Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 10

~ ~ Logan ~ ~

Finishing up breakfast the three of us sat there. I side glanced my brother, who was watching her too and it was the first time he seemed relaxed, and happy since he came home.

Back to her. She looked beautiful. Hair tied back with a few escaped blonde strands. Her makeup was barely there and her blue eyes bright and sparkling with unchecked emotion. She’s perfect.

“I think someone might have to roll me outta here.” Maddy grinned, leaning back in her chair, and rubbed her belly. “I’ll be as fat a pot-bellied pig if you both keep feedin’ me this good.”

Watching her eat had eased some of the tension right out of me. It was crystal clear she’d lost weight, and when I hugged her yesterday, fragile was my first thought.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to clean all this away?” She asked, her eyes batting between me and Jackson. “It's only fair seeing as you went to all this trouble cooking everything.” She looked over the table at the empty breakfast plates.

“Nah, Princess. You go make that phone call,” said Jackson, beating me to it.

She sat for a moment chewing on her bottom lip before nodding. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” Jackson reiterated.

“Well, thank you. I thought no one could cook as well as Stella but you proved me wrong.” Offering the sweetest smile that made my chest tighten and my balls ache she pushed out of her chair and left the table. And with my coffee mug in one hand, the other adjusted my jeans watching Maddy’s ponytail swish from side to side and it wasn’t long before my gaze slipped down to her cute ass and fine long shapely legs in those shorts.

“Damn,” muttered Jackson when Maddy was out of earshot. I turned my attention to him. He adjusted his jeans too, obviously dealing with the same problem I had.

“Good call offering her a job and staying here, with us.” He clicked his tongue, winking and lifting his mug to empty the last of his coffee. “You want another?”

I shook my head. “You couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

“What?” He looked baffled. “What are you talking about?”

Lowering my voice. “Sharing?” If he thought his hints were subtle, then he was wrong.

He made a puffing sound, rolling his eyes. “You move at a snail’s pace.”

“We both agreed to take this slow.” We’d talked some last night and then this morning whilst Maddy was upstairs getting ready. Sharing hadn’t been my first choice. I was selfish where Maddy Lockwood was concerned. But it was clear she wasn’t gonna choose between us. “Rushing will do nothing but send her packing, Jackson.”

“I don’t think you’re giving her enough credit.” He shrugged. “She likes us both. She’s just fighting with all that right-from-wrong bullshit she’s been fed by the devil herself.”

The devil in question—her mama.

“Jackson,” I sighed, shaking my head. I’d learned the hard way, and I wasn’t gonna make the same mistake twice. “Maddy’s not like anyone else we’ve shared.” There was also another reason this might blow up in our faces. “And you still need to have a conversation with her.”

Jackson grumbled. “Don’t know why you had to mention it in the first place?”

“I already told you it was an accident.” He was talking about me letting it slip that he’d slept with her sister.

“Anyway,” he started with a shrug. “She’s not said anything. Maybe that means it don’t bother her much.”

“Trust me. It’s gonna bother her. I think it’s best if you bring it up first.” His chair scraped on the wooden floor as he got up from his seat and walked over to the coffee pot. “I think it was the reason she stopped talking to Riley Jo right before the wedding.”

I’d felt guilty about that, too. My mouth shot off without thinking, desperate to talk her out of marrying that piece of shit. In hindsight, I think I made the whole situation ten times worse.

He sighed. “Fine. I said I’d do it.”

“Soon, yeah?”

“Get off my back, Logan. I’ll do it.”

I pushed up from my chair as a familiar tap on the kitchen window had us both turning our heads to see Jody staring back at us through the glass. She waved before making her way around to the door.

“Morning boys.” In she walked carrying a basket of what smelled of fresh biscuits.

“Morning Jody,”

She looked over at the table. “Damn, you boys were hungry this morning, eh?” Walking toward it, she swiped the last piece of bacon from the plate.

“It wasn’t just us. We have a guest staying,” announced Jackson, his eyes lighting up.

Jody’s eyebrows rose as she popped the basket down. “Anyone I know?”

I had wanted no one to know that Maddy was staying with us, but Jody was family, that, and she could get blood out of a stone.

“Maddy Lockwood.” I tried to sound casual.

Jody paused chewing, talking with her mouth half-full. “Something you want to tell me, boys?”


Jackson grinned.

“And what about her husband?” She paused. “I’m guessing he doesn’t know?”

“What ’bout him?” asked Jackson.

Jody waved off Jackson’s question. “Well, I hope you boys know what you’re doin’?” Her green eyes darted between us. “Because I’m telling you right now. If he finds out she’s livin’ here with you two.” She shook her head. “It could bring a heap of trouble.”

“And if he’s stupid enough to come here looking for her, then trouble is what he’s gonna get,” snarled Jackson.

“Oooh. Fighting talk.” Sucking her thumb and finger clean, she piled the plates on top of one another. “Your pa never liked those Stantons.” Her face twisted. “The way they strut ’round Lockwood like they own the whole damn town.”

“Let's change the subject, shall we?” I heard footsteps.

Maddy appeared in the kitchen doorway. She knew my aunt, but not that well. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?”

“No.” I smiled. “You remember Jody, right?”

Maddy nodded. “Sure.” She smiled wide. “It's lovely to see you, Jody.”

Jody smiled, and I could tell she wanted to say something, but thankfully she bit on her tongue... for now. “Good to see you too, honey.” Jody clapped her hands together, rubbing them. “Well, let’s get started on this lot.” She lifted the pile of plates and carried them to the sink. “Which one of you boys is gonna help dry?”

“That would be me,” grumbled Jackson.

I turned to Maddy. “You about ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

“Here, y’all gonna need these.” Jackson tossed me the keys to my truck. Catching them, I grabbed my hat from the side and Maddy followed me out.

Opening the truck on the passenger side, Maddy slipped in. “Thank you,” she smiled, reaching for the belt. I closed the door and walked around, climbing in. Starting the engine, I put the truck in drive and started off.

“Thank you, Logan.”

I glanced her way quickly before turning my focus on driving. “For what?”

“For what?” Shifting her head my way, her eyebrows rose and stuck. “For looking after me and Riley Jo yesterday, for starters. Letting me stay with you and Jackson. Giving me a job.” Blowing out a breath, she’d not finished. “For checking on me last night. For not pushing me for answers. And now, for driving me to collect my belongings.”

She twisted in her seat, looking right at me and even with my eyes fixed on the road I could still feel hers burning into me.

“You and Jackson have been so good to me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you for all your kindness.”

“You don’t need to thank us, Maddy. And no matter what, me and Jackson are there for you—always.”

“I don’t deserve all your kindness. Not after—”

I interrupted. “Hey. We can’t change the past, but we can damn well choose a different path to move forward.”

She turned back in her chair facing front. Nodding “You’re right.”

“So what do you want to do with your newfound freedom? I’m guessing you don’t want to be working at the Ranch for long?” I hoped she wouldn’t want to leave, but it was clear no one had ever asked her what she wanted to do with her life.

I’d worked on our ranch my whole damn life. I didn’t want to do anything else. I loved being out in the fields with the horses, getting my hands dirty building or repairing the fences.

“Working with horses has always been my dream, Logan.” She wriggled in her seat, all excited now. “I’d love a stud farm and breed my own. But like Riley Jo, help and rescue, too.”

“Have you thought about asking Riley Jo, maybe go into partnership—work together?”

“Yeah, maybe. ” Biting on her lip. “And as soon as I can get some money together, I can get out of your hair quicker.”

My brow furrowed, but I kept my eyes on the road. “Maddy, the last thing me and Jackson want is for you to get out of our hair. We like having you stay if you haven’t noticed.”

She went quiet, but it wasn’t long until we pulled onto her parents’ property, seeing as it bordered ours. And from where I was sitting, I felt her stiffen beside me and her fingers fidgeted in her lap. I headed toward the stables like she asked and parked the truck. Cutting the engine, I lowered my head, peering out the windscreen toward the house, where we could see the roof from where we sat. “You’re gonna be okay?”

My stomach turned over, suddenly not so comfortable with her going inside... alone.

“Yeah, my mama’s not there, and my daddy will be busy. I’ll sneak in through the back. I won’t be long.”

I grumbled. “Okay. But if you’re not back in twenty minutes, I’m coming lookin’ for you.”

She reached out and rubbed my arm. “I’ll be fine, Logan. You don’t have to worry.”

She got out of the truck and I watched her every step till I couldn’t see her no more.

Twenty minutes came...and went.

Right. I was done waiting. Out of my truck, I slammed the door shut and headed toward the main house. Approaching the rear, I saw the back door open and out came Maddy practically running with her father hot on her tail.


Why the hell had I let her go alone? I cursed myself some more.

I heard him yelling and cussing at her, snatching her wrist to spin her around.

Maddy cried out, trying to free herself.

A spidery chill ran down my spine. My face contorted with anger and disbelief. I didn’t care who he was. No one manhandled my woman.

I pushed forward into a run, and the breeze took off with my hat. Maddy was still struggling as I got closer. “You better get your damn hands off her!”

Both heads snapped in my direction.

He barely masked his shock but quickly covered it with anger, yanking Maddy closer to him.

“I asked you to let her go.”

“This has nothing to do with you, Reilly. Get off my property before I call the Sheriff.”

He could threaten all he wanted. I wasn’t leaving without Maddy.

Maddy continued to struggle as he spewed out more heated words. “Don’t think you’re going anywhere, you ungrateful girl.”

He didn’t leave me with any choice. “I ain’t gonna ask again.” I grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. My height towered over him and realisation dawned on him like the rising sun. His chin tilted up in defiance, but there was also a little fear in those eyes.

And he damn well should be afraid of me.

His whole body went still, but a glimmer of something dark and violent passed over his face. “You better set her loose!” His grip on Maddy loosened, and she freed herself, stumbling forward.

“You alright there, Maddy?” Turning toward her I saw puffy eyes and pink cheeks.

She’d been crying, and my anger spiked.

“I’m fine, Logan.” She didn’t look fine, cradling her wrist, showing the first signs of bruising.

My head snapped around, and I lifted her daddy clear off the ground. Fetching his face closer. “How ’bout I bruise up your face and then perhaps you will think twice before hurting your daughter again?”

His nostrils flared as his face turned a dark, purplish colour. “Get your filthy hands—”

I shook him, keeping my eyes trained in place. “Maddy,” I growled out. “Did you find what you were looking for?” We weren’t gonna leave empty-handed.

She sniffled. “Yeah, but they’re still inside the house.”

“Nothing in that house belongs to you anymore,” her daddy spat out.

He struggled against me, but I tightened my grip. “I suggest you keep your mouth shut.”

“Or else what?” he challenged.

Oh, he was gonna find out.

“Maddy, go inside and get what you came for, and then we’re leaving.”

Maddy darted past me, going back inside. Watching over his shoulder, she reappeared soon after carrying two plastic bags.

“I’m calling the Sheriff’s department,” said her daddy.

I brought his face closer. “You do that and then explain why you were manhandling your daughter and her wrist is bruised.”

His eyes narrowed, but I turned away and focused on Maddy, standing not three feet away, looking sad, like one of those foster home kids who carried their belongings in trash bags as they moved from home to home. “I’m ready,” she said, defeat in her tone. “He’s not worth it Logan, let’s just go.”

I wasn’t ready to let him go. “I want you to head back to the truck. Me and your daddy are gonna have a little talk.”

Maddy shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere without you, Logan.”

I bit back a sigh and fixed her with the most powerful, commanding look I owned. “Maddy. Please do what I ask.”

It did jack-shit as she shook her head again.

“No, Logan.”

“Don’t think you’re gonna be leaving with him.” Scowling. “No daughter of mine goes anywhere with a Reilly.” He eyeballed me. “Likes of you ain’t good enough to even shine her shoes.”

My fists were itching to rearrange his face.

“She’ll be back with her husband by nightfall—you can count on that.”

Like hell, she would.

Maddy dropped the bags and came to stand alongside me, planting a hand on her hip, squaring up to her daddy. “Did you not listen to a word I said, Daddy?” Her chest heaved up and down. “I told you what he did to me—how he hurt me.”

I heard the wobble in her voice.

“I know Riley Jo was always your favourite growing up. But do you honestly dislike me so much that you would want me to go back to a man that I don’t love—and he doesn’t love me either?” She swiped a hand across her eyes. “I’m sorry I’m not the daughter you wanted, but you’re not the daddy I thought you were.”

“Maddy...” I softened my voice. “Go wait by the truck, sweetheart.”

“Don’t you sweetheart her,” he spat with a venom rivalled only by a snake

I ignored him.

Flicking my chin up. “Go on Maddy.” She sighed, turning, walking the small distance to bend down and pick up her bags. Looking over her shoulder at me, she finally did as I asked.

“You leave here and go with him, and you’re no daughter of mine.”

Thankfully, she didn’t look back, turning the corner. Gone from sight, I let him go, pushing him so hard he tripped over his own feet, but quickly righted himself. And he was too stupid or too arrogant to think straight as he came back toward me, waving his hands all around.

“Don’t you think for one second that she’ll be spending another night with you and that brother of yours!” He spat on the floor, wiping a hand across his mouth before straightening his collar. “I know what goes on over there and she doesn’t belong with hill-billy-scum like you and him.”

Almost in my face, he jabbed my finger into his chest

My blood boiled and my patience was wearing pretty damn thin. “I suggest you shut your mouth before I do it for you.”

Face red and blotchy, he carried on regardless. “It’s no wonder your mama packed up and left y’alls.”

He didn’t stop there, baiting to get a rise out of me. Snorting out a laugh. “I heard a rumour that your father murdered her.” His lip curled up, eyes narrowed. “Buried her, so no one would find her.”

I clenched my teeth together. He was full of shit. He knew nothing about what happened to my ma. “You’re talkin’ out your ass, ole man.” I was done listening to him trash talk. He wasn’t worth my time.

Pushing him out of my way, I stalked past him, but I barely got a few steps before the weight of his words pressed down hard on my shoulders.

“She was the town whore, you know—your mama.”

He’d crossed the fucking line. I was generally a logical person who thought through every single action before I made it, but my reaction to him was born out of the pain he’d inflicted on Maddy and his disgusting words about my ma.

Turning back, his smug face snapped something inside me.

And I lost my goddamn mind.

Two long strides and I lunged, grabbing him by the back of the neck, yanked him back, and then slammed my fist so hard into his face that he fell to the ground, blood gushing everywhere.

“You keep your filthy mouth shut about my family!” He held up his hands in front of him, seeing the red colour everywhere.

I stepped closer to him and moved my booted foot onto his chest, pushing hard enough that his lungs couldn’t expand more than a few inches.

He struggled to breathe and started to squirm. “You—”

My foot moved to his neck, pressing down on his trachea so he really couldn’t breathe. “You better listen and listen good. If you say anything about my family again, I will end you.” My sanity was hanging by a thread. “And if you think I’m gonna let your daughter go back to that asshole, then you’re as stupid as you look.”

It was so tempting to slam my foot down and cause some damage, but it could be permanent, and I would not go to jail for his ass. “You don’t deserve to call that beautiful woman your daughter. And you can believe this. I ain’t ever gonna let her go, and unlike you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”

He was coughing and spluttering as his bloodied hands tried to shove off my boot. I held it there a few more seconds before lifting it, and then I wiped the blood off on his clothes and left him there on the ground.

As the truck came into view, Maddy leaned up against it, chewing on the nail on her forefinger. She still looked upset.

Of course, she would be upset, idiot.

My anger dissipated as I got closer, and something settled deep in my bones. She still hadn’t noticed me—a million miles away. Coming to stand in front of her, I pulled her finger away from her mouth and she finally registered that I was there and then pouted. Cute as fuck.

I cupped her cheeks, still damp from crying. “You okay?”

Her lips quivered. “I told him everything, and he didn’t care.”

I should have trampled his windpipe. Let him suffer. “I know, sweetheart.” I didn’t see any point in lying to her. Her family...well, her parents. They didn’t deserve her. “They’re not worth your time or your tears,.” I swiped the pad of my thumb, catching her last stray tear. “C’mon let me take you home.”

“I don’t have a home,” her voice cracked as she closed her eyes, as if the words hurt.

A small smile played on my lips as I felt my chest fill with longing. “You have a home, Princess. It’s with me... and Jackson.”

Her eyes opened, filled with questions and something else that resembled hope.

I wasn’t sure.

She kept right on looking at me, and I don’t think she’d ever looked so beautiful to me as she did right now. It almost stole the air from my lungs. She opened her mouth, only to shut it, the words evaporating. I stared at her and the irritating voice in my head reminded me I agreed to go slow...

Ah, to hell with it.

I dipped my head and lightly kissed her forehead. Her nose. Each cheek.

“Logan... we shouldn’t,” she whispered.

“Why the hell not?” I didn’t wait for her answer as I sealed my lips over hers, pouring every ounce of feeling I had into that kiss. I meant what I’d said to her daddy. I wasn’t ever letting her go. Maddy Lockwood was coming home with me, for keeps.

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