Saving Kinsley

Chapter Fight for your life, little wolf.

Kinsley's P.O.V

Rogues. I could see at least three sets of eyes, goddess only knew how many more there were. I slowly eased out of the den, preparing to run. I scented the air, finally catching the rancid smell of decay on the gentle breeze. Only three, I could out run them. Maybe.

I slid my hind leg ever so slightly to my right, ready to bolt at any movements. As soon as my paw brushed against the ground a deep, menacing growl sounded from my left. I quickly snapped my head in the direction of the threat, assessing how close they were.

To close for comfort, it stood baring its teeth. Taking a leap of faith, praying to the moon goddess I could out run them, I bolted. I pushed my self as hard and as fast as I could. Thundering foot falls and howls were coming from behind me. I could sense as two of the rogue wolves split up from behind me racing faster, flanking either side of me. I snarled in warning as they neared me. I pushed harder as they started snapping, almost catching my left side.

I'd have to fight my way out of this, I couldn't out run them.

The rogue on my left was smaller than the other two, making him faster and able to keep up with my sprint. I jerked to my left, my mouth wide open and aimed directly for his throat. I collided with the rogue catching his neck in my mouth I didn't hesitate applying pressure and twisting. Snap. The rogues body went limp in my hold, I quickly released my grip. One down, two to go.

I snarled as both remaining wolves circled me, snapping at me, begging to bite into me. I waited as the smaller of the two made another move, I snapped and snarled catching its right leg in my teeth. I bit harder until I heard a crunch.

The rogue howled in pain as I broke its paw in my jaws. I released my hold on its injured leg, taunting with them now. Something deep inside of me was enjoying this fight, I pushed the thought out of my head and focused on the larger rogue circling me.

Its growls were becoming more feral by the second, as I continued to dance out of both of their snapping jaws. Finally the smaller of the two had enough of my games, barreling directly at me. Unknowingly it had played right into my trap, at the last second I shifted my weight to the right and snapped back directly aiming for the kill.

A metallic rusty taste filled my mouth and I clasped down tighter until I heard the familiar snap. Another rogue lay dead at me feet, leaving One left.

I adjusted my stance waiting for the larger rogue to attack. The rogue in front of me took a step to the side and jumped directly at me barring its teeth with a promise of death engraved in its blood thirsty eyes.

3 Years later.

I stood outside of the Ranch house, reminiscing on how I ended up here to begin with. That Night, a middle aged couple found a girl on the brink of death on their property. That girl is me. That Rogue managed to rip into me like a piece of meat, leaving me to die.

If it wasn't for Ben and Diane, I would have died. These two humans, opened up their home to a stranger and nursed me back to health. The Brooks pair even helped me with graduating Highschool and finding my first job, they're like the parents I've always wished for. I'd forever be in their debt for their kindness.

I'd be leaving this place that I've called home for the last few years. I managed to save enough to rent an apartment in the next town, and had enough to pay a few months rent until I found another job.

"Oh Kinsley I really wish you would stay dear." Diane's sobs broke through my thoughts as she wiped the tears falling down her face. Gripping her hands with a sad smile "I'll miss you too Diane."

Ben embraced us both "We'll miss ya around here kiddo." His aged voice hushed over us. "I'll visit often, you can even expect me for the holiday dinners too. I wouldn't miss Diane's cooking for the world."

Stepping into my beat up Jeep I waved my last good byes to the Brook's. Driving down the dirt road, I watched as Diane clung to Ben to shield her tears. My own eyes began to water, Goddess knows I'll miss those two.

The drive to the next town was just over an hour. Turning the station, I flipped some music on to kill time.

Passing a welcome sign, my nerves were slowly bubbling to the surface. The idea of living around so many humans while being a shifter was slightly alarming, but I needed to sprout my wings and make my own life.

'You ready for our next adventure Ember?'

'You bet ya.' Ember's enthusiasm filled my head with a tail wagging. Smiling, I continued the drive through the small town.

Pulling into the apartments my phone GPS led me to, I shut off the engine. I could hear a sizzle as the engine clicked off, sighing I patted the steering wheel. "I'll get you fixed up soon ol' girl."

Knocking on the office door and stepping in "Come in, door's open." A mans voice hollered from a room in the back. Looking around, the office was clean and decorated with a modern finish. Two black chairs sat in front of an office desk, "Ah you must be Kinsley. I've got one more paper for you to sign and then the keys are yours Hun." The Man gestured his hand to one of the chairs at the desk.

Sitting down I waited patiently as the man smiled and printed off the form I needed to sign. "I'm Dex, If you ever need anything don't be afraid to give me a call." He said as he passed over the paper along with the keys. "Nice to meet you Dex, thanks I will." I said with a friendly smile.

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