Senshi (Guardians)

Chapter 11: Aftermath

Kyoko came out of the bedroom. She still had tears in her eyes.

“Shinto…?” Her voice was trembling.

He stood next to the couch, “I know. I’m very sorry. I lost sight of him. When I found him, I could see that a Shnark had cut his back. Lord Rocknash killed it, but Thael was already badly injured. I have never been so afraid in my life; Over five-hundred Shnark attacking us in waves. They were flying at us at incredible speeds. Not to mention the ones on the ground attacking us in groups. If not for Lord Rocknash, and Thael’s quick thinking, we would all be dead.

“That man you are going to marry? That man is the bravest man I have ever met. Even after his shields went down, he kept fighting. He stood up to five Shnark by just talking to them. He taunted them saying things like: ‘Why did you bother to learn Japanese?’ He told them their battle banter was pathetic because it was just clichés. They would say something and he’d say, ‘No. that’s from such and such movie.’ He kept telling them to be more original.

“I thought he had lost it, but he turned to me and told me to tell him when the next wave of Shnark was on its way. Then he told me to tell him when to duck. We ducked at the right moment, and the attacking Shnark killed their own men, who were still trying to come up with original lines.

“I will never again doubt any story I’m told about him. He’s the most remarkable, quick thinking, brave, and loyal man I have ever met. He saved my life several times last night and never said a word about it afterward. Just before the final attack he kept saying he wanted to make you breakfast, even though he can’t cook. I told him I couldn’t cook either and he was very disappointed.

“When he was struck down, all I could think of was you and how I broke my promise to you. I failed to protect him. I swear that I will never let that happen again.”

“Come with me,” Kyoko led him to the shower, “You look a mess. Why don’t you wash off all that blood, Oniisan, and change into dry clothes. It will be more comfortable for you.”


A half hour later he came out of the bathroom wearing dry clothes. He sat on the couch. Kyoko came out of the bedroom, sat next to him, and hugged him.

“Shin, it isn’t your fault he was injured. You kept your promise by bringing him home to me. I was frightened when I saw all that blood and gore covering the two of you – and that horrible gash, but somehow I knew you both would be all right. Thank you for bringing him home to me.” She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

He lay down. She covered him with a blanket and he fell asleep.

She looked at the sleeping Shinto. “I love you, Oniisan. I am so happy you both came back to me safe. My two men are home again.”

There was a tapping on the balcony doors. She went to see what it was. On the balcony stood the three Imperial Guardians who were responsible for the Prince’s safety. They were in tears. She asked them in.

Their leader bowed her head, “We failed, Your Highness. We lost sight of him in the battle. We looked for his white wings, but couldn’t find him. We failed you and our Prince,” she rubbed tears from her wet eyes.

Thael’s voice came from the bedroom door, “You didn’t fail anyone, Ariana. When I lost my shields, I also lost my wings. Even if I would have still had them, they would have been so covered in blood and goo that no one would have known who I was anyway. I am most grateful that I didn’t lose any of you in that impossible battle.”

There was more tapping on the window. Kyoko opened the door, pulled the curtain aside and stepped back. Rocknash was outside looking in.

Thael went out on the balcony. The others followed. “Lord Rocknash, my friend. Is everything all right? Did they attack again?”

“No, Highness. I mean, yes, everything is all right now that I’ve seen you, and no, they have not come back.

I think we put the fear of the maker in their hearts for the time being.”

“My Lord Rocknash, without your assistance tonight things would have gone very badly. Thanks to you and your men, we all live.”

“It was your idea, Thael, and it worked beautifully.”

“Like I said, we owe you our lives. Thank you.” He bowed. The others bowed too. They knew how indispensable he had been in that final assault.

Kyoko came forward. Lord Rocknash looked worried. “I’m sorry, Princess. I was so busy swatting Shnark that I couldn’t watch over him as I should have. Punish me any way you like.” He bowed his head.

She chuckled. “I’m not angry with you Lord Rocknash. What you did tonight was a royal service to all Taelons and to Earth. I was told you and your men stood up to over eight-hundred Shnark tonight. That’s no easy feat. You all deserve proper recognition for your bravery. What do you think, my Prince?”

“I agree. That reminds me…” he touched his communicator. The three dimensional Sergeant once again appeared on his wrist.

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“Are you deliberately trying to provoke me into sending you to the outer rim?”

His face went white. “N-No, Your Highness.”

“Then can you please explain to us all the difference between twenty-five Shnark and eight-hundred? Because your estimate was a wee bit lower than what we actually encountered. They even had a proto-cannon. Do you need glasses? Just tell me and we’ll arrange for them.”

“No, Your Highness, I’m sorry I…”

“Do you think you could at least update us when the situation changes? Were you even looking? Do you need more practice with the detection equipment? If so, we can let you practice at the outer rim on asteroid beta three nine one. It’s remote, deserted, and no one will disturb you while you are there.”

The sergeant bowed low. “Forgive me Your…”

Thael switched off the communicator. “That idiot almost… I don’t want to think about it because if I think about how I almost lost all of you, I’d wring his neck.”

He turned to Kyoko. “Your brother is one of the bravest men I have ever met. He saved me quite a few times last night and never expected so much as a thank you. He fought very bravely. When you’re dueling Shnark you need to pay close attention, because even though their skills are lacking, they are still deadly; especially in large numbers. If it weren’t for the two Shnark he was fighting at the time I was injured, he would have come to me right away. Please don’t blame him.”

Kyoko shook her head, “Iie, I know he did his best.”

Thael turned to the others on the balcony, “Thank you all for coming to check on me. I am well and still with you. However, I am weary and really should take my Princess into the other room and get some sleep,” he bowed,


They all said good night and left.

The next day, Thael woke at ten. When he opened his eyes he saw Kyoko’s eyes looking back. They had tears in them.

Genki desu ka, Hime sama?”

She nodded once, slowly. Then she moved closer, put her arm around him, and lay her wet cheek against his. He didn’t say anything. He just held her close for a few minutes. Finally: “I thought you had important things to do today.”

“Nothing’s more important than this,” Kyoko hugged him tighter. He didn’t try to dissuade her. He just held her closely and gently rubbed her back. This was something she needed and that was all that mattered.

It wasn’t until after eleven that they had bathed and dressed. Shinto left before they got up. The note he left said,

“Oneechan, Gomenasai – Kyoko sama, I have things to do. The doctor told me to tell you not to worry. You’ll have your wedding. She said everyone is looking forward to it. Sounds like you’ve made quite an impression on everyone. I am proud to call you ‘sister’. Aishite, Shinto

“So, Kyoko sama, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?”

“Lunch… Then I must finish the final painting for my showing next week, but I don’t want to be alone. I mean… I don’t want to be away from you today.” She had a pleading look on her face.

“My feelings, exactly,” he responded. “Why don’t we make a picnic bento. You can take your painting equipment. While you paint, I’ll rest on the blanket beside you. How does that sound?”

Kyoko immediately brightened up, “Perfect. It’s an out of the way place, but there’s grass and a tree that I absolutely have to put on canvass.”

“Let’s do it then.”

They both contributed to the bento. He made assorted sushi and she made teriyaki chicken, rice, gyoza and miso soup. They took her car.

When they reached their destination, Thael got out to stretch his legs, tripped over something and ended up flat on his back.


Kyoko rushed around the car to where Thael lay.

“Are you Okay?” He heard the panic in her voice, so he said, “Yes. I’m just falling for you again, my Princess.”

She looked on the verge of tears, but instead, she started laughing. She threw herself on the ground next to him, put her arm around him, and kissed him. When their lips parted two minutes later, Thael said, “I love you my Princess. Nothing will ever take me away from you. We have so much more life to share with each other.” He kissed her again.

After lunch she set up her easel and began painting her remarkable tree while Thael lay on the blanket, dozing between conversations.

When they got home that night they cuddled on the couch listening to Ueto Aya’s “Smile” album.

There was a knock on the balcony door. It slid open. Shinto’s voice said, “Anyone home?”

Shin!” Kyoko exclaimed, “Come in.”

“You’re not wearing towels again, are you?”

They laughed. Thael said, “It’s safe Shinto kun, come in.”

He stuck his head around the curtain. “Oh, good, I came around to see how you are doing,” he closed the sliding glass door behind him.

“I’m glad you did. I have something important to show you, and no, it isn’t work related.” Shinto sat down next to his sister. Thael went to the bookcase and came back with a pear pad.

“What’s that for?” Shinto asked. He looked at Kyoko but she just shrugged her shoulders.

Thael turned it on, manipulated some touch controls, and handed it to Shinto.

He studied it for a bit and looked at Thael questioningly, “I don’t understand.”

“That is my total net worth. Of course this only represents Earth assets; Taelon assets would be a lot more.

Look at the bottom line.”

Shinto scrolled down to the bottom of the spreadsheet.

“I think there’s a mistake. This says one point five trillion American dollars.”

“No mistake. That’s it. Give or take. That amount represents all my investments, my five television and movie studios, and my amusement park. The studios are located in Tokyo, San Diego, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain. My amusement park is in Kansas, far enough away from tornado alley to be safe.

“As you can see, I pay out two hundred million a year paying and maintaining the Earth Guardian force. Yes, I even pay you and all the Imperial Guardians. It’s all out of my pocket. I also pay for maintaining the equipment we use. I even pay that useless sergeant on the com. If he weren’t the son of a good friend of the family, I’d have transferred him long ago.

“There are also expenses for my house near the mountains, servants, etc. Then there are various charities I’ve founded as well as others I have investigated and discovered to be honest. Anything I have forgotten to mention is there in that report.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Your parents are no longer here and you are the eldest brother and therefore the head of household. I want to show you that I can care for Kyoko sama in a responsible way.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“I know this is a little late, but I’m asking you if you will give me permission to ask Kyoko to marry me. I want you to give us your blessing.”

He knelt down on the floor, bowed low, his forehead on the tops of his hands, and said, “Onegai shimasu.” Shinto sat opened mouthed. Kyoko had tears in her eyes. Thael didn’t move or make a sound.

“You didn’t have to do all this. You are already married as far as I am concerned. Of course I give you both my blessing. I am proud to have you as my brother-in-law. I can’t think of anyone better that I would want my sister to marry. I thought that was all settled when you asked if I would be the one to give her away at the wedding ceremony. I have never doubted your ability to protect and care for her.”

Thael sat up, sitting on his legs. “Yes, it was necessary. Some traditions should be observed. I apologize for not seeking you out and doing this earlier. Thank you for your kind words. I will find a proper moment to ask Kyoko formally… something more romantic… if it’s all right with her.”

Baka! Of course it is, you wonderful, wonderful man. Now get off the floor and sit with me.”

He did.

“Please keep all this in confidence – not the Kyoko sama parts – the financial details. Few people know even a tenth of my financial portfolio. I can count on one hand how many know all my assets and secrets. Now you and Kyoko know. I don’t need people trying to become my best friend because of how influential, rich, famous, or for whatever they think I can do for them.”

“You never cease surprising me, Your Highness,” Shinto said with admiration.

The corner of his mouth went up in a half-smile, “Keeps you on your toes…”

Ha!” Shinto chuckled.

Kyoko cuddled in Thael’s arms.

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