Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 26: The Shnark Queen Decides

The Shnark Queen arrived around eight O’clock. Kyoko and Leura laid out fresh fruit and sashimi. The Queen was pleased.

Gomenasai, Your Majesty,” Kyoko began, “your son told us that you liked tuna and yellow tail sashimi, so I took the liberty of preparing some for you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all Kyoko sama, it’s kind of you to make things comfortable for me.”

The meeting was short and informal. Thael explained his idea for the coming confrontation. When he was done, the Queen looked from him to Shinto and then Una.

“Are all of his ideas this crazy?” She asked the room.

Shinto choked on the iced tea he had been drinking. Kyoko laughed.

Una answered her with as straight a face as she could manage, “Yes, Your Majesty… all, that is, except one.”

“Really…? What was that one?”

“His decision to marry Kyoko sama. If anything, she was the crazy one to say yes.”

The Queen chuckled. “Now, on that, I would have to agree with you. She is a worthy Princess. She will make a fine Queen.”

Kyoko bowed, “Domo Arigato Gozaimasu, Your Majesty.”

The Queen turned to Leura. “You are Larrian, yes?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Why are you serving a Taelon?”

“I am here because one of his crazy ideas saved over nine-hundred of my people, including myself. He ended a cruel war against us. The tyrants from the South forced the normally peaceful Thrallkyre to wage war on us. They had superior weapons and we lost many of our people. Prince Thael came to Larr in response to a call for help to the Council of United Worlds.

“Our advisors thought it was an insult for them to send a single Guardian, but he succeeded where all our weapons, warriors, and machines failed. Crazy? Perhaps, Your Majesty, but that man and his lunatic ideas saved us all and stopped the war.” She bowed.

“How about you Captain Shinto, is he crazy?”

“Yes, Your Majesty, he seems that way, but I have come to realize that his crazy ideas work better than any council of Generals can come up with. If he says that something absolutely insane will work, I will follow him without question even though I have no idea how it will work.”

She purred, “Commander Una. Would you follow him blindly as well?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I have known him for many years now and have experienced the successes of his crazy schemes first hand. I would follow him into the pit of Hell if he asked me. For that, I guess you could say I am also crazy.”

“Well, you may call me crazy too, because I trust him. When do we do this thing, Thael?”

“Saturday, after the awakening, Your Majesty.”

“I will come to get you at five o’clock Earth time. Under the circumstances, I think it best for my son to stay with you until then. If they saw his eyes, they would know he was Senshi immediately and our plan would be useless.”

Kyoko was petting and scratching Kip. His head was in her lap. “It’s no problem, Your Majesty. Both of you are always welcome in our home – no matter where it is. I’m really going to miss being able to do this after his twelfth cycle. He’ll be a true warrior then.”

“I shall miss it too, Kyoko sama, but every living thing must grow up. After he reclaims Kehrru Sekkrru from its usurpers, he will no longer be a child.”

She stood up, went over to the couch and sat next to Kyoko. She gently stroked and scratched behind Kip’s ears. Kyoko could see tears in her eyes.

An hour later as she was preparing to go: “Let’s do this crazy thing and end the war between us. Let us always be friends from now on.”

“Oh, yes, Your Majesty,” Kyoko began. “It must end soon, so you and your son can come to Taelon to witness our blessing ceremony.”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course I do.”

The Queen chuckled, “You’re as crazy as he is. I’m not so certain so soon after…”

“No need to feel any embarrassment. You’ll be coming as a Queen who has defeated her real enemies, not one defeated in battle.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Thael said. “I need your son to stand with me as best friend.”

“You are the perfect match, you two. You’re both crazy, but honest and sincere, so we will come, and we will stand proudly as your friends,” with that she turned and flew away.

Shinto scratched his head, “Have I stepped through the Looking Glass?”

Una gave him a funny look, “Nan desu ka?”

“Everything has just turned backwards. Our sworn enemy is now our friend.” He paused a moment, “Thank God.”

Una opened her eyes in surprise, “You’re happy about that?”

“Oh yes. I am so tired of the useless killings. This isn’t war, it’s genocide, willingly submitted to by these poor Shnark. With a lot of luck and the Shnark Crown Prince over there, we are going to end this, once and for all.”

“So Kip is his ace in the hole?”

Leura approached the group, “Sumimasen, everything is cleared up and in the dishwasher, Your Highness. I’ll come back tomorrow while you’re out and clean the house.” She bowed.

Thael bowed. “Thank you, Leura. As always, you have been a great help. Do you need a ride back to the house near the mountains?”

“No, Your Highness. I’ve called Hiro san. He’s already on his way here.”

Kyoko spoke: “Leura?”

“Yes, Himesama?”

Kyoko bowed, “Thank you. You are more than just a servant to us. You are family. If there is ever something you need, tell us and we’ll do what we can for you.”

Leura bowed, “Thank you both.”

The doorbell rang. Una opened the door. Hiro was standing in the hall.

“Come in Hiro,” she said, “She’s almost ready to leave.”

Thael walked over to him. “How is the house? Still standing, I hope.”

“It’s a bit empty right now, but there are some newlyweds moving in next week.”

Kyoko spoke up: “Oh Thael, that reminds me… I haven’t seen it yet. I expect with Hiro and Leura there it’s pretty clean by now.”

He replied, “How about we go tomorrow after school? We can have dinner there and you can tell me what we need to do to fix it up.”

“O yes please, I’m anxious to see how you lived before you met me.” She managed to get off the couch without disturbing Kip. She walked over to Thael and hugged his arm.

“Well…. my life was pretty ragged and small before I met you, Himesama. I hope you aren’t too disappointed when you see it.”

“As long as I am with you, nothing else matters,” she kissed him.

Hiro spoke up: “We’ll be going now, Your Highness. When should we expect you tomorrow?”

“Shortly after four. About two seconds after Kyoko sama boards Ariella.”

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