Shattered Hearts A MFM Love Story

Chapter 14

~ ~ Maddy ~ ~

For a few precious seconds, my mind emptied, just the beautiful sensations rocketing through my body as Jackson’s tongue pressed further inside my mouth, his actions, possessive and fiery, and I moaned into the kiss.

His other hand shifted to join the other holding both cheeks between his large palm as he took my mouth with the pent-up need of a man who’s been denied for too long. Our tongues tangled as he explored the depth of my mouth and the shape of my lips. He ate me as if I was his last meal.

He finally slowed and eased back just a fraction, breaking our kiss, but only long enough to tip my head up to meet his eyes as he licked across the seam of my mouth, nibbling on my lower lip. “You make me lose my goddamn mind, Maddy Lockwood.”

I made him lose his mind?

Arousal was flooding my body, firing around my pelvis as I imagined what it might be like to feel his skin on mine. Have him touch me.

“How much time do you need?”

Time? He’d lost me somewhere between crazy and possibility. “Time for what?”

“To think about what I said. Me and Logan—the three of us.”

Ah, yeah, right.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth with my sister's Riley words zinging through my head. And just like that, my resistance crumbled. All of my supposedly steadfast intentions shrank like a wilting flowing.

I put a little more space between us, holding up a finger. “One date.” This wasn’t a negotiation.

His body snapped back a little and his eyes went wide. “Yeah, with me and Logan?” he clarified.

I nodded. “Ah-huh.”

“When? Tonight?”

I gulped not having thought that far ahead.

“I’m striking while the iron’s hot, Princess.”

More like he didn’t want to give me time to chicken out. “Remember, it’s just a date. One date.”

The unease shifted to my tummy, and my throat constricted. Was it fair to go on a date when I’d not told them about my... problem? Was that leading them on?

“Yee-haw!” He swooped me into his arms, crushing me to his chest, and kissing my nose. “You won’t regret it, Princess.”

He planted me back on my feet. “C’mon, we better get you inside. The dragon—” he peeked down at me, smiling. “Sorry, your mama is waiting.”

Ugh. I’d forgotten about her. “Guess so.”

His fingers slid between mine, my palm fitting so perfectly in his as we headed back up to the house. He opened the door, and I went in first to find Jody waiting for us with a frown.

“You two took your sweet-ass time,” lowering her voice. “That woman could test the patience of a saint, I tell you.”

Jackson closed the door. “Sorry, Jody. We got here as quickly as we could.”

My cheeks heated at his tiny white lie. Perhaps making out in the stables was not the best idea, leaving poor Jody here to deal with my mama.

“Has she upset you?” asked Jackson, his body tightening with tension.

Jody waved her hand dismissively, shaking her head. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Sorry, Jody. I’ll see what she wants and then she’ll be out of your hair.”

“Do you want me to go with you?” Jackson asked, but this was better done on my own.

“Thanks. But I got this.”

Walking through the front of the house to the main living area, I puffed up, squaring my shoulders. There she was, standing in all her finery. Her back facing me, she was looking outside the window. Just her presence had me feeling like someone had doused me with a buck of cold water.


She spun around, and I plastered on a fake. “What can I do for you, Mama?” Yeah, my tone was a little on the sharp side.

“Don’t be takin’ that tone with me, young lady.”

I had to stop my eyes from rolling. “I’m not under your roof any longer, Mama. You can’t tell me what to do.”

Her painted lips pressed into a thin line. “Is that what they’re wearing nowadays?” Her hand waved over me dismissively. It shouldn’t have surprised me she went straight on the attack.

“And, good lord. Not a stitch of makeup.” She looked truly horrified as her hand fell across her collarbone.

“I’m workin’ Mama. No need for fancy clothes or makeup.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “So if you’ve come over just to insult me, then you can leave the same way you came in.”

She spluttered. “What did you say—your workin’?” Her cheeks flushed. “In God's name, doing what?”

“Logan and Jackson offered me a job. So I’m workin’ here at the Ranch. Mucking out. Helping—” She cut me off.

“Mucking out?” she screeched. “No daughter of mine—”

I dropped my arms and held up a hand to stop her. “Mama, you lost any right to have a say in what I do with my life the moment you turned your back on me.”

“Maddy Lockwood, you need to leave with me. Right now!”

“I’m not going anywhere, Mama.”

She paced the room. “I’m willing to overlook all your crazy behaviour these last few days.”

“My crazy behaviour?” I asked incredulously.

The look she returned was equally incredulous. “You leave your marriage. Humiliating that poor man and then have the gall to sneak into my home, fetching with you—” She waved her finger around like it was conducting some sort of orchestra “That-that Neanderthal!"

She quit pacing. “He assaulted your daddy, and I told him we need to call the sheriff on him.” Her nostrils flared. “Men like him should be in jail.”

My gusto returned, thrusting out my wrist. “You wanna talk ’bout assault?” I tilted my chin up. “I have my daddy’s mark right here on me. And Logan witnessed it too.” Her eyes dipped briefly. “So before you go running off to the sheriff, I’d think twice because I never saw Logan lay a hand on Daddy.”

I wasn’t stupid. I knew something had happened when Logan had asked me to wait by the truck. But there was no way I was gonna let her threaten him with the sheriff. Not when he’d been defending me.

Ignoring my threats, she carried on regardless. “You’re taking their side?”

Damn straight. But I kept my mouth shut as we glared at each other, the air turning frosty.

But this was getting us nowhere. “I have a job I need to get back to, you know your way out.”

She brushed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. The smile that cracked her thick layer of foundation was artificial. I also noticed a shift in her eyes. Something had her flustered. Something she wasn’t saying.

“I’ve spoken with Cooper. He is quite willing to forgive you if you quit this nonsense and return home.”

I threw my hands up in the air. Here we go again. “I’ll say it one last time, Mama. My marriage to Cooper Stanton is over. I’ve already seen an attorney ’bout getting a divorce.” I hadn’t, but I planned on it.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” she barked out. “Cooper’s told me how sorry he is that he let his frustrations get the better of him and he has agreed to seek help, so it doesn’t happen again.”

“Oh, please be sure to thank him for his noble intentions.” I tossed back sarcastically wondering if that was before or after he showed up threatening me. “It changes nothing.”

“It changes everything!” She moved closer. “You’re being unreasonable.”

I was being unreasonable? I spluttered a cough. “You cannot stand there and say that to me.”

“You’re not in your right mind.”

I was done talking. “This conversation is over.” I didn’t wait as I turned around to leave, but didn’t get far as bony fingers wrapped themselves around my upper arm.” I winced.

“So what? You intend to divorce a husband who is trying his best—” she huffed, forcing me to turn around to face her. “Live here with them?” Those sharp blue eyes of hers narrowed on me. “It’s sinful and wrong.” She moved both hands to grip either side of me, shaking me. “This isn’t you Maddy.”

I forced my arms out and she let me go and I stepped back, putting some much-needed space between us. “It is me. The real me. And I’m sorry you don’t like it.”

“Do you know what the town folks are gonna say ’bout you?” she sneered, looking down her nose at me.

I was fed up caring what others thought of me. “What I choose to do with my life is no one’s business.” I huffed. “And Logan and Jackson have been nothing but good to me.”

“You’re not the woman I raised.” She stepped back, inhaling, straightening her clothing, brushing her hand down each arm. “I’ve spoken with Dr Mills. We’re all worried about your mental state.”

She’d done what? “You spoke to my therapist?” My eyebrows popped up sceptically. I didn’t believe her. Dr Mills was bound by confidentiality—surely?

“You left me no choice.” Her face softened, removing all traces of anger. “We’re your family Maddy.”

Was she for real?

“Family, eh? Funny how you toss that word around when it suits you.” A voice from behind me said and my head whipped around to see Riley Jo standing with her hip cocked and her hands resting on them.

She shot me a playful glance.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Mama spat at Riley Jo.

Riley Jo laughed, walking to stand next to me. “Looks like I arrived in time to take out the trash.”

I rolled my lips together, trying not to giggle as Mama looked like she was about to throw a hissy fit.

"How dare you talk to me like that!”

Riley Jo scoffed. “I can talk to you anyway I damn-well please.”

This could get nasty, real quick and I don’t want my sister getting upset. “Mama, you need to go.”

“I’m not leaving without you.”

“We’ll see about that.” Riley Jo cast a look over her shoulder. “Do you have a minute, Jackson?” she called out, turning back to me with mirth in her eyes.

Heavy footsteps walked into the room. The muscles in his thick neck bunched as he glared at my mama. No doubt he’d been listening in.

“Mama here was just leaving. Would you be so kind as to show her the door?” She asked so darn sweetly, and Jackson nodded.

Mama’s eyes flicked between Riley Jo and Jackson. “Over my dead body.” She bristled. Red stained her cheeks, throat and spread downward.

“Puh-leeze!” Riley Jo rolled her eyes, swishing her hand. “Evil don’t die so easy,” she batted back, and Jackson coughed into his hand to cover up his laughter. “And I’ll warn you right now, both me and Maddy have had all our shots, so we’re immune to your kind of poison.”

My mama’s jaw dropped. “Why I’ve never...”

Jackson stepped in. “Let me show you the way out, Mrs Lockwood.” There was no hiding his smug smile. “And trust me, I won’t be askin’ twice and don’t think I won’t hesitate in picking you up and carrying you outside and dumping your skinny ass in the dirt.”

Each word was like a verbal slap to her face. “You haven’t heard the last of this,” she spluttered, turning on me. “Do they know what’s wrong with you?” Her lip curled up into a sly smile. “Because you can be damn sure any man won’t stick around if you can’t satisfy him.”

Riley Jo gasped, and I went still. Stuck in place as heat crawled up my face. Mortified, I could feel Jackson’s eyes on me, but I refused to meet them.

“I’ll take that as a no.” She cackled like a hyena.

Riley Jo bounced toward her, getting right in Mama’s face. “Let’s see if it’s true about evil not dying.” She prodded her finger square in the chest.

“That’s enough from you,” snarled Jackson as Riley Jo moved out of the way and Jackson charged forward like a lion. There was a growl on his lips, and he lifted my mama clear off her feet and threw her over his shoulder.

My Mama was speechless, but it didn’t last long before she turned the air blue with a few choice curse words. It was the first time I’d heard her curse. She balled her hands into fists and they rained down on Jackson’s back.

Jackson flipped around, with the biggest panty-dropping smile, winking at me before he hauled her out of the room.

Riley Jo snatched my hand. “C’mon, we’re not missing this!” I followed. “Oh, oh. I’m gonna film it.” She squealed excitedly.

I turned and gaped at her. “We can’t do that!”

“Sure we can.” She reached inside her purse and pulled out her phone. “Connor will shart himself when he sees this.” She raised her phone and hit record as we followed behind Jackson with my mama struggling against him. “And Adam will get a kick out of it too.”

“Shart?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah—you know. When you shit and fart yourself at the same time.”

I’d never heard of it, shaking my head, smiling. “Where do you come up with this stuff?”

Jackson jogged down three steps, my mama still tossing out curse words. Three large strides. He stopped. And true to his word, dropped her on her ass in the dirt.

Air whooshed out of her mouth and she’d never looked so angry. Trying to get to her feet, she stumbled as she snapped a heel. Finally upright, she straightened her dress and dusted herself off. “You.” She pointed at me. “And you,” she spat at Riley Jo. “Are dead to me.”

“Ain’t Karma a bitch?” whispered Riley Jo, lifting her hand to wave at Mama. “Don’t let us keep you. Buh-bye.”

She wasn’t done yet. “And you—” she turned on Jackson. “You will regret this!”

Jackson lifted an eyebrow, folding his arms across his wide chest. “Your threats don’t scare me.” He stepped toward her and she took a hasty step back. “But if you come on my property again and talk to your daughters in that manner.” He slowly shook his head. “Then I’ll do more than just drop you on your skinny ass.”

Her eyes bugged out of her head. “Are you threatening me, Mr Reilly?”

Jackson merely shrugged. “Think of it as some friendly advice. One neighbour to another.”

“Mrs Lockwood?” Mr Mills, my mama’s driver, had gotten out of the car and was standing with the rear passenger door open for her.

My mama tilted her chin up, huffed out and spun around before trying to walk with dignity on her broken heel. She took three steps and almost tripped.

Riley Jo burst out the most unladylike snort. “Don’t think they made those shoes for off-roading Mama!”

Muttering under her breath, she got in the car and Mr Mills tipped his hat in our direction before closing the door with mama inside.

The three of us watched them leave before Jackson moved in front of me, the skin between his brow pinched together as he slid his hand up to the side of my neck, rubbing his thumb over my pulse point as caught his grey eyes searching mine. “You okay?”

I watched him for a few beats, wondering if he was thinking about my mama’s words. “Better now,” I finally said. “Thank you, Jackson.”

“Anytime, Princess.” He kept his hand there, and I leaned into it as he turned to Riley Jo. “Good seein’ you, Riley Jo.”

I waited for a flare of jealousy, but nothing happened. He turned back to me, dropping his hand. “I’ll be inside.”

I watched him till he walked through the door, leaving it open. “You coming back inside?” I asked her, turning to face her.

“Nah, I only called round to see how your first day was going and to ask if you wanna see Nana tomorrow as Chris said they’re fetching her around tonight and she should be able to have visitors tomorrow.”

At least that was some good news. “Sure. Let me know what time, and I clear the time off with Logan.”

“I’ll message you first thing.”

“He’s gonna ask what she meant.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of Maddy, and I already told you what I think.”

I wish I had her confidence. “I told them I’d go out on one date with them tonight.”

Her face lit up. “Well, it’s about damn time.”

I looked down, fiddling with the hem of my shorts. “Might not get there after I’ve sat them down and told them.”

“Pfft. A stampede of wild bulls couldn’t stop them.”

Still looking down, I tried to smile at her optimism. “She’s right, you know. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to... you know.”

“Have sex, you mean?”

That too. “Satisfy a man.” I looked up to see her giving me the look. The same one when she thought I was doing or saying something stupid.

“Quit worrying.”

Easier said than done.

“You want what I have, right?”

I wasn’t following. “What’s that?”

“The whole deal—happy family. Beautiful home. A child on the way. A husband... or two.” She winked. “Who kisses you with a little tongue every morning?” she grinned, waggling her eyebrows in that crazy way she does.

And, yeah. I wanted it all. I was a simple girl at heart.


She wrapped her arms around me and I swore her bump had gotten bigger overnight. “Walk me to my car,” she said, pulling away.

I followed as she pulled out her keys. “You can tell me all the deets ’bout tonight in the car ride to the hospital.”

“I doubt I’ll have anything interesting to say.”

She slid into the car seat and reached for the belt. “Let me be the judge of that.”

I nodded and shut the door, and she fired up the engine. “And relax. Enjoy yourself. Live a little.”

I waved her off and headed back inside the house. Time to face the music and hope they still wanted that date.

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