Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 9

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~


I muttered under my breath, sitting on the floor, still wrapped in my towel with my mouth hanging open, rummaging through the clothes that Riley Jo had brought over yesterday, although I had to use the word clothes loosely.

She’d dropped off two suitcases. The smaller one was an Aladdin’s cave of stuff, like a hairdryer, some makeup and beauty essentials and an array of pumps as our shoe size was the only physical likeness we shared.

The other case was a mobile lingerie shop with a few pairs of shorts that barely covered my ass and tank-tops and vests that clung to me like a second skin.

What the hell had she been thinking?

Holding up one lacy number. It was a stretch lace all-in-one teddy in red, with the labels still attached.

I dropped it to one side and picked up another. A baby-doll in white satin.

Taking a deep breath, sure my cheeks were crimson. I picked up another three. Sure, they were all beautiful. But you needed a figure like Riley Jo’s to carry them off.

My eyes spotted some packaging. I sighed. Thankfully, she’d thrown in some new girl’s briefs. I guess that was something. I just lacked bra’s which none of Riley Jo would have fitted me, anyway.

Moving the rest of the underwear to one side, a smile lifted when I spotted a pair of shorts that I could be seen out in public and a t-shirt with a thin cardigan that would cover my arms.

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least that was something. I’d hated Jackson’s reaction when he’d seen my bruises and I didn’t want other people to see them or pity me.

Quickly dressing, I walked back into the small bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair.

Ugh. I rolled my eyes as my reflection spelled out how different I looked. How could I visit Nana Em in the hospital looking like this?

I picked up my phone and fired off a quick message to my sister.

You couldn’t find one dress in that huge walk-in wardrobe of yours? 🤷🏼‍♀️

It took all of ten seconds for her to fire one back.

Oops 😘 it read.

And I could almost hear her giggling. Another came through just as quick.

Beggars can’t be choosers... and I’m sure the twins can help you choose! 😜

Oh, she was loving this.

But she wasn’t wrong about beggars. I had little choice with my current financial situation. So that ruled out shopping. And there was no way I was going back to Cooper’s.

Brushing my hair with one of my sister’s hairbrushes, I plucked the hairband from my wrist and pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

I had another idea. My parents’ house. I had clothes in my old room. Could I sneak in?

Yes. They were mine. Although my mama most likely would have a different opinion on the matter.

Happy with my plan. I gave my reflection one last look over and followed the smell of delicious food downstairs. My tummy was full-on growling and my mouth watering by the time my foot had reached the last stair. It was the first time in a while I had an appetite.

Before I reached the kitchen, I took one last calming breath.

Act normal...easy, right?

Making my way through their house, it was quite lovely. Pictures hung on the walls of them as kids. It felt like a family home... lived in. Something the home I grew up in never had. Probably the reason my sister and me spent most of our time either in the stables or around Nana Em’s house.

In the doorway to the kitchen, neither noticed me. Both men were busying themselves. “Mornin’” Keeping my tone light, trying to look confident and calm as I stood there, neither of which I felt around these two, especially after last night and then waking up wrapped around Jackson.

My entire body blushed as I remembered the hungry look when his eyes had raked over my body. Not to mention he’d done little to hide his obvious erection that was barely contained in those tight briefs.

Had I caused that?

Logan looked up from setting the table, smiling. “Mornin’ Princess,” he winked. “Perfect timing.”

It was?

I couldn’t help but notice his eyes lingering just a fraction longer on my legs.

“We're just about done here.” My eyes cut to Jackson as he, too, swept over my appearance without masking his appreciation.

I sucked in some much-needed air. These two were doing little to hide their attraction to me. Perhaps this wasn’t a good idea and I swallowed and cleared my throat. “Can I help with anything? You two have been more than kind to me opening up your home, letting me stay.”

Jackson’s brow furrowed. “We got this covered, Princess.” He pointed with the spatula. “Sit that cute ass of yours down.”

Logan pulled out a chair. “Better do as the man says.”

With raised eyebrows, I made my way toward the table and sat down. Jackson turned back around to the stove, flipping something and Logan surprised me as his fingertip grazed my cheek, pulling a strand of hair away from my face, his touch warm against my skin before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You look beautiful today,” he whispered but moved away toward the refrigerator before I could say anything.

A few minutes later, the table was ready and Jackson was setting a plate in front of me, filled with milk waffles and blueberries.

Well, colour me surprised.

Opening my mouth to speak. I froze when Jackson pressed a kiss to the same spot Logan had just kissed.

Oh boy.

I tried to not focus on either kiss or what it meant. Instead, I looked over the table as Jackson set down more plates. There were grits and fried potatoes and sausages and bacon. I never even knew Jackson could cook. “You did all this? This all looks amazing, Jackson.”

I bit on my lip, not sure what to try first.

His entire face lit up. “Tuck in, there’s more if you want it.”

That was all the invitation I needed... but more? Hell, I’d barely be able to finish what was on my plate right now.

“Coffee?” asked Logan, and I nodded, picking up my knife and fork. Jackson pushed the cream my way.

“Cream.” He smirked. “Like the lady wanted.”

They were both spoiling me. I sliced my waffle up and put my knife down before forking a piece of waffle with blueberries into my mouth.

OH MY GOD. It was to die for and I moaned out loud, which had both men stopping and staring at me.

The blush returned. Setting my fork down, swallowing, I placed a palm over my mouth. “Sorry,” I mumbled, embarrassed.

“Don’t be. I like that sound you just made,” said Jackson. “Says I got something right.” He wiggled his dark, thick eyebrows.

I heard Logan grumble, but he hid his smirk behind his coffee mug.

“Who taught you to cook so well?” My mama had said their mama just up and vanished one day, but I’d never asked them what happened and they’d never talked about it.

Logan jumped in. “Our Aunt Jody pretty much taught us the basics. I like cooking, but we share the load between us,” he said, adding, “We share all the house chores too.”

Jackson butted in. “You’ll find out we’re pretty good at sharing, Princess.” His eyes sparked with mischief and my stomach turned to Jell-O with the impression Jackson wasn’t talking about the chores.

Another glance between them spoke volumes. They were the kind of men who pursued what they wanted with dogged determination, the type who never lost. And this tingling curiosity I felt deep inside my chest bloomed, in fact, it got stronger with every heartbeat.

Logan shook his head and carried on. “It was Jackson’s turn to cook breakfast, as I was up first.” He speared a sausage. “Jody also comes round and fetches us lunches and dinner sometimes, too.”

I took another bite, listening whilst savouring the gooey goodness. Looking up, they were both watching me now. “What?” I put my fork down again and checked my lips for crumbs.

“Nuthin,” said Jackson.

“Just good to see a woman enjoying her food,” said Logan and Jackson tipped his head in agreement.

My stomach tightened into a knot. Why did I feel like they knew something I didn’t?

We all sat and ate in silence for a few minutes as I kept sneaking looks at my generous hosts. They were both too damn good-looking for their own good. Why hadn’t they been snapped up already? I knew at least half of the women in Lockwood would love to get their hands on them.

My stomach hardened, twisting up in knots for a completely different reason. Did I want them to settle down with someone else? Get married and have kids?

I shook the thought away. Of course, that was gonna happen someday—whether or not I liked it.

“So what you got planned for today?” asked Logan.

This was a simple question. “Riley Jo is picking me up after eleven and we’re gonna head over to see Nana Em.” We hoped our mama might relax the visiting rule. Adam had said Dr Chambers, his best friend was gonna try to talk to her, hopefully make her see reason.

If I was honest, the odds didn’t look good on her changing her mind.

Logan shifted his fork to his other hand and reached for mine, squeezing gently. “She’s gonna be fine, Maddy.”

I hoped he was right.

Logan didn’t move his hand as I noted how small mine looked in his. Jackson cleared his throat and Logan let go, reaching for his mug of coffee.

“Before then I thought I might try and head home to get some of my clothes.”

Jackson’s fork clattered to the table, swallowing down his food with a gulp. “There is no way we’re letting you go back to that house!” His brows puckered in a way that told me he was incensed by the idea.

“Damn Straight. Not without me or Jackson,” threw in Logan and the way his muscles tightened told me he was trying to restrain his anger.

I shook my head. “I wasn’t talking about going back there.” I pushed my plate away. “I was planning on sneaking into my parents’ place and grabbing a few things from my old room.”

Jackson looked dubious. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“I need something other than these.” I leaned back and waved a hand over my current wardrobe. And I didn’t want to admit the embarrassment of having little to no money of my own. “Until I get myself a job, I need my old clothes.” And I definitely couldn’t find a job in the clothes Riley Jo had loaned me. Unless I was planning to audition for the next Victoria’s Secret cover model.

“We can buy you whatever you need.” shrugged Jackson and Logan nodded in agreement.

Jaw-dropping my eyebrows skyrocketed. “Nun-uh.” Shaking my head adamantly. “I can’t let you do that.”

“Why the hell not?” They both said at the same time, making me sound like the unreasonable one.

Indignation bristled. “Because you just can’t. It ain’t right and I ain’t no charity case.” I couldn’t believe what they were saying. “I’m gonna get myself a job and then get myself my own place.” I didn’t want to sound ungrateful, but I would not rely on anyone ever again.

“Well, consider it a loan?” offered Jackson.

Straightening my shoulders, I pursed my lips but didn’t have time to reply, as Logan threw an offer on the table that had my heart racing.

“You could work here, for,” he quickly corrected.

My gaze cut in his direction. “Doing what?” Jackson and Logan had inherited this ranch from their pa. To me, it had always looked like a little slice of heaven and as well as horses, they had goats, cows and chickens too. I often thought they could easily turn this place into a tourist attraction for all those rich city slickers from Houston and Dallas.

He shrugged. “You’re good with horses and we could always do it with an extra pair of hands.”

Working with horses would be a dream come true, and I remembered Riley had also made me an offer—but I was wary in case Cooper found out. “You mean like working them, helping out?”

Logan’s smile widened. “Yeah, and we’ll pay the going rate.”

I didn’t have a clue what the going rate was.

“And if it makes you feel better, you can pay for board and lodgings, so you don’t feel like you’re imposing on me and Jackson here.”

Jackson threw his brother a glare. Obviously, they hadn’t discussed it.

I glanced nervously between the two of them. “You’re not okay with this, Jackson? Me working at the ranch?” My heart stuttered.

“What? No. I never said that,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t want you paying for staying here with us, that’s all.”

Logan cut in. “Maddy doesn’t want to feel like a burden. If she pays something, then she’s not gonna feel like she is.” He turned his gaze on me. “Although you staying here will never be a burden, you know that, right?”

Could I accept their offer? Work for them? Stay under their roof?

“I need you both to understand, me agreeing to work here and stay here, can’t mean anything but that—you’d be my employers, and that’s all... well, aside from us being friends outside of workin’ hours.” I gave a sharp nod. “It would be professional and above board, right?”

They both lifted their eyebrows, exchanging a look that I couldn’t decipher.

“Whatever you say, Princess,” said Jackson. “But I like to think of this happening as fate.”

Fate? “Fate, huh, Jackson?” I didn’t think my parents tricking me into marrying a man who took pleasure in causing me harm could be seen as fate. Fate sure hadn’t been my friend, that’s for damn sure.

“Yeah, fate,” he confirmed with a nod.

Kicking fate out the door. I was gonna be the mistress of my own choices. There was no way I would start a relationship with either brother beyond friendship and now potential employer/ employee. I’d already made it clear to Logan that I would not be choosing between them and there was no way I could be with both. That was just all kinds of wrong—wasn’t it? I’d been brought up in a strict Baptist family – a one-man, one-woman kind of deal.

What was I thinking? My stomach clenched. Neither would want me anyway if they knew something was wrong with me.

Sitting quietly, sipping my coffee, I weighed up their offer.

Could I accept?

What was stopping me?

It was a job, and the quicker I earned money. The faster I could stand on my own two feet.

Screw fate. I made my decision. “I’ve decided.” I held my hand out to Logan. “You got yourself a deal.” I was giddy as a grasshopper. “Can I start tomorrow?”

Logan shook my hand. “Whenever you’re ready, Princess.” I offered my hand to Jackson, to shake on it, but he had other ideas. Up out of his chair, he pulled out mine and lifted me clean out of my chair.

“Jackson!? What are you doing?” Feet a foot off the ground, enormous arms wrapped themselves around me as he trapped me against his hard body. Our faces were close. Lips just a breath away. The urge to lean forward to remember his taste was undeniably strong. Frozen, his top lip teased up as he pressed a kiss to my nose.

“Sealing the deal, sweetheart.”

“Do you do this to all your employees?” He pulled back, assaulting me with his killer dimples.

“Only the special ones.” Jackson smirked, and I shook my head.

“You can put me down now... please.”

Completely ignoring my request. “So, now you’re working for us. You can get an advance on your first week’s salary and get yourself some new clothes.” He finally set me down, and I adjusted my t-shirt which had ridden up, trying not to look as flustered as I felt.

I calmly took my seat, pulling it toward the table. An advance would be a huge help. “Are you sure that would be okay?” I directed my question at Logan.

“I’d say that’s a pretty damn fine idea.” His dimples came out of hiding.

Those dimples were more lethal than any loaded weapon.

But I needed something to wear now. “Thank you. I accept your kind offer. But I’m still gonna head over to my parent's house.”

“Let me drive you,” said Logan. “Seein’ as Jackson here got to sleep in, then he can do some chores around here.”

A moment of silence passed and I couldn’t help but feel a small, silent agreement was being made as the brothers made eye contact.

About to object, I realised it made more sense to drive there. I could hardly carry half my wardrobe back here on my own. And if we parked up at the stables, then my mama wouldn’t see the truck and I knew the stable hands, Jimmy and Sully wouldn’t tell on me. They didn’t care for my mama much.

“Okay. Thank you, I’d appreciate that.” I thought on. “But you have to wait with the truck. I can’t risk them seeing you.”

“Not a problem, Princess.”

When breakfast was finished, I helped clean everything away and then I texted Stella to ask what my mama was doing this morning. She replied saying she’d left straight after breakfast, not saying where she was going. Stella asked if we were gonna be visiting Nana Em, so I told her what time we would be there and was happy when she said she would be there at the same time.

A sense of calm washed over me. Yesterday everything had seemed hopeless. Today I had a plan, or at the very least the start of one.

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