Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 24: Dining With the Enemy

Shinto and Thael turned up around six-thirty. Una, and Leura were helping Kyoko with the dinner. Una gave Thael a stern look, “You’re late. Dinner is almost done. Why didn’t you come earlier to help her?”

Thael had an awkward look on his face.

Kyoko laughed, “Thael sama and I have an agreement. I don’t fight invading aliens and he doesn’t get within six feet of my dinner preparations; besides that’s why Leura is here.”

Shinto laughed. Una frowned, “What’s so funny?”

“My Prince can’t even boil water for tea properly,” Kyoko chuckled.

“You’re kidding… Wait a minute, you can’t lie.”

“That’s correct; however, I did get a medal for my cooking once.”

Kyoko perked up, “Honto?”

“Yes. A few years ago, I was captured by an enemy that the Larrian people were fighting at the time. They forced me to work helping the chef. Mostly I just cleaned the kitchen. When the cook got sick they thought that I could cook. After all, I did work in the kitchen… a big mistake on their part.

“My meal caught fire, and because it was a little greasy, the Gjib bird exploded like a fireball. Grease and fire spread everywhere. The enemy’s castle, which was made mostly of wood, burned to the ground in a matter of minutes. This was much to the dismay of the evil royals who were on the top floor getting ready for their feast. They failed to escape.

“In the ensuing confusion I freed a few Larr captives and we somehow managed to escape safely. Without the evil Royals forcing them to make war any more, the Thrallkyre soldiers left their weapons and uniforms, and went back home to their families, farms, and businesses. Peace broke out and the war was over.”

Shinto had an epiphany, “So that’s what they meant.”

Kyoko looked at Shinto questioningly, “What who meant?”

“It’s one of the hero tales I heard on Larr. The fox people were being attacked by a group of bird people called the Thrallkyre that lived in the south. They were a peaceful race until their King died and his evil son took his place. He wasn’t satisfied with just being King of the South so he set his sights on the Larrian country in the North. He and his equally greedy Queen convinced the Thrallkyre to attack the Larr capitol Farrengale.

“Their weapons were better than the fox people’s and they had the advantage of being able to attack from the air, so the Larrians were losing badly. Their King decided to ask the United Worlds for help and the council sent Thael.”

“Alone?” Kyoko asked, “Why only one person to stop a war?”

“Because he’s done it before… he never fails no matter how harebrained his methods are. Anyway, he went there and immediately got captured by the enemy.

“The legend is that he created an exploding Gjib bird that stopped the war. Until now, I never knew what it meant.”

“So,” Una began, “It was Thael’s bad cooking that ended the war?”

Thael sighed, “You could say that. They gave me a medal and called me a hero.”

Kyoko couldn’t hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing. The others did too. Leura frowned.

She bowed to Kyoko. She seemed upset. “Hime sama…? If there isn’t anything else you need me for, I’ll be going.”

“Thank you, Leura. Without you here, we never would have gotten all this done.”

“It’s my greatest pleasure to serve you, my Princess.”

As she turned to leave Thael spoke up: “Leura?”

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“Why is such a noble Larrian fox like you serving in our house? You’re very refined and well-spoken for a servant. Were you forced into servitude for some reason?”

“No, Your Highness… I chose to serve you.”

“I’m honored, but why?”

“…Because you saved me and my family from death. We were three of the nine hundred you set free by deliberately setting the castle on fire. Instead of running away, you stayed to free all our people that had been captured by the Thrallkyre.

“I remember you fighting sword against sword in front of our cage. Eight against one, but you stayed. You stayed to free us, and you succeeded. I will always remember and be grateful for that.

“My mother and father were our King and Queen’s retainers. I was being groomed to become the Prince’s bride’s handmaiden. When I asked them if I could come and serve your Princess instead, they all agreed without hesitation. The people of Larr owe you a great debt.”

Thael blushed. “I’m no hero. I just did what had to be done.”

“Only a hero would speak like that. The exploding Gjib… all the grease and the ensuing fire… Tell me, my Prince, that you didn’t plan that. Tell us you didn’t allow them to capture you so you could figure out a way to bring them down. Tell us that it was just your bad cooking and not a well-planned sabotage. Tell us that the cook getting sick was a coincidence. Tell us that you didn’t fight them single handed to free my people from captivity. Tell them I’m a liar when I say I saw you fight eight of the enemy to free me and my family.”

Thael stood silent not sure what he should say.

“You say nothing, because you can’t lie.”

Finally: “Okay. Let’s say it’s all true, why give up life among your own kind to serve us? We don’t meet many Larrians – especially on earth. How will you ever find a mate to share your life?”

“A wise man once told me: ‘Have no fear. Things happen for a reason. Keep your faith, stay your course and everything you need, will come to you.’”

“What idiot said that?”

“You did. We were in the forest making our way home, when we had to hide from the enemy marching on the road. I told you I was afraid and you said that to me. I was still a Kit then. Well, I have faith and if it’s to be, my Prince will come and find me, just as you found Kyoko sama.”

“Why does everyone make me eat my own words?”

They all laughed.

One of the Imperial Guardians opened the sliding door, “He is almost here, your Highness and there is another larger one following him.”

“I expected that. Let her come. Thank you, Althea.”

“Yes, Your Highness, it shall be done.” She saluted with her sword and left.

“Who’s coming?” Una asked.

“Our special guests,” he replied.

He started for the balcony door, when a Shnark shot through it, grabbed him, and knocked him to the floor. The Shnark held him close, purred, and rubbed his head against Thael’s chest and face.

“Uncle Thael, I’m here as requested.”

“I noticed. Could you let me up?”

“Sure,” He rubbed his head against Thael’s face again and stood up.

Una and Shinto had seen the Shnark knock Thael down and had readied their weapons. Kyoko put herself between the Guardians and the Shnark. She shook her head slowly, no.

When they saw Thael treating it like a friend they put their weapons away.

Thael got up, put his arms around kip and hugged him. He scratched behind Kip’s ears, pet his fur, and let Kip nuzzle his chest and face. Kip purred in contentment. Thael looked over at Shinto and Una, “He’s not alone.

His mother should be coming any second.”

Althea showed a full grown female Shnark into the room.

“Mother!” Kip went to her, “Were you invited too?”

“No, kip, but she is more than welcome,” Thael bowed to her. “These people here are my friends who are going to help your people out, providing you let us. That beautiful woman over there is my wife, Princess Kyoko. The other pretty lady is Commander Una. That handsome fellow there is my wife’s brother, Captain Shinto. Oh, and the pretty Larrian is Leura. Since you’re still here, Leura chan, would you mind helping serve the dinner?”

“I would be happy to, Your Highness”

“Please, come in and eat with us. After dinner I have something to show you that will be of interest to you and your people. By the way, Kyoko-sama chose the fruit and sashimi based on your son’s suggestions.”

Kip said, “Fruit!” He went to the table and became fascinated with the chair that was there, “What’s this for?”

Kyoko explained and Kip sat in it. “Oh mother! We must get some of these chars. They are so comfortable, compared to the stones we use now.”

His mother cautiously went to the table and sat down. She examined the chair and nodded. “Yes, it is very comfortable.”

Thael put his hands together and said, “Itadakimasu.” There was polite conversation through dinner. Any bystander would think they all knew each other a long time.

After dinner, Thael said, “Gochisosama.”

“Ariella? Please show the Vid as you took it. Translate into Japanese subtitles for Shinto and Kyoko please.”

When the Vid ended, Thael looked at Kip’s mother, “What do you think? Should we show this to the Shnark leaders?”

Kip’s mother lowered her head and slowly shook it. “I was afraid of this. I told the others not to trust them. All this death and sadness…” She covered her eyes and softly wept.

Kyoko leaned toward her, “We feel the same way. We need to stop all this senseless killing so you can all go home and live in peace. That reminds me, I have a gift for you to give to your Queen.”

She walked over to the painting and removed the oil cloth. Kip’s mother walked over to it and stared for a time. “That is our home. You painted this?”


“You have the skill of living paint, don’t you? A rare gift in the universe; for a moment I was home again.”

Thael came over next to Kip’s mother. “It’s been bothering me for some time now that the Shnark are so ill prepared for a fight. It’s like your battle master deliberately trained them to die. I’ve been training your son to fight properly with Guardian skills. Even as young as he is, he could fight any Shnark trained this way and win in thirty seconds.”

Kip’s mother hissed. “One of those two Tharrdaak there is the Battle Master and Fight instructor here on Earth!”

“What?” Una was furious, “No wonder the Shnark are dying in droves! We need to kill that traitor now!”

“No,” Thael said. “It isn’t our place to kill the Battle Master. It’s a matter for their Queen and her people. If she asks for our help, we will do what we can to help her achieve that goal. One way is to make sure they see this Vid, Una?”

“Yes, highness?”

“Did you bring that gadget I asked for?”

“Yes, Your Highness. I was wondering why you needed a field disruptor.”

Kip’s mother looked nervous.

“It’s all right, Your Majesty,” Thael began, “The field disruptor is a device that will neutralize the Chameleon cloaks that the Vardak are wearing. Their true forms will be exposed to your subjects. Once your people see the whole truth you will have their loyalty again. Then you can go home and depose the others there. You can take the disruptor with you, as a gift from me. That way you will know which people are enemies and which are true Shnark.

“When your son grows into the Prince you can be proud of, and you are ready, I know he will make a great King. Until then your people need to learn that a Queen of Royal blood can rule as well, or better than a King.”

He bowed respectfully, “It’s your decision, Your Majesty. How do you want to handle this? We are all at your command.” The others bowed to show their willingness to honor her wishes.

The meeting went on for another hour. When it finally adjourned, Thael got down on his knees.

“Your Majesty, I owe you and your people an apology. I beg for your forgiveness.” He bowed with his forehead touching the backs of his hands which were palm down on the floor, Onegai shimasu!” The Queen seemed puzzled.

“I broke one of my primary rules. I have always tried to see both sides to an argument, but I failed to do so with the Shnark. Your son woke me up, but too many of your people had already died by my hands because I blindly believed what my people said about yours.

“Had I not abandoned my own principles, we might have ended this before so much bloodshed…” He paused. He was weeping for the dead.

Kyoko came over to Thael’s side, “Chotto!”

“Uh, oh,” Shinto said just loud enough for Una to hear, “This may turn bad.”

Kyoko got down on her knees and bowed. “Please forgive him, Your Majesty. If you need to punish him, take me as well. I will work by his side to make any reparations you demand. Onegai shimasu!” She touched her forehead to the backs of her hands the same way Thael was doing.

The Queen looked down at the two figures in front of her.

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