Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 30

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~

Arriving at Riley Jo’s, she’d already messaged me to say I’d find her in the foal nursery. And stepping inside, I heard the sound of a different baby begging.

“C’mon, you’re just in time.” My sister’s voice carried from the last pen.

Hurrying, “How’s she doin’?” I found her testing the temperature of a feeding bottle on her wrist as my gaze landed on the cutest brown foal.

“This little girl is doin’ just fine. Took to the bottle like a tic on a dawg.”

The poor little thing had lost her mama, Spirit, had died a day after giving birth to her even though they’d tried everything to save her.

“I put the feelers out for a foster mama and luckily, I’ll have a mare named Destiny arriving later on tonight from two towns over.”

“Do you need me to come over later to help? You’ve already got a lot on your plate with Gracie.” I didn’t mind lending a hand. Truthfully, it would be a blessing.

“Nah. I think I’ll be fine. Only one more night to keep watch and then tomorrow, if it all goes to plan, we can leave them to themselves.”

“Have you given her a name yet?”

“What do you think of Miracle? I thought it was fitting. The vet said Spirit must have held on till she gave birth.”

“It's perfect.” My heart squeezed as I watched the cute little thing swallow the nipple and start guzzling it down. “Well, it looks like she’s not suffering too badly now.” I could smell the baby formula. It was sweet, especially compared to the smells of manure and hay.

Riley Jo smiled and sighed. “She’ll be good. I’ll make sure of it.”

Looking around, I couldn’t see my niece. “Who’s looking after Gracie?” I knew Adam was working today.

“What?” She looked like she was up to mischief. “You think I left my baby girl to fend for herself already?” She giggled. “Don’t look so worried. She’s inside with Nana.”


“C’mere, you feed her.” I happily swapped places.

Finishing up in the nursery, we headed back to the house. Shucking off our boots, we found Nana in the main room singing to her great-granddaughter. She looked up when she heard us coming through. “Here’s your mama and look who’s she brought with her! Your aunty Maddy,” she cooed. “I think she’s ’bout ready for another feed, Riley Jo.”

Nana handed Gracie over to my sister who sat down and a moment later my niece latched on, guzzling down like the little foal had done.

Me and Nana sat down on either side of Riley Jo.

“So, Maddy. Tell me what’s new with you,” asked Nana.

Nothing was new. Two weeks on from my talk with Jackson, and nothing had changed. He was polite but avoided me at every opportunity. I tried for a smile but couldn’t hide my sigh or what was written all over my face. “Jackson’s getting stronger, every day.” He took his physical therapy seriously, pushing himself all the time.

The lines on my Nana’s brow deepened. “Then why the long face, child?”

Nothing got past my nana’s curious gaze.

Quickly fetching my nana up-to-speed on Jackson’s progress, minus the personal details. I’d still not openly admitted to my Nana that I was in a relationship with both men. Well, I hoped I was still in a relationship because it took two to have a relationship, well, three in our case.

“You got to give him time, child. Being so young, the man must feel mightily frustrated.”

“I know Nana. I’m trying to be as patient as I can be, but he gets angry every time I try to help.” He was taking this idea of me giving him space to a whole new level.

“You’ve gone from two men in a bed—to none!?” remarked my sister.

My eyes rounded, and heat spilled across my cheeks. “Riley Jo!” I spluttered.

She just rolled her eyes. “C’mon Maddy. Nana here isn’t stupid. She knows what’s going on.”

My stomach fluttered. It was bad enough that the whole of Lockwood was talking ’bout me and some comments tossed my way had been—well, nothing short of cruel. But to think my nana might think less of me would hurt—a lot.

I lifted my eyes to find Nana looking back with no judgment.

“Stella told me what some folks have been saying.” Her lips thinned. “And you can mark my words. I’m gonna be putting a few folks straight.”

I had to smile. “Nana. Don’t you go causing trouble now?” My tone was teasing, and she waved off my words. “I’m handling it just fine.”

Her frown deepened. “I won’t tolerate a bad word said against you. And if anyone gives you trouble or saying things they shouldn’t, then you tell me.” She huffed. “Them women in town think they’re better than everyone else.” She said the word ‘women’ like it was a swarm of locusts.

She carried on blustering and from the corner of my eye, I could see Riley Jo’s smug smile. “You’ve done nothing wrong but fall in love with two men. Two good men, from what I know.” She shuffled in her seat, shaking her head. “I might be old, but I can still wipe the floor with them.”

My heart was fit to bursting. “Thank you, Nana. That means a lot to me.” I should have known better than to doubt her, but still, I had to ask. “So you don’t think any less of me?”

“Heck, child. Why would you think that?” Nana reached over Riley Jo’s lap and patted my knee. “I reckon it’s your life, Maddy. Live it how you see fit. Y’all only get one.”

I smiled.

“If anything, I’d say all those women are jealous.” Nana fanned herself. “I mean if I was thirty years younger, phew...” She left the sentence hanging mid-air and me and Riley Jo laughed.

“Anyway, getting back to the problem?” Riley Jo’s face fell into a slight frown. “The problem being Jackson.”

We had this same conversation every day. “What can I do? I’ve laid my cards out and told him I’m not going anywhere.”

“And is Logan still sitting on the fence?”

I shrugged. “He talked some, but he said Jackson needs more time.” I let my head fall back onto the sofa, staring at the ceiling. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking that we might have sorted it out by now.

“I still don’t see why you can’t be with Logan until Jackson gets his head from his ass?”

My shoulder sagged. “How can we? That’s like rubbing his face in it.” I threw my hands up, sighing loudly. “I hate it. But it’s better this way.”

Riley Jo huffed. “Bet Logan’s sporting the worst case of blue balls.”

“Riley Jo!” My voice pitched. It was one thing my Nana knowing, but to hear my sister just blurt something like that out? Oh my god, I just wanted to floor to open up and swallow me whole.

Nana chuckled. “Hush child. I’m old—not dead and I’m having more fun listening to you two than I’ve had in years.”

Riley Jo stuck her tongue out at me. Real mature, and it was my turn to roll my eyes at her.

“The three of us are giving each other space. So much space I’ve taken to messaging them both. It’s driving me crazy.” It wasn’t about sex. I missed the closeness. And it just felt awkward being close to Logan when Jackson was hurting so much.

Nana rolled her eyes. “Men are stubborn creatures.”

“I think you hit the nail on the head, Nana.”

She went quiet for a minute before asking me, “Answer me this Maddy.”

I lifted my head over Riley Jo’s so I could see her better. “Yeah, Nana?”

“Do you love them—both?”

The answer to this was as easy as breathing. “I do Nana, and the hardest thing I’d ever do is to walk away still loving them.”

She hummed. “Well, I suggest you take the bull by the horns then.”

“What? How do you mean?”

“You don’t give them a say in this any longer.” She gestured between the three of us. “Us Lockwood women are made of fighting stuff. I reckon you tell them both to put on their big-boy britches because you ain’t gonna wait any longer.”

If only it were that easy.

“Or better yet—” Riley Jo butted in with a sly grin. “Take the bull by the balls and seduce him. Show him what he’s missing.”

My cheeks flamed, and Nana pushed up off the sofa, chuckling. “This old bladder ain’t what it used to be,” she said. “Give me a minute, girls.” And off she headed to tend to business.

I waited till my nana was well out of earshot. “Riley Jo. You’re quite aware I’ve only had actual real sex twice!” I whispered, shouted. “I hardly think that qualifies me to seduce anyone!” My eyes darted back to the door to check for Nana coming back.

“Pfft. You don’t need experience. Just put on some music, sway those hips and get naked and then stick your ass in his face. Simple!” She lifted Gracie and put her against her shoulder, patting her back gently before carrying on. “And you watch his mouth fall open and I’m sure he’ll get right on it.” She giggled. “Or right in it.” Her eyes flicked to the door, lowering her voice for the first time today. “I mean, all his equipment is working right—down there?”

I knew she was referring to Jackson Junior. At the start, it had crossed my mind too. But I’d gone into his room when he was in the shower a few days after he got home. The door to the bathroom was open a crack, and I heard grunts and cursing. Curiosity got the better of me and I peeked inside. I could just make out his outline through the steamed-up shower door. He was jerking off and the cherry on top—he’d said my name, and I had to slap a hand across my mouth to stop myself from saying something.

“It’s working just fine.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “There you go then. Nothing to stop you.”

Only a big heap of self-doubt. “You really think I could do it?”

My sister huffed. “I don’t think, Maddy—I know.”

Was it worth a try—things couldn’t get any worse, surely?

Nana came back into the room, and we changed the subject back to my beautiful little niece.

A few hours later, I was driving my Nana home, save Howard a trip. Parking the truck, she undid her belt and turned toward me. “You want to come inside? Got some butter biscuits that need eatin’?”

I shook my head. “No. But thank you, Nana, I’m gonna head home.” If I was gonna try to seduce Jackson, then I needed to speak to Logan first. “You’re right in what you said earlier. I need to take the bull by its horns.” I felt silly saying that.

“Good. Now come here child and hug your nana.”

I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid across the seat toward her. She met me with open arms, pressing a kiss to my head, and I felt a rush of emotion. “Any love worth having is worth fighting for. You remember that, child.”

I eased back. “I’m not giving up without a fight.”

She cupped my cheeks. “That’s my girl.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Nana.”

“What you thanking me for?”

“Just for having my back and not hating me.”

“Hating you?” she scoffed. “Maddy. I love you.”

It was a pity my mama and daddy were nothing like her. “I love you too, Nana.”

“Now go on. Get home and do as your sister said.” Winking at me. “Seduce that man!”

She’d heard us after all and my cheeks flushed for the umpteenth time. “I’ll do my best.”

Arriving back at the Ranch, it felt good to have a plan. I only hoped I didn’t chicken out. Heading inside the house, I knew where Logan would be, in his office. Jackson was out with Jody.

Logan looked up when I peeked my head inside the door. “Hey Princess,” he smiled. “You have a good time with baby Gracie?”

I shut the door and walked to the table. “I miss you.”

He blinked before answering. “I miss you too.” And then swivelled his chair and surprised me by widening his thighs and pulling me closer. “The times I’ve wanted to—” he stopped, shaking his head.

I knew exactly what he meant. “I’ve wanted you too.” Before he could respond, I had my lips pressed to his. He moaned into the kiss as our tongues tangled. It was about time my relationship with both of my men got back on track. I was done sitting on the sidelines, waiting. His mouth easily took control of mine, a sweet torment making me feel both dizzy and eager for more. His firm hands explored, fingers weaving through my hair. He wanted more too. I could feel it.

A knock on the door had us pulling apart and turning toward the door. It was Casey’s smiling face that greeted us.

“Hey,” she started, pushing the door open wider and taking a step inside. “I heard you come back.” Her gaze flicked between me and Logan. “Do you have a minute, Maddy?”

“Sure.” I moved out of Logan’s grip but threw him a flirty smile. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” I swayed my hips a little, feeling his eyes burning a hole through my shorts. I grinned to myself - might as well practice. Outside the room, I closed the door and gave my full attention to Casey. “What can I help you with?”

Over these last few months, I’d grown closer to Casey. She reminded me so much of Riley Jo.

Biting into her cheek, she fidgeted with the hem of her vest.

“C’mon spit it out.” I coaxed with a warm smile.

“Well...” she started and moved her weight from one foot to the other. “Someone has kinda asked me out.”

Oh. Ooh.

“On a date,” she clarified.

“And would this somebody be Bobby?” She lit up like a firecracker every time he came around.

She nodded excitedly, her cheeks flushing.

“Okay. So what’s the problem?”

“Well, I have little in the way of dresses.”

I held up my hand to stop her. “Go search through my things. Especially the case under the bed. Riley Jo gave me so many clothes when I found myself lacking.” I gave her the once over. “And you’re closer to her shape.” Most of the dresses Riley Jo had given me needed curves in the right places to make them look good. And it was another thing Casey shared in common with my sister.

A relieved, thankful look shone in her eyes. “You sure?”

“Pfft. Of course I’m sure. Go wild. They’re yours.” And then her arms were around me, hugging me. “Does this mean you’ll be out late?”

She pulled back. “Yeah. Do you think Logan will be okay with that? He had a talk with Bobby, but he wouldn’t tell me what he said.”

Logan had stepped into the protective brother role a little too easily. “He only cares. Wants you to be happy and safe.”

She nodded. “I know, but he has to remember I’m twenty, not sixteen.”

I bit back my grin. “I’ll remind him.”

“Thank you, Maddy.”

And I watched her practically skip away as I went back inside to Logan.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. She’s got a date with Bobby.” His face fell into a frown. “And before you go saying anything. We have to remember she is a grown woman.”

He huffed. “Fine. But it won’t hurt to remind Bobby that she’s family now.”

I smiled, walking toward the table. “I’ve got something I want to ask you.”

He leaned back in his chair. “Am I going to like it?”

Here goes. “I was hoping you might make yourself scarce tonight.”

“Oh. Why?”

I took a breath. “I want to get this thing sorted between us and me and Jackson.”

“Okay. I’m listening.”

“I sat on the edge of his table and crossed my ankles. “I’ve given him enough space and tonight I’m not doing it any longer.”

“I’m still not following, Princess.”

Of course he wouldn’t. I hoped this wasn’t gonna make things worse. “Riley Jo thinks I should seduce him. Take the bull by the horns, so to speak.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Oh, does she now?”

His tone didn’t sound angry, more amused if anything. I nodded, biting my lip. “Do you think I could—do it? Seduce him?”

He pushed out his chair and pulled off the table, turned me sideways and tugged me onto his lap. It felt so good being close to him again as he wrapped his arms around me. “He’d be a fool to resist you, Maddy.”

God, let’s hope he was right. I shifted my head to face him. “And you don’t mind?”

“No. It’s about time you show him what he’s missing.” He trailed a finger down my bare arm. “It's making me crazy not being able to touch you. Hold you. Kiss you.”

The weight on my shoulders evaporated. I should have known he’d be supportive. “Thank you.” I kissed him again, that same frenzied need making me dizzy. I could feel the hard thump of his heart as I fisted his shirts in my small hands, pulling us closer as he deepened the kiss and I squirmed to get closer, craving more of this... more of him.

I had to get things sorted with Jackson. And tonight it could only go one of two ways. I might make a total fool of myself or it might just be the smartest thing I’ve ever done.

Time would tell.

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