Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 8

The man who makes you scream: What is my Rose up to today?

I have yet to reply to his text, staring at it for hours, deciding on whether I should text back. I had ignored it earlier because I wanted to focus on mom. Now back at Hailey’s penthouse, we were both weighing my options.

‘He could very well like you. I mean, look, he’s texting you the very next day,’ Hailey argued. She was obviously on team ‘get together with Lucas’.

‘I don’t know, Hails. I feel like I should just avoid him right now. Between school and my mom, now isn’t the time for a boyfriend.’ I sighed.

‘Fine, no boyfriend, but you can still sleep with him. Didn’t you say he was the best sex you’d had?’ She tapped me with her elbow playfully.

‘Yes, but I’m worried I’ll get too attached. I keep hoping it will be more, but it shouldn’t be. It’s complicated with him, and I don’t need that.’

‘Ay pues, uncomplicate it. Do what you did the first night, make it only about sex, no going out. No meeting each other’s friends or family, just plain old hooking up. Keep the texts to a sexual nature, too,’ she suggested.

‘I don’t know, Hails. It feels like I’d be playing with fire.’ I was reluctant, but sex sounded so good right now. I need a distraction from mom’s current condition and I know Lucas could provide me with the best kind.

‘Just do it one more time and if you feel like you can’t keep your feelings separated, then break it off. Don’t leave him hanging.’ She was laying it on thick.

‘Fine,’ I finally caved. ‘But what the heck do I say? ‘Sorry I took so long to reply. I was busy with my cancer ridden mother’ seems like too much of a bummer.’ Hailey squeezed my hand, feeling sympathy for me. Her face showed me she wished things could be different. I wished the same.

“How about you say you were having some ‘me’ time?’ She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

‘You want me to tell him I’d been masturbating for the past couple of hours?!’ I caught on to what she was saying. She laughed at my reaction.

‘Well yeah. I bet he’d find it hot.’ I let out a laugh at her antics, but decided it was probably the best way to go. I need to keep this conversation centered on sex.

‘Fine, but I’m taking this to my room,’ I told her, getting off the couch.

‘You’re no fun!’ she complained.

Once I got into my room, I locked the door and sat on my bed.

Olive: I was taking care of myself.

I sent the text with a blush on my face. I bit my lip as I waited for him to see it and reply. The suspense was killing me as I saw the three dots appear, letting me know he was typing a response.

The man who makes you scream: Picture, or it didn’t happen 😉

I stared at the text, slack jawed. Was he calling my bluff, or did he just want a kinky picture? My heart raced and my stomach pooled with a mixture of nerves and lust. I bit my lip as I undressed, deciding to do what I had said I had already done. I fished my toy out of my underwear drawer.

I somehow propped my phone right, timing a picture just right. I took a few as I pleased myself, somehow getting turned on more, knowing he’d see these pictures. In rapid succession, I sent them as I continued to play with myself, not yet having found my release, but feeling it get close as the vibrator pressed against my clit.

The man who makes you scream: Fuck, Rose. What are you thinking of while you touch yourself?

His texts were getting me hot as I inserted my toy inside myself. Lucas sent a text at the same moment. It was a picture.

The man who makes you scream: I’m thinking of you pleasuring yourself.

The text read under a picture of his hand, caressing his erection.

Olive: I’m thinking about how good it would have felt if we could have finished what we started last night.

I was thinking of Lucas and his sensual touches. Of his hot lips and large hands which know exactly how to touch me. I do hate how I keep yo-yoing back and forth between wanting to stay away from him and wanting him to fuck me every which way.

The man who makes you scream: I would have made it worth your while. I would have undressed you in the living room, before sitting you on my table and eating you for dessert.

His texts were only dampening my core further.

The man who makes you scream: After you would have cum on my face, I would have kissed you so deeply you would taste yourself on my tongue. I would have carried you to my recliner and had you on your knees bent forward. Can you guess what I would have done next?

I felt my breathing and my pace quicken as I read his texts, imagining the things he was saying.

Olive: You would have gripped my hips firmly as you stretched me with your dick. I would have moaned loudly at how good it felt to have you inside me. Then you would have thrust inside me, inevitably making me scream your name.

I could feel myself getting close to reaching my peak, pulling the vibrator back out to my clit.

The man who makes you scream: Shit, Rose. I would have kept thrusting into you after you came again. I would have had you stand and bent you over the arm of my couch, inserting myself back inside you as I played with your sensitive clit, until you clenched my dick again as you came. Eventually, I would have joined you over the edge.

I started a voice recording, feeling myself getting close. I moaned low into the phone, letting his name slip between my lips as I came over my fingers and the vibrator. As my breathing came back to normal, I stopped the recording and sent it to Lucas. About 5 minutes later, I got a picture message back. It was of Lucas’ cum all over himself with a text message under it.

The man who makes you scream: That was the hottest thing anyone has ever sent me. I hope you know I’ll be saving this for all eternity 😉

I felt myself blush with a heat of embarrassment washing over me. I didn’t think about him saving these things. It felt nice knowing he found it so hot. I’d done nothing like this before, and it was fucking hot.

Olive: Just as long as no one else hears it.

The man who makes you scream: Don’t worry, Rose, it’s for my ears only.

I cleaned off, leaving him on read because I had nothing else to say. I was going to keep this strictly sexual as Hailey advised and see how it goes. Neither my heart nor my head won’t get ahead of me again.

The man who makes you scream: Want to get a bite to eat tonight?

He texted again, trying to confuse me with his forward advances, making it seem like he wants more than sex, even though he doesn’t.

Olive: No thanks, but I’ll come over for a nightcap if you want 😉

Strictly sex.

The man who makes you scream: It is like all you want me for is sex 3:)

Olive: You catch on quick.

Normally, I would have dissected his text, wondering if he wanted more. I would have obsessed over what he meant by it, but now that I’ve kept it just about sex, it didn’t matter. I am convincing myself all I want from him is sex, and only sex.

The man who makes you scream: My apartment, 8 o’clock. Wear something easy to slip out of.

Olive: See you then.

If I keep telling myself it’s just sex, maybe my heart will believe it, too.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

Lucas: It is like all you want me for is sex. 3:)

It slightly hurt me by how quickly she had turned my invitation down for dinner. If Janessa hadn’t interrupted yesterday, we could have spent all night together. I longed to have her near me when I woke up again. Noting Rose’s unease with Janessa, I backed off. I didn’t think chasing after her would be the right move, because I doubt she would have believed a word I said, anyway.

Rose: You catch on quick.

Now I feel like I made the wrong choice. I feel her pulling away from me. I’ll have to work my way back, but the only way to do it is to do her. So I’ll give her what she wants, and then I’ll give her more.

Lucas: My apartment, 8 o’clock. Wear something easy to slip out of.

Rose: See you then.

I texted Janessa last night and broke off this long-standing friends with benefits. It slipped my mind she was stopping by last night, and it messed everything up. I won’t let something like that happen again. Besides, Janessa may be beautiful, but her personality has always put me off. She’s way too arrogant, calling my Rose trash.

I hated the way Rose left last night, and I had planned to make it up to her, but she kept me waiting for a couple of hours before responding. Then we got off track with the hottest sexting. Now I see she would have turned me down anyway, no matter the time of day in which she responded.

I got up to grab a snack from the kitchen, practically tripping over Leo’s guitar case. He said he would come by and pick it up last night, but I guess he forgot. I grabbed an apple, hearing the crisp crunch as I bit into it.

Lucas: Your guitar is still here.

Loe: Yeah, I got sidetracked last night. I’ll come get it tonight.

There’s no way I’m letting anyone ruin tonight. I will have no surprise, or planned visits, tonight.

Lucas: Not tonight. I have plans, get it before 8.

Leo: Another girl or Janessa?

I don’t know why his question highly irritated me, but it did. He used to ask me that question before and it wouldn’t bother me. I don’t know why it does now. Maybe because Rose isn’t the option?

Lucas: Neither. It’s Rose.

Leo: Leave her alone, Lucas. She wants more than just sex.

I don’t know where Leo gets off telling me to leave her alone. Where did he even get the idea she wants more? She literally told me, in not so many words, she wants only sex from me. I want more, and I have to get her to want more, too.

Lucas: So do I.

Leo: Bull!

Lucas: No crap here.

Leo: I’m coming to your apartment now.

With a shrug, I put my phone on the counter face down. I headed to my office, needing to get some work done. I know Dad will breathe down my neck more now since I pissed him off last night. He didn’t like that I had brought Rose with me. He told me the only reason he didn’t kick her out was because she actually knew his guests. My anger boiled when I thought of him mistreating my Rose. I told him I wouldn’t be his puppet any longer, and I had no more patience for this game. I warned him if he attempted to marry Lisa off, I wouldn’t be taking over his business.

I bit the bullet and started my business during my sophomore year. I made my first million a few years ago. Managing both my company and Dad’s keeps me pretty busy most of the time. Being with Rose had distracted me yesterday, making me fall behind. I’ll get caught up and then get ahead on the paperwork, leaving me time to focus on her. About 20 minutes into my work, I heard my door open. I had given Leo and Lisa a key to my apartment; they being the only two I trust or want in this apartment.

‘Lucas?’ I heard him yell out.

‘In my office.’

He entered, looking upset. Something had made him mad, but he was trying to hold it back. He has a bad habit of playing with his lip piercing when he’s upset, and the thing was swinging like a pendulum. I sighed, already seeing I won’t be able to get this work done with his current mood. He came to talk about something.

‘I’m going after, Olive,’ he proclaimed, shocking the absolute hell out of me. It took me a moment to collect my thoughts and respond.

‘You’re what?’

‘I’m going to ask Olive out. I was going to leave her alone when I thought you would make her happy, but after I saw her last night, I decided I’d take my chances with her,’ he informed me. I’d never seen Leo so determined. My stomach was twisting in knots. I don’t want to fight with Leo, but I’m not letting him have Rose, either. She’s mine, and I plan to make her admit it tonight. I furrowed my brow at him, letting him see how serious I was, too. I stood up, walking to the other side of my desk.

‘I’m not giving her up, Leo. I’ve already made her mine.’

‘You need to let her go, Lucas. You’re only going to hurt her, and she doesn’t deserve that. She looked so sad when I ran into her in the hall.’ He shook his head at the memory.

‘You saw her last night?’ So he had come for his guitar, but ran into Rose on the way.

‘Yeah, we talked about you as I drove her home. She’s hurt, and at first I tried to make excuses for you, but after she left my car, I had this nagging feeling in my stomach. She doesn’t deserve to be hurt by you, so I decided I’ll actually try for once. Lucas, you’re my best friend, but I’ve seen the way you have been treating women here lately, and it’s not what Olive deserves.’ He was firm in his belief. He stood proudly, his head held high. Normally I would have been proud of him for standing up for himself and going after what he wanted, but‌ what he wants is what I want.

‘I hear what you’re saying, Leo, but I don’t plan on backing down. So, I guess all that’s left is for Rose to make her choice. I hope you’re prepared if you’re going to challenge me for her heart, my friend, because I plan to go all out,’ I warned him, making him nod his head, not backing down.

‘I don’t doubt it, but I have my ways, too. I know it will be stupid of me to hope this doesn’t affect our friendship in the end.’ His face fell for a moment. ‘I just hope we’ll be able to fix it in the end.’

‘You’re still my best friend, Leo. I won’t hold it against you if she chooses you in the end. I hope you’d feel the same way.’ He nodded his head in agreement. I extended my hand for him to take, and he did. We shook, as if promising those words.

‘We need rules,’ he blurted. ‘We can’t interrupt one another. Like if we know we have plans with her, the other can’t butt in.’

‘Sounds fair. As you know, I have plans with her tonight at 8.’ I nodded.

‘Okay, so I’ll stay away. I’ll tell you if she and I ever have plans.’

‘If it’s just hanging out, then it’s free game, but if it’s a date or a hookup, we’ll keep away,’ I added. Otherwise Leo would get a lot more time with her than me, since he sees her on campus sometimes.

‘Agreed.’ Leo nodded. ‘May the best man get the girl.’ Leo left, shortly after, taking his guitar with him. I watched him leave, feeling anxious now. I don’t want to lose Leo as my friend, but I also can’t stand the thought of not having my Rose.

The rest of the afternoon was spent finishing my paperwork. I ordered dinner, finishing right at 7. I took a quick shower before Rose showed up. I had my pants on, with a towel draped over my bare shoulders as I dried my hair with it. The doorbell rang, making me answer it with my still damp hair.

My Rose stood before me. She was early, looking fine as hell.

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