Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 12: Hime sama no Ai (A Princess’ Love)

The next day at eight a.m., Thael awoke to the smells of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. He got out of bed, stretched, and walked into the living room. Kyoko was busy making something on the stove.

Ohaio, O Kyoko-sama.”

“Good morning, Thael. It’s almost ready. I was about to come and wake you up.”

“I’m afraid that if you had come in to wake me up your wonderful breakfast would be burned.”

Baka. Here, take the rice cooker to the table.”

Baka? You’re calling me a fool because you are immune to my seducing you now?” He took the cooker to the table. “Because if that is the case then I won’t bother to try anymore,” he teased.

“Why do you think I didn’t come to you earlier?” She was stirring a pot of something that smelled delectable. He walked up behind her, put his arms around her waist, pressed his cheek against hers, took a deep breath through his nose, and said, “You smell delicious.”

She turned around, grabbed him and kissed him.

When their lips parted… “Thank you, my Princess. I needed that.”

“So did I,” she chuckled. She smiled and turned back to her stirring.

In another five minutes they were seated at the table.

Itadakimasu,” they said together.

“So what’s on for today?” Thael said between mouthfuls.

“I need to finish my tree. Then I have to take all my paintings to the gallery.”

“I thought the showing was next week.”

“It is, but they need to plan on how they are going to present them. They have to make sure there are no conflicts between colors, subject, or size.”

A Soka. It sounds like a lot of work setting up a showing. I mean, I knew they didn’t just haphazardly nail paintings to the wall, but I didn’t think it was that involved.”

“Oh, yes. They even have a virtual gallery now on the computer. You can walk through just as if you were really there. They put pictures of the art into the virtual reality construct and see how the flow of the art works. Then they do a trial hanging to make sure their calculations are correct because, as you know, no photograph can depict the painting as well as the real thing.

“One of the hardest things is to decide which picture to hang as the bait to get people to come in and look at the rest of the paintings. It’s the most important picture of the collection. If they choose badly, many people will just walk away without bothering to view the rest.”

Thael paused, with his chopsticks close to his mouth, “That sounds a bit unfair to judge the whole collection based on a first impression. That picture may not appeal to you, but the next one might.” He put his chopsticks down on his plate.

Kyoko smiled at her Angel man, “You really understand all this don’t you? You’re the first person that gets me.”

“Actually, I want to be the only man that gets you.” He picked up his empty chopsticks and pointed them at her, “You are the only one I want, my Princess, and no one else can have you.”

Gochisosama,” Kyoko stood up, walked around the table, put her arms around him from behind, put her mouth close to his ear and nibbled. She whispered, “You are the only one, my Prince.” She nibbled a little more. Suddenly, she pulled away and said, “If you want more, you know where to find me.”

She dropped her robe to the floor for effect as she left the room. Instead of her Hello Kitty PJ’s, she was wearing a silky nightgown that you could see all her curves through.

Thael didn’t need a second invitation.

By ten-thirty, with bento picnic, and painting equipment in the back of Kyoko’s car, they were on the road to her unique tree.

After lunch, Kyoko went back to her painting. Thael lay under the tree looking up through its branches. He had just dozed off, when Kyoko said, “It’s done.”

Honto…? Let me see.” He started to get up from the blanket.

“Oh, no,” she said, quickly covering it with the protective oil cloth. “You have to wait until you can see them all.”

“But I…”

Da-me,” she wagged her finger at him. “I want to surprise you. You haven’t seen any of my paintings yet, but you believe in me. I want you to see the whole collection next Saturday. Then you can tell me honestly if any of them speak to you.”

He bowed, his right hand across his chest, “As you wish, My Princess.” He paused a moment, “Actually, I think that’s a fair idea. Like I said before, it wouldn’t be right to judge the whole collection on one single painting.”

She nodded her head. “Thank you my Prince. Now, let’s go home to get the rest of the collection and deliver them to the Yamaguchi Gallery.”

Kyoko parked in the loading zone in front of the gallery. She used her cell to call the curator and tell him they were there. A short time later a thin, neatly dressed, man of about thirty came out to greet them. He wore a blue suit and tie.

“You’re right on time, Kyoko chan.” He bowed formally to Thael. Hajimemashitte, Kodo Kato desu.”

Thael bowed too. “It’s a pleasure meeting you too, Kodo sensei. I am Kyoko sama’s husband Thael.”

“I didn’t know you were married, Kyoko sama.”

“Yes Thael sama and I were married quite recently.” She looked panicked. “That doesn’t matter does it?”

“Not for your showing, but it does mean you both will have to come to dinner at my home. My wife will insist on it. She’ll be at the showing. I’ll introduce you.”

“It would be an honor. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Kodo Sensei,” she bowed again.

“I should be thanking you for allowing me to hang your remarkable pictures. The first time I saw some of them, I knew I had to have this showing. Did you mark the one you think would be best for the first view?”

“No, sensei, you have much more experience at that. I did mark the two that are my favorites, though.”

“All right, we will set up the virtual display. If you don’t like where something is placed you can make suggestions then.”


Some men and women came out of the gallery and carefully took the paintings in. When the last one was taken: “Exactly thirty-three pictures, I can’t wait to see what these other creations you’ve brought have in store for us.”

She bowed again, “We should be going now. You have a lot to do and we don’t wish to hold you up.”

Thael bowed, “Yes, thank you again for helping Kyoko sama. This means a lot to her – and to me, as well.”

Do itashimashitte. I assure you, this means a lot to me too. She has a rare talent.”

Domo arigato, Sensei… Thank you for your kind words.” Kyoko blushed.

Thael bowed his head, “Thank you again, Kodo Sensei. It was very nice meeting you.”

“It was my pleasure, Prince Thael. I am really looking forward to Saturday’s showing. She’s going to show the art world something incredible and I guarantee, unforgettable.”

“Good night, Sensei.” Kyoko said.

Oyasuminasai, Sensei. We’ll see you Saturday,” Thael repeated.

“Yes. Goodnight. Oh… I’ll call you when the virtual walk-through is ready, Princess. You can access it on our website. I’ll send you a password and the address.”

“Okay. Thank you again.”

As they drove home: “He’s calling me Prince now.”

“Well, you are a prince aren’t you? What else would he do? I’m the one that called you a prince first. Besides, he called me Princess because you called me that. What could he do? It would have been rude not to after hearing us say it.”

Hime sama…?”

“What?” She seemed a little annoyed.

“I hope you’re not upset about all that. I’m not upset about it, besides it won’t be long until it’s announced to the world anyway.”

She hit the brake. The car behind honked and skidded, but he managed to miss hitting the back of her car. He yelled something insulting as he drove around them.

“We’re announcing what to the world?”

“The whole truth: That you and I are the Royal Ambassadors from Taelon, even though we are both natural born Japanese citizens.”

“Can’t we wait until I graduate first? The girls at school will go crazy about this. I’ve finally made some friends there. When they find out about Taelon, who we really are…”

“Uh… I think it’s scheduled for your last week of school, but you will have three Imperial Guardians with you; uncloaked, of course.”

A car horn sounded behind them. Kyoko pulled over to the curb.

She rubbed her forehead. “Do ishite?” She said softly.

“Our Taelon wedding takes place the weekend before and Grandfather wants us to make the announcement right away. I tried to get him to change his mind, but he…”

“If I didn’t love you, and I didn’t want this more than anything I have ever wanted, I’d tell you all to go to hell.”

She sat looking depressed, her hands gripping the wheel and her forehead resting between them. Thael just sat there not saying anything. This was something she needed to decide for herself. They sat in silence for fifteen minutes. She: sitting with her head against the steering wheel, and He: looking out the right side window. Tears filled his eyes and one of them escaped. It ran down his cheek and clung to his chin. He had done something he vowed he would never do. He made his beloved Princess unhappy.

Another tear escaped and followed the other. They joined at his chin and became too heavy to cling to his skin. Gravity made it fall into his lap. He leaned his head on the window with his eyes closed. Kyoko looked up and out the front window. She regretted what she had said, but she knew that once said, it could never be taken back.

She looked over at her beloved Prince. She saw the tear fall from his chin. Now she felt worse.

Thael was trying to think of a way to make it up to her. So what if it was Taelon protocol. So what if the King ordered it. Why do we have to go along with…?

Kyoko’s lips on his made him stop thinking of anything else. When their lips parted: “Forgive me, my Princess. I should have been firmer with Grandfather. I told him you were graduating and didn’t need the added stress, but he insisted. I should have been…”

He couldn’t talk because she was kissing him again.

As she pulled away she put her finger on his lips to silence him, “I should be the one apologizing, Thael. I shouldn’t have said that to you. There is no way, no matter what test your Grandfather puts us through… there is absolutely no way I would ever desert you. You are my one and only true love. I can endure anything for us.”

This time, he kissed her.

After they got home, they soaked in a hot bath.


He was enjoying the hot water and just holding her close. He had his eyes closed.


“I have to go to school tomorrow. So I won’t get to see you until after. What are you going to do all day?”

“Miss you,” he paused a moment. “I also have some meetings at the studios. I’m negotiating with Toei and the author of Sailor Moon. I want to do a live action movie, with the original PGSM live stars. Older of course; Sailor moon is married to Mamoru and they have a girl and a younger son. Sailor Jupiter married that turtle guy Motoki kun and they have a daughter. Sailor Mercury is married to that Shitenou guy, Nephrite. Sailor Venus is engaged to a soldier trainer from the moon. The interesting thing there is that it is Artemis the cat. He‘s actually a man that was turned into a cat and after that last battle; he was able to change back into a man.

“Last, but not least, Sailor Mars finds her powers within her and begins to fight the new menace: Trolls, Goblins and other fairy tale creatures. She teaches the others how to find their inner power too. She meets her soul mate and they get married.

“The series that I hope to follow it with is in three parts of about twenty episodes each. The first is that the five sailor senshi fight these wonderful CG monsters. Not the silly ones they fought before. In this there is real fighting. A Sailor Moon for adults. Their kids get older and in the second part of the series. The children learn from their mothers how to be Sailor Guardians. In the last part, the five original girls retire and their daughters become the new Sailor Moon generation.

“I already have Kitigawa Keiko, Komatsu Ayaka, Myuu Sawai, and the original Shitenou. If we can get all of the rest of them – and permission from the creator, of course – we’ll be shooting in July or August after our honeymoon.

“I’m also planning a tour for Paru and I want Ueto Aya to share the stage with him. She told me after we filmed my movie, ‘Gaijin’ that she wanted to do a musical project with me and I’m hoping she meant it.”

Kyoko was sitting silently staring at the wall.

“Something wrong, my love?”

“I… I had forgotten about Paru. It’s just a bit strange hearing you talk about all those famous stars as if they were just regular people.”

“Actually, they are regular people. Like you, they have a gift that they share with the world. They are very nice people. Nice people with exceptional gifts.”

“What do you mean: ’Like me’?”

“According to Kodo Sensei, you are possessed with an incredible gift to paint. So, yes, just like you. You are the nicest person I know. You will fit in easily with my famous friends. They’re the ones I talked about when I said my friends would celebrate your coming of age.”

She shook her head. Her hair danced a little. To Thael it looked like it was in slow motion. Drops of water flew off the ends.

“They would come to my party?”

“Without a doubt; and by the end of the night I know you’d all be fast friends.”

She leaned over and hugged him close for a while. Then: “We’d better get out of the tub before we look like two prunes.”

“Let’s put on PJ’s and cuddle on the couch,” Thael suggested.

They did.

She was cuddling next to him in her Hello Kitty PJs. She looked up into his face. “What about patrolling? Don’t you have to go out and fight the Shnark?”

“Fortunately no, not when I’m making money for the corporation so I can maintain the Guardians. I’ve put myself off official duty.”

Yokata! I’m so happy,” she hugged him tighter.

“I’m tired of all the killing anyway. I need a vacation from it. Besides, Shinto is more than capable of handling everything. He has Lord Rocknash and his men, plus three Imperial Guardians to help. I have also arranged for the all the other Senshi to be ready should another problem arise, like the other night.” He sighed, “I don’t even like talking about it. These things can give you nightmares after a while.”

She nodded in agreement, her head against his chest. Kyoko understood about nightmares. She still dreamed about that gash in Thael’s back and the poor dead Shnark that looked so much like a cat.

She looked up at him, “Chotto…Three Imperial Guardians? Did you loan him yours?”

“No, as brother to her Royal Highness Thael Kyoko… You’ve heard of her, haven’t you…?”


“Good, it saves me having to explain her to you.” Thael continued, “Shinto has been assigned his own royal Guard. We must protect our close relatives, you know.”

“Thank you, Thael. I know you did that just for me.”

She kissed him and cuddled closer. There was a minute or so of silence.

“Thael…? I know this sounds cowardly, but I’m glad you are taking a vacation from all that. I can still see Shinto trying to wash all that blood and goo off of you – I couldn’t tell if it was yours or theirs – and that horrible gash…” She buried her head in Thael’s pajama top.

“You can’t kill a Taelon Prince that easily, my Princess. It really is almost impossible. It’s one of the perks to being one. There’s something else as well.”

“What?” She looked up at his face that was looking down at hers.

“You also can’t kill a Taelon Princess.”

She sat straight up. “I beg your pardon?”

“You can’t be killed, maimed, poisoned, or die of a dread disease. You’ll never get sick again; No flu, no colds… nothing.”

“Is that true? Or are you just trying to make me feel better?”

“I swear on my mother.” He raised his right palm. “It’s all true; you know it’s impossible for me to lie.”

She put her head back on his lap, “It sounds like a fairy tale. I’m not sure I’ll ever believe it.”

“There’s something else too.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“You will live longer than any human and always look the way you do now, Young and beautiful.”

“Now I know you’re putting me on.” She thought in silence for a while. Finally she asked timidly, “How much longer?”

He smiled, “The average lifespan is between six hundred and a thousand years.”

She sat straight up, “What about Shinto? Won’t he be gone? Doesn’t this mean I’ll outlive him?”

“No, my love, when he became a Guardian he became Taelon. He’ll be around to see our Great, Great, Great, Great, Great grandchildren. Possibly a few more greats, but I’m too tired to calculate that. That also means, you’ll see them too, you know.”

“Oh my…! We’ll need a much bigger place.”

Thael laughed. She laughed too.

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