Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 3

I stared down at the large man before me, who was gasping for air. My dad was a professional MMA fighter in his youth and he taught me everything he knew, starting when I turned 13. He told me I needed to defend myself from any guy, no matter their size. Clearly, he was right. This wasn’t the first time someone at a club tried to manhandle me and got put in their place. It was the first time I’d done it out on the dance floor.

I watched as security pushed their way through the crowd, trying to make it to me. Shit, I’ll lose my scholarship if I get charges pressed against me. I tried to think of a suitable solution, but the alcohol was fogging my decision-making skills. I was panicking when a familiar tattooed hand grabbed mine, pulling me through the crowd.

‘I’ll bring her home safe,’ Lucas called back to Hailey as he navigated us through the crowd and out the side exit. ‘Come on, we need to get you out of here.’

He tossed me the motorcycle helmet as he straddled the bike. I stood there, shocked for a moment, before I heard the security guards yelling after us. I placed the helmet on, jumping on the bike behind him. My dress rode up more than I would have liked, practically flashing everyone my lacy black underwear. Lucas sped us away, causing me to wrap my arms around his waist tightly so I wouldn’t fall off. The thin fabric of my underwear could not block out the vibrations of the bike, making me acutely aware of his body next to mine. The wind was cold and harsh as we raced through the streets.

We pulled up to the familiar tall building of his apartment. He parked his bike in the side parking garage. He kicked the stand out, letting me jump off the bike. I pulled my dress down quickly before taking the helmet off, running my hand over my hair to tame it. I handed him the helmet as he got off. My horny ass got hornier as I watched him take his helmet off and shake his hair loose. Damn if he doesn’t get me wet by just looking at him.

‘Thought you were getting me home safe?’ I finally spoke. He laughed at my comment, a look of amusement in his eyes.

‘I did. I got you home safe. My home.’ He winked as he walked by me. I stood there, stunned for a moment, before I turned to follow him. I wanted to demand he take me home right now, but there was something about the idea of going back up to his apartment and having him fuck me into tomorrow that appealed to me. I followed him towards the elevator leading to his apartment.

‘So, when exactly were you planning on taking me home?’ I asked him as the elevator doors closed behind us.

‘Whenever you want me to.’ He leaned forward, making me take a step back, hitting it against the elevator wall. He was mere centimeters away, keeping his eyes locked with mine. We stayed in a moment of tension until the elevator doors dinged, opening back up. He turned quickly, walking down the long corridor to his apartment. The last time I came, we had been making out on the way in, so I had paid little attention to my surroundings. I was definitely a lot more sober than last time. I noticed the clean, well lit, and beautifully decorated halls gave off an expensive feel. This place has got to cost a pretty penny to rent. I wonder how much?

Lucas unlocked his door, stepping inside without sparing a glance at me down the hall. He left the door open, inviting me inside. I thought it over, feeling maybe I should turn around and call an Uber to get out of here again. This is a bad idea, I know it.

‘You coming?’ Lucas poked his head out with a raised brow. ‘Or are you too scared?’

I’m not scared. I walked into his apartment confidently, even though I was feeling anything but. He closed the front door behind me, locking the deadbolt. There’s no backing out now.

‘Want a drink?’ He offered as he walked towards his kitchen. The place was larger than I remembered. The kitchen had all new appliances that looked like they’d hardly been touched. There was a modern feel to the place, with white walls that made the room feel brighter and bigger, but also empty. It was like he staged the place to sell and not live in.

‘Some water, please. Thank you.’ He handed me the cup, drinking some water himself. He watched me through the rim of his glass, making me feel self conscious as I drank.

‘Where’d you learn to fight like that?’ He asked, taking our empty cups and setting them in the sink.

‘My dad taught me.’

‘No kidding?’ He sounded surprised.

‘He was a professional MMA fighter in his twenties. He started teaching me when I was 13.’

‘That’s impressive. Think you could take me down?’ He stepped closer, causing my heart to race with excitement.

‘Probably. Guys are always overly confident in their skills.’ I smiled playfully.

‘What if I told you I fight for a living?’ He closed the distance between us. Lowering his voice seductively.

‘I’d call bullshit. Your hands have punched nothing recently. Your knuckles aren’t bruised or bleeding.’ I observed, making him let out a laugh.

‘I quite like you, Rose.’ He ran his thumb over my lip as he held my chin up. ‘I plan on fucking you until the sun rises, unless you tell me otherwise.’

My breath hitched as my stomach swirled with butterflies. A warmth pooled between my legs at his promise. I knew he meant it and could accomplish it. I bit my lip, staring into those eyes, knowing he was waiting for me to say something, but all words seemed to escape me. What is the English language again?

‘If you keep biting your lip, I won’t be able to contain myself.’ I could feel the warmth of his breath fan over my lips, making me hungry to feel them against me. I bit my lip again as my way of giving him permission. He gave me a sexy smirk before he crashed his lips against mine. His hands gripped at my hips, lifting me up and placing me on the kitchen island. I parted my legs, allowing his torso between them as he grabbed my ass, parting my lips with his tongue. I let him explore my mouth with a soft moan. His hands left my ass, traveling up my thighs, pushing my dress up along the way. He ran his finger over my dampening slit, through my underwear.

‘You’re so wet for me already.’ He smirked at me before nipping at my lip. I moaned again at the pleasure his touches and words were bringing me. ‘I want to know what you taste like, Rose.”

He gently pushed me until I was laying back on the counter. He pulled my ass to the edge of the island as he slid my underwear off me. I could feel the cool air hitting my exposed core. His tongue ran up my slit, causing me to moan loudly. He gripped my thighs, bringing my center closer to his face. He began to expertly devour me.

Fuck Lucas,’ I moaned, grabbing a fistful of his hair as he brought me close to the edge.

I swayed my hips against his face. He slid his finger inside me as his mouth sucked at my clit. I thought I would explode from the inside at the sheer pleasure he was bringing me. A few more swipes from his finger with a couple more sucks had me falling over the edge.

Shit, I’m cumming!‘ I yelled as my center tightened against his finger inside me. The waves of my pleasure coursed through my body as Lucas licked me clean. I knew he wasn’t done with me and, frankly, I didn’t want him to be.

He pulled me off the island, picking me up by the ass, and carrying me to his couch. It seems we’ll be fucking all over this apartment. I watched him take his white shirt off, showing me those beautiful tattoos and chiseled abs again. He leaned over me, kissing me, making me taste myself. He pulled the straps of my dress off my arms, sliding it down my body so it was now scrunched together over my stomach. I hadn’t had a bra on, so Lucas could suck at the hardened bud of my nipple instantly. The pleasure I felt was so intense I involuntarily arched my back, pushing my breasts further into his mouth.

God,‘ I moaned.

‘Not God, darling, Lucas.’ He licked my neck.

I rolled my eyes at his statement, making him let out a singular laugh. Without a second thought, he stood up, removing his pants and boxers, leaving them on the floor. He stared at me with a smirk as he connected the thick head of his shaft to my entrance. He drove deep inside me with a swift, powerful thrust. The suddenness took me by surprise, making me let out a loud yell in surprise. He thrust into me quickly, causing our skin to slap loudly against each other. We filled the room with a sensual soundscape of my moans and his grunts. I got close quickly as he played with my clit with his thumb while he thrusted in me.

Don’t stop, Lucas!‘ I moaned as I reached my peak, cumming over his dick this time. He turned me around on the couch, inserting himself back inside me from behind. I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

Lucas kept his promise of fucking me all throughout the night. My body was sore and my legs had forgotten how to work. I needed to get up and pee, but I wasn’t sure I could. Lucas laid beside me in all his naked glory with his arm over my waist. He’s so damn handsome.

My eyes watched him for a moment before my need to pee outweighed the fear of not being able to walk. I reluctantly got out of the warm bed, heading to the bathroom. I was still very much naked myself, but I didn’t mind walking across his room like this. He had seen it all last night. I did my business, finally feeling relieved. After I washed my hands and face, I stared at myself in the mirror, seeing my body littered with purple hickeys. When did he do that? There were so many! There was no hiding them. I sighed, opening the door to see Lucas sitting up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. He gave me that sexy ass smirk of his as I approached him.

‘Hey Luke, we need to talk.’ Leo opened Lucas’ door, surprising us all. I screamed, running back inside the bathroom, feeling absolutely mortified he had seen me fully naked.

‘I’m so sorry!’ Leo yelled quickly, closing the door with a surprised slam. I groaned, covering my face with my hands as if it could help erase what had happened.

‘You can come back out now. He’s gone,’ Lucas laughed at me from the bed.

‘Not funny,’ I scolded him as I opened the door.

My eyes scanned the room for my dress, but remembered it was in the living room with my underwear in the kitchen. I went for Lucas’ clothes, grabbing one of his larger t-shirts and sliding it on. I didn’t ask, because fuck him for not making sure the door was locked.

‘I like the way my shirt looks on you.’ He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

‘Don’t start. I don’t think I can handle any more of you,’ I warned him, holding a finger up. I searched the room for my phone, but it was nowhere in sight. Lucas laughed again, finding everything so amusing this morning. He got up, getting boxers and a pair of sweats on. I was thankful he left his shirt off, leaving me something delicious to look at. We both exited the room, me with pinker tinted cheeks than before. Leo was sitting on the couch where we’d fucked three of the seven times last night. I swallowed nervously as I scanned the room for my dress.

‘What’d you wanna talk about, Leo?’ Lucas asked, heading for the kitchen. He started a pot of coffee. ‘Rose.’ He called me by his made up nickname, tossing my underwear to me out in the open. He had no shame, and it was embarrassing me to no end. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as my blush deepened. Leo watched the exchange too, his cheeks slightly pink with embarrassment as well. I went back to the room to place my underwear on while I tried to hear what Leo was telling Lucas.

‘I wish you would have told me she was here. I wouldn’t have barged in,’ Leo scolded Lucas.

‘That’s not what you came for. What’s up?’ Lucas asked him.

‘I was going to ask you to leave her alone, but I’m too late.’ Leo sighed. Is he talking about me?

‘Why?’ Lucas asked.

‘We’ll talk about it later.’

I stepped out of the room right as my phone rang. I heard it ringing in the living room where Leo was, but I didn’t see it. Leo moved, showing my phone had fallen between the couch cushions. Julius’ name was flashing across the screen, causing me to groan in agitation.

‘Everything okay?’ Leo asked, concerned.

‘Yup, just dandy.’ I couldn’t look him in the eye, still embarrassed about him seeing me naked. Lucas had come up behind me without me noticing, grabbing my phone and seeing the name. Since Leo cloned my phone, Julius’ contact picture still showed him and I together. I hadn’t changed it yet, not giving much thought to it. Lucas furrowed his brow before he answered the damn thing. I went to grab it, but he held it out of reach, leaning back away from me.

‘Hello?’ He answered, making my stomach somersault inside me. I looked at Leo for the first time as if asking for help, but he shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Lucas, raising a brow at him as I held my hand out for him to hand me the phone. ‘Yeah, hold on. She’s right here.’

He handed me the cellphone with a cheeky grin, winking at me like it was all fun and games. My hands were getting clammy knowing Julius would ask me a million and one questions now. None of which I want to answer, or should have to.

‘Hello?’ I held the phone to my ear.

‘What the fuck, Liv! Who was that?’ The anger in his voice was clear, even through the phone. I could picture the face he was making, having seen it countless times throughout our relationship.

‘It’s none of your concern,’ I snapped at him.

‘The hell it isn’t. You’re my girl.’

‘I stopped being your girl when I found your dick deep inside Clover. Fuck off, Julius, and stop calling me.’ I hung up with a harrumph. Julius had ruined any kind of happiness I had left this morning. He had irritated me as well as Lucas for answering my phone. Not wanting to waste any more time, I took my dress from the couch and rushed to his room to put it on, saying nothing to either of the men in the living room. I need to leave and head to the gym. I feel the sudden urge to punch something. Neither Lucas nor Leo said a word to me when I returned dressed in last night’s outfit. I wish this dress was longer.

I sent a message to Hailey while I got dressed and called for an Uber. I’m not staying here much longer. Lucas has me in such a spell, one I need to break. I can’t be getting involved with a guy like him. He’d crush my heart if I let him. There’s nothing here for me but a good fuck, and I need to remember that.

‘Leaving already?’ Lucas asked. For a second I thought I saw disappointment in his eyes, but it was gone in a blink of an eye.

‘Yeah, I need to go.’

‘Sorry again about earlier.’ Leo hung his head. I could tell he felt bad about it. He’s a sweet guy.

‘Let’s just pretend it never happened,’ I told Leo, but I looked at Lucas ‌ as I said it. Maybe it would be better if I could convince my brain this never happened. The absolute bliss he brought me was all a dream. Lucas closed the space between us, grabbing my chin gently. He lifted my head up, so I was looking into his deep brown eyes. He leaned down, kissing me gently. It differed from the millions of hungry kisses he gave me last night. It was gentle and warm, making my heart flutter in my chest.

‘Goodbye, Rose,’ he whispered to me, before going to sit with Leo on the couch, not sparing me another glance.

I don’t know why it infuriated me, but it did. I double-checked to make sure I had everything before leaving. It’s better to wait for the Uber outside than be in here with him. I said nothing as I left, accidentally slamming the door behind me. I can’t let this happen again.

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