
Chapter Ten

My shoes were noisy as they patted against the concrete of the sidewalk. They weren’t as noisy as the large animal behind me, walking with feet that clicked.

I turned back, looking at the white creature. A person beside it held some sort of leash to it, guiding the animal.

“Excuse me, can I ask what animal this is?” I looked at the man.

He gave me a funny look. “This is a horse.”

“A horse... I’ve never seen one before. May I touch it?”

“I guess so. Be gentle. He doesn’t like sudden movements.”

I slowly reached out, petting the face of this horse. “You’re a very beautiful horse.” I smiled and looked at his owner. “Thank you, sir.” I walked off, thinking about that horse. It was so big, taller than the human. It was pure white with white hair that flowed in the wind. Even its tail was white and made up of hair. It amazed me how animals could be so different.

“Someone, stop that horse,” a yell sounded from behind me.

I looked back, widening my eyes at the horse that ran my way. I moved out of the way, grabbing its leash to try and stop it. I was dragged with the horse until it slowed and stopped. I dropped to the ground, groaning. I had scrapes and bruises but nothing was major.

I grabbed onto the leg of the horse, looking up at it.

My hand tingled for a moment before the horse looked down at me.

People gathered around, whispering and calling an ambulance.

The horse leaned its head closer to mine, whispering, “Get on my back.”

I screamed, covering my mouth. This was impossible.

The horse gave me a look, making a gesture with its head. Whispering again, he said, “Get on my back if you want to live.”

I had no time to process anything. I obeyed the animal and got on his back, hanging onto the leash. The horse ran through the streets as people yelled out and screamed at us.

The horse stopped in a park, a park that wasn’t very crowded with people. I got off of him, shaking. “You can talk. How the hell can you talk?”

The horse made a noise as if scoffing at me. “You tell me. Your touch is magical.”

I looked at my hands and shook my head. “No, this isn’t possible. I can’t make animals talk. I just create light.”

“You can also make me talk.” He walked around for a bit. “Let me teach you some new words.” He sat down on the grass. “My feet are called hooves. I am a horse. My name is Bors. What is your name?”

I scanned the area. “Rapunzel. My name is Rapunzel. Why did you take me here?”

“There was a man following you. Animals have instincts that humans don’t have. We know a good from a bad person. We know when a bad storm is coming. You are a sweet girl and I didn’t want a bad man to hurt you. My owner will be mad, Rapunzel, but it’s better this way. You’re safe. I’ll find my owner again.” He looked my way.

“Why do you care about my well being? I’m a stranger.”

“Why do you seem so interested in me? I’m just a horse.” Bors asked.

My eyes darted around the park, making sure nobody was watching us. “Because I’ve never seen a horse and you look so unique to me.”

Bors said, “Exactly. I’ve never seen a human with your powers. You’re unique to me.”

I bit my lip, sitting on the grass. “But you still saved my life.”

“It’s what I do. I’m an animal with a heart. I can’t let bad guys hurt a small human. We care about you guys, more than you care about us.”

I dropped my jaw, not sure of what to say. That stung my heart. He was implying that humans didn’t care about animals.

“I say that because a lot of humans now will neglect or abuse us. My owner is a great owner but I’ve seen it happen. A couple gets a divorce and they send their cats to the pet shelter. These cats were raised by this couple and yet divorce can take away their love for animals they’ve raised. People see animals as disposable. They give us up as if we don’t matter. We should be family until death. We have feelings. We get attached to our family and they treat us that way.”

“Did that happen to you?”

Bors lowered his head. “I was a foal at the time. My previous owner took me away from my mother once I could walk. He sold me off.”

“After all this time, you still help other humans even when they’ve hurt you.”

Bors looked me in the eye. “You do the same thing.”

I gasped.

He sighed. “I know. I’ve seen you all over the newspapers. I’ve seen your picture. My owner talked about it so that’s how I knew who you were. I admire you for the way you walk with joy despite what you went through. That’s inspiring.”

“Thank you.” I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Rapunzel, for calling me a beautiful horse. It’s nice to hear that.” He looked up at the sun. “I should go now. My owner is going to need me. It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you again.” Bors stood up and bowed his head.

I petted him, giving him a kiss. “It was nice to meet you, Bors. I’ll see you around.”

The horse left the park and I looked around wondering where I was. Could I find my way home from here?

I walked out of the park, looking around the area. I took one route, using my memory to get back to where I started. It took me a few tries before I was on the sidewalk where I met Bors. I found my way home from there, looking at Roman as I entered the apartment. “You’re never going to believe what happened today.”

He looked at me. “Maybe I will.”

I sat across from him, taking a deep breath. “I have a new power.”

His eyebrows perked up. “New power? What is it?”

I smiled. “I can make animals talk!”

He choked on a laugh. “What?”

I frowned, playfully hitting his arm. “Excuse me, I’m serious. I made a horse talk. His name is Bors and he saved me from the bad guy.”

“Bors? Who names a horse Bors?”

“Who names their son Roman? Who names their daughter after lettuce?” I crossed my arms, giving him a serious look.

His smile faded. “Fair point.” He shifted on the stool. “But I want you to know that I’m not going to let you bring home a bunch of talking animals.”

“I can respect that. I’ll just practice on squirrels and birds in the park.”

“That is dangerous.”


“One, you will get caught. Two, that’s harmful to animals. Don’t practice on animals, even if your power is to make them talk. Please,” he said.

I pushed hair behind my ear and nodded. “Okay. I see your point. I won’t practice on any animals.” I looked at the table.

Roman cleared his throat, bringing my eyes to his. “They called me in for another shift. Can you handle yourself?”

I nodded, folding my hands on the table. “Yes. I’m an independent woman. I will learn how to survive without you, Roman.”

“Oh, will you now?”

“You’ve taught me some cooking skills. I know how to bathe and dress myself. I know how to fight. I will be fine. You don’t have to baby me. I know you don’t want to.”

“Wait, is that was this is about?” He shook his head, scrunching his face. “I don’t mind helping you transition into the world.”

It wasn’t that that bothered me. It was the fact that he didn’t like me because I was too dependent. I didn’t want to be.

“It’s fine. Go to work. This is your job. I will be just fine without you here.” I gave him a look. I wanted him to drop the argument and just listen to me. I wouldn’t be the reason he let his patients suffer.

“Fine. But you better be alive when I get back.” He pointed a finger at me.

I smiled. “I can’t make any promises.”

Roman left for his shift and I looked at the table. Talking animals. I could make talking animals. As much as I wanted to do that, I couldn’t disappoint Roman by testing my powers on them. It was dangerous to make all the animals talk. People would want to find the source and it would lead to me eventually. I had to keep my powers hidden.

I walked to the bedroom and laid back on the bed, placing my hands on my stomach. I wanted to try more new things. What could I try this time? It was getting boring here.

I got up from the bed and walked to the living room. I turned on the radio and smiled. Music. This was a wonderful thing for the world. It pleased my ears.

I started to practice lighting candles and practicing self-defense. I had to keep on top of my game to make sure I won this fight if there would be one.

I accidentally kicked the wall and screamed from the pain in my foot. I fell back onto the couch, looking at my toes. “Oh, my poor babies. I’m so sorry I hurt you.” I studied to see if any marks would appear on my foot. I couldn’t see any at the moment, other than my skin being red from the impact.

I was clumsy and I knew it. It was just like me to kick the wall.

I had a hurt foot and no idea what to do. I decided to put a movie on since it was my only choice.

I screamed at the beginning as two men came onto the screen. They were freaking out in some dirty old bathroom. What on earth was this movie?

It was overall confusing but I nearly gagged when one guy cut off his foot. I couldn’t believe he did that. This was a movie and he cut off his foot for the movie.

The movie ended with some deaths and blood but I was confused to what I’d seen. It was nothing like I’d been watching. This was new to me.

I looked down at my hurt foot and shook my head. No way was I cutting off my foot. Ever.

I put on another movie to counteract the awful one I’d watched. This one was much happier. It had romance and a girl dressing up in a pretty gown.

I stood up from the couch, walking to the bedroom and wincing. I looked through the clothes I had, pulling out a dress. I wanted to feel pretty. I wasn’t Roman’s type but I wanted to feel good about myself even as I was.

Putting the dress out, I spun around and looked at myself. It was black and short. I smoothed it out. I walked back to the living room and admired the beautiful dress on me. It flowed from the shoulders, exposing my skin as only straps kept it on. There were no sleeves to this.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, brushing out my hair. I wanted to be pretty enough for Roman. I just needed to keep trying. I wanted to change his mind. I didn’t have dark eyes or dark hair but I wanted to get his affection.

I grabbed my bralette. I took off the dress and put the bralette on, stuffing it with toilet paper. I posed for the mirror, pulling the dress on. I wanted breasts so bad. Why didn’t I get to have them like the other girls? Men would never want me like this. Mother said that and I believed her.

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