
Chapter Carnal Urges


“You’ll heal within a week,” I told the female as I carefully set down her left leg after finishing up the last of her stitches.

“For the mean time, you will be excused from training. Your Alpha will understand your circumstances when I inform his Beta.”

The girl kept her head low as I turned around to clear up the rest of the medical supplies. She was showing me a submissive trait that I was starting to encounter more and more due to my recurring threat.

With the antiserum gone from my system, the wolf within was not hidden anymore, her potential no longer tethered and kept from greeting the world outside. Everyone could almost take notice of the reeking menace sticking to my skin.

A warning to the werewolves that she was close to reaching the surface, and there were no options left for me to mask it anymore.

Not even for a second did the female choose to meet my gaze, her eyes going anywhere but me as they stayed rooted to the tiled floor, and I could almost smell the anxiety leaking out of her pores; she was afraid of me.

“Hurting you is the last thing I would want to do,” I said, hoping to put her at ease as I walked back to her with a roll of bandage in my hand, and I took notice of how she had her hands obediently placed above her thighs, her posture completely controlled as if to save herself from meeting the teeth of my stirring wild.

Sighing as I accepted the fact that the girl was never going to utter a single word to me, I sat down on the chair in front of her and grabbed her foot to rest it on my knee.

I started wrapping her leg with the bandage, keeping my movements quick and easy to lessen the time she spent with the monster she thought I was.

“What’s your name?” I questioned her, but only to clench my teeth when I didn’t get a proper answer.

“I’m going to ask you again,” I said nonchalantly, trying to control my temper as I tried to keep my hands from applying pressure on her leg due to my thinning patience.

“What’s your name?”

The female released an uneasy breath, “Lucy.”

“That wasn’t hard, was it?” I shot her a look which immediately forced her shoulder to curl forward.

“Take the week off of training, Lucy,” I said after I finished wrapping up her leg, “you’ll need some time to heal.”

It was in the afternoon when I finally decided to leave the infirmary and confront Heath regarding my patient’s leave. Knowing exactly where he spent most of his time, I made a short walk over to the training grounds.

The judging eyes of the pack members were trailing hot on my figure as I made my entrance, their heads turning before quickly looking away whenever I made a move to acknowledge them.


There were males and females scattered all over the open area, working together to become competent fighters as they focused on different tactics that could serve them more advantage in terms of proper combat and defense.

And all of them were taught by Heath himself; he had skills that revolved around teeth and claw, bearing knowledge of every lethal assault that could sever the life of any werewolf that posed a threat to his pack. He was sharing what he knew best and steadily molding a pack of strengthened foundation.

A large circle of werewolves gathered in the combat area caught my attention, the crowd getting bigger and bigger as I saw Heath step up in the open space with a smile that matched the mischievous glint in his cerulean eyes.

His hair was damp, left disheveled from his long hours of physical work. But despite his weary appearance, he still managed to harbor the same level of vitality; it was like he loved what he was doing.

“Come on up, Killian. I don’t have all day,” he sneered, his tongue poking against his inner cheek as he made a strut around the open space like he owned it.

I looked at Heath as if he had lost his mind yet there was no sign of doubt in his stand, he was all too adamant to start something with Killian.

I waited, my senses responding easily to the direction of the tall figure pushing through the growing audience. Just his scent alone was a seduction that had me balling my trembling hands into tight fists, the draw to him hard and demanding that it was impossible to be ignored.

A male of worth.

Loud without uncertainty, my nature was driving me to indulge in the sight of Killian himself, who looked far from anything weary despite the time he had spent training.

Killian’s body had grown, muscles built solid with finer contours on his arms, thighs, and even the ridges of his stomach. His skin had become tan, his jaw turned sharper, and I could just see how the joint underneath was working every time he clenched his teeth.

Killian’s appearance was so compelling that I could just see the females taking interest to what he could offer, and I was irritated to witness their greedy eyes burning into every inch of his skin.


It was almost as if their gazes were ripping his clothes off, hungry to see what was hidden beneath, and a rush of anger ran through me, catching me off guard as I tried to keep the emotion at bay.

I wanted to flash my teeth, to release a growl that told my displeasure. I wanted to meet their eyes with my fucking claws. I wanted to defend a property that my nature was urging me to claim.

A territorial instinct that belonged solely to my wild.

I clamped my mouth shut as I took in a deep breath through my nose, trying to silence the feelings that were not mine to possess, yet no matter how hard I tried to put myself under control, my quiet rage was strong enough to reach the werewolves surrounding me, their postures stiffening in a cautious response to my building threat.

Werewolves could sense peril.

They could feel it lingering close to them, but they weren’t aware that it belonged to me.

Still under my inward war, my eyes went up to regard Killian who looked at me curiously. Even from the bright light of the sun, the vivid color of his right blue eye still managed to stand out, as his gaze remained soft without judgement but strong enough to cut through me.

And from his eyes alone, was a sway to my needs, provoking my carnal instincts that urged me to surrender my decaying restraint.

“Hey!” Heath snapped and glared at Killian, “Keep those fuckin’ eyes on me.”

Any Alpha would have had him by the neck for that, but Killian simply made a reply by giving Heath a dimpled grin, the small flash of his teeth simultenously friendly and threatening.

“Jealousy doesn’t fit you at all, Heath,” Killian said, his voice sounding deep and sultry to my ears.

The Beta snorted with laughter, the unpleasant sound failing to match his fierce appearance, “Sometimes I just think that it would be better if you couldn’t remember your humor as well, Killian.”

The air between Killian and Heath was light and friendly, and I was surprised how they managed to bond with each other at such a short amount of time. They were two opposite men of personalities and I figured that their differences made a proper balance in their relationship.

“Why are you here, Sweetheart? You know better than to distract our Alpha during his fight,” Heath rolled his shoulders back and tried to loosen up the muscles on his neck before sending me a smirk.

“Sweetheart?” I heard Killian question him.

“Are you worried I’ll break his face?” Heath asked and tipped his head to the side.

“It’s not Killian I’m worried about, Heath,” I smiled at the Beta, who released a scoff in reply.

“It’s always been a pleasure to have you as my audience, Val,” Heath said dryly and let his eyes turn to the Alpha, gaze shifting to become penetrating and full of intent as he came prepared for his fight, “Begin.”

And so they began.

The two fully grown men proceeded to circle one another, eyes holding the intent of hurting as they searched each other for weaknesses.

It was Heath who made the first move of assault, his movements quick to advance on Killian as he threw a tight fist that was meant to collide against the Alpha’s jaw.

And I was very familiar with Killian’s speed, who immediately reacted by leaning back and avoiding the hit, the action so quick that Heath was nearly taken off guard as his fist came slicing through the air.

It was speed against strength, with the Beta keeping his incessant attacks and the Alpha merely avoiding the collision easily as each punch thrown was either avoided or blocked. No matter how different Heath made his attacks, Killian was quick to follow on the movements as if he already saw it coming.

“Come on, Killian, do more than saving yourself from a punch,” Heath snarled at the Alpha in annoyance.

“No teeth, Heath,” Killian smiled as he took notice of his seething Beta.

“I fucking know,” Heath said through gritted teeth and decided to throw another punch, but when Killian was too intent on blocking the collision, Heath then immediately raised his knee that went straight for Killian’s rib, the impact alone forcing the Alpha to recoil in pain.

“Oh, you didn’t see that coming?” Heath laughed.

While Killian was looking down at his side with his hand planted on the pained area of his torso, Heath charged again by going for his Alpha’s neck.

But I noticed that there was a quick shift to Killian’s demeanor, and from the hard look that took over his sharp features, I already knew that he didn’t take kindly to Heath kneeing him hard on the ribs.

Without even raising a head to find the direction of Heath’s fist, Killian’s hand came up to catch his Beta’s wrist and twisted it without breaking a bone, and I watched as he gave a hard smite on Heath’s nose that sent his head shooting back from the brutal force.

“I’ll take him to the infirmary,” a voice said from the crowd of werewolves.

I watched as Killian decided to land a grip on Heath’s neck and forcefully maneuvered him down to the ground, ending the fight without much of a challenge.

Heath coughed amidst his labored breath and shot Killian a black look, “What is with you and choking?”

Killian released his hold on Heath and stood up, but never forgetting to lend a helping hand on his Beta who already had blood running down his broken nose.

“You broke my fucking nose!” Heath said with a nasal tone to his voice as Killian threw him a fresh towel to help with his bleeding nose.

“Do better next time,” Killian grinned, watching Heath groan in pain as he pressed the towel against his nose.

The crowd began to lessen, werewolves returning to their regular day of work and I remained standing by the open space as I watched Killian and Heath’s exchange of words.

“You’re still here?” Heath shot me a look, his movements staggering as kept his head tipped back with the towel firmly pressed to his nose. Killian was quick to stand on his side and help him sit down on a log.

“I need to inform you about Lucy,” I said and took the towel from Heath’s hold, only to cringe at the sight of his bloodied nose.

“He really broke your nose,” I laughed and placed my fingers on the bridge of his nose, “I’m snapping it back into place.”

“Ow, ow, ow,” Heath hissed, “Wait, go easy!”

“On three,” I said nonchalantly and tightened my hold on Heath’s nose.

“Okay, go,” he said and looked up at me with eyes already welled up with tears.


I moved Heath’s nose back into place and the revolting sound of his cracking bone forced Killian and I to wear the same disgusted expression.

“Motherfucker!” Heath cried in pain, “You didn’t even count!”

I smiled and stepped away from Heath, throwing the towel back to him before crossing my arms above my chest.

“I came to inform you about Lucy,” I said, “she won’t be attending training for a week, not until her leg gets better.”

Heath glared at me and sniffled, his eyes left puffy due to the pain taking over his broken nose, “Her wound isn’t that bad, Valerie. It’s not as fatal as a knife through the fucking gut. She will still join the training early in the morning.”

I narrowed my eyes at him as my fingers dug themselves deeper onto my arms.

I didn’t like the fact that I had just been opposed.

At such a time where my heat was beginning to take over along with my wolf almost close to its awakening, my temper had become short, and even the slightest of offense was enough to set me off. Everything that deemed my composure had shifted to become unbalanced.

Less patient.

Less forgiving.

More bitchy.

“It’s silver, Heath. I know very well that her leg won’t properly heal unless she’s given a time out,” I said, my lips already set into a tight line as I battled the urge to flash my teeth in displeasure. Even my voice had turned on a deeper tone, each word slowly leaving my mouth with dripping contempt.

The two men looked at me with frowned expressions, their posture shifting to become defensive as natural response to being challenged by another wolf.

Upon realizing what I had just done, I tried to curve my unyielded spine, forcing my shoulders forward as I immediately broke my eyes away from them.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled and shook my head. I released a quick laugh that expressed my own distress and took a slow breath to calm myself.

“Lucy will be dismissed for a week,” Killian shot a look at Heath before pinning me back down with his eyes. “Just for the sake of her recovery.”

“What he says always goes,” Heath grumbled and stood up from the log, “Just know that I won’t be giving her the time to catch up, I have enough shit to deal with.”

Heath took the towel away from his nose and cringed at the sight of his blood almost drenching the white fabric.

“I’m heading home,” he said and sniffed again before looking at the werewolves minding their own business, “watch over them for a while. I need to change.”

I watched as Heath made his retreat to his home, his walk kept slow and staggering as he held onto his nose, leaving Killian and I to stand alone in silence.

“I can smell you from a mile away,” Killian said, my body stiffening from the way his deep voice penetrated the silence surrounding us.

If Killian was something more than any werewolf, then it meant that his senses were enhanced as well, giving him the ability to pick up even the earliest manifestation of my heat.

And his statement alone was a proof that he could mean danger if he got too close to me during the highest point of my heat.

I wasn’t safe with him.

I didn’t want to face Killian alone, mostly because there was an underlying urge to move closer to him, and how every part of him was an invitation to my growing hunger worried me.

His scent.

His eyes.

His voice.

His skin.

He was carving into my restraints, reaching into the primal desire settled underneath. Slowly, my control was crumbling and I knew I was going to be at greater risk when I allow myself to remain in his presence.

I turned around to acknowledge him, only to raise my head to meet the frowned expression settled on his face as he kept his arms tightly wrapped above his chest just like I did.

He was towering over me, his eyes set only on my figure as I stood vulnerable before his gaze.

“That’s the problem,” I said and took in another deep breath, but regretted it as soon as his scent filled the entirety of my senses; a divine way of suffocation.

“I need to get away for a while, I have to take my leave from the infirmary.”

Killian’s jaw tightened, and I could have sworn, his vivid blue eye had taken on a brighter glow.

“After you stopped my consumption of the antiserum, it means that there won’t be anything that will prevent my heat from taking place.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

I sighed, realizing that I hadn’t informed him about the werewolves’ sick recurring need of procreating.

“It just means that I won’t be able to trust myself,” I simply said, “It’s the time where this thing inside me has full control over my needs, and it’s the time where even you need to keep your distance from me.”

“I would never hurt you, Valerie,” Killian said, sounding hurt.

My gaze softened at the Alpha. “I wasn’t talking about you, Killian. It’s me. It will not be safe to be anywhere close to me.”

Killian eyes shifted away from me for a moment before looking at me again, “Where do you need to go?”

“There’s an isolated cabin close to the edge of the western border, it’s where most of the females stay when they go through their heat,” I said. “I just need time for myself, I have to wait for it to pass before I can go back to normal.”

“When?” Killian questioned.

My time was running out.

“Tomorrow. I’ll speak to Emma and tell her to handle the infirmary for me.”

Killian shook his head, “You can’t.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned.

“Emma isn’t affiliated with the pack anymore. She made her leave while you were still asleep from your wounds.”

I gritted my teeth, “You sent her into exile?”

Killian’s features hardened due to my accusation, “She insisted to leave the pack because she couldn’t handle the reality of betraying you.”

I could have forgiven her if she tried to face me personally. Her intentions were clean and she thought she was protecting me. I loathed her for not being able to keep a promise, but that didn’t mean that there was no more room for peace between us.

“I won’t be of use when I go through my heat,” I told him and tried to prevent myself from basking deeper into the comfort of Killian’s scent after realizing that the only person I knew had left for good.

“I’ll figure something out,” he said, and I noticed how tightly he had his arms folded above his chest, as if he was silently fighting against doing something but the struggle failed to express itself on his features.

“Thank you, Killian,” I said genuinely.

“Please,” I sighed and looked up at him, “No matter the circumstances, don’t try to help me. The only thing I need is the time to be alone.”

Killian looked at me as if he was searching for any hesitancy, but I knew he couldn’t.

If it was down to my future, there was never going to be a room for any doubt; I made the right choice of saving myself from something I didn’t want.

“If it’s what you need, then I’ll never stand against it, Valerie.”

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