Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 30

Lucas grabbed his phone, stepping out onto the patio, slamming his sliding door closed. I jumped unintentionally, still feeling on edge. Lisa grabbed my hand that was dabbing at her lip. She held it for a moment, making me look into her eyes.

‘He’s worried. I’m sorry I ruined your night.’ She sighed, looking guilty.

‘No!’ I quickly shut that down. ‘You didn’t ruin anything. Don’t you dare apologize for coming here. This is not your fault. If I ever get my hands on that guy, I’ll beat his ass twice as bad,’ I promised. Lisa let out a loud laugh then. She smiled fondly at me.

‘Thank you, Olive. You really are amazing.’ Her words made me blush, making me feel bashful for no reason. The look of admiration in those hurt eyes was killing me. I’m nothing inspirational, nothing to admire here.

‘I’m just me.’ I shrugged. ‘Nothing amazing about it.’

‘That’s exactly why you’re amazing.’

I tended to her wounds more, making her wince or flinch at times. All the while Lucas was screaming into the phone outside. It was muffled, but I could see his hand waving around as he spoke. His motions were big and fast, telling me he was furious.

‘Who do you think he called?’ I asked Lisa as I picked up the surrounding area. Her wounds were all clean and dressed now.

‘If I had to guess, I would say Leo.’ She sat back in her chair, looking out towards Lucas with me. ‘They’re probably deciding what to do. He’s venting.’

We both watched Lucas a while longer, seeing him slump in the chair outside. The more I watched him, the more I saw him. He looked so exhausted. I wish I could help. I want nothing more than to make life easy for him.

‘What’s with the bags of clothes?’ Lisa pointed to the bags Lucas had put down.

‘That’s clothes for me. I’m staying the week here.’ I bit my cheek bashfully.

‘Oh?’ She raised her brow in amusement with a playful smirk on her face.

‘My dad showed up yesterday and he’s still in town. Lucas offered for me to hide out here for a bit.’ I explained.

‘I’m guessing he did that to you,’ she said, pointing to her cheek.

‘Yeah. It’s a first I won’t let happen again.’ I felt the fight in my words and I meant it. I won’t let him hurt me again.

‘I wish I had your confidence, Olive.’

‘Call me Liv. And what do you mean? You’re so beautiful, and you certainly look confident.’

‘Looking and being are two different things,’ she said with a sigh. ‘I hold myself well, but I’m very weak, Liv.’

It’s crazy to think someone like her isn’t as confident as she seems. I assumed if you were beautiful, rich, and kind that you must have confidence of steel, but that doesn’t seem to be accurate. I guess we all battle our own insecurities, even people we might think are perfect.

‘Lisa, you’re amazing too.’

‘Thank you, Liv, but I know you’re only being polite.’ Before I could argue, Lucas opened the sliding door, stepping back inside. He drew my full attention instantly, making me forget everything else. His presence alone was enough to ease my nerves. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’ve started to feel safe around him.

‘Well? What’s Leo saying?’ Lisa asked him knowingly, not catching him off guard in the least.

‘He’s on his way. Rachel said she’s stealing you away.’

‘Of course she is.’

‘Don’t pretend otherwise. You love it when Rachel kidnaps you. You guys have a lot of fun together.’

‘I guess,’ Lisa sighed. ‘Until they get here, your Rose is mine, so go entertain yourself for a while.’ She shooed him away successfully.

Lisa chatted with me for a while about small and trivial things. I think she was trying to get her mind off of what happened, and I was happy to oblige. Every now, and then, my eyes would wander to Lucas, who was sitting on his recliner reading my journal. I wondered what part he was in. Did he get to the part where Ian became my best friend in high school? Is he to the part where I admit I love Ian, but would never tell him for fear of ruining our friendship? Or is he already at the Halloween party?

‘You truly like him, don’t you?’ Lisa snapped my attention back to her.

‘More than that. I’m falling in love with him.’ I didn’t mind admitting my feelings for Lucas to her. She’s his sister.

‘Really?’ She smiled brightly at me.

‘Yes, really. He’s a sweet guy, and he gets me so well. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love so quickly.’ With the exception of Ian who I liked very quickly, and began to love over the months.

‘I am happy for you both. Lucas has been a mess until you arrived. Thank you, Liv, for getting my brother back for me,’ she said, looking at Lucas as she spoke.

‘I haven’t done anything.’ I shook my head.

‘You’ve done more than you know.’

The doorbell rang, letting us know Rachel and Leo had arrived. Lucas opened the door, inviting them inside. They didn’t stay for long, grabbing Lisa with a promise of a good time. Lucas caught them at the door before they left, whispering something to them. I strained my ears to listen, but couldn’t hear a word.

I wonder what he told them?

Lucas’ P.O.V.

I had to tell him we would wait to celebrate Rose’s good news until the weekend. With everything going on now, we could use a little downtime. I know Rose hadn’t texted Hailey about yet either, so this is fine. I’ll celebrate with Rose, just us two tonight.

I watched Lisa leave with Rachel and Leo down the hall. I know Rachel can bring Lisa out of her darkness better than I can. Lisa and I understand each other’s pain too well to help cheer each other up. We’re always there for one another, supporting and encouraging each other, but we suck at getting the other one to be happy. It’s like we end up wallowing in our sadness together instead.

‘Is she going to be okay?’ Rose asked me, appearing beside me at the door. She peeked her head out, waving back at Lisa, who waved at her from the elevator.

‘I hope so.’

I need to be more mindful of her. She’s always had terrible taste in men, but none of them had ever hit her before. Leo and I decided we’d pay him a visit. Let him think he’s safe. Leo said he’d take her down to the police station and press charges with her. It’s better to have these things documented. I don’t figure Lisa would go back to him, but on the off chance she did, she’d have this report to prove his abuse if she ever needed to.

‘So what now, my Rose? It’s your night. You and I can celebrate your good news alone. If you’re okay with that. We can celebrate with friends on the weekend.’

‘That sounds nice. How about we get some dinner, wine, and watch a romantic movie?’ She asked, with a twinkle in her eye. She’s so adorable.

‘Sounds perfect. Preference for dinner?’

‘Ooo, Italian!’ She said excitedly.

‘Good choice.’ I placed our order while Rose picked our movie. I found my favorite bottle of red wine and poured us each a glass.

‘Thank God, you’re not a white wine person.’ She let out a breath of relief, making me chuckle.

‘Not a white fan?’

‘Not at all.’ She shook her head. I love getting to know these small details about her. It’s all these little things that add up to make her the person she is today. I need to know them all. I need to know her fully, to know her better.

We watched the movie and when the food arrived we ate in front of the tv continuing to watch together. Rose was now cuddled up beside me on the couch, her head on my chest and her legs over my own. She was so warm, and fit so perfectly beside me. It was like she was made specifically for me.

‘Lucas?’ She called my name rather sleepily.

‘Yes, my Rose?’

‘Can you hold me tight tonight?’ She was exhausted, worn from the day. I picked her up bridal style, carrying her sleepy self to the bed.

‘Good luck getting away from me tonight.’ I promised her. She smiled with her eyes closed and her head leaned against my chest. I tucked us both into bed. She fell asleep almost instantly, but I was still wide awake. I guess it’s time to finish reading about the rest of her freshman year.

I learned Ian had become her best friend, who she apparently fell in love with. She never told him because she didn’t want to ruin her only friendship. I looked up Ian on social media and I hate to admit it, but he was a pretty good-looking guy. He had hair the color of wheat with bright, crystal clear eyes. He had a handsome face and a good physique.

He seemed like a nice guy. He works with non-profit foundations and volunteers his time with the disadvantaged youths. I’m sure he’d be any girl’s wet dream, so I need to be sure to keep him away. He can’t have Rose back. I’m curious why he doesn’t already have her if they were such close friends in high school.

I grabbed her journal reading about a Halloween party they had gone to together. People kept picking on her, so after defending her to everyone, Ian grabbed her hand and took her away. They bought a large bag of candy and spent the night eating it together from a lookout in town. She described it as being the moment she truly fell in love with him.

I’m not going to lie, seeing how this guy had a whole journal dedicated to him, made me a bit jealous. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be more than one journal, too. I can’t wait to read her journal dedicated to me. I want to know what she said about me. Is it as sweet as what she’s written about Ian?

Halloween turned into Thanksgiving, which is apparently one of Rose’s most dreaded holidays since it always makes her feel so bitterly alone. Her father would never do anything because it was just the two of them. They’d end up eating frozen dinners. This year, however, she was invited to Thanksgiving dinner with Ian. She met his whole family, and she loved them all. Ian had a warm and loving family, according to Rose.

I’m starting to get tired of reading about Ian. I skipped a couple of entries about him, figuring it would be safe to do so. I can’t keep reading about how amazing Ian is. She was definitely a love sick teen at this point. I reached Christmas in no time. Her dad had forgotten to buy her something and ended up drunk on the couch again. She spent it alone and cold, because he had forgotten to pay the electric bill. She was miserable.

Ian came by her house, causing her to panic. She walked with him to keep him away from her dad in case he woke. Ian had gotten her a gift, a necklace with a blue teardrop pendant the color of her eyes. I know that pendantI’ve seen her wear it.

I couldn’t believe she still had it. It must have meant a lot to her for her to keep it safe for so many years. I need to buy her a gift, or should I say I want to buy her one. It has to be perfect though, so it’ll take me a little while to think of it.

Rose shifted in her sleep, making me freeze until she settled back down. She seemed like she was chewing in her sleep with the way her lips were moving. It was very adorable to see. I leaned down kissing her forehead. She’s so absolutely perfect. I closed her journal and held her tighter against me. Feeling her body pressed against mine helped ease my mind. For once, I actually got more than 4 hours of sleep.

I’ve noticed I tend to sleep better when Rose is with me. She’s so warm and soft. She’s this piece of me I’ve been missing all this time. It’s like her presence alone is enough to drive away my dark thoughts, my loneliness, and my depression. I stayed asleep until I felt her try to pull away from me. I held her tight, unwilling to relinquish her yet.

‘If you don’t let me go I’m going to end up peeing on your bed,’ she warned me, causing me to chuckle.

‘You can go when I get my good morning kiss,’ I said through slanted eyes.

‘But I have morning breath.’

‘I don’t care. Kiss me if you want me to let you go.’ I smirked feeling her lean forward. Her lips met mine for a split second, but before she could pull away I cupped her face in my hands and held her to my lips a moment longer. I spread her lips with my own, lightly licking her bottom one. When I felt satisfied I reluctantly let her go.

‘Hurry back,’ I said, watching her walk towards the bathroom.

I suddenly felt so cold without her in my arms. I heard the sink turn on after the toilet flushed. She was brushing her teeth, worried about her breath. I smiled at her in amusement when she opened the bathroom door back up. She ran towards the bed, jumping on top of me with a giggle.

‘When do you have classes today?’ I asked her, wondering how much time I have with her this morning.

‘I have a class at eleven, one and three.’ She smiled. ‘But my three o’clock one was canceled today because Mr. Burnley got food poisoning.’

‘Okay, perfect. I’ll take you to class at 10:30 and pick you up at two. I’ll run some errands while you’re on campus. I know Hailey would like to see you today.’

‘For sure! She’s already texted me a million times. We’re gonna have lunch together today between our classes,’ she informed me.

It’s important I don’t monopolize my Rose. She has other people in her life and I need to make sure to give her time to see them, even if all I want to do is carry her around with me everywhere. I kissed her forehead with a smile.

‘Sounds perfect.’ I have to meet with Connor today anyway. He’s already found what I asked him to. Davis, Carter and I will pay her father a visit this afternoon. Hopefully, we can get him to leave without too much trouble.

‘Breakfast?’ She looked up at me through her eyelashes.

‘What would you like?’

‘Cereal sounds good.’ She shrugged.

‘I’m not the biggest fan of cereal so I don’t usually have any here.’

‘Seriously?’ She seemed so genuinely surprised. I held her closer to me, looking into those beautiful blue eyes.

‘Yes, seriously, but I’ll go to the store and buy you your favorite cereal today if you tell me what it is?’

‘Don’t go now,’ she quickly said with a pout, making my smile widen.

‘I’ll go later when you’re in class.’

‘Okay then, in that case, my favorite cereal is Special K with the strawberries in them. I love strawberries. They’re my favorite.’ Red like her. I kissed her rosy lips, tasting the mint from the toothpaste. I think it’s sweet she was so worried about her breath. I picked her up and carried her towards the kitchen, despite her protests of being able to walk on her own. I sat her on the kitchen counter, where she could watch me. Her legs swung as they dangled off the edge. She watched me while I made our omelets.

‘Here you go.’ I handed her plate to her, and she immediately dug in.

I’ve noticed my Rose has a healthy appetite. She never lets any food go to waste, and I’m starting to wonder if it’s because of how little food she had growing up. It still breaks my heart to think of her going hungry because her father was irresponsible. I don’t want her to ever worry about food again. As much as I would love to taste my Rose’s cooking, I don’t want her to have to cook if she doesn’t want to.

I could kill her father, and my own. They’re at the top of the shit list.

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