Saving Kinsley

Chapter Fresh Efforts

Kinsley's P.O.V

Opening the door to my new apartment, I let out a breath of relief. I've worked so hard for this, and now I finally had my own space.

Walking to the back door, I could see a Forrest sitting as a back yard. Joy filled my insides, thank the Moon Goddess. I could already see myself running through the Forrest under the cover of darkness.

Well, better get un packed. Opening the front door I headed back to my car to start un packing.

"Need help with that?" A deep voice came from behind me as I loaded my arms with some of my belongings. Turning around my eyes met his brown ones. My gaze traveled over his features. He had brown hair that looked to be freshly cut short on the sides and just enough length on the top to run your fingers through, meeting tan skin with sun kissed freckles. Muscles strained against the confining clothing he was wearing, leaving no room for the imagination to guess what lay beneath. "Uh, think I can manage. Thanks though." God's the man was blessed with looks.

Shuffling my way to my apartment I dropped a box, "Damnit." I cursed out. "Here, I got it." The man said as he reached to pick up the fallen box, his muscles straining with the movement. I groaned as I watched his muscles flex with his movements. Clearing my throat "Thanks, what's your name mystery man?"

"Calum, you?" He said as he straightened himself holding the box. "Kinsley. Nice to meet you Calum."

After introductions were made the two of us unloaded my jeep and hauled everything I owned into my new apartment, while making light conversation. "I'd offer you a drink but uh the fridge is empty." I said with a laugh.

"How about a drink at the whiskey Tavern?" Calum suggested with a shrug.

"Sure, why not." I shrugged back.

'Hm, he's nice.' Ember whispered.

'Yeah yeah, He's also human too.' I chided back.

Walking into the tavern, noise flooded my ears as the music boomed and pool balls clinked while chatter filled the establishment. Calum waved me over to the bar, pulling out a stool for me. "Woah who's the new girl?" A guy hollered down the bar as he served drinks from the other side of us.

The tall tattooed, dark hair man made his way over to us "I'm Tate, what can I get ya gorgeous?" Internally I was cursing, were all the men around here this insanely attractive as these two? "Kinsley, I'll take a beer."

Tate nodded his head and began pulling the beer. Spinning in my chair I faced the room, the Tavern was extremely busy for one bartender. Tate passed us our beers with a glance and smile my way and went back to serving the others that had walked up to the bar.

"Hey Tate, is this place hiring?" I shouted over the music. "Depends, can you break up a fight and bar tend?" Tate hollered back.

"Sure can." Jumping over the bar I walked over to a couple of patrons. "What will it be gentlemen?" I asked as I grabbed a wash cloth and wiped the bar surface clean. "Two Whiskey sours and an Old fashioned please." The first guy spoke. "You got it."

Tate passed the glasses as I began to make the drinks. Setting the finished product on a serving tray I walked from behind the bar with the drinks in one hand and carried them to the guys at the table next to the pool tables. "Let me know how it is boys."

Making my way back to the bar I went back to wiping down the counter and cleaning glasses. "Done this before?" Tate inquired with a brow drawn. "Don't let the pretty face fool ya, I pack some heat behind these babies." I laughed as I held up my fists.

Tate smiled back "Alright, help me out tonight and I'll think about hiring you."

Just as I was about to reply, rising voices carried over the music. That sound was familiar, one to many drinks to encourage a fist fight. Tate groaned and walked past me "Hey! You asked me if I could break up a bar fight right?" I yelled after him, Tate turned around "Alright, all yours then gorgeous." Tate gestured to the two men shoving each other.

Cracking my neck and shaking my limbs, I sauntered over to the two. "Hey! How about you jack asses take it outside!" I said as I grabbed at both of their shirts and pulled them through the entrance doors. Throwing them out, and watching them land on their asses. "Now you two figure it out, chill out or leave." I spun around and walked back inside.

Tate clapped "Well done Kinsley, thought you'd chicken out." Turning to Calum "Rain check on drinks another time? I kind of need a job, so."

Calum smiled "I'll take the rain check. See you around Kinsley." He said as he got up from the bar leaving money for the drinks on the bar.

The rest of the night was busy making drinks, and learning new ones that were popular in this town.

"Alright, you did pretty good. I like the work ethic and I could use a hand around here. You've got the job." Tate said as he laid a table towel over his shoulder. "Awesome, you won't regret hiring me." I said with a large smile plastered on my face.

"Don't smile like that, you look like a serial killer." Tate laughed, myself joining in.

After locking up the bar with Tate I asked for directions to the grocery store. "It's closed at this hour, opens at 7am." Tate informed me. Groaning out loud, I should've known everything would be closed at 2 am in a small town.

Walking back to my apartment I pushed open the breeze way door to find Calum leaning against my door. "Figured you would need something to tie you over until morning." He said passing me a bag with essential foods inside. "Oh wow, thanks Calum. I appreciate it." I smiled at him.

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