Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 25: The Golden-Eyed Guardian

The Queen bowed, “Rise, my friends. There is enough blame for all of us. This tragedy is on my conscience as well. If it were anyone else but you Prince Thael, I wouldn’t hesitate to send you to the deepest mines on Kehrru Sekkrru, and lock your wife in the deepest cavern to die alone without food or water, and no one to talk to. However, I would have to lock myself up as well, because I allowed all of this to happen.”

“Let me ask you something, Thael: Why did you start training my son in the Guardian way? Wouldn’t he eventually become a formidable enemy?”

Thael sat up on his calves, “I had this crazy idea to make peace with the Shnark and give your son Guardian powers. In order for you to overcome your Vardak enemies here and on Karu Sektu, he will need them.”

“You would give Guardian powers to an enemy sworn to destroy you?”

“No, Your Majesty, he is not my enemy. He is my friend, my nephew, and my adopted son. I would give him those powers so that he can return to Karu Sektu to protect and serve his people. The fight with the Vardak is not mine to finish. It’s yours and the other Shnark. With his Guardian powers he will easily depose that evil tyrant and bring peace to your home world once again. We will do all that we can to help, but you and I both know that it must be your son, the Crown Prince, who stops the Vardak menace.”

Una and Shinto were surprised by his statement.

She laughed, “Before all this began I had heard impossible tales of a Guardian who believed in truth and real justice; a prince of a man who always tries to help anyone in need… even if they are the enemy. I never believed such a man could exist, until now. I accept your offer.

“I will come here tomorrow just after the sky darkens. I will listen to your suggestions and make my decision on how best to continue. I leave you my son as proof of my trust. Good night, Your Highness,” she nodded her head.

Thael bowed, “Goodnight, Your Majesty.”

Kip rushed into his mother’s arms. They hugged and purred for a few minutes. Then she flew away into the night sky.

The Guardians flew to an empty beach. The moon was full and it lit up the area enough that they could see. This was the same beach Thael had trained Kip in the Guardian fighting skills. Thael stood in front of the Shnark prince.

He began speaking: “Kip… The gift of Guardian powers is not one I give lightly. It is a big responsibility. This gift will make you stronger. You will have more stamina. It will give you access to the Golden shield and Golden Sword. They are made from the strongest material in the universe. The Sword is so sharp that you will hardly feel the blade as it cuts. It will even cut through steel without any damage to itself.

“You don’t need the Guardian wings because you already have a fine pair with you, but you will receive the Guardian shields. These shields surround your body and keep it from injury. Nothing can penetrate them… not even a proto-cannon. However, your shields can disappear if you get too tired, because they are thought generated. Never go into battle tired. You will also be impervious to disease and poisons.

“We will train you tonight in the essentials you will need to defeat the Vardak. These gifts cannot be taken back or reversed once given. You will be a Guardian the rest of your life. I will now tell you the laws of Guardian powers:

“If at all possible, we do not kill.

“We never attack anyone unless we are attacked first. Except in war.

“Always try to find a peaceful solution, sparing as many lives as you can.

“Keep your fighting skills up so you are never at a disadvantage in a fight you cannot avoid.

“Get all sides of a story. Never assume one side is right or wrong without all the facts.

“Remember these laws and heed them well. Look at the damage I have done by not following them where your people are concerned. I will forever carry that pain and guilt in my heart. So, memorize them and do your best to honor them.

“When you get home, you will have to depose the head Vardak to bring peace to Karu Sektu as the rightful heir to the throne. It will be your responsibility as Guardian to help your mother rule and keep the peace. Most importantly, Kyoko sama and I will always be your friends. I hope you always call me Uncle, Your Highness.”

“As long as you still call me Kip, Uncle.”

“Like I could pronounce your real name?”

They laughed. Kyoko came over and hugged Kip. She scratched and stroked his head as if he were a house cat. He purred & nuzzled her.

Thael performed the ritual of the Guardians. Shortly after, Kip’s eyes had turned a shiny golden color. Shinto, Una, and Thael taught him how to use his powers. He sparred with Shinto on the beach… then with Una… As the Moon set over the mountains, the sun was starting to light up the sky. An Imperial Guardian came forward.

“Remember Kip, she is the best of the best. Even I can’t best her in a fight. She won’t hurt you. She’s just going to assess your skills.”

He did very well considering she bested him in twenty minutes. She saluted him with her sword when they were done.

“Your Highness?”

“Yes, Althea?”

“You have trained him well. While we fought he picked up some of my fighting styles and used them against me. I had my doubts, but this young warrior deserves to be Senshi. In the coming years his skills will increase and he will become a formidable ally against evil. However, he already has all the skills he needs to defeat the Vardak and win back his home world. Once again you have chosen wisely, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Althea. How do you feel young Senshi?”

“It’s amazing. The sword and shield feel light, but have enough weight so you know you are wielding them. I think I am ready for whatever comes, Uncle,” he purred.

“Good. You can sleep at Kyoko’s tonight. We don’t want anyone to see your eyes before the confrontation, especially the Vardak. They are a giveaway that you are one off us.”

“What do you mean?”

Kyoko brought her compact mirror over and Kip looked into it. He saw two shining Golden cat’s eyes looking back at him.

He purred, “They’re so beautiful.”

Kyoko smiled, “Yes, beautiful golden eyes for a handsome Crown Prince.”

The next morning Thael opened his eyes and saw Kyoko’s bare back. She was wearing one of Hana’s nightgown creations that was cut very low to reveal her entire back. He scooted closer to her and held her. He kissed her neck. She rolled over and faced him.

He kissed her nose. “I love waking up next to you every day, my Princess.”

“It’s one of my biggest joys too,” she replied.

She stretched, yawned, and made a cute little moaning sound. Thael stretched and yawned too. Something at the foot of the bed moaned and moved. They both looked to see what it was.

At the foot of the bed was Kip, curled into a ball, sound asleep.

Kyoko chuckled, “Well, I always did want to have a cat.”

She crawled down to him scratched his head and stroked his fur. He began to purr. They carefully got out of bed and left him there to sleep. After breakfast Kyoko flew to school.

Five minutes is so much nicer than having to get up an hour and a half earlier to catch the train, she thought, as she did a somersault in the air.

Thael stayed with Kip. Shinto came by. Kyoko came home for lunch. She went into the bedroom to check on Kip, scratched and pet him, and left him purring on the bed. They ate the bento that Hiro had prepared for the three of them.

Shinto spoke up: “Thael, I’m going to say this and then I will never bring it up to you again.”

“What’s that, Shinto?”

“Leura opened my eyes a little wider last night. What she said was all true, wasn’t it? The flower thing wasn’t just luck either. You were looking for something like that so you could end the war peacefully. The chicken thing: You hit one with it, but why didn’t you call your golden sword and shield for the other two? Because you saw what the rubber did to their flesh, so you used it instead. All the things I’ve heard about you are true.

“You’re harebrained schemes are well thought out before you even bring them up. Like this Shnark thing. I can’t see where it’s going, but I know you have almost every step planned. I’ll bet you even have contingency plans should one step fail. Yet you deny your genius and insist on playing the dullard that has extremely good luck.

“Well, I don’t care about that. If that’s your choice, I will go along with it and say nothing. I am so happy that you are the one my sister has chosen to spend the rest of her life with. I am proud to be able to have such a brother-in-law and to be able to serve under your command. Even if I think you are ordering me to do something totally insane, I will follow you and your orders without complaint or question. You have my undying loyalty and trust.

“I’ll never mention this again, because you are the kind of man that needs friends and comrades – not worshipers. As your brother-in-law I am honored to be your friend and comrade. I only hope I can live up to the trust you have placed in me. I will do my best.”

“Shinto…” Kyoko said softly, her eyes were wet.

“That wasn’t a proposal was it? …Because I’m already very married to your beautiful sister… As to the rest of it, you’ve already proven yourself to be my best choice for this post. I couldn’t have asked for a better man.”

Later, Kyoko flew back to school.

Kip woke up at three and had the fruit & sashimi Kyoko left for him. She came home a little after four. She immediately hugged and scratched Kip. He purred with delight. Thael quietly left the room. She grabbed Shinto and hugged him.

Thael lay down on the bed. He looked at his ring. It was shining as brightly as ever. He could hear it faintly singing. He shut his eyes and smiled.

You can’t start acting silly because she loves her new pet. Da-me!

Shortly: Kyoko pounced on the bed and kissed him, “Genki Desu ka?”

“Yes. I’m just a bit tired from staying up so late and my mind is making up dumb stories.”

She kissed him again. “No matter how cute and cuddly our young Prince is, you are more cute and cuddly.

I’m going to have your children, remember?”

He nodded. She raised her left hand, “Permanently bonded for life.” Her ring was gently singing.

She put her hand on his cheek and continued, “I hate leaving you every morning, my love. I miss you terribly all day. Lunch with you doesn’t last long enough to satisfy me. I’m so happy when I’m on my way home, because I know you are always there for me and I can cuddle with you all I want. Then there’s this…” She kissed his mouth, then his chin. Then she gently kissed his neck. When she reached the first button on his shirt, she unbuttoned it and continued kissing down to the next… and the next…

It was then that he noticed that the bedroom door was closed and locked.

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