Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 6

We pulled up to Hailey’s apartment building not long after. Lucas opened my door again, handing the keys to the valet. We walked by the doorman, Scott, who greeted me with a smile. He was a round man with a very sweet temperament. Everyone loved Scott.

‘Good evening, Ms. Brewer.’ Scott tipped his hat as we walked by.

‘Hey, Scott!’ I smiled widely at him. ‘Has Hailey left?’

‘No, ma’am. I have not seen her come down.’

‘Okay, thanks.’

We made our way up the elevator. Lucas had a backpack strapped over his shoulder with his spare clothes inside. When the elevator doors dinged, we stepped towards the penthouse. I fumbled with the key for a moment, not having opened this door very often. I felt embarrassed until the door finally opened. I didn’t expect us to be greeted by such a sight. What the hell happened here?

‘Hailey?’ I called out to her as I approached the bomb that had gone off in the kitchen. The place was a complete disaster. ‘Hailey, did you try to cook again?’

Hailey cannot cook to save her life, but she still tries anyway. She swears she needs more practice, but I think she’s cursed. Everything stops working when she touches it in the kitchen. I narrowly avoided being splattered down on by some odd substance that clung to the ceiling. Lucas was suppressing his laughter behind me, picking up what looked like an attempt at brownies, maybe?

He eyed it curiously, looking at me with pressed lips. He was trying to be polite by not laughing, but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. His laughter filled the apartment and my heart. It was the best sound I had heard in a while. His laugh was perfect and fit him exactly right. It was contagious too, making me laugh alongside him.

Hailey stepped out of her room with a towel on her head, clearly having stepped out of the shower. She looked at us both as we reined in our laughter. Her cheeks blushed deeply when she looked at the kitchen and then at Lucas. She didn’t care that I had seen it, as I’ve seen it many times. She, however, cared that Lucas saw it.

‘Hailey, I’ve told you to stop trying to cook. What even happened?’

She narrowed her eyes at the standing mixer like it had done her wrong by existing. She pointed at it with narrowed eyes. ‘That cursed thing happened. It was going great until I used that. All I did was plug it in and start it, only when I lowered it, it threw the batter everywhere.’

‘Hailey, did you turn it on with the mixer part still up?’ I asked her, seeing where she went wrong.

‘Yeah.’ She nodded.

‘Hailey, you’re supposed to have the mixer in the bowl before you turn it on, and always on low to start.’ I shook my head at her.

‘Oh, that makes more sense.’ She blushed. I laughed, hugging her tightly.

‘I love you, Hailey. Thank you for trying to make my favorite.’

‘I wanted to know how everything went. I figured we could eat brownies while we spoke, but obviously it was a terrible idea. You go do what you need to do, and I’ll clean up here.’ She pushed me towards my room. ‘You too, Lucas.’ Lucas gave me a smirk as he followed me to my room. I bit my lip in anticipation, wondering if we can keep away from each other as we change alone in a room behind a closed door.

‘Could you get the zipper for me?’ I asked Lucas after I locked the door. He came up behind me without a word, letting me feel his presence before his hands ran the length of my back. His fingers grabbed the zipper, dragging it down slowly, drawing the moment out. He then kissed my exposed back, making me take a deep breath. I enjoyed the feel of his warm lips on my skin. He slid my dress off my arms, making goosebumps erupt where his fingers touched.

‘You’re so beautiful, Rose. I’m sorry I made you endure a dinner with Clover. I didn’t realize who she was to you.’ He sighed as he leaned down and kissed the nape of my neck. His arms wrapped around my now naked torso, pressing my back against his chest. He inhaled my scent as we stood there for a moment in silence.

‘It’s not your fault. I am sorry I dragged you into my stupid drama.’ I rolled my eyes at the memory of Clover.

‘I didn’t mind hearing you put her, and your piece of shit ex, in their place.’ He kissed my neck again. ‘God, you’re so perfect, Rose.’ I let out a small laugh at the notion of me being perfect.

‘Far from it.’ I shook my head. Lucas quickly turned me to face him. His eyes were hungry as they stared down at me.

‘You. Are. Perfect.’ He slowly enunciated each word, as if trying to engrave into my mind. He then leaned down, giving me a kiss I hadn’t experienced before, one that stole my breath away. ‘Let’s get dressed. I’m curious to see where you want us to go.’

Lucas released me, turning to his bag and grabbing his clothes. I was still lost in the earth shattering kiss as I stood there a moment, watching him. When I finally collected myself, I got dressed in a long black shirt and yoga pants. I planned on showing him what I could do tonight.

We were going to the underground fighting club I found in my first year at Columbia. I’d heard some guys talking about it on campus and checked it out myself. I am well known there now, having won countless fights. It was a good way for me to make decent money. I stopped going when I started dating Julius because he didn’t think it was appropriate for me to be fighting. I turned to find Lucas fully changed in a dark top and bleach washed jeans. He was handsome no matter what he wore. He eyed me curiously, trying to get a read on where we were going from my outfit. I doubt he’ll guess it.

‘Hailey, we’re leaving now. I’ll be back later.’ I told her, finding her still in the kitchen with most of the mess already cleaned up. She saw what I was wearing and smiled real big.

‘Give ’em hell.’ She winked at me with a smile. She knew how much I liked to fight. I know it’s contradictory to want to fight when you’ve seen abuse before. It makes no sense I would flinch at Lucas, but not in a ring with someone who is actually trying to hurt me. I think it’s the fact I know I can hurt them back. Fighting gives me back my control.

‘Thanks, Hails.’ Lucas looked even more intrigued now as he followed closely behind.

‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?’ he asked me when we got to the elevator.

‘No, you’ll see when we get there.’ I gave him a playful smirk, taunting him a bit. He did something tonight he has apparently never done before. Lisa said I was the only girl he’d brought home, so I want him to show him a part of me few people have seen. If he gets scared away because of this, then it was never meant to be more than just sex.

‘You’re gonna have to tell me where we are going so I can drive us.’

‘Nope, I’ll direct you.’ I winked as I stepped out of the elevator, leading the way back to the valet.

‘Leaving again, Ms. Brewer?’ Scott asked, surprised.

‘Yeah, one last stop before I call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Scott.’

‘See you tomorrow, Ms. Brewer.’ Lucas didn’t get the chance to open my door this time, as the valet did. I got in without protest, but Lucas didn’t like he wasn’t the one to open my door. I could see it in his stiff posture as he took his seat, eyeing the valet.

‘Go straight and take a right on 74th,’ I told him, snapping his attention back to me.

I guided us the entire way there, having us pull up to the abandoned warehouse where they were meeting today. The location always changed to keep the cops from finding the place. Today’s location was a large abandoned warehouse with poor street lighting.

‘Where have you taken me, Rose?’ Lucas seemed amused as he looked around.

‘Come find out.’ I smirked, opening my door, quickly stepping out with a giggle. I ran ahead towards the side door of the building.

He locked his car, speeding to catch up to me. He grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers as I led us in. I wasn’t sure what he wanted from me anymore. Does he want more than just sex? I mean, do you usually hold hands with someone you’re only hooking up with? This feels like something you do when you’re dating. Are we dating?

I led us down to the side door where a big, muscled man waited. I spoke the words, allowing us access past him. As we got down to the basement where the action was, you could hear the cheers of the excited crowd. In front of the basement door stood another large and extremely muscular man. He had a shiny bald head with beautiful ebony skin. He flashed me a smile as he recognized me.

‘Hey Carter,’ I greeted him with a smile back.

‘Twinkle Toes, you’re back!’ he said excitedly. ‘Are you fighting tonight?’

‘You know it! Let Davis know for me?’ I asked him. Davis was the man in charge of the fights.

‘He’ll be happy to hear it.’ Carter pulled up his walkie. ‘Yo, Davis, you’re never going to believe who’s back.’ It should be obvious to Lucas what this place was now, if it hadn’t been already. I was nervous to turn and look at him. What if he thinks this is too weird? Or what if he’s put off by strong women? I finally gathered the courage to look at him. My chest tightened at the sight.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

Rose finally turned to look at me. Her beautiful clear blue eyes captivated me even more. I smiled down at her, excited to see her fight. She took me somewhere I’d never been before. It surprised me she knew of such a place, and by the looks of it, they knew her well.

‘Who is it?’ The man I’m assuming is Davis came over the walkie talkie.

‘Twinkle Toes.’ Carter’s smile widened with excitement.

Twinkle toes. I wonder how she got a fighting name like that. Doesn’t sound very aggressive, but she’s respected enough to be known by these men. With an excited response like that, she must be a good fighter. My Rose has pricklier thorns than I thought.

‘No fucking way! I’ll be right there.’ Davis sounded as excited as Carter. Rose squeezed my hand, turning to me again.

‘I hope you don’t mind that I leave you for a little while tonight. I wanted to show you somewhere special to me,’ she explained, making my heart swell. Fuck, I’m really liking this girl.

‘I don’t mind at all, as long as I get front row seats to your fight.’ I winked at her, causing her to blush.

‘Is this your boyfriend?’ Carter sized me up with his eyes. He looked amused by our interaction.

‘He’s-‘ Rose stared, but I interrupted.

‘Yes, I am.’ I surprised the living hell out of Rose, and even myself. I’ve never proclaimed myself someone’s boyfriend, but I felt the need to stake my claim here and now. I hoped she wouldn’t call my lie out. She went to say something, but the door flung open behind Carter, revealing a tall, muscular man. He was probably in his 40s with long blonde hair in viking braids. He turned his lips up as he sported a wide smile, looking at my Rose.

He wrapped his arms around her, carrying her in a big bear hug. Rose didn’t let my hand go, squeezing it as he squeezed her. Davis put her back down with a pat on the head. Normally, I’d be jealous if a guy hugged my girl like that, but Davis looked at her more like a daughter than anything else.

‘Damn, twinkle toes, it’s been too long. You disappeared off the face of the earth.’ Rose sighed, scratching at the back of her neck nervously. ‘I know. I’m sorry, but I’m back now. At least for a couple nights a month, if you’ll still have me?’

Davis let out a laugh, placing his hand on Rose’s shoulder. ‘Of course we’ll have you back! You’re the best fighter I’ve had down here in a while. Although, there’s been some competition since you’ve been gone. Don’t worry. I’ll start you off midway, work you back up to the top.’

‘Sounds good.’ Rose smiled. I could see she was filled with excitement. She was antsy, ready to be in the ring already. I love seeing this side of her. I don’t think anyone would ever guess she had this fierce fighting spirit. She seems quiet and reserved when she’s out, yes she’s anything but. She’s a spitball of fire, my flaming Rose.

‘Let’s go, kid, you’ll go on next. Your boyfriend can hang with me,’ Davis told her, opening the door behind him.

There were three rings set up down here. Each surrounded by their own crowd. The cheers were loud, along with the music. The lights were bright over the ring, but the rest of the place was dim. Bets were being placed at each fight, encouraging the crowd to cheer for their fighter harder than before. There were men and women in each fight. No refs, no bells, no rules, true underground nature.

I felt nervous thinking of Rose getting hurt, but when I saw her face, I knew I couldn’t deny her this. She looked like she was staring at a Christmas tree full of presents. She appeared excited, hungry, and ready for it. I couldn’t help myself, grabbing her chin, turning her towards me. I captured those perfect lips of hers with mine in a tender kiss.

‘Go get ’em, Twinkle Toes.’ I whispered in her ear, making her blush.

‘You better be cheering me on,’ she told me as she walked off to the ring Davis directed her to. He hung back with me, waiting for the current fights to end.

‘Have you seen her fight before?’

‘Not in a ring,’ I told him, thinking of the way she handled the man at the club last night.

‘You’re in for a treat.’ Davis smiled as he kept his gaze on the now finished fight.

‘Oh, man!’ The guy with the mic near the DJ booth caught everyone’s attention. ‘We’re in for a treat tonight!’ he continued. ‘Our next fights are reigning champion Mercy the Merciless versus Don Juan in Ring One. In Ring Two, we have Donny, the tomb versus John The Lightning kid. And in Ring Three we have returning champion Olive Twinkle Toes versus Dana the Cobra.’ The crowd went insane at the mention of Rose’s fighting name. Returning champion, huh?

‘Why do you guys call her twinkle toes?’ I asked Davis, yelling through the roaring of the crowd.

‘You’ll see. She’s light on her feet, and extremely fast, dancing around her opponents. She doesn’t get hurt much in a fight either, but she deals a lot of damage.’ Davis explained. We made our way towards Ring Three to watch Rose.

Davis parted the crowd for us, earning us the spot right by the cage. I saw Rose enter the ring with her hands taped, and a guard in her mouth. She shook her body as she jumped, loosening up. Her opponent was a larger woman with heavier muscles. She had short black hair and a serious look of determination on her face. Rose focused on her fight, jumping between her feet on her toes. I smiled, thinking of her name.

‘Let’s get their fights started!’ The announcer said, as music played.

Rose and her opponent circled the ring, staring at each other. Rose kept her arms raised and ready. She had tied her hair back, showing off her high cheekbones and firm jaw. She looked radiant in that ring. Cobra lunged at her, but Rose spun around her, simultaneously punching her right in the side. Cobra would attack and Rose would dance around her. It was beautiful to watch the way she commanded the ring. She beat Cobra easily, only taking one punch the entire time.

‘Come with me. We’ll meet her over there.’ Davis signaled with his head, having me follow him through the thick crowd. Rose’s ring had the largest crowd.

My girl is amazing.

My girlI need to make her my girl. 

I saw Rose in the distance, taking her mouth guard out. I rushed to her, grabbing her and spinning her around. My lips met hers as I kissed her again before pulling back and smiling at her proudly.

‘You were amazing.’ Her cheeks had the most beautiful shade of pink as I put her back down. I rubbed the spot her opponent had hit gently with my thumb. She didn’t wince, so I figured it wasn’t too tender. Davis cleared his throat, getting both of our attention. He had an amused look on his face as he stared at us.

‘Great job, Twinkle Toes. Let me know when you wanna do it again this month. Hughes has your money at the exit. It’s great to have you back.’ Davis patted her on the back as he walked away. Rose turned, looking back up at me with those beautiful, enormous eyes. She pulled her hair tie out, shaking her head to let her hair loose. The way her hair fell around her shoulders had me wanting to take her back to my place and fuck her hard.

‘Where to now?’ I raised a brow at her as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her flush against my chest.

‘Your place?’ She bit her lip, obviously feeling the same way I did. I nodded with a smirk on my face.

‘You’re perfect, Rose. Absolutely perfect.’

We reached the car rather quickly after Rose collected her chunk of cash. I opened her door, watching her climb in. I may have sped a bit as I raced us to my apartment, ready to devour this woman beside me. The woman who I can’t get out of my head, no matter how hard I try. She’s consuming me whole, soul, body, and mind.

We entered the elevator in the garage, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I closed the space between us, pinning Rose against the elevator wall. She stared at me for a moment before meeting my lips. For once, she was the one to start the kiss. I hungrily licked at her lips, sucking, and nipping at them. Her breasts pressed tightly against my chest. I gripped her hips as I parted her lips with my tongue.

I reluctantly broke our kiss when the elevator doors opened again, keeping my hands on her sides, guiding her through the hall. I kissed her neck from behind as we walked. She was panting with the lust I knew I was growing in her. When I made it to my door, I unlocked it from behind her, stepping into the poorly lit entryway with her.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made my blood run cold, knowing exactly who was waiting in the dark for me.

Shit, this won’t end well.

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