Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 4

Last night was amazing. I had finally gotten Rose in my bed again where she belongs. She was as beautiful as I remembered, if not more so. The sounds she made as she moved her body had me so wrapped up in her. My dick twitched thinking about it again.

She’d gotten onto me last night for trying to dance with her when she thought I had a date, but it seemed she was in a relationship, or so I thought when I answered the phone. I wanted to ruin it, and make her solely mine. I wasn’t expecting to hear the asshole had cheated on her. Who would ever be stupid enough to do such a thing to a woman like her?

I wanted to keep her here with me, but I had to watch her leave. I wanted to spend the morning with her, having her as my breakfast. Again, she left in a hurry, as if spending any time with me was too much to ask of her. I was here to please her and nothing more. I felt my stomach drop when she looked at me as she responded to Leo.

Let’s just pretend it never happened.

Were those words directed at me, too? How can I pretend it didn’t happen if it’s all I can think about?

‘Why’d you want me to stay away from her?’ I asked Leo, needing to redirect my brain.

‘I was hoping to get a chance.’ He shrugged. I could tell he was feeling down about it. It was probably a dick move on my part to steal Rose from him last night, but I couldn’t help it. She drives me nuts. I hoped sleeping with her one more time would get her out of my system, but somehow it’s gotten her further in.

‘Sorry, Leo. Hate to sound like a child, but I saw her first.’ I winked at him, making him give me a small smile. I pushed his shoulder with mine, almost making him fall over. ‘Let’s go get some breakfast at the little cafe you like so much. Maybe your favorite barista is working.’ I wiggled my eyebrows at him. He’s always been shy when it comes to making a move on a girl. By the time he gathers his courage, someone else has already claimed her. Leo’s a great guy, just needs a little more confidence.

‘Yeah, alright.’ He sighed. He’s going to be insufferable today with the moping.

‘Let me get changed, then we can take the car.’

Maybe she’s still outside.

I hurriedly put on clothes, dragging Leo out of the apartment, hoping to get a last look at my Rose. I was too late. She was gone again. I wish I could have gotten her number, but maybe it’s best I didn’t. This girl is bad news for me.

“Good morning. What can I get for you two?” The barista greeted us as we approached the counter. I elbowed Leo, trying to get him to say something to the girl. She flashed us a smile, her blue eyes looking over at me. I rarely come up in line. Normally, I meet Leo here and he has my coffee already ordered. Leo leaned forward, dazzling her with his flashy smile.

“Hey, Carly. Can we get two black coffees, please?” Carly pried her eyes away from me, smiling back at Leo.

“Of course. Can I have your name?” She asked me as she wrote Leo’s name, already having him memorized.

“Luke.” I told her the name I prefer for people to call me.

“Got it. They’ll be ready soon.”

To avoid the feeling I was trying to upstage him, I let Leo pay for the coffee, even though I could have done it myself. I took a seat at the table and watched as Leo waited at the counter for our drinks. In order not to jeopardize Leo’s chances, I stayed away so I wouldn’t get in his way. I hope he finds the courage to open his mouth and say something to her.

“Here.” He shoved the cup of coffee in my hands, almost making it splash on me. He looked pissed.

“What happened?” I asked, slightly annoyed at his outlash. He scoffed, sulking in his chair. I looked down at my cup, seeing my name, but beside it was a phone number with a note.

Call me. -Carly

‘Shit, man. I swear I didn’t do anything.’ I shook my head.

‘I know you didn’t. That’s what’s so annoying. You don’t have to do anything to get a girl.’ He sighed, sinking even lower in his chair. He was in a bad mood now, and I know it won’t go away soon.

‘Sorry, I can’t do anything about it.’ I shrugged, thankful for the caffeine now coursing through my system.

‘Yeah, whatever.’ I saw a flash of red hair walk by us, instantly drawing my attention. The girl slowly turned, filling me with disappointment when it wasn’t my Rose. I can’t believe how badly I want to see her again already. It’s been less than an hour, but it feels more like days.

‘You’ve got it bad.’ Leo smirked.

‘What?’ I snapped my focus back to him.

‘You had hoped she was Olive.’ He pointed to the redhead.

‘Olive?’ I curled a brow.

‘Dude, the girl you were with this morning.’

Olive. I smiled, loving the fact I now knew her real name.

‘She’s Rose to me.’ I smirked, taking another sip of my coffee. Leo rolled his eyes, still in a crap mood. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and even though I know she doesn’t have my number, I somehow hope it was her.

Lisa: Well?

Nope, just the annoying sister.

Lucas: Well, what?

Lisa: Uh, hello? Red head, feisty, beautiful, absolutely perfect for you. Any of this ringing a bell?

I rolled my eyes, reading her text. I don’t know what she is expecting.

Lucas: What about her?

Lisa: You’re so annoying. What happened? Is she still with you?

Lucas: She left this morning. Leo came in.

Lisa: When will you see her again?

It’s a question I’m asking myself. I want to see her again, but I don’t know how I will. Last night the universe lined things up just right for her and I. I doubt it’ll do it again. This was my one chance to get further than last time, but I’m in the same boat. Her in my mind, but not in my arms.

Lucas: No clue. Hopefully soon.

Lisa pestered me for a while longer, but eventually I ignored her million and one questions, some of which I didn’t even want to ask myself. Leo sat pouting a while until I realized Leo was the key to seeing my Rose again. Although, how do I get him to help when he’s in a mood?

‘I’m gonna go. I am meeting up with the guys to work on a stupid group project.’ Leo rolled his eyes.

‘Want me to come help?’ I offered, feeling bad for him, but also hoping for a run in with Rose.

“You want to see her again.’ He shook his head.

‘No, I want to help. I promise I won’t leave your side. I’ll even train my bladder to go when you go.’ He smirked with a breath of air when I winked at him.

‘Alright, man, but you better help.’

‘Aye, aye, capitan.’ I hadn’t been on campus since I graduated in the spring. I should have figured she attended Columbia. She must be as intelligent as she is sexy. I wonder what she’s studying. My phone rang as we were getting into the car. I answered through the car system, making the mistake of not looking at the collar ID before I did.

‘Lucas?’ Dad’s voice boomed from all around me.

‘Hey, Dad.’ I made a face at Lucas, making him smile and shake his head disapprovingly. ‘What do you need?’ Dad only ever calls when he needs something from me. It’s never for a friendly chat or even a check in.

‘I need you and your sister to come home for dinner tonight. I have a meeting with the Camilo family. They are bringing their daughter, who is around your age. I need you to keep her happy while I get her father to close on a deal.’

There it is. The big favor.

‘Seriously, Dad, I hate when you do this shit. I don’t feel like entertaining some random girl.’ I rolled my eyes, turning onto the interstate.

“Don’t give me that crap, Lucas Alexander!” He scolded me. “I know of the many girls you take back into the apartment I let you live in. I’m not asking you to sleep with her. Just keep her out of our hair until I close the deal.” I gripped onto the steering wheel tightly, showing the whites of my knuckles.

‘The deal is you come when I need you, and I don’t go through with the arranged marriage I have set up for your sister.’ He reminded me, only causing my blood to boil.

‘Yeah, I got it. I’ll see you there.’ I hung up before he could say anything else. My fist pounded into the steering wheel, causing the horn to blare, but it didn’t feel like enough.

‘Does Lisa know?’ Leo asked, not knowing of the deal I had made with my dad before the phone call.

‘Of course not. Don’t you dare tell her either,’ I seethed.

‘I won’t,’ he promised.

‘I’m going to drop you off and head to the gym instead. I need to punch something that isn’t my car.”

‘Understandably. If you need me, let me know.’

I was grateful to have Leo. We may have a 5 year age gap, but he was the closest friend I had. He knew me the best, and he was the most loyal person I knew. I nodded my head at him. After I dropped him off, I headed to the on campus gym. They have great punching bags in the back no one uses. I snatched Leo’s student ID to get in.

There weren’t too many people here so early on a Saturday, making it easy for me to spot her beautiful red hair in a topknot. She was punching and kicking away at a bag with nothing but a sports bra and yoga pants. She’s damn sexy.

Time to get her number.

Olive’s P.O.V.

I had finally cooled down from the anger plaguing me this morning. Now I was hitting the bag in front of me to get Lucas out of my head. Even though he made me mad this morning with his stupid stunt, I couldn’t shake him from my mind. I kept picturing those intense brown eyes staring at me.

I must be under some spell because I swear I can smell his cologne right now. It was almost like he was here. I felt someone was watching me, but I refused to see who it was. Going to the gym and seeing guys there who just wanted to flirt with girls made me so angry I wouldn’t allow anyone to talk to me. I saw a figure from the corner of my eyes step around me. They grabbed the bag from behind, holding it steady for me. Putting all of my strength into it, I punched the bag with the intention of them being able to feel the power behind it through the bag. I didn’t ask them to hold it. I was doing fine by myself.

‘Damn, Rose. I didn’t know you could punch so hard.’ His voice halted my next punch midair. I leaned to the side to see around the bag, finding those brown eyes looking back at me.

‘What are you doing here?’ How did he even get in here? Does he go here too and I’m just now seeing him for the first time? How is it possible I keep running into him out of nowhere?

‘I needed to let out some steam, but I never imagined you’d be here doing the same,’ he explained with a half smirk. Damn you and your god-like looks.

‘Holding the bag isn’t the way to let your anger out.’

‘My anger disappeared the moment I saw you, Olive.’ He winked at me, using my real name for the first time. My name never sounded better than when it left his lips.

‘Olive, huh?’ I arched a brow at him. He nodded with a playful smirk on his lips.

‘I like it, but I think you’ll always be my Rose.’ My body wanted to step closer to him, to feel his warmth near me again. My brain, on the other hand, kept yelling about how terrible of an idea it would be. It left me rooted in place.

‘I’m not yours,’ I finally blurted out.

‘You’re only mine.’ He gave me an arrogant smirk, making me punch the bag as hard as I could. He had to take a step back from the force.

‘I’m no one‘s,’ I snapped back, taking the tape off my hands as I walked off. I wanted to be nothing but mad at his proclamation. However, I’d be lying if I said his words didn’t give me butterflies. Those words shouldn’t make me happy, but they did. I wanted to be his, but it’s way too soon to be with someone else. Julius and I had been in a relationship for over a year. I need more time to heal, to get to know myself again. I can’t be jumping into another relationship, no matter how sexy the guy was.

‘Rose, be mine. At least for the night?’ He whispered into my ear from behind me. He had caught up to me easily with his long legs.

‘Not in the mood, lover boy.’ I continued to walk. His hand clamped around my wrist, and I felt his calloused fingers as he turned me to face him. He softly brushed his knuckles across my cheek, and the sensation sent a chill through my body. He gazed at me with such an intensity I thought I’d implode.

‘Please, I want to take you out. You don’t have to do anything else with me,’ he whispered to me, leaning down closer to my face. I could breathe in the air as he was exhaling. I swallowed hard, trying desperately to contain myself.

‘Out where?’ I asked with scrutiny. I don’t want him to know I wouldn’t mind another night of the heaven he brings me.

‘To dinner. Let me feed you, and then you can decide what we will do after. If you say to take you home and leave you alone, then I will,’ he promised. I stared at him for a while, thinking over his offer for a few seconds. Despite knowing I should say no, the word refused to leave my mouth. I know I should walk away and do my best to stay away from him, but I could not bring myself to do so.

‘Fine,’ was what actually came out of my mouth. He gave me the most beautiful smile, making my heart literally skip a beat.

‘Give me your phone, Rose.’ He held his hand out. I furrowed my brows at him for a moment. ‘You need my number.’

I pulled my phone out of the side pocket of my yoga pants, slowly placing it in his hand, watching him fiddle with it for a minute. When he handed it back to me, it showed he had sent himself a text. Not only that, but it showed the name he saved himself under. The man who makes you scream. He leaned forward, capturing my lips in his mouth before I could say a word. My legs wanted to give out from under me with the sheer pleasure his lips brought me. Lucas’ arm wrapped around my waist, both melting me into him and holding me upright. When he pulled away, I had to suck a breath in.

‘I’ll see you tonight, Olive.’ He smiled widely at me before he stood up straight. He pushed his hair back over his head again. I’m beginning to like it when he does that. He walked off, never having hit the bag he claimed he came for. He left the gym, giving me one last glance when he got to the door. The corner of his lip twitched up for a second before he went outside. I let my heart slow back to its normal pace before heading to the locker room to shower and change.

‘I can’t believe you said okay. I am so excited for you!’ Hailey screeched after I told her what happened with Lucas.

‘I can’t believe I did either. Maybe I should text him and say I got sick.’ I bit at the inside of my cheek, getting nervous suddenly. I hate first date jitters. Wait, is this a first date?

‘No!’ Hailey quickly took my phone before I could text him anything. My phone vibrated in her hands. ‘Looks like he’s asking for our address.’ I saw Hailey type it in before hitting send. She held onto my phone a moment longer, before I got it from her.

‘You’re no fun, Liv. Live a little. You’re a free woman now. If you want to be with Lucas, then be with Lucas. If you wanna fuck him, then fuck him. Don’t worry about what anyone else is gonna say,’ she lectured me.

‘It’s more like I’m scared this means more to me than him. Hailey, I just got my heart broken. I am still healing.’

‘Let him heal you, then. No one said you had to heal by yourself.’ She grabbed my hands. ‘Just promise me you won’t hold yourself back, overthinking about everything.’

‘I’ll try.’

Hailey and I hung out for a while at the apartment, talking and watching TV together. A knock on the door had us both wondering who it could be. Hailey answered, since it would more than likely be for her, with this being her apartment.

‘Oh? Lucas sent you something.’ Hailey smiled as she returned with a large white box tied with a neat bow and a card. ‘Open it! I’m dying.’ I grabbed the card first, needing to know what he said.

Hope you don’t mind, but I picked something out for you to wear tonight. -Lucas

He bought me something to wear? My heart raced as I untied the bow, slowly opening the box. There was a deep green dress folded neatly inside. I pulled it out, seeing it was a floor length, a-line dress with straps that hung off my shoulders. There was a long slit on the side of the dress going up to mid thigh.

‘It’s beautiful!’ Hailey sounded more excited than me right now. This dress told me so much. One, we were going somewhere fancy. Two, Lucas has money I don’t know about. Three, he felt I had nothing appropriate to wear tonight. And Four, it told me how bad of an idea this was. I do not know what I’m doing. I am so out of my league here.

‘Go shower now! I’m doing your hair and makeup. You’re going to have every man’s attention tonight.’

Where are you taking me, Lucas?

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