Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 13: Hana san

The next morning they were both up early. Kyoko took the train to school and Thael went with her. When they parted at the gates, he found a secluded place to cloak. He flew off to the studio; invisible to all eyes.

When eleven thirty came around he found himself at her classroom door, bento in hand. The girls were begging for autographs.

“Ladies, I will be happy to write my name for you, but only for this class. Afterward, I have to take Kyokosama up to the roof for lunch.”

Honto…? You’ll really sign?”

“Yes, I think it would make Kyoko sama happy, so I will do it.”

Kyoko muttered the word, “Baka,” under her breath and buried her nose in a book. She tried to look angry, but its effect was lessened by the fact she had the book upside-down.

It took about five minutes to sign all their things.

“Thank you ladies, I appreciate all my fans. Without you, there would be no Paru. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to take my wife to lunch.”

The girls stood in shock at that statement. Thael went over to Kyoko’s desk and bowed, “I missed you so much I decided to brave the fans and bring you lunch. See? He raised his hand with the bento basket handle in it. Kyoko was still looking at her upside-down book.

“Are you okay? I know I said I would stay away, but I couldn’t.”

She tried to be angry with him, but she had been thinking about him all morning and secretly hoped he would show up. She stood up, took his hand, and they went to the roof. As the roof door shut, he took her in is arms and kissed her.

“I can’t tell you how much I missed you today. Even though the talks at the studio went well, I couldn’t concentrate. All I could see was you, eating up here alone or at your desk. I had to come.”

He kissed her again for about sixty seconds.

When their lips parted: “I hope you’re not angry with me for just showing up like this.”

She laughed, “I was having a miserable morning too. The people that used to hate me now want to be my best friend. The girls that tolerated me now hate me because we’re together; in spite of the fact they never had a chance with you anyway. I liked it better when they called me names and just left me alone.”

“I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have come today.”

Baka! I’ve been miserable all morning because all I can think about is you!”

She kissed him this time.

They ate their lunch in peace. There was a small contingent of girls that were perfectly happy to wait until they were through eating to get his autograph.

“I have a theory… Actually, it’s not a theory. I know this works. If I come every day and have lunch with you, I will stop being a celebrity and become just another classmate to them.”

Kyoko looked puzzled.

“It’s all about propinquity.”

“Are you showing off just because you know an English word with eleven letters in it?”

“No. It’s the perfect word to describe this situation. I know… think about this: There’s a bus that travels the same route every day and the same people get on it at the different stops. They are greeted by the other passengers who ride every day too. They all know each other and everyone’s name.

“For some reason, you have to start taking the bus every day too. The first time you get on, other than some glances and polite nods, they ignore you. You bow your head politely in return. After a week, someone starts greeting you with a friendly, ’Ohaio Gozaimasu’. By the end of two weeks they are asking you questions about what you do, where you work, etc.

“Before you know it, you are one of the gang that knows everybody’s name and history. That’s propinquity.”

“I get it. It’s the same thing when a new student comes into the classroom. Of course, some will dislike them no matter what, but eventually they find their place with like-minded people.”

Sonatory, so, it will be just like that here. My celebrity status will wear off as they get to know me and I’ll end up being just another classmate.”

“You’re going to bring me lunch every day just so you can be the only male student in an all-girls school?” She teased.

He feigned being insulted, “I’m going to bring you lunch every day because I love you and can’t stand being away from you all day. Becoming a member of the school means no more crowds begging for autographs, or gawking at us while we are eating.”

“You sweet talking man… are you trying to seduce me?” She tilted her head slightly and smiled.

“Huh? No, I was just…” He looked nervous.

“Too bad because I was in the mood to be…” She gave him a sultry look.


She put her palm up towards his face, and looked away. “Too late, the mood’s gone.”

He sat staring at her, wondering what was going on.

She turned back to him. When she saw his astonished look, she began laughing. He didn’t say a word. He just sat there with his mouth open.

Finally she said, “Kiss me you fool.”

“Now that… I can do… without reservation.”

He kissed her.

By the end of the week it happened as he said. The students would bow and greet them as they walked by. They were treating him like just another classmate.

Saturday morning came and Kyoko was having problems. Her hair wasn’t right. She couldn’t find anything to wear; all the symptoms of a nervous artist making her debut. After she rejected the tenth outfit, even though Thael had liked them all (and said so when asked his opinion), he stood up and said, “That’s it. You and I are going for a drive.”

“But I have to look right for the showing.”

“Don’t you worry, Hime sama, you will look perfect for the occasion. For now, we need to take a drive.” He took her hand, grabbed her keys, and led her out the door. He drove to the television and movie studios.

Kyoko recognized the place. He had taken her there before.

“Thael, why are we…”

“Shh. It’s a surprise.”

They parked by a big building. When they went inside, she could see rows and rows of costumes. There were seamstress tables, ironing boards, bolts of all kinds of fabric, ribbons, and buttons. Everything you need to make, alter, or repair costumes. On one side of the place was a professional makeup table. It was about nine feet long, with room for three people to be made up at once. A little way away was the changing room. A woman was straightening the makeup table.

“Hana!” Thael said happily.

Hana bowed, “Your Highness. What brings you here this time of day?” Hana was wearing an ankle length flowered dress with heels to match. She also wore a short sleeved white blouse, and a colorful scarf tied around her neck. Her hands were adorned with various gem studded rings.

“I need your professional help. My Princess is having a difficult time getting ready for her Gallery debut tonight at the Yamaguchi. Her paintings are going to be seen for the first time by the public. What do you think?”

Hana, it turns out is a man… a very talented man. He put his hand over his mouth and tapped his nose with his pointer finger.


He looked at her from different angles. Finally, he snapped his fingers.

“I know just the thing.”

He washed her hair, held it up and moved it this way and that. Made his decision and began to work. In less than an hour Hana was done. Kyoko looked radiant. The hairstyle was perfect for her face.

Then he applied makeup. When he was finished he turned her around to the big mirror and said, “Have a look, Your Highness.”

Kyoko was stunned. In the mirror was a very beautiful woman she had never seen before.

“Oh, my…! It’s perfect. I look like…”

“A Princess, Your Highness?” Hana smiled at her.

“Yes. I look exactly like a Princess.” Her eyes started to tear up.

Da-me, you mustn’t cry, Your Highness. It will ruin your makeup. Fortunately, with your face, I didn’t need very much, just some accents of your natural beauty.” He got out some cotton swabs, brushes and colors to fix her tear smeared makeup.

“Sorry, Hana. I am just so overwhelmed. It’s like there is some other girl in the mirror; someone much more beautiful than me.”

“Like I said, darling, you are beautiful. I only enhanced what you already have.”

Thael was looking at his Princess. “You look absolutely gorgeous, but then you always look gorgeous to me.”

“Pay no attention to that fool, Princess,” Hana chided.

Thael smiled, “You did a marvelous job, Hana, as always. Now, we need to think of a dress to match. One that says, ‘I am an artist. I created all these masterpieces for you to look at.’”

Hana put his hand over his mouth and tapped his nose again.

“Hmmm… I’ve got just the thing. It’s never been worn. I’ve been saving it for someone special, and here you are.”

He rushed off between the racks and racks of costumes. In a moment he was back with a black sleeveless dress that went to the floor. The left side went over the shoulder. The right shoulder was bare. It had a pattern of cherry blossoms on a single branch that went from her left shoulder down near to the bottom right side of the dress curving around to the back. He also had a pair of black heels with pink accents, flowers for the side of her hair, and some on a band for her wrist. The banded flowers had a hook for the ring on the bottom of her dress so the hem wouldn’t drag on the floor. When she lifted her arm up, the right side of the dress lifted just enough to walk without damaging the hem.

Kyoko came back from the dressing room, when he saw her Thael lost his balance. He caught himself on the back of the makeup chair, “My god, Hana. She’s perfect.”

“Yes, she is.” Hana walked up to Kyoko and said, “I designed this ensemble, never thinking I would find anyone so worthy of wearing it, but here you are. I give it to you as a gift. Oh,” he picked something up from the table. “This is the drawstring purse that accents the dress, you’ll find the black lace gloves inside it, and…,” she went over to the racks and came back in triumph, “…and this bamboo parasol for when the sun gets a little too bright. She opened it and handed it to Kyoko. The parasol was black, with cherry blossoms painted on it.

Kyoko put it over her left shoulder. Her right hand held the black drawstring bag. It was faux leather covered with lace. Her right wrist band had the bottom of her dress attached to it.

“The parasol with the Sakura is a stroke of genius, Hana. I don’t know how we’ll ever repay you,” Thael said with admiration.

“Yes, it’s like a fairy tale. I’m afraid I’ll wake up and I’ll be plain Kyoko again.”

“You have never been ‘plain Kyoko’ my love, and never will be,” Thael said with certainty.

“Just one more thing, Your Highness,” Hana disappeared in the racks again. She came back with a black silk scarf that also had pink and white cherry blossom pattern. She tied it around her throat.

“The piece de resistance… Ah, ah, ah… Don’t you dare refuse my gift, it gets cold out there. This will keep your throat warm.”

Kyoko saw herself in the mirror and had to try very hard not to cry. She rushed into Hana’s arms and hugged her. Kyoko kissed her cheek. “This is the best day of my whole life – next to meeting that wonderful man over there. How can we ever repay you?”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course we do,” Thael said. “We’ve kept you from your work and you’ve turned my Princess into a goddess. Name it and we’ll arrange it.”

“I want to design her wedding ensemble. Is that possible?”

“It would honor me greatly, Hana san, but that means more work for you,” Kyoko stated.

“No it wouldn’t. I love my craft. I enjoy making beautiful dresses and seeing people enjoy them, whether they are wearing them or looking at them. For me it isn’t work. It’s play… an act of love.”

“I feel that way about my paintings. We would be more than honored if you would design the Royal wedding ensemble.”

“Good. I’ll start making sketches and when I have some ideas, you can look at them and choose, Princess.”

“Thank you,” she bowed, “You are much too kind to me.”

“Seriously, Hana,” Thael began, “We are in your debt.”

“Just seeing her in that dress… making it look far better than it really is, is payment enough. And, on that day you come down the aisle wearing my wedding dress, Hime sama, that day will be the high point of my life.”

“Hana san…?”

“Yes, Princess?”

“How did you know my sizes? Everything fits perfectly… even the heels.”

Thael smiled, “Hana is in charge of all the people working in the makeup, wardrobe and hair styling departments of my studio. She can look at anyone and instantly know their sizes. She’s the quintessential designer, fitter, makeup, and hair stylist. No one on this planet holds a candle to her skills.”

“Thank you, my Prince, but shouldn’t you two be on your way somewhere?”

Thael looked at his wrist, “Aigoo! We’ve been here that long? We should get going. Thank you again Hana,” he bowed.

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