Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 22

Hailey styled my hair in a curled pinned low bun with a braided crown. She pulled out a few well placed loose strands of hair to give it a sort of neat, messy look. She kept my makeup neutral, accentuating my natural beauty. Hailey tinted my cheeks a light pink, painted my lips with a shiny lip gloss to make my red pop more. She highlighted my cheek bones as well as the tip of my nose while contouring the edge of my jaw and the sides of my nose.

I felt like a damn princess. My heart was racing like the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings. My stomach was twisting with nerves, yet giddy to see Lucas. It felt like a stampede of horses were trudging along inside my stomach. I think Hailey could sense my nervous energy as she handed me the tube of mascara to give me something to do.

‘Here, you put this on. I know how you are with other people getting things too close to your eyes.’ Hailey handed me the mascara with a sigh. I leaned forward to get a better look in the mirror. I always felt like I looked so stupid when applying makeup. My mouth was open, and my eyes were wide while I tried my hardest to separate my eyelids the farthest I could.

‘You look stunning,’ Hailey cooed beside me.

‘You think so?’ I stared at my reflection, feeling like I was looking at a completely different person. I looked beautiful, but it didn’t feel like me.

‘I know so. You’re going to be turning heads today.’ I slipped into my dress, strapping my heels on. I barely got used to wearing heels last year with Hailey’s insistent need to dress me in them. She said every woman should have a pair of heels that feel like their second set of feet. I didn’t get it, and I still don’t.

Heels hurt.

The knock on the door had me swallowing my nerves down. My heart raced, wondering what Lucas would think of the dress I chose for myself. I felt like there was suddenly a lot of pressure on this thin fabric gracing my body. Hailey opened the door for me as I strapped the buckle of my right heel. I stood from the couch, turning to find Lucas in a white buttoned down shirt and khaki slacks. He had his hair slicked neatly back, giving him a neat elegant look.

Our eyes met after we each checked one another out. The right corner of his lips turned up in his classic half smirk. His eyes were so intense, making me blush under their heated gaze. I bit my lip, feeling nervous and suddenly very tongue tied. Lucas didn’t say a word, either. We stared at each other a moment longer.

‘Perfect,’ he whispered as he stepped in finally. He didn’t spare Hailey a glance as he walked past her straight towards me. ‘You look absolutely perfect.’

He gently grabbed my chin, lifting it up to look at him. He leaned down, granting me one of his knee quivering kisses. I couldn’t help, but lean into him more for support, feeling my knees would give out from under me at any second.

‘How are you feeling today, my Rose?’

He kept his hold on my chin as he asked, forcing me to look him in the eyes. He was worried about me. I could see it in those deep brown eyes.

‘I’m fine,’ I answered almost breathlessly, like the kiss he gave me winded me.

‘If at any point it gets to be too much, don’t be afraid to tell me. I’ll take you home whenever you want to go,’ he promised, to which I nodded my head. Lucas kissed my lips one more time before grabbing my hand and guiding me out. Hailey waved at me as I passed her by with a wink. She was enjoying this more than she probably should.

‘I’ll lock up when I leave, don’t worry. Have fun,’ she called after me.

Lucas had driven a car I had yet to see. It was a royal blue Rolls Royce with a wide tail. It shone in the sun beautifully, giving it a more elegant feel, if possible. As usual Lucas opened my door, helping me into the car before making his way around to the driver’s seat. I couldn’t help but watch him as he walked. The slacks he wore hugged his ass in the right way. I felt like a perv sexualizing him as he walked, but the man was too damn fine.

‘Okay, so tell me what I need to know about your mom?’

I clutched onto my purse, which held the small present I had gotten for Sarah. I have no idea what her likes or dislikes are, but there was no chance in hell I was going to a birthday party without a gift. It’s not much, but I hoped she’d like it. Lucas smirked again, keeping his eyes on the road as he spoke.

‘There’s not much to tell. Mom is a pretty open book. She believes in being polite to a fault. She loves the warm sun and a cool breeze. Sun hats are her favorite, any occasion to wear one and you will find her in one.’ Lucas smiled as he spoke about his mother. I could tell, unlike his father, he loved her. ‘She’s quick to tell someone when they’ve done something wrong. She can be pretty funny too, but she’s got a specific sense of humor many don’t understand. You have nothing to worry about, Rose. She’s going to love you.’

Lucas grabbed my hand, bringing it to his mouth, and kissing my knuckles as he drove. He never once took his eyes off the road, but we continued our conversation. He recounted childhood stories about his mother and sister. It turns out his father would abuse his mother, too. She was able to leave him with the help of her brother Kane. I didn’t miss the way Lucas spat out Kane’s name. I am not sure why there was so much disdain in his voice when he spoke about him. As the man who helped his mother escape abuse, I would think he would say his name with a tone of admiration.

‘If you can, try to avoid Kane. He sounds and acts good on paper, but behind closed doors he’s anything but,’ Lucas warned me as we exited the interstate.

I was curious what he meant, but I would heed his warning. There’s not a chance I will be left alone with Kane, anyway. I’m going to be glued to Lucas’ side, he being the only one I feel comfortable around. We pulled into this beautiful bed and breakfast. The place was huge, more of a mansion than anything. There was a gravel road leading to the gravel driveway. The driveway was circular, with a large fountain in the center that spewed crystal clear water from the middle.

Lucas opened my door, holding his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it, sliding out of the car, immediately regretting wearing heels. Heels on gravel are asking for a twisted ankle. Lucas wrapped his arm around my lower waist, gripping my hip as he pulled me close. He steadied my steps, somehow letting me make it to the front door without hurting myself.

The inside of this place was charming. There was a large staircase to the right as you entered with a large wooden check-in desk in front. Keys hung along the wall behind it, giving it a more rustic feel. Around the desk were two passageways and to the left was a large foyer with a grand piano and several Victorian style chairs and loveseats.

‘Good afternoon, Mr. Porter. Your mother is waiting for you on the terrace already. Please go right ahead.’ The receptionist greeted Lucas, gesturing to the passageway on the right.

‘Thank you, Marcus.’ Lucas nodded. They must be well known here. I didn’t miss the way Marcus looked at me like a meal as we passed him by. I suddenly felt highly exposed in my heels and dress. The high slit exposed more skin, but it would make it easy to kick in if I needed to roundhouse someone.

‘I apologize in advance,’ Lucas whispered to me as we stepped out of the opened French doors to the beautiful terrace. God only knows what he’s apologizing in advance for. I guess I’ll find out.

On the terrace stood a large white oval table, with rounded wooden chairs. The sun was bright and warm against my skin. I could hear the waves crashing against the shore before my eyes spotted the ocean. The breeze was cool, carrying with it the smell of the ocean. I closed my eyes as I inhaled, letting the air cool me while the sun warmed me. It felt so perfect outside today.

There were beautiful white potted lilies in every corner and the center of the table. The tiny fork nightmare continued as I saw it staring at me from its place on the table. Hopefully, nothing we eat calls for me to use it. I wouldn’t know how to, anyway. I spotted Lisa first as she leaned against the white wooden railing facing the beach. She wore a long off-white maxi dress that showed her shoulder blades in the back. Her black hair flowed in neat waves around her, covering some exposed skin. She looked absolutely radiant, like a still frame photograph.

Laughter caught my attention, making me turn to see a tall woman with large black sunglasses and an elegant Aubrey Hepburn style sun hat. It was white with a black thick ribbon around its base. Her dress matched her hat perfectly. It was all over lace with a black silk tied belt. It was sleeveless with a round neck and filled bust, relaxed through the hips. This woman had a smile as bright as the sun. She was so elegant with her white gloves and pearl necklace. A real Audrey Hepburn herself.

In front of her was a man, in what I would guess to be his early 40s. He was a hunk of a man with large biceps, nicely hugged by the sleeves of his button-down shirt. His short black hair was styled like Henry Cavill. He had chiseled angular features and a sharp jawline. He looked intimidating, but the way he smiled just invited you in. Lucas was guiding us right to them.

‘Happy birthday, Mother.’ He greeted her, kissing her on the cheek, but never once removing his hold on me. ‘I’d like you to meet my Rose. This is Olive Brewer.’ He introduced me as both Rose and Olive, leaving the choice of what to call me up to her, I guess.

‘It’s so nice to meet you, Olive.’ She smiled at me. I am not sure why, but my heart clenched and tears threatened to ruin the makeup Hailey worked hard on. Being here, seeing her, it made me think of mom, and it brought back all the hurt like a punch to the stomach. I swallowed back the pain, and reined my emotions in, refusing to cry in front of this woman.

‘It’s lovely to meet you as well. Happy birthday.’ I smiled back at her.

‘Be civil, Lucas, and greet your uncle as well as introduce your guest,’ his mother scolded him.

‘Yes, mother,’ he said with a nod as he turned to his uncle with a glare. ‘Kane, I see nothing has changed.’ I felt like there was an insult somewhere in there. Something only the two of them know as Kane narrowed his eyes at Lucas.

‘This is Olive,’ Lucas introduced me, but before Kane and I could exchange pleasantries, he turned me around. ‘We haven’t greeted Lisa yet. Don’t want to be rude.’

‘Play nice, Lucas!’ His mother yelled after him. Lisa turned, realizing we were headed her way. She flashed me an amused grin as she leaned back against the rail with her elbows resting over the top.

‘You look nice, as always.’ She greeted us, but I wasn’t sure who she was speaking to.

‘She was talking to you. Lisa wouldn’t dare compliment me. She thinks I have too big of a head already,’ Lucas said loudly, causing Lisa to laugh.

‘You do!’ She agreed. ‘I can’t have you getting too arrogant.’

‘You look radiant yourself,’ I said, gesturing to Lisa’s dress and overall self.

‘Thanks, but you don’t have to be sweet with me. I’m not as prim and proper as mother would like.’ She held her pinky out in a mocking kind of way, making me snort a laugh. She smiled at me, happy I understood her humor. ‘This is going to be so much better with you here. Thank you for picking one I can actually get along with.’

She had directed her last statement at Lucas. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the comment. I guess Lucas had a lot of women to pick from to take here, but the one he chose to meet his mother was me. I was still fighting back the emotions his mother spurred inside of me, and the realization Lisa’s words brought me, didn’t help. Feeling overly emotional at the moment, I began to search for a bathroom to collect myself in.

‘Excuse me for a moment, I need to find the ladie’s room,’ I said, stepping out of Lucas’ hold.

‘It’s down the hall to the right,’ Lisa called after me.

I stepped inside, following her directions. Thankfully, it was a private bathroom. It was singular without stalls, allowing me a real moment to myself. I stared in the mirror picturing mom when I was younger. I wondered if mom had parties like these on her birthdays once she left dad. Did she look as radiant as Lucas’ mother? Smile as brightly? I hope she did. I looked up at the ceiling, catching my tears with tissues so they would not stream down my face and ruin my makeup.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find Lucas leaning back against the opposite wall. He quickly grabbed me, dragging me to him. His strong arms wrapped around me and held me close. He kissed my forehead tenderly, rubbing my back with his thumb.

‘What’s wrong, Rose?’

‘Nothing. I just…it’s stupid.’ I shook my head.

‘I doubt it is. Tell me.’

‘I was thinking of my mom. I wondered if she was able to shine as brightly as your mother after she left my father,’ I admitted with a sigh.

‘I am sure she did. If you’re really curious, you could always ask her friends. Doesn’t one live in the same building as you?’ He made a good point. If I was curious, I could hunt down Penny and ask her. I nodded into his chest.

‘You’re right. Thank you, Lucas.’

‘I didn’t do anything, but I’ll take the thank you, anyway.’ He winked at me as he pulled back from our hug. ‘Lunch is ready. Let’s get you fed.’

He grabbed my hand this time, guiding me back outside. He pulled my chair out for me across from Lisa. Kane sat beside Lisa, with Sarah at the end of the table. Lucas sat to the left of her in front of Kane and beside me. I felt the tense air around Lucas and Kane. It was obvious, even to me, they did not get along in the least.

‘So, tell me Olive, how did you meet my son?’ Sarah asked me, her shades and sunhat were off now to reveal her black hair and brown eyes. The same brown eyes Lucas sports.

‘Oh, um..’ I bit my cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed. I didn’t want to tell his mom we met at a club. It seemed sleazy, but I also wasn’t going to lie. I felt mortified as I continued. ‘I met him at a nightclub.’

I recalled our first night together as my mind flashed with the image of him leaning back over the bar, looking out onto the dance floor. His eyes had caught mine from across the room, pulling me towards him. It didn’t take long until we were dancing with one another, eventually leaving together after my little game.

‘Sounds accurate.’ Lisa laughed, sparing her mother from having to comment. A wave of hot embarrassment crossed my face, turning even my ears red.

‘Lisa!’ Sarah scolded her daughter.

‘What? We all know about Lucas’ escapades. We don’t have to pretend otherwise. I’m glad he found this one, and is taking it seriously,’ Lisa said with a shrug of her shoulders.

‘That’s a colorful way of phrasing it.’ Kane commented, feeling the need to add to this conversation for some reason.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Lucas snapped.

‘No, we are not doing this today.’ Sarah quickly shut down whatever argument was about to ensue.

‘I know it’s not exactly the best place to have met, but I am glad it happened. You’ve raised a very caring man.’

I am not sure why I felt the need to tell her such a thing, but I wanted to steer the conversation away from Lucas’ less redeeming qualities. I didn’t want his family picking on him for what he’d done. They didn’t understand it, but I do. As such, I won’t let them look down on him for it. He was doing what he needed to do in order to heal, and I will no longer hold it against him. Yes, it makes me insecure and at times jealous at the amount of girls he’s been with, but now I understand it better so it’s easier to swallow down.

‘Thank you, Olive. I am glad to know my Lucas is treating you right.’ She nodded with a fake smile. The slight disdain in her voice had me believing perhaps she didn’t like me very much. Silence filled the air until it was interrupted by two faces I was grateful to see.

‘Sorry I’m late, Auntie.’ Rachel’s voice came from directly behind me. I turned to see her arm linked with Leo’s. ‘Hello, Daddy,’ she greeted Kane. Of course, it would make sense her father would be Kane, but it somehow surprised me.

She wore a cute high low dress which started off black at the neckline, ending in white at the hemline. The black stretched into octopus tendrils over the white bottom. The wide waistband echoed with the lace-up sides perfectly highlighting her slim waist. She wore black wedges to match. It was definitely her style while still fitting the occasion.

‘Happy birthday, Aunt Sarah.’ Leo greeted her. I was surprised to hear him call her aunt. Are Lucas and Leo actually cousins and not just friends?

Leo looked dashing in a white button-up shirt and black trousers. He matched well with Rachel. Honestly, I began to wonder if there was a color theme and I was clashing with it. I should have asked Lucas when buying my dress, but I didn’t think about it. Leo took a seat beside me while Rachel took hers next to Lisa.

‘Hey,’ he said, nudging me with his elbow.

‘Hey yourself.’ I nudged him back with a smile.

The conversation never faltered with Rachel around. She had a way of steering it in the right direction any time it got off course. Rachel kept the topics light and tried not to let me be the center of the questioning. I was very grateful she was here today. Her presence definitely cut down the tension in the air.

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