Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 2

The rest of the week flew by without a snag. I avoided Julius at all costs, taking alternative routes to classes and even being early to the classes we had in the same building. Leo hadn’t texted me since Monday, and I was starting to think he’d forgotten about us going out today. I honestly wouldn’t mind, as I’m sure he only invited me out of pity.

I could, thankfully, talk with minimal pain now. The swelling had gone down, and the stitches were slowly dissolving. I was grateful to have my voice back and be able to thank my advisor for pulling miracles and getting me out of Professor Dune’s class. She got me into Professor Lewis’ class, which was my last class for today.

Leo: Hey Olive. Can’t wait to see you tonight! We’re going to the tunnel nightclub in Manhattan. We’re all meeting up outside the dorms if you wanna come with us. Otherwise, you can meet us there at 9.

Well shit, it seems he didn’t forget.

Olive: Sounds like fun. See you there!

I sighed, pushing away the insecurities trying to brew inside me. I sat my phone down and focused on the lecture. Professor Lewis was a fabulous teacher, so much better than Professor Dune. She explained things well and encouraged questions. I found her class refreshing and 100 times better than Dunes.

‘So where are we going tonight?’ Hailey asked, having waited for me outside my class. We had class in the same building at the same time today.

‘The tunnel nightclub. Have you been there before?’

‘Are you kidding? That place is amazing. It looks like some old warehouse by day, but by night they set it up with fun in mind.’ Hailey practically screeched with excitement as she locked arms with me. ‘We need to get you looking sexy for tonight, and I know just the dress.’

‘Hailey no,’ I whined, foreseeing hours of torture in the name of beauty.

‘Olive, yes,’ she said sternly. ‘It’s rare I get an excuse to dress you up. Besides, Leo may be a freshman, but he’s hot as fuck and if you don’t plan on snatching him up, I just might.’ She winked at me.

‘Go for it. I think my one-night stand days are over.’ I still couldn’t get Lucas out of my mind. He ruined me for every man after him. I am not sure I’ll meet another man as skilled as him.

‘Already? After just one?’ She complained.


‘Stop pulling at it,’ Hailey scolded me as I tugged down at the hem of my dress for the millionth time since leaving the penthouse.

‘It’s too short. I feel like my ass is hanging out.’ I complained.

Hailey had dressed me in a tiny black dress that glowed in the light from the glitter littering it. It had thin spaghetti straps and was tight against me, like a second skin. I felt like my boobs were about to spill out of the top with my ass hanging out. I was so uncomfortable, but Hailey refused to let me change. She even locked the door and took my key, so I couldn’t get back in.

‘That’s the point, Livie. You look ready to devour.’ She bit the air around me, acting like I was a meal.

‘Stop,’ I laughed, linking our arms as we approached the doors of the club.

‘Damn.’ I heard Leo whisper under his breath as we approached. His eyes dragged over my body, making me blush as he obviously checked me out. ‘Glad you guys could make it. We’re waiting for two others before we go in. Let me introduce you to everyone.’

He walked us over to a small group of guys with a couple of girls. The guys all looked like catalog models with chiseled faces and toned muscles. The girls looked like runway models with long legs and perfect bodies. They had high heels with straps wrapped around their calves and dresses as short as mine, if not shorter.

‘Guys, this is Olive and her friend Hailey.’ Leo gestured to us. ‘Girls, this is CJ, Kade, and Willis.’ He pointed to the guys. Then he extended his hand to the girls and said, ‘This is Claire, and Shelby.’

We all nodded at each other a little awkwardly before a loud motorcycle caught all of our attention. I watched as the motorcycle parked in front of us with two people sitting on it. The person on the back got off first. She removed her helmet, allowing her long black hair to cascade down around her. She was absolutely stunning, with pale skin and light blue eyes.

‘Finally! Took him long enough,’ Kade complained, looking at the driver of the motorcycle. He took his helmet off to reveal an all too-familiar face. His intense brown eyes met mine before roaming my body. The right corner of his lips turned up in a smirk.


‘Isn’t that…?’ Hailey started, unable to finish her question as I nodded in confirmation.

‘Nice of you to finally join us,’ Leo greeted him, sliding their hands across one another into a bro hug.

‘Sorry, I had to take care of something.’ He gestured to the girl with a smirk. An innuendo if I ever heard  one. I don’t know why the thought of him with her made my stomach twist.

‘I am sure you did,’ Leo laughed. ‘Oh, right, I want you to meet someone.’ Leo turned to Hailey and I. ‘This is Hailey and that’s-‘

‘Rose,’ Lucas interjected, causing me to shake my head.

‘That could have been your chance to learn my name.’ I looked up at him, not shying away or showing him any of the jealousy I was feeling. I discreetly squeezed onto Hailey’s arm for support, still having it linked with mine.

‘It would have been too easy. I want you to tell me.’ He stepped closer to me. He was here with another girl, yet was shamelessly flirting with me. It turned me off faster than anything.

‘You guys know each other?’ Leo raised a brow in question.

‘You could say that,’ I answered, having Lucas nod his head.

‘Shall we go in now that everyone is here?’ CJ pointed to the door, clearly over this awkward interaction.

‘Yeah, let’s go.’ Leo draped his arm over my shoulders, guiding me away from Lucas and into the nightclub.

I never thought I would run into him again.

Lights were flashing, moving all around the place. It was poorly lit and reeked of alcohol and sweat. The bass was blaring, rumbling the floor beneath us as lights flashed all around. It was hard to hear anyone at this volume. Leo turned his head, leaning into my ear to speak.

‘Want a drink?’ he asked me, causing me to nod my head. ‘What’s your preference?’

‘Surprise me!’ I yelled at him through the music.

He smiled at me as he went towards the bar. I felt Lucas’ eyes on me, but I refused to look his way. He’s here with someone else and he shouldn’t be paying me any mind, even if it’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted him to grab me and take me behind the building, reminding me of the pleasure he could bring me. No, you horny bitch. He’s here with someone else.

I caged my lip between my teeth, trying hard to focus my mind away from him. Leo returned with a fruity cocktail, letting me see what kind of person he thought I was. He thinks I can’t handle strong drinks or I don’t drink often. He had the wrong view of me, but I took the glass with a smile.

‘Thank you,’ I told him, but before I could take a drink, it was taken from my hands, replaced by a shot of fireball. My kind of drink. I turned to look at the culprit of my drink switch to find Lucas. I furrowed my brows at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at Leo and gave a quick  shake of his head.

‘That’s not her kind of drink,’ he yelled over the music at Leo.

He wasn’t wrong, but I didn’t like the fact he knew that about me already. How did he even know? I never told him what I preferred the last time we were together. In fact, I had been drinking tequila for most of the night.

‘How would you know what I like?’ I questioned him, downing my shot without complaint.

‘I know exactly what you like.’ His face was serious as he spoke, but there was a hunger in his eyes.

I couldn’t help the crimson that stained my cheeks at his comment. He wasn’t lying. He knew exactly what I liked that night without me having to tell him a thing.

Trying to stay clear of Lucas tonight is going to be impossible.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

There was my Rose, standing before me in a little black dress, a dress that left little to the imagination. She had straightened her red hair, making it look so much longer now. She looked hot as hell with those red stilettos that matched her hair and her shade of lipstick perfectly.

Leo had gotten her some fruity drink as if a girl like her would like something like that. She took it with a smile, being polite. I switched her drink for my own, knowing she would love the burn of the alcohol down her throat. I wasn’t wrong. She downed it without even making a face. As much as I tried, I hadn’t been able to get her out of my head since that night.

No woman could excite me the same way she did. Her body was perfect, especially with the unexpected tattoos on her side. It started below her breast and traveled down to the top of her thigh. I knew she probably got them done without a cry of pain. She was tough as nails, unlike any girl I had ever met before.

It was the way she stood up to a large drunk man with no fear that drew my attention to her that first night. The game she played with me after only had me wanting her more. She wasn’t like any of the girls I’d been with before. I doubt she even knows who I am, which only added to her allure. She wasn’t after me because of my money. She had come for me because I was the most intimidating man there, and she liked the challenge.

I don’t understand why she’s here with someone like Leo. She’s so out of his league. Leo would not understand what to do with a woman like her. He may be my best friend, but he’s an idiot when it comes to girls. He has nothing to offer her but his money. I don’t know how he got her here, but I’m not letting this chance escape me.

I had to get Lisa from her apartment in New Jersey, making me late. She’s lucky she’s my sister, or I’d be pretty pissed. She needed a night out after the week she had, so I didn’t mind getting her. Leo loves seeing her, too. He’s had a long-standing crush on her since he was 6. She pays him no mind, thankfully. I don’t want to choose between my best childhood friend and my sister if they ever hooked up and broke up after.

‘Care for a dance?’ I asked Rose, enjoying the pink I was causing to show on her cheeks.

‘Shouldn’t you be dancing with your date?’ She snapped, surprising me a bit. I laughed at the thought. Was she jealous?

‘She’s my sister, not my date.’ I leaned into her ear to speak so I wouldn’t have to keep yelling.

‘Yeah, sure, and I’m a rockstar.’ She rolled her eyes, not believing me.

I shrugged my shoulders, heading towards Lisa. Maybe she’ll believe it if Lisa tells her. Lisa already knew about Rose. I called her Wednesday, complaining she was taking up too much room in my mind. Lisa made fun of me, wondering if this would be the girl I finally settled down with. She’s wrong though. I think I need to fuck her again to get her out of my system. I don’t need another relationship after the shit I’ve been through.

‘Do me a favor, go tell Rose who you are,’ I asked her, prying her away from Kade, who was doing his best attempt at capturing her attention.

‘So, that really is her, then?’ Grabbing her phone, she took a selfie of herself, capturing Rose in the background. She then zoomed into the picture to get a better look at her. She was great at checking people out without them noticing.

‘She’s hot, Luke.’ She hit my chest with the back of her hand in surprise.

‘She thinks you’re my date.’

‘Why didn’t you tell her I’m your sister?’

‘She didn’t believe me.’ I shook my head.

‘I got you, don’t worry.’ She winked at me as she flicked her black hair over her shoulder and made her way towards my Rose. They spoke for a while, and I wondered what exactly she was telling her. When their conversation was over, Lisa headed back to me with a smile.

‘I see why you can’t get her out of your head. Good luck, brother.’ She patted my back before heading to the dance floor. What just happened?

Rose walked in my direction, making me believe she was going to take me up on my offer, but she grabbed her friend and dragged her to the dance floor instead. Eshay by Dassy started playing, having Rose backing her ass up against her friend. They danced seductively together, knowing exactly what they were doing.

Rose paid me no mind, as she had her fun. I couldn’t help the amused grin crossing my face as I watched her. She was fucking hot, and I wasn’t the only guy whose attention she was catching. I saw other guys try to make their way towards them, but she’d push them away any time they touched her. She wasn’t interested, and she made it known.

‘When did you meet her?’ Leo came up beside me with his scotch in hand.

‘Last week.’

‘It’s not like you to still be hung up on someone a week later.’ He swirled his drink in his hand.

‘I know.’ I couldn’t pry my eyes away from her as he spoke to me.

‘Damn man. I thought maybe I had a chance, but if she’s slept with you, there’s no hope for me,’ he laughed dryly. I try not to go after girls I know Leo likes. A girl can cause a drift between us, but in this case, I had her first.

‘Sorry, Leo. Where’d you meet her, anyway?’

‘On campus, I kinda ran into her, or more like I accidentally whacked her with a door. Hurting her and breaking her phone,’ he groaned, explaining how they met. I laughed at him. He’d always been clumsy, but it usually ended in his own pain, not someone else’s.

‘I’m surprised she still talked to you after.’

‘You and I both,’ Leo sighed. ‘Fuck, man. I was really starting to like her. You know, she would not accept the phone I had gotten for her because it was too new?’ He shook his head in disbelief. She didn’t like lavish gifts. I made a mental note as I continued to watch her while nursing my drink. I didn’t miss the eyes of the girls that were checking me out, but I ignored them all, even the ones who had the balls to come talk to me. My eyes were locked on my Rose and her beautiful body.

I watched as a larger man made his way towards her. He grabbed her waist, but she pushed him off. He was a bit too drunk to take the hint, coming back to her and grabbing her hips again. I started walking towards them, ready to help her when she needed it. I should have known she wouldn’t need it.

‘I said get your hands off me before I kick your ass!’ she yelled at him, not a shred of fear in her tone. This guy was easily double her size with the stilettos on, yet she threatened him like he was a small teenage boy. The guy laughed at her, clearly not taking her seriously. I walked closer, ready to pull the guy off her.

‘Come on, babe. Don’t be like that. You’re sitting here dancing with your friend like that because you wanted a man to come to you. Here I am, baby.’

I was about to reach them when I saw her pull her fist back and punch him right in the throat, surprising the hell out of everyone. She then kicked his side and punched his kidney. I could see she was an experienced fighter.

Damn, this girl is full of surprises.

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