Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 29

I sat here half naked now. All I had on was my skirt and my bra, which I’m sure I’ll be losing in a minute. Sometimes I want to slap myself for the ideas I come up with, but Lucas was having fun, so I can’t be too mad at myself.

‘Bra please.’ He winked at me as he finished another work task.

I see now why he puts off work for so long. It is very boring. I can’t imagine having to read so many contracts and important papers daily, being careful not to let anything slide through the cracks. The smallest mistake could cost him a lot of money. I unclasped my bra, feeling my boobs bounce as I released them from their shackles. Lucas’ eyes hungrily took them in. His gaze and cool breath alone were making my center dampen. I wouldn’t be surprised to find a wet spot on his lap if I stood up.

‘I think you’re enjoying this too much,’ I teased him.

‘I think you are too,’ he responded, biting my earlobe for a second. Another excruciating long few minutes, and he finished another task. I wasn’t sure what he’d do once I was out of clothes to shed. I started to get up, ready to take my skirt off, but his hand held my hip firmly.

‘I didn’t tell you to move, Rose,’ he whispered in my ear. ‘Unzip my pants and play with my dick until I finish with the next paper.’ I did as he said, feeling myself get turned on as he commanded me. I slowly and sensually unzipped his pants and pulled his semi hard dick out. The more I rubbed him the harder it got, of course, reaching its large state in no time at all. I continued to rub it with my hands until I decided to play with fire. He didn’t tell me I had to play with it using only my hands.

I inched my sleek center towards him, rubbing his dick along the outside of my wet folds. I heard him groan as I continued my tournament, but he never stopped me. He very obviously took longer to finish with his work this time around. When he finished, the look in his eyes let me know I was in for it.

‘Tease yourself with my dick, Rose. You can only have the tip inside of you, nothing more. You can’t sway your hips either. No cheating, Rose.’ He grabbed my chin, kissing me with such intensity as he let his tongue explore my mouth for a moment.

I could feel myself dripping with wetness already. I did as he said, slapping his dick against me, at times inserting the tip inside me. I wanted to hump him so badly, to sway myself against him and find a release for the pressure I was building up for him. I rubbed his dick around my clit, causing me to moan.

‘Do you want me, Rose?’ He asked me in a seductive voice. I bit my lip, nodding my head in response. ‘Good, because I’ve finished working now. My last command is for you to sit on my desk and spread your legs for me.’ My heart raced at an almost unbearable speed as my sleekness leaked further between my thighs. I perched myself on his desk as he asked. My skirt was still on me for some reason. My legs spread for him as he asked, and I was met with immediate pleasure as his finger entered me, rubbing me in the right way.

‘Lie back and play with your breasts for me, Rose.’ I know he was done working and technically out of commands, but I was enjoying this too much not to listen. I laid back against his cold glass desk, allowing my hands to venture to my chest. I pinched at my own nipples, playing with them the way I liked as Lucas continued to finger me. His tongue soon joined, having me moan loudly.

His hands grabbed at my hips, keeping them still as he continued to tease me. He wasn’t allowing me to find my release, letting the pressure amount to unbearable levels. Before I knew it, he stood up, aligning his dick with my entrance. In one quick move, he inserted himself deep inside me. I almost yelled out as the pressure I was feeling had me so close to the edge already. The second Lucas let go of my hips, I began to sway them desperately.

The entire time I continued to play with my breasts. Lucas was slamming into me so hard his balls were slapping against my ass a bit. I liked the feel only bringing me closer to the edge. It kept climbing until I couldn’t hold it in anymore. With a loud moan, I fell over the edge, having the most intense and longest orgasm. My calves were almost cramped from it. Lucas didn’t stop as he continued to thrust in me. My body couldn’t seem to get enough of him as my pleasure rose again. His thumb pressed against my clit as he swirled his dick inside me.

Oh, god, Lucas!’. I yelled as I got close to cumming again. ‘oh, fuck!’ I felt my walls clench around him as he made me cum again. This time he followed suit, filling me deep inside with big spurts of himself. It leaked out of me as he pulled out, creating a mess of our juices. Lucas cleaned us both off before cleaning his desk.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to work in this office again without thinking of you on my desk.’ He winked at me with a still very hungry look in his eyes.

‘At least you won’t be bored if you’re thinking of me.’ I winked back, as I put on each item of clothing as I found it.

‘You kill me, Rose.’

‘How?’ I pinched my brows together in confusion, but he shook his head.

We left his office, and went to his kitchen, where he made us some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, per my request. He sat me on his kitchen island while he stood in front me. Even though we were eating, we both still felt the need to be so close to one another. I can’t keep this up. I am not sure this much sex is good for me. Lucas is seriously going to ruin me. I laughed internally at the thought.

‘How’s your cheek?’ He asked, bringing my mood down instantly.

‘It hurts to move too much, or smile too wide, but it isn’t too bad since I iced it quickly.’

‘I’m so sorry, Rose. I should have taken you with me last night.’

‘No, this isn’t your fault. Neither of us expected him to show up out of the blue. I still don’t even know how he found me.’ I shook my head, taking my last bite of my sandwich.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out. Do you want to stay here for now? Until he’s gone back to New Hampshire?’ His offer was very tempting. I didn’t want to be bothered by dad again, but what if he came here? I don’t want to involve Lucas anymore than he should be. I bit at my cheek as I contemplated my options.

‘Are you sure? What if he finds me here? I don’t want him bothering you.’

‘I’m sure, Rose. He won’t bother me, stay with me.’ He was almost begging me at this point. He leaned closer to me, his lips a mere centimeters away now. When he spoke they would lightly graze against my own, almost tickling them.

‘I’ll stay with you,’ I said, causing him to smile widely. ‘Just until my dad leaves.’ I added for good measure.

‘Good enough for me. Let’s go get your clothes for the week.’ He kissed me tenderly, as he lifted me off the island, placing me gently on my feet.

‘Okay, let me get my bag.’ I grabbed my things, looking at my phone for the first time since we got here. I saw I had a missed call. My heart stilled when I noticed who it was. Lucas had done too good of a job distracting me this weekend and today. I all but forgot I was waiting to hear back from the doctor. You would think it would be the most prevalent thing on my mind. Do I have cancer? Yet somehow amongst the eventful and drama filled weekend, I had forgotten all about it. Lucas noticed I had stopped moving. He approached me almost cautiously.

‘What’s the matter?’ He asked.

‘I missed a call from my doctor,’ I said with a shaky voice.

‘Call her back!’ Lucas’ eyes widened in worry. He wanted answers, too.

I decided to place it on speaker phone when I was placed on hold by the nice receptionist. The hold music somehow made me more nervous. I feel it should have the opposite effect. I chewed at my nail as I waited for her to pick it up. Lucas was nervous too, only he was deadly still. All his nerves had rooted him to one spot and frozen him stiff.

‘Hello, Ms. Brewer?’ I heard my doctor’s familiar voice on the other end.

‘Yes, hello. I am so sorry I missed your call earlier,’ I responded.

‘It’s no trouble. I was calling about the results of your biopsy on the mass we found in your breast. It is what’s called a fibroadenoma. It is not cancerous. You won’t need any radiation or follow up treatment aside from your regular screenings.’ The relief that swept over me was so powerful it made me tear up.

I am okay. I don’t have cancer.

‘Thank you so much!’

‘Of course, this is news I am glad to give. I’ll see you again in 5 months for a screening and don’t forget your one week follow-up with your surgeon.’ She reminded me.

‘Yes, thank you!’ My voice cracked with emotion.

‘Goodbye, Ms. Brewer.’


The moment I hung up the phone, I was swept off my feet. Lucas held me close, spinning around with me for a moment. When he put me back down, he immediately kissed me. It was a kiss so loving it made my knees buckle. I could feel every ounce of care he had for me in this kiss. He was happy for me. We both were. Finally, some good news.

‘Rose, this is great! We need to celebrate.’

‘Depends on what you have in mind.’ I wasn’t exactly up for partying on a Monday night.

‘Leo, Hailey, Rachel, and Lisa all come over here and we celebrate together with food and some wine. Nothing wild, but something. Come on, Rose. Let me celebrate with you!’ He pleaded with those adorable puppy eyes he does. Damn those eyes.

‘Fine. I’ll ask Hailey, but you ask everyone else.’ I pointed my finger at him. ‘Now let’s go get my clothes.’ Lucas drove me to my flat but as we rounded the corner I noticed dad’s pick up truck parked in front. I ducked down so fast, I almost hit my head on the dashboard.

‘That’s his truck,’ I whispered to Lucas like my dad could hear me, even though I know he can’t. Lucas’ hands tightened around the steering wheel.

‘We’ll buy you some clothes for the week. Sorry, Rose. I know you hate shopping, but it’s either shopping or we go upstairs together. I can be by your side while you face your father, if you want.’

‘Shopping, definitely shopping.’ I blurted. You know it’s bad when I pick shopping.

Lucas nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. I noticed he’s actually a very safe driver. His eyes never leave the road, not for a second. He waits at stop signs for the full amount, making sure there are no cars coming. He even waits at a green light for a couple of seconds, in case someone decides to run a red light. I feel very safe when Lucas is driving.

He grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly as we drove past my flat. He took me to a small shop nearby, knowing I would not enjoy a mall in the least. We ventured inside, finding some jeans, pants, and a few cute shirts. Lucas then picked out some underwear for me, being goofy and shameless the entire time. He made me laugh with his antics and for the first time in my life I didn’t mind shopping so much.

‘Quit,, you’re going to get us in trouble,’ I scolded him with a smile as I slapped his arm playfully. He was playing with the mannequin, moving its hand so it was picking its nose. He was being an idiot, but I know it was for my benefit. I was falling even more in love with him for it. He’d made me smile and laugh this time.

‘I think I have everything I need,’ I said looking at the pile of clothes stacked in my arms.

‘Did you get socks? You can’t forget socks. Look, these have little avocados on them. It’s so cute.’ Lucas held a pair of socks with small cut avocados in them. His face was so damn adorable as he spoke about them.

‘I forgot the socks. Give the ‘cado socks.’ He smiled, placing them on top of my stack before taking the whole thing from me.

‘Race you to the register,’ he said quickly before running off with all the clothes. I chased after him, giggling as I ran. I haven’t had this much fun shopping since I was a small girl. Mom has always made shopping trips better, now Lucas does. We slowed as we approached the register, not wanting to get kicked out. We were now speed walking, trying to beat one another.

‘I win,’ he whispered to me as he placed the clothes on the checkout counter.’

‘I let you win,’ I lied. He laughed his wonderful laugh as the cashier checked us out. She checked out more than my clothes, looking at Lucas often. She ignored me completely, even though the clothes were obviously for me.

‘What do you think, love? Should we get married this month or next?’ He asked. My heart skipped, my face paled, and my body froze. What did he ask me?

‘I mean I know I just proposed, but I can’t wait to make you my wife,’ he pulled me close to him, leaning down and whispering in my ear. ‘Play along, Rose.’ I realized it was for the cashier. He noticed her checking him out and he wanted her to know how serious he was about me by concocting this story.

‘This month, I want to be married before our child swells me like a balloon.’ I added we were with child, because why not? Lucas’ smirk widened, liking the extra detail.

‘Done,’ he nodded.

The cashier gave us our total with a blush on her face. She was embarrassed after our display. She handed me the receipt as we left. Lucas didn’t let me pay for my clothes, despite my arguments. He used our false pretense to his advantage, saying his money will be mine anyway once we marry. My mind couldn’t help but daydream about getting married. It was a thought for way down in the future, but talking about it now made me think about it. I wouldn’t mind being married to Lucas.

‘Thank you for making shopping fun for once,’ I did with a smile as he entered and sat in his driver’s seat.

‘It was my pleasure. Thanks for playing along with me.’

‘Oh, any time.’ I smiled. ‘I do have impeccable acting skills after all.’

‘Yes, indeed. Future Grammy winner here.’ He chuckled as he drove.

We drove back to his place, singing along to his music. We had a lot of the same favorite songs. He introduced me to a few, I didn’t know I would end up loving. I’ll add them to my own playlist later. We grabbed my bags and headed to his apartment, but as we approached his door, we noticed a person hunched over on the ground in front of his door. Who the hell is that?

Lisa was curled into a ball on the floor in front of Lucas’ door. She held her knees to her chest with her head down between them.

‘Lisa?’ Lucas called to her, making her look up, showing her busted lip and bruised face. Something bad had happened, and the sight of her made me feel like I was 8 again helping mom clean up her wounds. I froze as I stared at her, Lucas did the same. He moved faster than I did, grabbing Lisa quickly, opening his door, and helping her inside. She limped, showing me she must have hurt her ankle or perhaps her leg.

It took me a whole minute to convince my legs to move again. I took a slow, heavy step towards his apartment, feeling the trauma rise in me. I swallowed the thick emotion I felt was choking me. I pushed forward, finally making it inside and closing the door behind me. Lucas had a first aid kit out, tending to Lisa’s wounds already. His face was serious with his teeth clenched in anger. His nostrils flared, and his jaw twitched furiously.

‘Explain,’ he told her in a stern voice.

‘I know how to pick them.’ She gave a manic laugh, causing me to worry even more about her. ‘It’s a guy I started seeing a couple of weeks ago. He believed I was seeing someone else, and didn’t like that.’

‘What’s his name?’ Lucas was ready to set the world on fire to get to this guy.

‘No, Lucas. I can handle this myself. I need a place to crash tonight. I don’t want mom to see me like this and there’s no chance in hell I would stay at dad’s.’ She shook her head violently. I hated to see her like this. I don’t understand how a man can hurt someone like this. Especially if they claimed they loved them. Hitting someone isn’t love. It’s not how you display emotions. Hurting someone is not a form of love. It’s anti love.

‘Tell me his name, Lisa.’ The tone Lucas used made me tense up. He was angry, and he meant business.

‘Seth,’ she finally spoke. ‘Seth Reynolds.’

‘Got it.’ He nodded at her, staring at the wound on her lip. ‘Rose, can you finish this while I make a call?’ He asked me, holding out the cotton ball with alcohol he was using to clean her wounds. I nodded my head, stepping forward. I took the cotton and began to clean her wound.

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