Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 28

Lucas’ story was sadder than even mine. I knew he didn’t like his father, and I knew he had abused his mother, but I had no idea he had abused Lucas, too. I couldn’t believe the way his father is using Lisa to control him. I need to find a way to help them both. This isn’t right, and he shouldn’t be able to get away with this kind of shit.

Lucas and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other after he asked me to be his girlfriend. He took me to his apartment, which was closer than my flat. We had a quick round of the most passionate sex before he brought me back here for my next class. My mind was riddled with him, his story, and the feel of him on me less than an hour ago now.

I heard the way he spoke about Ivy and it hurt my heart to know he had lost someone he was so madly in love with. I’m not so insecure that I would compare myself to a dead woman. I do, however, hope one day he will talk about me with as much love. The way he described her was incredible. I need to learn how to run a business so I can help him too. I won’t let him hold that burden alone.

I also need to remember how to play soccer. I’ll play with him if he wants. My high school had a soccer team and I was a part of it. I wasn’t the star player, but I was decent. I need to remind him of his passions and help him get back to himself. He’s saved me and I’ll save him, too. We’ll keep lifting each other up until we are back on our feet, and then we’ll support one another, so we never fall again.

‘Ms. Brewer.’ The professor addressed me as I handed him my exam. I was the first to finish and he looked at me with uncertainty. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to double check your answers?’

‘I already have, but thank you for asking.’

It always annoyed me when the teachers thought I rushed through a test. I know my shit, so it doesn’t take me a million years to get it done. I know my answers are right and he’ll bite his words later, or accuse me of cheating. Either way I’m done for the day now.

I headed out, finding Lucas laughing with Leo on a bench near my building. The sight made me smile. I was happy to see them bonding. I had begun to worry their relationship had strained after they both tried to go out with me. Lucas spotted me first, his smile only widened as I approached.

‘Hello my beautiful girlfriend.’ He greeted me, to my surprise. Leo arched a brow at him.

‘Girlfriend?’ He asked.

‘Shit, I’m so sorry.’ Lucas turned to Leo. I guess in his head I hadn’t spoken to Leo yet. ‘I didn’t mean to blurt it out. I wasn’t trying to rub it in or anything. I was excited.’ Lucas panicked as he explained. I could see he was worried about possibly hurting Leo. Leo laughed at Lucas, amused by the way he was flailing about.

‘Don’t worry about it. She and I have already spoken. I had told her not to tell you yet. I wanted you to worry about it for a little while longer so you’d keep bringing your A game for her. I wanted to make sure you’d ask her out, but I guess you didn’t need the extra fire,’ Leo explained, causing Lucas to turn and look at me.

‘I chose you the very afternoon after my surgery,’ I informed him, only causing him to smile more brightly.

‘I’m happy for you, Lucas. I mean it. Liv and I were never meant to be. I can see that now,’ Leo added, patting Lucas on the shoulder. ‘I’m fine, and I’m not bitter either.’

‘Thanks.’ Lucas nodded at him, then pulled me down to sit between them. We were all talking, and joking around like close friends.

‘Okay, so is this a thruple thing? Are you both sharing her?’ Franny’s voice cut the moment like a sharp knife.

‘Oh for fucks sake, get a life, Fran. None of us are interested in you.’ I snapped at her, sitting up straight.

‘Whatever, brillo pad. One of them wanted me enough to sleep with –’ Her voice cut off as I punched her in the throat.

There was no taking it back now. I’d punched her on campus, and knew fully well she’d snitch. Her pride was wounded from my punch, but also from seeing how the two men she wanted back in high school wanted me of all people. I needed to correct this, and all I had was a threat I hoped she would take seriously.

‘The only thing keeping me from pummeling you to death is the fact we are on campus. I’ll leave you with a warning punch, but if you try to get me kicked out of here for it, know I’ll hunt you down. You’ll need more than a nose job to fix your face once I’m done with you. If you don’t believe me, look up Twinkle Toes Underground on YouTube. See how willing you are to take me on after you watch it.’

She held her throat as she coughed, unable to speak. There was a deep fury in her eyes, and I knew she’d only bother me more now, but her attention was averted from Leo and Lucas, and that’s all that mattered. She walked off as I saw her pull her phone out. I heard the familiar rumble of the underground crowd with Baxter’s voice announcing my stage name. She was looking up the video already. I smiled knowing she’d find me more threatening now. Maybe she’ll be smart enough to stay away, but I doubt it. Brains were never her strong suit.

‘Jesus, Liv,’ Lucas said with a slight shock, and maybe a slight tone of disapproval. ‘You could get into a lot of trouble for that.’

‘She won’t,’ Lucas said, smiling at me like I’d just done the hottest thing. ‘Thank you, Rose.’

‘It was my pleasure. I’ve been wanting to punch her since I met her.’ I sat back down between them on the bench, picking up where we left off before Fran interrupted. We were talking about Lucas as a child now, but I couldn’t tell you how we got to this conversation topic.

‘Don’t let him fool you, with those tattoos and resting asshole face. He was frightened of his own shadow when he was 10.’ Leo laughed at Lucas’ expense.

‘Are you serious?’ I asked, amused at the fact.

‘Hey, you would have been too after that stupid movie John put on,’ Lucas defended himself with a slight pout.

‘Awe, don’t worry, you haven’t lost any points in my book. In fact, you gained some,’ I assured him.

‘Sure,’ he shook his head, not believing me.

I smirked at him, finding his actions quite adorable. I leaned into him, nudging his shoulder with my own. He side-eyed me for a moment, still pouting like a small child. I loved it. He finally turned and looked at me straight on, allowing me to lean in and kiss his warm lips. Lips that always made me hunger for more.

‘How about you take me home and then get to work? I am sure you have work you’ve placed on the back burner to spend time with me.’ I gave him a knowing look, causing him to sigh.

‘How about you come with me to my apartment and hang out while I work instead?’ He asked.

‘Might as well live together at this point.’ Leo shook his head, letting out a strained laugh.

I felt bad for being romantic with Lucas beside Leo. It’s only been a few days since I’ve rejected him, and Lucas already accidentally let it slip that we were now in a real relationship. I bit my lip, feeling guilty. Lucas, however, smiled widely.

‘What an idea,’ he said with a hungry look in his eye, which caused my cheeks to flush.

‘I was kidding!’ Leo scolded Lucas.

‘Oh, I know.’ He didn’t take his eyes off me as he spoke. ‘Let’s go, Rose. I have work to do.’ He held his hand out for me to take, even though I never said yes to coming. It did sound nice to spend more time with him, so I took his hand with a smile.

‘Bye, Leo. I’ll talk to you later.’ I gave him an apologetic look as Lucas pulled me away to his car.

I wonder if he’ll get his work done with me there?

Lucas’ P.O.V.

I decided to play my music this time before I pulled off campus. I wanted her to hear the artist I loved to listen to when I was trying to hype myself up. I played my Marshmello playlist, allowing his songs to play at random. Surprisingly, Rose knew some of them already, which only made me smile more as I drummed along on my steering away. Rescue me began to play and she and I sang along together. This song felt like our song. She rescued me, and according to her I rescued her too. It’s not exactly a romantic song, but it feels right for us.

‘Good to know we were both feeling upbeat music today,’ Rose said as we pulled into my parking garage.

‘I guess it goes to show how happy we both are feeling,’ I responded, keeping my eyes on the road until we parked.

‘Lucas?’ She called me, making me meet her eyes instantly. She bit her lip nervously, driving my curiosity up. I can never tell what she’s going to say or ask when she’s like this. Her mind works so differently from my own, yet we understand each other so well.

‘Yes, my Rose?’

‘Were you being serious earlier? With Leo I mean.’ She flushed a beautiful shade of crimson as she asked. She was still thinking about his comment of us living together. I wasn’t being completely serious, but I certainly wasn’t opposed to the idea, even if it would be crazy fast. Like ridiculously crazy fast.

‘Maybe. Does that frighten you or excite you?’ I asked her with a playful smirk and a raised brow. I was curious to know where her mind was with this topic.

‘A little bit of both,’ she admitted, causing my heart to skip a beat in excitement. She was actually thinking about it. She had let her mind wonder what it would be like to live with me. I did the same, imagining her in my bed every morning. I would have her beside me every night and every morning. It would be a dream come true, but I know we’d be insane to do it now.

‘I feel the same way, Rose. Shall we head up now?’ I asked her, seeing her nod. She waited for me to open her door this time. I think she’s noticed how much I like to do that for her. I popped my trunk open, grabbing the box of journals she’d given me. There’s no way I’m leaving these unattended. Rose’s cheeks were still tinged pink as she stayed silently thinking.

‘How would you feel about having a drawer at my flat?’ She asked, biting her lip again.

‘A drawer?’ I raised a brow at her with a smirk.

‘Yes, a drawer. You’ve been spending the night a lot, and then you have to leave to get clothes before you come back. I figure if you’re now my boyfriend we’ll be having more sleep overs and I’d rather your life be easier with you having a drawer with some spare clothes in it. I mean you don’t have-‘

‘I’d love a drawer,” I said, interrupting her sentence. ‘I’ll make you one too.’ I winked at her, making her look away as she blushed further.

I loved that I could make her feel this way. She’s blushing for me, not because of what I’m saying, but because of the thoughts she’s having of me. She was so beautiful with her rosy cheeks and flaming hair. I love her icy blue eyes and rosy red lips that pop against her pale skin. She’s the epitome of beauty and she’s all mine. My girlfriend. We stepped out of the elevator to my floor, heading to my door. Rose took the keys from me, opening the door. She held the door open for me, since I was carrying the heavy box.

‘Such a gentle lady.’ I joked, making her smirk as she rolled her eyes.

‘I believe you mean gentleman.’

‘Is there something you haven’t told me, Rose?’ I joked again, making her laugh.

‘Mm, yes. I’m actually a very muscular large man. How could you not tell?’ She joined in on the joke, making me laugh.

‘My apologies, sir. Do forgive me.’

‘I’ll let it slide this time, but don’t forget who’s the bigger man here,’ she said with a laugh.

‘Yes, sir. You wear the pants in this relationship.’ I saluted her.

‘Damn straight,’ she said with a nod as she closed my front door. We both laughed as I placed her journals on the closest surface, in this case, my counter top.

‘Need some help there?’ She teased me, to which I stuck my tongue out at her. She smirked playfully, making my heart race with her beauty.

‘No, sir. I got this.’ I winked at her.

‘Just making sure.’ She shrugged. ‘You should get to work. Stop using me as a distraction,’ she scolded me with a pointed finger.

‘Yes, sir!’ I kissed her forehead before heading to my office.

The stack of papers was high, and my motivation was low. About 30 minutes later, I felt like I was dying of boredom. I sighed heavily, causing Rose’s little head to peek in through the door.

‘Are you okay?’ She cocked her head to the side so cutely.

‘This is quite boring, Rose,’ I admitted with another sigh.

‘How about I make it fun?’ She asked, stepping into the office.

‘And how do you plan to do that?’ I leaned forward in my chair, interested in what she’d propose.

‘For every task you get done you’ll be allowed to tell me to do something. It can be absolutely anything. I have to do what you say no matter what it is. What do you say?’ Rose was trusting me so much right now if she was willing to give me full control of her like this. She’s asked me to take control during sex before, but this is different. This is more, and dammit if she didn’t just light a fire under my ass.

‘I say, hell yes.’ She took a seat in one of the two chairs in front of my desk, watching me work. It was distracting yet also motivating. I love the things Rose comes up with. They’re always so fun and different.

‘Done.’ I smiled up at her as I finished reviewing a contract and rejecting it.

‘What’s your command?’ She asked with a smile.

‘Come sit on my lap.’ I told her, pushing back on my chair so she could sit. She got up without complaint, taking her place on my lap gingerly. I liked having her there as I worked. Again, distracting, but motivating. I wrapped my arm around her waist, grabbing the next paper and reading through it carefully. I could see her reading it with me as well. I wonder if she has any interest in this kind of stuff. Another 10 minutes later and I finished, finding it adequate.

‘Done.’ I whispered in her ear.

‘What would you like for me to do next?’

‘Take your underwear off and sit back on my lap.’ I gave her my wicked smirk.

I wanted to feel her bare pussy against my thigh with only my pants in the way. If she weren’t wearing a skirt I would have asked her to remove her pants, but this is so much better. I don’t know what it is about knowing she has no underwear beneath her skirt that drives me wild, but it does. She got up, stepping out of her lacey black panties. She threw them at me with a smirk, before sitting back on my lap.

‘Feel free to grind against me if the urge strikes you,’ I said with a smile, earning me an eye roll, but I felt her legs widen in response.

I wonder how far I can take this? What will I have her do next?

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