Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 26

~ ~ Logan ~ ~

~ ~ Three Months Later ~ ~


Seeing happiness and contentment settled on Maddy’s face was my favourite image in the entire universe. And as if she knew I was watching her, she glanced my way. Standing at the far side of the room, in her arms she held Riley Jo’s newborn daughter, Gracie, or her niece as she’d said for the twentieth time since she got up this morning.

She wasn’t the only one gushing. To her left stood Nana Em and Stella and to her right was my half-sister, Casey.

I could hear them all cooing from where I stood. Apparently, babies made everyone smile.

A familiar voice, said my name, “Logan? You sure I can’t get you anything?” Riley Jo parked right next to me.

“No, I’m good.” I dragged my eyes from Maddy, tipping my head down to her sister.

“You seeing that look on my sister’s face right now?” she asked, teasing me. “Yeah, that look says you might need to hold onto those britches, cowboy.”

My eyes tracked back to Maddy.

“That there—” She nudged my ribs with her elbow. “—Is baby-fever!”

“What? Maddy wants a baby?” Oh..oh. “You think?”

“Ah-huh, cowboy.”

And didn’t that get my heart beating faster. The idea of Maddy carrying our child filled my chest with a need I’d never experienced before. “I’ll give Maddy whatever she wants.”

Riley Jo grinned, with a laugh right alongside it. “Well, colour my happy!”

However, for Maddy to get pregnant, Things would need to progress further than they were right now. Intimacy had been put on the back burner these last few months, although she was in my bed every night.

Had been since the day Jackson went into hospital.


My stomach churned like it was filled with rocks and the air left my lungs in choppy breaths.

“So, Maddy tells me Jackson is coming home tomorrow?”

I was grateful, nervous and downright relieved he was coming home. Because almost three months to the day, I wasn’t sure that was possible.

During surgery, to remove the tumour, he suffered a bleed. Which they’d fixed, but he didn’t escape without some damage. Although Dr Monroe told us Jackson would hopefully make a full recovery in time. He had muscle weakness on the left side of his body and his balance was still on shaky ground.

The doctors had said with healthy living, a good frame of mind and a boatload of physical therapy. He could live a normal and long life.

Jackson had taken on board the medical advice and was doing his physical therapy religiously. But frustratingly for him, it wasn’t quick enough.

The problem for us lay in Jackson’s mood swings. They were unpredictable and me and Maddy sheltered the brunt of his outbursts.

Again, Dr Monroe had warned us, but it was difficult, and especially hard on Maddy, as she wanted to comfort and reassure him she wasn’t going anywhere.

At the start of his recovery journey, both Maddy and I had been there. Spent entire days just sitting with him, encouraging him. But lately, he was becoming more irritated by us and in the last ten days, he’d asked us to ease up on our visits and only Jody had been allowed to go visit every day.

It had crushed Maddy, although she was putting a brave face on it.

But tomorrow he was coming home, and I was hopeful things might get back to normal.

Casey caught my attention and waved over. I flicked up my chin. Surprisingly, she had slotted right into our family. Jody had been a little standoffish at first, mostly because she still held a grudge over our ma up and leaving us, but even she had grown to like her.

I’d offered Casey a job at the Ranch which she accepted. And she’d taken to it like a duck to water. She was a natural with the horses and had every single cowboy and ranch worker wrapped around her finger. I wasn’t too sure how I felt about that.

I read the journal she gave me. It never did explain why our ma up and left us. But it gave me some peace reading about her regrets, and I got the feeling she had loved me and Jackson.

Jackson had refused to talk about it. And cowardly, I’d still not told him Casey was living with us.

Heading back to the ranch, I listened to Maddy and Casey talk animatedly about baby Gracie.

Perhaps Riley Jo was right. I’d not seen Maddy this excited for months. Would it be crazy to have a conversation before we’d even had sex?

Casey leaned over, poking her head between the front seats, talking to me. “When we get back I might see if Bobby is around to give me another riding lesson. What do you think?”

I’d seen the way Bobby had been looking at Casey. Was it my place to have a chat with him? Warn him he better treat her right if his intentions went further than friendly?

“Logan!” Casey promoted.

“Sure. It’s fine with me if Hank doesn’t have him doing anything important.”

Fetching the truck to a stop. Both Maddy and Casey jumped out. I was slower to follow and watched them head toward the house. Maddy flipped around, shielding her eyes from the sun. “You not coming, Logan?”

I opened my truck door and climbed out. “Right behind you both.” Shutting the door, I walked around my truck.

“Catch you two laters.” Casey waved and headed off to find Hank.

Maddy turned back around when she reached the door. She laughed when she caught my eyes glued to her ass.

What? I’m human and I liked the view, especially in those fine jeans that hugged her sweet ass to perfection.

She cocked a hand on her hip. “You staring at my ass, Logan Reilly?” Still grinning. “Again?”

“Absolutely, Princess.”

Her hand dropped and her smile widened. “Well,” she wriggled her eyebrows at me. “I have to say, Logan Reilly, you fill out a pair of wranglers pretty fine yourself.”

“Are you telling me you check out my ass, Princess?”

“Absolutely,” she repeated my words.

She flipped back around and opened the door. Stepping inside. I followed, closing the door behind me. Turning, she arched up onto her toes and gripped my shoulders, pulling me down for a peck on the cheek. “Thanks for coming with me today.”

“Maddy, you don’t have to thank me. You know I think the world of Riley Jo.” She dropped back onto her feet. “And I won’t deny it was nice seeing you with baby Gracie. You’re a natural.”

“I wanted to just eat her up. I swear she’s the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen.” She smiled up at me. “You want children someday, Logan?”

And to my surprise, Maddy was starting the whole baby conversation first. Perhaps Riley Jo was right on the money about baby fever.

“Yeah,” I slipped my hand over her waist, clasping my hands around the back, I decided I would be frank. “I want them with you.”

Head tilting up toward me, her pink lips parted in a cute O.

“Is that something you might want—with me?” I hated how my voice wavered with uncertainty.

She batted those long lashes, softening those clear blue eyes. “Yeah. I think I’d like that very much.”

Simple words to some, but to me they meant everything and heat shot through my body and unable to help myself, I pressed my lips onto hers, kissing her, slow and sweet. I needed to touch, to taste her because these last three months I’d been suffocating without her.

Maddy curled her fingers into the fabric of my shirt, holding me close as her tongue slid against mine, sending lust and need throughout every cell in my body.

I shifted my hands to cup her ass and align our bodies, leaving nothing, not even breathing space between us. No doubt she would feel my erection, but I needed her to know how much I wanted her. Missed her. And I wasn’t left wanting as she made the goddamn sexiest purring sound in the back of her throat and wriggled against my hardness as she kissed me back.

My cock became impossibly harder. Aching for her. But I knew I was heading to blue-balls city as it was the middle of the day and apart from her teasing me, right now, she’d given no indication she was ready to pick up from where we’d left off.

So you can imagine her next words almost blew the top of my head clear off.

“I want to, y'know—” She bit her bottom lip. “—Try Logan, with you.”

My head inched back, my eyes snagged hers. Was she saying what I thought she was?

“I think I’m ready. If you are?” she rasped, as her hips pressed harder into me, making me clench my jaw in restraint.

If I was ready?

Was she kidding me?

“You sure ’bout this? You want me to take you upstairs, Princess?” I arched my brow. “Because the way I’m feeling right now, I’m not sure how much restraint I’ll have if we go up there right now.”

Her eyes widened, her cheeks the colour of roses and I kept perfectly still until I got a sign or green-light. “Yeah, I’m sure. That’s if you want me?” Now it was her turn to sound uncertain.

With a low chuckle, I said, “Want you?” I squeezed her ass. “Maddy Lockwood, you turn me on so freakin’ much. I want you more than I want my next breath.”

Her eyes went round. “Yeah?”

Why the heck did she seem surprised? “I don’t think you have any idea how sexy you are.” I blew out a small breath. “Hot.”

And the flush to her cheeks spread out. “You really think I’m sexy?” She shook her head. “You and Jackson are the only ones to tell me that. Yeah, guys have said I’m pretty, but never sexy or—” she swallowed. “Hot.”

A surge of possessiveness rocked through as I made a low growling sound and in a flash she was in my arms, wrapping those long legs around my waist. “I think you’re the sexiest woman on the goddamn face of the earth.” I kissed her again, holding her tightly against me. This kiss was sweet and slow as I walked us upstairs. But as soon as my feet stepped from the last stair, it kicked up a gear into something hotter and much more urgent.

Heading straight for our bedroom. Well, it was my bedroom, but lately, I’d been calling it ours.

Maddy’s fingers tangled in the hair at the base of my neck as her lips slipped to my throat, nipping and sucking, sending shivers running down my spine.

“I think you’re sexy, too, Logan. Unbelievably sexy.” She moved up to my ear and sucked on the fleshy part, sending an electric current straight down to my aching balls. “And hot too,” she added with a hum.

Kicking open the door with my foot, I stepped inside and, using my foot again, shut the door behind us. The bedroom was flooded with sunshine streaming across the bed. I set Maddy down, savouring the slide of her body against mine as her feet met the ground.

“Turn around for me,” my voice was all husky, and she did.

Slower than I wanted to go or thought capable of. Should she change her mind, I was giving her the chance to back out. Although I was praying to the man upstairs that she wouldn’t.

“Lift your arms, Princess.” Rising them above her head, I lifted the yellow T-shirt clean off. I pressed soft kisses along her shoulder. “As much as I love your ass in these Jeans. I’m gonna need you out of them. Right now.”

She shuddered as I let my hand run around her waist and found the button on her jeans. I undid it and then slowly tugged on the zipper. Maddy wriggled, and I slowly peeled, going down with them as she kicked off her pumps and lifted each foot so I could free her.

Tossing the jeans to one side, I rose and lay my hands on either side of her upper arms. “Can I take off your bra?” Maddy was still self-conscious about her breasts and often tried to keep them covered up. She’d told me how some girls had cruelly teased her about the size, telling her they were no bigger than bee-stings.

Being a guy, I couldn’t hunt these women down and throttle them, so I’d decided the next time she let me get my hands on them, I’d show her exactly how much I loved them.

Maddy audibly gulped, but answered, “Okay, yeah, you can take it off.”

I unclipped her bra and slipped it down her arms, adding it to the pile.

Easing back, I groaned at the sight. Tanned bare skin and her sexy round ass trapped in white cotton panties. Tugging her gently against me, her ass rubbed over my throbbing cock. Brushing her hair from one shoulder, I cocked my head to the side and sucked on her ear and my hands skimmed under her arms over her ribs and cupped her perky breasts. Her skin was hot and smooth. Loving the feel of them, the hard tips of her nipples begged me for attention. Kissing a trail down her neck and across her shoulders, I stroked the back of my fingers over her breasts and cupped them again, massaging them slowly.

Maddy’s breathing changed as she moved her hips against me. I could tell she liked it and I loved discovering what turned her on, what made her wet, what might make her come. “I love your breasts... they’re so sensitive,” I told her, still squeezing them gently, then switching to drag the palm of my hand back and forth over her nipples.

Maddy gasped and then moaned out and I did again and again. Her entire body was rigid against me, her breathing laboured.

“Do you think you could come like this?” I asked, then rolled her nipples gently between my fingers. Her back arched sharply like she’d been shocked. Teasing her nipples was good. Adding a light pinch, she shuddered, goose-pricks spread over her body like a rolling wave and her head shifted from side to side.

“I’m not—maybe,” she panted out. “Please don’t stop, Logan, I need...”

“Tell me what you need, Princess?”

“You. Logan. I need you.” The swell of my heart inside my chest had it beating a path out of my chest. I added a bit more pressure, squeezed the plump, firm flesh and pinched her nipples again. She whimpered and wriggled against me, her thighs pressing together, her muscles tensing. I kept on with the slow torture whilst kissing and scraping my stubbled jaw and teeth over her skin and listening to her hums of pleasure.

“More... I need your mouth.”

Walking up backwards to my bed, the mattress pushed against the back of my knees, I spun her around. Parking myself on the edge, I tugged her between my spread thighs, my arms slipping over her delicate hips and around to splay my large hands across the heated skin of her back. When I glanced up at her, my dick rioted in my jeans from the sight of her blue eyes, normally so bright, now darkened with arousal. “You look gorgeous Maddy,”

Now. Right now. She was all mine. Fucking hell. It almost felt like a goddamn miracle. Trapping her eyes, I leaned forward and took her nipple between my lips, sucking gently. She moaned. Her hands moved from my shoulders to weave through my hair.

“Yes... more,” she urged me on, her voice thin and breathy. “Feels so nice.”

I shifted my attention to her other breast, swirling my tongue over and over across her nipple, flicking at it, teasing, My other hand moved over her tummy, up to squeeze the other. By the end of this, she would know I was obsessed with them and adored them, just like I did the rest of her.

She was perfect. Perfect for me.

Maddy’s shaking intensified, and I scraped my teeth over the tight little bud, making her still, then tip her head back and cry out. Her fingers tightened in my hair, so I did it again, a little harder.

“Logan, Oh... God, please. Oh, oh, just...” she panted. “I’m gonna—hell, I think...oh, don’t.”

I smiled at her incoherent mumblings, brushing my knuckle across her nipple, and then bit on the other and she broke, crying out as her body tensed and heated shivers rocked her over the edge. It was a sight to watch. And when she finally opened her eyes and collapsed, I caught her, pulling her down so we lay flat on the bed. My face pressed into her neck, she kept on trembling and I held on tight.

After what seemed a long time, her shaking subsided and she sagged against me resting her head in the crook of my neck, her warm breath heating my skin.

Maddy mumbled something.

I smiled, inhaling the sweet smell of her cherry blossom hair and soap-scented skin. “Didn’t quite catch that, Princess.”

Lifting her head, I was met with a gorgeously flushed face, throat and chest. “—I said,” inhaling a shaky breath. “I never knew you could, you know—that, without actually being touched.” She bit her lip. “Down there.”

The corner of my mouth pulled up into a cocky smirk. “Tells me I was doing something right and those breasts of yours are as responsive as they are sexy.” I didn’t think she could blush anymore. But right there—she proved me wrong. “You’re so goddamn sexy Maddy.”

Shyly, she smiled. Was she ready to take the next step? “You ready to carry on?”

She answered with a nod, but there was a little hesitancy there.

I pushed her hair from her face. “Maddy, we don’t need to go any further. It’s fine if you’re not ready.”

So many emotions flashed over her face. “No. It’s not that I’m not’s just—” She tugged on her bottom lip, not hiding her fears. “Do you think Jackson will be okay with it? Him not being here.”

Her words knocked my heart sideways, and I brought my hand to her face and ran my thumb across her cheek. “I can’t say if he will be okay or not. But what I know is that I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Ever.”

I sighed, swallowing.

“I need you, too, Princess.” And although, yeah, I’d been the one to spend my nights with her, I knew a part of her was still with Jackson, always thinking about him. But right now, I wanted her and I was too selfish to think what Jackson might or might not feel about it.

With her bottom lip still caught between her teeth, I could see the war within and I half expected her to tell me couldn’t go through with it, but my girl surprised me.

“Okay. How’s ’bout we get you undressed?” She pushed up off me and I was up on my feet as she watched with wide eyes my clothes shredded in record time.

Standing naked my cock rose high and proud. It almost looked angry with pre-cum leaking all over the damn place. Maddy remained still as I closed the step separating us. Framing her face between my palms, I fetched her lips to mine for a kiss that didn’t start slow. Not this time. I explored the shape of her mouth, my hands traced a path over her body. “Move onto the bed. Lie down,” I breathed against her lips.

Doing what I asked, I followed with the mattress dipping under my weight. An obsessive need throbbed through my lower groin. Volatile emotions and a primitive urge to stake a claim on her fused into raw passion. Uncontrollably, my hand shook a little from the intensity of my desires. Holding her gaze, I parted her legs just enough so I could run my hand up the inside of her thighs up to those sweet white cotton panties. The innocence of that simple fabric was hotter than any silk or lace I’d seen.

Maddy’s breath caught on a hitch when I traced the seam of her pussy through the cotton, they were soaked from her orgasm and contrary to the urgency clawing at me; I go slow, hooking my fingers inside the thin elastic and pulling at the barrier between us, down her thighs. Halfway, I stopped, wanting to drag out the moment, savour it as well as make damn sure she was relaxed and still wanted me.

Dragging them the rest of the way, she was now free and open to me.


My heart stuttered and my eyes gulped down the feast she was and I was so damn tempted to bury my face between those sweet thighs, but right now. I needed to be inside her.

Gathering her arousal, spreading it over her clit. “Oh...Oh, please, Logan."

“I will my sweet little thing,” and then I pushed a finger inside her tight, heat and slowly pumped. Wrapping a hand around my cock, the pre-cum came in handy helping me glide up and down smoothly.

God, she was lovely as she watched me intently, her cheeks looking like she’d licked all the red off the candy. I decided it might be best that she came one more time, and I curled my finger and went in search of that sweet spot, rubbing over it again and again, watching her eyelids flutter and her breathing quicken.

My cock thickened as I pumped my fingers in and out, her hips rising to seek more.

She’s almost there... “Come for me Princess, and then I’m gonna push inside this sweet little pussy.”

She didn’t answer with words, only moans as her neck arched and her fingers dug into my shoulders as I eased another finger inside and the swell of pleasure dragged her under, her sobs filling my ears and the room.

Freeing my fingers, I moved myself over her. “Do you want this? Want me?”

Her eyes still glassy, widened.

“Do you?” I repeated.

“Yes,” she whispered.

A whisper wouldn’t cut it. I needed certainty. “Tell me how much you want it, Maddy, and be sure.”

“Bad. I want it bad. Please, Logan.”

A dark part of me roared to life. Lust pounded inside my ears and chest. My face hovered above hers, and I could see equal parts lust and nerves. Capturing her lips, moving down across her jaw, scraping my teeth over her throat.

She tensed. And no matter what I do or say, I know this will still be hard for her. The final step. The gift of her virginity.

Finding her hand, I brought it down between us to let her touch her slick heat. “Feel how ready you are?” She nodded. “I want you to touch yourself for me.”

Her finger rubbed her clit in small circles and I grasped my cock and guided it between her puffy lips to find her opening. Her belly tensed and I brought my hand back up to cup her face. “Don’t stop touching yourself.” Kissing the corner of her mouth, I shifted my hips so the head of my cock nudged inside.

“Breathe out for me, Maddy.”

She did, and I pushed in, just a fraction. “Fuck,” I hissed and her face flushed with discomfort, with her other hand gripping my biceps. “Tight, but perfect,” I quickly added, so as not to freak her out. But damn, tight wasn’t a strong enough word. It was almost painful.

She jerkily nodded, breathing a little harder, faster.

“If it’s too much, you tell me and I’ll stop.”

Eyes still closed, she smiled to let me know she was okay, relaxing just a little so I could spread her open, inch by inch. Halfway, she exhaled, tightening around me. “Look at me, Maddy.”

Her eyes opened. “You feel me, Princess?”


Ripping off the band-aid, I slid all the way inside. She flinched and gasped, her eyes wide in awe. “You’re inside me,” she said like she almost couldn’t believe it.

I shuddered out a breath and rubbed my nose over hers. “I don’t think you’ll ever get rid of me now.”

Easing back, I was met with a smile and she relaxed a little more.

“I feel so,” she paused. “Full up.”

I couldn’t hold back my smile even if I wanted to.

“Sorry, I sound stupid, don’t I?”

I shook my head. “Never. Not to me.”

She inhaled, and I began to move, small shallow thrusts which gradually became a little harder, deeper. She tensed a few more times but didn’t cry out and when she pressed her thighs against my hips, took a deep breath and wrapped her long smooth legs around me, I knew she was right in the moment with me. No regrets.

I quickly found a rhythm but deciding on this being her first time, I would let it reach its natural end without trying to prolong it—this time. And when my balls became heavy, pulling up, I let myself go over that edge and emptied on a shuddering roar deep inside her.

Slowing, to stop, I kissed and whispered the words I’d wanted to say for such a long time “I love you, Maddy.”

She was the first woman I’d ever said those words to and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind, she would be the last.

Maddy blinked rapidly, and I wasn’t sure if she was about to start crying, but then she muttered what I needed to hear. “I love you too, Logan, and thank you for being so patient and gentle and making it perfect.”

“Always, Princess.” It couldn’t have been more perfect. “And you’re not hurting. I didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m sore, but it’s a good sore.” And her smile warmed me inside out. “Was it good for you?”

“Trust me, Princess. It’s never been that good.”

Her cheeks flared up again. “You sure you’re not just being kind?”

My smile slipped. “Maddy. I will never say things I don’t mean.”

She nodded. “When do you think we might do that again?”

I laughed. “You feeling greedy already?”

This woman could ask for anything. She owned me. All of me. And no matter what happened from here on in. We were tied together. There was no way I was ever letting her go without a fight.

“... Maybe,” she wiggled her eyebrows and I dipped and captured her lips with mine.

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