Saving Kinsley

Chapter Chase

Kinsley's P.O.V

I raced through the Forrest, colors blurring as I moved through the trees. Another time I would have stopped to admire the beauty of my surroundings, but I needed to focus. I need to leave. My steps faltered a bit when a howl sounded, this time it was closer to me. I knew it was Dakota. I growled at that, why couldn't he let me go? I pushed my self to go faster, I could see the Forrest edge from here that changed to a plain of grass. I broke through the Forrest line, but before I could step out I was tackled by a flash of midnight black fur.

I jolted up right and snarled in his direction, raising my hackles. Dakota growled and snapped back circling me and trying to push me back into the Forrest. I was not going back. I stood my ground not budging an inch. I raised my self higher, and snapped my jaws in warning at him. He met my stance and growled back refusing to back down. Of course, could I really expect him to concede since he was the next alpha heir? I rolled my eyes internally. My patience was truly hitting its limit at this point, I knew id have to fight my way out of here. I looked him in his green and gold speckled eyes and shot forward aiming my canines for his flank. I didn't want to hurt him but I would not be pushed back.

My advance on him was met with a searing pain in my shoulder, a painful howl ripping out of my throat. I could feel as he sunk his teeth in further, pushing me to the ground to force me to submit to him. I refuse to be pushed down anymore. I felt a burst of strength rush through me at that thought, with all my strength I shook him off, ripping his teeth from my form. The pain only increased, and I could feel my fur being weighed down from the blood seeping out of the wound. The pain only fueling me to fight harder. To be free.

At some point Dakota had shifted back and was fast approaching me "Kinsley shift back please, let me explain." Explain? What more could he have to say. I snarled as my response and pushed my way past him.

"Fine, ill walk you to the border myself, just hear me out." I let out a wolfish snort. " I.. I didn't know you were my mate. I rejected you for the sake of the pack. They would have rejected you if I had accepted the mate bond. I did this to protect you.." Ha! Protect me? Seriously? I instantly shifted back, oh boy was I going to give him a piece of my mind. I whirled around, storming right up to him

" Protect me?! You ass hat, you didn't even give me a chance! Instead you chose her over me! You know what? You guys deserve each other. My entire life all I wanted was a wolf, a mate, to be truly loved and cared about. Instead I was rejected after being abused by the entire pack for years! Do you know what it's like to be shunned and beaten every single day? I prayed to the moon goddess for a mate to save me from this life, instead I got you." I snarled at him.

He said nothing. I spun around headed for the direction of the border. "I'm sorry Kinsley, I'm sorry I wasn't the mate I should've been for you.." I could hear the pain laced in his voice along with disappointment I'm sure was at himself. My steps faltered but I refused to turn around and look at him, he did this. I heard bones popping, he was shifting. My surroundings went silent, I was alone. A mournful howl sounded in the distance, and I pressed on towards the border.

I stepped onto the grassy plain, shifting into my wolf. I relished in the freedom and bolted forward. Not to far ahead of me was another Forrest edge but I knew this was not Sallow pack territory. It was unclaimed, which meant I'd have to be alert for rogues. I might be a new wolf, but I had heard plenty of stories of rogues.

I edged into the Forrest allowing my instincts to take over and my wolf to come forward. I watched from the backseats of my mind as she scented the air, searching the woods for any movement. I could hear water trickling off in the distance, meaning a water source was not to far off.

Finding the small brook, we lapped at the contents it held before moving on. Once my wolf was satisfied we took off through the unclaimed territory, no real destination in mind.

It seemed like minutes had gone by, but I knew it was hours. The sun was setting now and the Forrest was growing quieter. I needed to find a safe place to rest for the night, assuming it wouldn't be wise to traverse unknown territory at night. Raising my snout I scented the air, smelling nothing in the air I pushed forward.

Yards ahead of me I came upon a small clearing with a cluster of several trees weaving through each other creating a den like coverage with one side completely enclosed and only one entrance in. I decided to take refuge here for the night, thinking it'd be the best choice since nothing could attack from behind. I would have to sleep in wolf form tonight and remain on alert.

I collapsed into the den as the Forrest grew darker, the sun almost completely set now. I sensed no danger around me, closing my eyes I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.



I snapped my eyes open when I heard the second snap. I peered into the dark Forrest, and scented the air. The evening was still, no wind to aid me in scenting any danger that may lay ahead. I slowly rose from my sleeping position readying myself for any possible attacks.

Looking into the Forrest in front of me, just feet away. I spotted Red eyes.

Shit, Rogues.

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