Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 21

We ate and watched daytime tv together while Lucas and Leo kept running around the flat. I did not know what they were up to, but I didn’t figure it was anything bad, so I let them be. They had nervous energy they needed to work through. I was still grateful for Lucas this morning. He had helped ease my nerves before surgery. I smiled, picturing him shaking his body like an idiot for my benefit.

‘Hello?’ I hear Lucas from behind me on the couch. I slid my head over the edge, looking back at an upside down Lucas. He was on the phone, making me curious who had called him.

‘Yeah, I know. You don’t have to tell me. No, he can go fuck himself,’ Lucas said, sounding furious.

‘I told him I was done being his puppet. No, you shouldn’t go either. Let him figure this out on his own.’ Lucas pinched the bridge of his nose, like he was getting a headache from the conversation alone. ‘I am serious, Lisa, do not go help him. I won’t be there.’ So it was his sister who had called. I was curious what it was they were talking about. Who does Lucas not want to help? Why doesn’t he?

‘Yeah, love you, too.’ He hung up, meeting my gaze with a raised brow.

‘Were you eavesdropping, Rose?’ He smirked.

‘Sure was.’ I gave him a cheeky smile, making him let out a laugh. He looked up for a moment with a smirk before meeting my eyes again.

‘I might have to go soon. Lisa is a stubborn little shit, and is not going to listen to me. I’ll have to go to dinner at my dad’s again.’

‘Okay, I understand, no worries. It’s not like I was expecting you to stay all day,” I assured him.

‘I was.’ We held each other’s gaze for a moment in silence. I couldn’t look away from those brown eyes. It wasn’t until Leo cleared his throat that we broke eye contact. I lifted my head from the back of the couch to find him standing before me with a drink.

‘Thank you.’ I smiled up at him. He sat beside me on the couch, close enough to where his shoulder was touching my own. I didn’t miss the fact he spread his legs apart so it would touch me.

‘Don’t worry, Lucas, I’ll be here to make sure she’s okay.’ Leo’s comment surprised me. It was almost like he was taunting Lucas of the fact he would have to leave while Leo stayed. I saw Lucas from the corner of my eye, looking ticked. I don’t think he liked the idea of leaving me with Leo.

‘I am sure you will.’ Lucas’ voice sounded strained as he responded to Leo. ‘Rose, text me if you need me and I’ll rush out.’

‘Okay.’ I nodded, not sure what else to say.

I got off the couch, feeling the need to at least walk Lucas to my front door and give him a proper goodbye. The moment I was within reach, Lucas wrapped his arms around me. He was careful not to squeeze. I guess he was worried about hurting me. He lifted my chin up to look at him. Those intense brown eyes stared admiringly at me for a moment before his lips met mine. His kiss melted me into his arms further, filling me with a warmth I didn’t realize I was missing.

‘I’ll see you later, Rose,’ he whispered to me, kissing my forehead before he let me go. I watched him leave down the hall, before closing the door. My cheeks were still heated from my blush. I put the back of my fingers on them, trying to cool them off with my freezing appendages. I turned to find Leo watching me, only making me blush more. I made my way back to the couch, only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled down onto Leo’s lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me there.

‘My turn to have you all to myself.’ He whispered into my ear before kissing my temple.

Hailey had finished cleaning up in the kitchen. Arroz con pollo is the only thing she can cook without burning it, but she still makes the biggest mess. She turned to see me on Leo’s lap. She gave me a mischievous grin, letting me know she planned on leaving now, too.

‘I’m going to go, Liv. I have a lot of errands to run, and I think Leo has got it from here,’ she called out, grabbing her keys and making her escape before I could say anything. ‘Love you, call if you need me,’ she quickly blurted from the door before closing it behind her.

Leo kept me on his lap, unwilling to relinquish me. He buried his head into my neck, almost tickling me every time he breathed out. I felt goosebumps start to erupt down my body when his lips lightly grazed over my collarbone. His nose rubbed against my neck as he continued to place small kisses on my skin. Something inside my stomach twisted, and not in a good way.

‘I am so sorry you have to go through all this, Liv.’ Leo kept his voice low as he spoke.

‘It’s not your fault.’


He kissed my neck this time, and it made my body react with goosebumps, but it also made me feel weird. I knew I needed to talk to him. I needed to set this straight. Mom said dating more than one guy is okay as long as neither of them have asked me to be exclusive. In this case, they’ve actually asked me to date them both. I agreed, but after yesterday, I don’t think I can go through with it.

Leo is sweet and respectful. He is kind and beautiful, and I would hate to hurt him. I know this isn’t what I want. I don’t want to come between him and Lucas. This needs to stop before it goes any further. Before Leo gets hurt. He’s already been through so much. I know he will not like it, and I may even lose him as my friend, but I need to set this straight.

‘Leo, please stop. We need to talk,’ I said, finally finding the words.He sighed, pulling away from my neck to look at me. He let me go, allowing me to take a seat beside him on the couch. I sat sideways so I could look at him better. He did the same with a raised brow. I swallowed down my nerves, trying to find the right words to say. I want to tell him how I feel without hurting him, but is it even possible?

‘I know I agreed I would date you both for six months before deciding, but Leo, I don’t think I can.’ I looked into his bright blue eyes, trying to gauge how he was feeling before continuing. ‘I can’t date you both. I refuse to come between you two. You guys are like brothers, and you may think you like me, Leo, but I get the sense you think of me as this innocent girl.’

‘Liv.” He was ready to convince me otherwise, but I didn’t give him the chance.

‘Hold on, let me finish. You’re an amazing guy, Leo. I mean that! You’re caring and sweet, but also tough and endearing. I want to be your friend, more than anything, but I understand if it’s not something you want. If I would have met you first, I would have given you a better chance. This isn’t entirely about Lucas. I am realizing I’m not the kind of girl who can date two guys. I am not comfortable with the idea, nor do I want to force myself to be.’

‘I can’t say I am happy about it, but I understand, Liv. I figured this conversation would be coming soon. My hope was to at least get one more date with you to prove I could be that guy for you.’ I saw him pick at his lip piercing with tongue as he got quiet.

‘I’m sorry, Leo.’ My head hung as I felt bad, guilty even. I didn’t want to make him sad.

‘You don’t need to be sorry. Thank you for being honest with me. I’m not heartbroken, but I’m certainly crushed. I guess that’s why they call it a crush.’ He let out a strained laugh.

‘Are we going to be okay?’ I couldn’t help but ask. I don’t want to lose Leo as a friend.

‘Yeah, you may have to give me a little while to get over you, but I am not going anywhere. You need your friends, and I get the feeling you don’t have very many.’ He poked my forehead teasingly. I rubbed it while smiling at him.

‘Thank you, Leo. For understanding, and for still willing to be friends.’ He nodded, turning his body back to face the tv. We watched some funny movies to try to relieve some of the awkward tension around us. I texted Hailey, asking her to come back, letting her know I rejected Leo, and he could probably use a break from me. She never responded, but the rhythmic knock on the door let me know she was here.

‘I’m here to relieve you of your duties, Leo. You’re free to go. I’ve got it from here.’ Hailey said proudly as she pulled Leo off the couch, practically pushing him out of the door.

‘Perfect timing. I actually have a business meeting I need to get to. Text me if you need me, Liv.’ His eyes fell on me seriously. All I could do was nod my head at him. Hailey closed the door behind him, turning her burning gaze at me. I could see her curiosity bubbling to the surface. She wanted details, and she wanted them now. I patted the couch beside me, inviting her to sit. She responded with an excited squeal as she jumped over the couch, landing next to me softly.

‘Okay, spill. What happened? When I left, you two looked cozy as hell,’ she asked with a nudge of her elbow against my own.

‘I couldn’t do it, Hails. I am not that kind of girl, the one who can date more than one person. I like them both, but I like Lucas more. He opened up so much to me last night, Hailey. I don’t want to hurt him, and most of all, I don’t want to come between them. They have a friendship like ours, actually, probably deeper than ours. They’re like brothers. I won’t be the downfall of their friendship.’

‘Oh, Livie. I am glad you realized you like Lucas so much. I think he likes you, too. So, are you going to give him a fighting chance?’ Her question hung in the air for a few minutes as I thought about it. I am still scared of getting hurt. I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and he was a cheating asshole. I’m all kinds of insecure. I still have a hard time believing Lucas actually wants me. I am scared he’ll realize he actually doesn’t want me as he gets to know me better.

‘I am going to let things take their course. If he still wants me after getting to know me better, then yes, I’ll give him a chance.’ I fidgeted with my fingers as I answered, a nervous energy brewing in me.

Hailey squealed excitedly, pulling in for a tight hug. I winced as she accidentally hurt me, causing her to quickly let go with an apology. She handed me my medicine and curled up next to me on the couch. Hailey was definitely this big sister I never had. It made me imagine what it would have been like to have a sister growing up. I probably wouldn’t have felt so lonely having someone to share my trauma with. At the same time, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. My phone vibrated beside me, surprising me with a text from Leo.

Leo: Thanks for being honest with me, Liv. Don’t worry about me and get plenty of rest. You have your health to care for. I had fallen asleep shortly after getting his text, realizing I never responded. I woke up to him at my door with Chinese food and a smile, even after I had rejected him.

‘Here you go,’ Leo said, handing me my large container of wonton soup.

‘Thank you.’ I smiled up at him.

The container was nice and warm against my hands. I sniffed the soup, closing my eyes, and letting my mouth salivate. I sipped the broth first before eating the wontons. Leo ate beside me as we watched the scary movie I chose. I chose it remembering Leo once told me he liked to watch scary movies. I jumped a couple times, but somehow managed not to spill the hot soup on myself. Leo tried not to laugh at me whenever I would squeak.

‘I think my new favorite thing is watching scary movies with you,’ Leo laughed.


‘Because you make it more entertaining with your jumps and squeals.’ He smirked at me as he leaned back against the foot of the couch. He’d been sitting on the floor while I sat on the couch. His long legs were spread out under the coffee table, and his back had been against the couch. He didn’t sit far from me, but not too close, either.

‘Whatever, I didn’t jump that much,’ I said with a blush. I winced when the couch cushion poked my incision site. Leo sat up, looking at me, concerned.

‘Do you need your pain medicine?’ He asked.

‘Yes, please.’

He quickly got up, fetching my medicine from the kitchen counter with a small glass of water. I took them, needing to feel the relief from this throbbing pain. Leo held me carefully, picking me up as gently as he could and carrying me up to my bed. He laid me down, sitting beside me. He rubbed my back and arms until I was fully relaxed, but I wasn’t sure if it was okay. I don’t want to make him think I changed my mind. Is it okay for him to comfort me like this? Hailey would do this for me, but is it okay for Leo to do the same?

‘What are you thinking about?’ He asked me curiously.

‘The rules of friendship,’ I muttered. He let out a loud laugh. I felt the heat of my embarrassment cross my face, turning even my ears red.

‘Sorry, that was very random. Look, I understand you don’t want me romantically. I am not going to push you into changing your mind. I am only here as your friend now. Honestly, I’ve rubbed Lucas like this before. There’s no romantic intentions behind it. So don’t worry, okay?’

‘Okay,’ I whispered, as I hid half my face beneath the sheets.

‘I’m going to go. Text me if you need anything okay?’ He got off the bed, heading towards the stairs.

‘Thank you, Leo. I am sorry if I hurt you.’

‘Sleep, Liv, get some rest. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.’ He smiled at me, but it didn’t hold the same twinkle as before. I heard the front door close and knew I needed to go downstairs to lock the deadbolt. I sighed, too relaxed to want to move. I dragged my body off the warm bed, slumping my shoulder and dragging my feet down the stairs and towards the door. I felt like a real life zombie.

The medicine had only added to my fatigued state. After locking the door, I headed back up to my bed, remembering Lucas was up here earlier messing with things. I need to look around when I wake in the morning. My eyes are too asleep and fuzzy to see right. I plopped on my bed as I tucked myself in under the blanket. I fell asleep almost instantly.

The peek of orange sky from my window let me know it was past 8 already as I woke up. I was hoping to sleep in more, but I guess my body is ready to get up now. I sat up on my bed, remembering to inspect my room for anything Lucas may have touched or left. As I scanned the room, everything looked to be in the right spot. It wasn’t until I reached for my phone that I noticed the small envelope on my nightstand. It had Rose, written in neat cursive on the front.

I grabbed it, wondering if he was the one who wrote the name. I would be highly impressed if it was. I opened the small envelope to find a little invitation and a gift card inside.

You’re invited to Sarah Phillips’ birthday lunch this Sunday afternoon at 1. Please wear cocktail attire as we will eat on the terrace.

Who the hell is Sarah Phillips? And what’s with the gift card? I turned the gift card around to find the name of a very expensive couture store. Was I meant to purchase cocktail attire from here? I sighed, already dreading the shopping trip. I know who to take with me, but I still don’t want to go.

Olive: Who is Sarah Phillips?

I shot Lucas a text as I headed to the kitchen for my much needed caffeine dosage. I need to eat something before I take my pain medication again. My incision is itchy and throbbing today.

Lucas: I was beginning to wonder if you would notice the invite or not. Sarah Phillips is my mother. Her birthday is this Sunday, and she wanted to meet you. Lisa apparently told her about you. I wanted to send you a dress to wear, but I was curious to see what you would pick out for yourself. Happy shopping }⁠:⁠-⁠)

His little devil face emoji was accurate. I dread shopping with a passion.

Olive: You up for some shopping?

Hailey: Always!

She immediately responded, making me laugh.

Hailey: I’m on my way!

It didn’t take long for me to hear her rhythmic knock on the door. She sported a wide smile and casual clothes. Her shades were pushed up onto her head, pulling her hair out of her face. She rushed me the entire time I was getting ready, even more so when we walked out of my flat.

Hailey drove us, since I’m not meant to drive with my pain medication. She parked in front of a store with silver mannequins and fancy dresses. I honestly never go to stores like this except with Hailey. She’s the only reason I’ve delved into this rich lifestyle. I haven’t gotten the money from mom’s life insurance, but even when I do, I’ll be pretending I’m still a broke college kid. I don’t want to squander the money my mother left me.

Hailey linked her arm with mine, sashaying us towards the large glass doors. The place was fancy enough to have its own doorman. Hailey’s long, wavy black hair blew back in the wind as the doors opened before us. She was stunning with her almost golden skin which shone beautifully in the light. She had a slender face with expressive dark brown eyes. Her eyebrows were not thin, but they were well kept. She used those things to make all kinds of faces. I loved the way Hailey’s face showed her emotions so plainly.

An attendant greeted us, and Hailey instantly employed their help. She named styles of dresses and brands and listed shoes and colors that would best suit me. She knew clothes better than I did, so I let her run with it. I was pulled towards the dressing room and told to strip. Dresses upon dresses were brought to me, with shoes to match.

‘Well? Come out! I want to see,’ Hailey ordered from the other side of the fitting room curtain.

I sighed, pulling back the curtain and stepping out. There was a three-panel mirrored at the end of the fitting room hall, so you could see your clothes from all angels. Hailey had me step up and stare at myself. The pink dress was elegant, but a bit over the top for my taste. It was adorned with beadwork and lace appliques, the corset bodice sparkled to no end. It had an off-shoulder sweetheart neckline with mesh cap sleeves. The glittered flounce skirt created an A-line silhouette that ended with a mesh overlay. I wrinkled my nose, shaking my head with a no.

‘Yeah, you look beautiful, but it’s definitely not you,‘ Hailey agreed, sending me back to the fitting room. This continued for a little while, until I saw the perfect dress. I slid into it so well, it was like it was made for me, for this moment. As I stepped out I heard Hailey gasp. We walked over to the mirror to assess the dress better together.

It was a nice hunter green that didn’t wash out my complexion. It had ruche detailing at the waist and ornate cuffs which gave it an attractive finish. The asymmetrical neckline had a fold-over panel while the skirt had a high slit. It had a beautiful pleated design at the back as well. I felt so beautiful in this dress. I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. The material was something else too, stretchy, yet still heavy and strong. It was soft and felt devine against my skin. I looked at Hailey in the mirror who was smiling so widely it was almost blinding.

‘This is the one,’ she said.

‘I think so, too.’

Hailey found me matching shoes to go along with the dress and we checked out. I had no idea how much was on the gift card, but I prayed it was the right amount. I handed the card over to the register attendant and she swiped it. I waited to hear her tell me a new total with the gift card discounted from the original. Instead a receipt printed, telling me there was still money left on this damn thing. How much had Lucas put on it?

‘That was fun! I cannot wait to see you in this dress! Please let me be there when Lucas comes and picks you up! He’s going to die!’ Hailey’s excitement only grew more with every statement. Her voice rose with every sentence to the point she was almost screeching.

‘Woah, calm down. I was actually going to ask you if you would do my hair and make up for it. So, I figured you would be around when Lucas picked me up.’ Hailey squealed excitedly beside me. She clapped her hands like some sort of seal, making me laugh at her antics. Tomorrow is the day I give Lucas a chance at seriously dating me.

Please, let this go well.

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