Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 7

Lucas froze stiff behind me as we both stared at the tall blonde in his recliner. The trench coat she wore had nothing under it, I am sure. She was stunning, with sharp features and wide eyes. She held her head high in confidence. It did not embarrass her to be sitting there in just a trench coat. Her legs were crossed, showing off their beautiful length. She was like a model in her beauty and perfection.

‘Janessa,’ Lucas let her name slip from his lips, causing my chest to tighten.

I was an idiot to think he liked me. He has options and I’m only one of them. I had opened up to him today, letting myself feel so alive with him by my side. Being back in the ring was amazing, and I had been riding high since we left the warehouse. Reality slapped me hard in the face in the form of a stunning woman. She got up, her eyes clearly assessing me, not impressed by what they found. Despite feeling like an ugly toad beside her, I held my head high, refusing to show her any weakness.

‘Hello, Lucas. I was hoping to have some fun with you tonight. I’ll wait for you in your room while you take care of the trash.’ She crossed her arms, staring at me.

My anger was high, but it’s not like I can say anything. I don’t know how Lucas feels about me. He could very well choose her over me, so I refuse to make a fool of myself by saying otherwise. I scoffed, stepping out of Lucas’ hold, shaking my head as I backed away. I don’t need to hear him send me away. The small hope I let myself have about Lucas and me being anything more than fuck buddies is already crushing me enough.

I watched Lucas grab Janessa by the arm. I knew this was a bad idea. My heart had been crushed again. This was supposed to be a one-night stand, and instead I let myself catch feelings. I focused on my rage instead of the hurt I was feeling. As I reached for the door, Lucas beat me to it. He opened it, only rubbing salt on my wounded heart. I kept my head held high as I went to step out. However, Lucas threw Janessa out instead. She stared at him, stunned. In fact, we both did.

‘The trash is out now,’ Lucas said before closing the door on her face.

To say I was feeling triumphant was an understatement. The corners of my mouth turned up in joy. For some reason, he had picked me over the model of a woman who had thrown herself at him. The moment of elation only lasted for a second as I realized he had a naked woman in his chair a second ago. How did she even get in? How often does this happen to him? Am I another one of those girls?

There were too many questions floating in my head, and although I wanted to ask them all, I knew he wouldn’t want to answer them. The hunger I had for him earlier had died, leaving me with insecurities. He turned to face me after he locked the door.

‘I’m so sorry, Rose.’ He pinched the bridge of his nose like this was all too much of a headache.

‘How about I go home?’ I asked him, using a more demanding tone.

This showed me how vastly out of my league he was. I can’t handle this roller coaster anymore, even though I’m the one doing it to myself. When he said he was my boyfriend at the warehouse, I had let myself daydream, but I shouldn’t have. He had accepted me fully, even calling me perfect for being a fighter. Now I know it was all just words.

‘Rose.’ His voice was almost pleading as he looked at me. He cupped my face with his hands. ‘Are you sure you want to go?’

‘You’re a busy man. Maybe having another woman to handle isn’t the best idea for you. I’ll see myself out. Thanks for an interesting night, Lucas.’ I took a step back, reaching for the door again.

Part of me hoped he would protest and ask me to stay, but as I opened the door, he said nothing. I left toward the elevator again, thinking maybe he’d chase after me, but he didn’t. It proves to me how little he cares. I’m sure he’s probably calling Janessa right now to get her back. He probably only kicked her out because he had started his night with me. At least he’s loyal in the sense he stays with the girl he started the night out with.

The elevator doors opened, revealing Leo’s sweet face. He had replaced his glasses with contacts. He styled his black hair beautifully, and he had piercings I’d never noticed before. For a more professional appearance, he must take them off while on campus, as he had a multitude of them.

He had his bottom lip pierced, a round ring around the corner of his mouth. He had a dangling cross earring on his right ear and a cuff in the cartilage. His left eyebrow had a piercing as well, ultimately giving sweet Leo a not so sweet look. He looked so different right now. I found myself staring at him. Leo furrowed his brow at me in surprise as he recognized me.

‘What’s wrong, Olive?’ He pushed off the wall he’d been leaning on. I shook my head, not wanting to admit anything .

‘Nothing’s wrong.’ I gave him a sad attempt at a smile. He studied me for a moment before pulling me by the hand into the elevator.

‘I’ll take you home, and you can tell me what’s actually bothering you.’ I noticed he wasn’t asking when he said this, causing my heart to flutter for a moment.

He’d only seen me three times, and texted me throughout the week, but despite the short time frame, he could pick up on my sadness easily. Could Lucas see it too, and just not care? I sighed, but nodded my head at Leo. I figured Leo came from money as well, seeing as he got me the newest iPhone as a replacement for the one he broke. Besides, usually rich people flock together like birds. Lucas, coming from a rich background, meant his friend’s probably would be too.

Leo didn’t drive a Lambo, he drove an orange McLaren. Like Lucas, he held the door open for me to climb in. He closed it with a serious look on his face, making my stomach turn. I hadn’t seen Leo look this way before. He was mad, but about what? I had no clue. He pulled out of the garage, driving at the speed limit.

‘Tell me what Lucas did. I’ll kick his ass,’ Leo finally broke the silence.

‘He did nothing.’ I sighed.

‘Then what happened, Olive? You looked like you could cry earlier.’ His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he spoke.

“There was a girl waiting for him in his apartment. I’m pretty sure all she was wearing was a trench coat,” I started.

‘Did he kick you out for her?!’ Leo raised his voice, making me flinch a bit. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.’ I just shook my head again.

‘You’re fine, but no, he didn’t kick me out. He kicked her out. It’s just… I don’t know. I’m stupid, and thought this could be more than it was. It’s nothing, and I’ll be fine. I need to keep my distance from Lucas. He’s got other girls to play with, and I don’t need to involve myself with him anymore than I already have.’ I chewed on my cheek as I finished confessing my inner thoughts. Leo nodded his head in understanding. I saw his piercing flick from side to side against his lip. He played with it as he was thinking about what to say.

‘Lucas is my friend, my oldest and bestest friend. He’s been around a lot of women this last year. He’s not a serious relationship kind of guy anymore. Usually, he only ever sees a girl once and then never again. The fact he took you out again for a third time means something, but who knows what? I’m not sure. I know it’s not like him.’ He continued to play with his lip piercing as he paused for a moment. ‘Janessa is the only person he’s had around for a while, but she’s more of a bed warmer. She goes in and out of town a lot on business. So when she’s in town, she pays him a visit. Janessa is the closest thing he has to a serious relationship and if he kicked her out for you…well, he likes you more than I thought.’

I let his words process in my mind a while longer. If that was the case, why didn’t he say anything? Why didn’t he ask me to stay? Why didn’t he try to explain, or even chase after me when I left? It honestly wouldn’t have taken a lot of convincing on his part. Yes, Leo may be his friend, but even he doesn’t truly know how Lucas is feeling.

I won’t do this to myself any longer. I don’t need to be questioning myself or my worth. My focus should solely be on finishing this year of college, making it on the dean’s list again, and not dating. Julius tore my heart out, and I honestly need to give it a break before I let Lucas pulverize it.

‘Maybe, but I doubt it. Honestly, I need to focus on my studies. I just got out of a terrible relationship, and I don’t need all this drama in my life.’ I rolled my eyes at it all.

I don’t want to be this pathetic girl pining over some playboy, thinking I could be the one to change him. I am nothing to him but another girl he’s slept with. Lisa’s words made me think it was more than that. I was stupid to let my brain get carried away when he introduced himself as my boyfriend. I’d be extremely dumb right now to let Leo’s words sway me again. I won’t be seeing Lucas again.

‘I understand.’ Leo nodded. ‘Just remember, I’m not Lucas, so don’t stop seeing me, too.’ I smiled at his remark.

‘Don’t worry, Leo. I’ll still reply to your texts and see you around campus.’

‘Maybe hang out once in a while too?’ He curled a brow suggestively.

‘As long as you don’t bring Lucas.’

‘Deal.’ He smiled widely at me, making my crumbled heart piece back together a bit.

‘Thank you, Leo.’

‘What for?’ He furrowed his brow as he pulled up to the front of Hailey’s apartment building.

‘For this. For taking me home and listening to my problems.’ I leaned over, kissing his cheek before getting down. I giggled as I saw his cheeks flush for a moment. It would appear Leo is the innocent type, despite his current look. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

‘Anytime, Olive.’ He smiled at me again. Such a sweet smile.

‘Call me Liv,’ I told him before stepping out of the car. I want to reclaim my nickname from the memories of Julius. Refusing to let him ruin that for me, too.

‘Okay, Liv. Text me when you’ve made it inside your apartment, so I know you’re home safe,’ he told me, as I closed the door. I nodded my head at him through the window. My phone buzzed as Leo drove away. The name on the caller ID brought all kinds of mixed emotions. What does he want now?

My dad’s name continued to flash across my screen as he called. It surprised me to see him call me so late. It wasn’t like him to be up at this hour. The timing caused me to worry, making my mind race with worst-case scenarios. I swiped the green call receive button as I entered the building.

‘Hello?’ I answered.

‘Livie, are you okay?’ His voice sounded so concerned.

‘What? Yeah, I’m fine.’ I furrowed my brow in confusion as I pushed the elevator button. ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’

‘It’s your mother.’ I froze stiffly at the mention of her name. I understood why she had left dad, but I never understood why she had left me, too. She never called, sent letters, or even tried to visit me. She abandoned me like bad luggage, which I guess to her I was. The mention of her made my chest tighten.

‘What about her?’ I bit my cheek nervously, as the anticipation built inside me for his answer.

‘She’s sick, Livie… cancer.’ He sighed. ‘She called me, wanting to speak with you. She’s in a hospital in Brooklyn, in hospice. You need to go see her.’

The world seemed to stop all around me. My chest felt so tight it was as if an elephant were sitting on top of it. The air was escaping me and forgetting to return. I know I haven’t spoken to her in over a decade now, but it doesn’t mean I don’t still love her. I’d even thought of trying to find her recently. Never did I expect she would be dying.

‘Did you hear me, Livie?’

‘Yeah, I heard you, dad. Text me the hospital details and I’ll see her tomorrow.’ I somehow made my voice work again.

‘I will. I am sorry, Livie. It’s all my fault.’ Dad’s guilt was well placed, seeing as he’s the reason she left us to begin with. Of course, he didn’t cause her cancer, but he made me miss having a mother around during my formative teen years, when you need your mother the most.

‘I’ll talk to you later, Dad. Goodnight.’ I ignored his admission of guilt completely, because I certainly would not comfort him about this.


The nurse showed me the way to mom’s room. I had stopped by the gift shop on the way up as if it were calling me to make more poor decisions. I stupidly bought a stuffed bear with the words ‘get better’ scribbled on its heart. She’s literally in hospice, which means there is no ‘getting better’. I didn’t notice when I got it the heart actually said something, but now it’s too late as the nurse is opening the door to her room.

I swallowed hard, entering the cold, feeling the need to grab a jacket. The hospital air was stale and frigid, carrying the scent of rubber gloves, antiseptic, and rubbing alcohol. It was eerily silent on this wing, aside from the beeps of the monitors. As I entered, I saw mom sitting up in her bed with her legs dangling off the side. She was staring out of the large windows which encompassed most of the wall. The sun was shining brightly, giving her a better view of the garden outside.

‘Mom?’ I called out to her, feeling strange saying it again.

She turned slowly, letting me fully take in the sickness which was eating away at her body. Her body was nothing but skin and bones. She had a colorful scarf tied around her head to hide her balding scalp. She also had no hair on her face, no eyebrows or eyelashes. Her skin was almost an ash color, having lost its rosy tint she used to carry on her cheeks.

I remember mom being so beautiful, with long curly hair like my own. Only she knew how to maintain it. Her dark green eyes, which used to hold a shine, now looked so dead inside. The smile she gave me was clearly forced, only making this situation even more strained.

‘Olive, is that you?’ Her voice cracked as she spoke.

‘Yup.’ I stepped further into the room.

‘You’ve changed so much! You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman.’

‘Yeah, people change when you don’t see them for many years.’ I knew the comment was snarky, but I couldn’t help myself. She may die, but what she did to me was still shitty…cancer or not.

‘I’m sorry, Livie.’ She sighed. ‘I wanted to get you here for selfish reasons. I need to apologize to you.’ She coughed, and it didn’t stop until she coughed some blood out of her mouth. She grabbed the tissues beside her. ‘Sorry.’

‘An apology is not enough after you abandoned me. I need more. I need an explanation.’ My tone was demanding.

I was hurting her, I could see it, but I didn’t care. My heart keeps taking more and more damage. I don’t know how much more I can handle right now. I need closure, and the only way I’ll get it is if she can explain her actions in a way I can understand, a way I can get behind.

‘I know it wasn’t right to leave you behind, but at the time, I knew it would be better for you to stay with your father. He never hurt you, and I knew he never would. I couldn’t take you with me when I left because I had nowhere to go. I lived on the streets for about a year before I could finally get a job and a place of my own. My plan was to come back to get you once I was stable enough.’ She looked me deep in the eyes as she recounted her tale…the one I’d been curious about all my life.

‘It scared me to reach out to your dad and have him find me. I would sleep with a gun under my pillow in case your father came for me. He swore he would kill me if I ever left him. I’d taken self-defense classes, but I knew they wouldn’t do much good against your dad. The fear of your father finding me kept me from sending letters or making phone calls.’ I nodded my head to let her know I was still listening. When I got older, I realized that was probably the case. She never contacted me for fear of dad finding her, but I could never be certain.

‘I filed papers with the court, but since I never filed police reports against the abuse your father caused, there wasn’t much I could do. They couldn’t prove abuse, and with me barely making enough money for just myself, my lawyer knew we wouldn’t win custody. I should have fought harder for you, Livie, but I was so scared. I was young and stupid and frightened, so very frightened.’ A tear streamed down her face as she spoke. ‘I am sorry for leaving you behind, for being so weak. I am sorry for not being strong enough to come back and get you, and for not fighting for you harder.’

I was silent, letting tears fall from my eyes. My chest felt like it was caving in on itself, unable to stand the sheer bittersweet moment. I have waited years to hear this story, to hear her apologize. I always pictured finding her and having this moment, and then getting to know each other again, creating a new mother-daughter bond. That’s been stolen now, by the cancer plaguing her body.

‘I didn’t just call you here for this. I want you to get yourself checked, Livy. This cancer runs on my side of the family. I missed a few screenings, which caused them to catch it too late. It’s breast cancer.’ She wiped at her tears, looking up at me. ‘Promise me you’ll get checked for the gene, and if you have it, you will go to all your screenings. I know I’ve been a terrible mother, but please Livie, learn from my mistakes,’ she pleaded. I couldn’t take it anymore, getting up and wrapping my arms around her. I held her tightly against me, feeling her arms wrap around me as well. We cried together for a while, a very long while.

‘I promise I’ll get myself checked,’ I finally told her after we both had calmed down.

‘Good.’ She nodded, twirling my hair in her fingers.

I spent the afternoon catching up on years worth of stories. I felt the most whole I’ve felt in a while. It was nice having mom here in front of me, getting to know her again. We laughed and cried, and sometimes we did both. It wasn’t until my phone buzzed a few times that I noticed the time.

‘Who is it?’ Mom asked as she saw the face I made as I looked at my phone. It was Lucas. I had forgotten he had my number now.

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