyed an order.”

Opening my mouth, I prepared to argue, but never got the chance as his mouth pressed against mine and his hands roamed up into my hair.

I wasn't sure if maybe I was still suffering after effects of my heat, but something in me snapped. I wanted more. So much more. This wasn't good.

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