Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 20

The alarm startled me awake. I had almost forgotten what happened last night. I had told my darkest secret to Rose. She had comforted me in a way I was not expecting. She stole my heart last night. It only beats for her now. I looked down to find her still laying on my chest. I remembered waking multiple times to her inching closer to me anytime she had moved away in her sleep. Her small muscular body curled nicely around me.

‘Rose, we need to get up. I need to take you to the hospital.’ I rubbed her back as I spoke softly. She is cute when she first wakes up. Her face scrunched up in complaint with her lips in a slight pout. She furrowed her brow, annoyed at the fact she had to wake. From the few occasions I have slept all night with her, I’ve learned she likes to sleep in.

‘Can we pretend the mass isn’t there?’ She groaned, making me chuckle.

‘I think it’s best if we get it removed. Come on, we don’t want to be late.’ I sat her up as she rubbed her eyes. Her beautiful curls were standing in many directions, making it look like a red flamed lion’s mane. I liked being the first to see her in the morning. I smiled at her,  admiring her beauty. We both got dressed and fixed our hair. I found her hair routine intriguing. I saw the millions of things she had to use to tame those unruly curls. They were beautiful, but they were definitely hard to control. I wonder how she learned to care for them without her mother present.

‘Are you ready to go?’ I asked her, putting my shoes on by the door.

‘Yup.’ She popped the p, drawing my attention to her lips. I couldn’t help the small smirk that played on my face.

‘Let’s go get this thing removed.’

I held my hand out towards her. She didn’t hesitate to grab it, making me smile as I turned from her, leading us out of the door and to my car. I could tell Rose was nervous on our drive over as she fidgeted with her fingers. I held her hand for comfort, stopping the fidgeting, but I saw her leg twitching the entire time. She took a few deep breaths when I parked in front of the hospital.

‘Are you ready?’ I asked her, making her look at me instead of the large hospital building.

‘Not at all.’ She shook her head, her eyes wide and full of fear.

‘What do you do before going into the ring? Before a fight, how do you get ready?’ I asked her, because this is no different. The fight is different, but it’s a fight, nonetheless.

‘I shake it out.’

‘Then let’s shake it out.’ I wanted to help ease her worries. I didn’t care about looking like a fool as I started shaking my body like a lunatic. She laughed hysterically at me, making it all worthwhile.

‘I don’t see you shaking it.’ I eyed her as I continued shaking my arms and legs. She laughed, but I saw her shake her arms and hands out. Then her shoulders and torso, and finally her legs. I saw her open and shut her hands a few times. She took one long, deep breath at the end.

‘I’m ready.’ Her beautiful icy blue eyes held fire in them now. She was ready.

‘Thank you, Lucas.’

‘Anytime, Rose.’ I kissed her forehead before getting out of the car. I raced to the other side, opening her door for her. ‘My Lady.’ She let out a laugh as she took my hand.

‘Such a gentleman.’ We entered the hospital, heading for the check in. Leo and Hailey came shortly after we did. They both eyed me suspiciously. I am guessing she didn’t tell them she was with me all night.

“How are you feeling, Livie?’ Hailey asked her, taking her from my side and hugging her. Surprisingly, Rose didn’t let go of my hand when she hugged Hailey back.

‘I’m okay now.’ She shot me a glance from the side of her eye, as if to thank me again for helping her calm down.

‘Good. We’ll be waiting for you out here when you are done. I’ll take you home. Everything is going to be okay.’ Hailey seemed to be trying to convince herself, more than Rose, of those final words. We all waited in the lobby for a bit before Rose was called back. She gave us each a hug, leaving me for last. I kissed her temple gently, before relinquishing her to the care of the nurse. Please don’t let it be cancer.

I watched her bright red hair disappear behind those silver doors. I wished I could follow her there. My need to be by her side was consuming every part of my being. I needed to get my mind off of Rose’s surgery if I’m going to make it out here in the waiting area.

‘Rachel told me she paid you a visit yesterday,’ I said to Leo, starting a conversation to distract myself.

‘Yeah, she did. I had no idea she was coming into town. Did you?’ He looked up at me from the chair he deemed his. I couldn’t sit still to save my life right now, so instead I leaned against the wall.

‘Not a clue. She randomly showed up at my apartment. I think Rose believed she was another girl I had slept with before.’ I laughed at the thought before cringing at the image. ‘Gross.”

‘Liv was at your apartment?’ Leo arched his brow. I noticed Hailey leaning forward in her chair, interested in the conversation now.

‘Yeah, she was. She and Rachel spoke, while I finished some work.’ I didn’t want to tell him about last night’s events. He didn’t need to know the details. I will eventually let him know Rose now knows what happened to me and what had caused me to sleep with so many women.

‘I see.’ Leo nodded. I could tell he wanted to ask more questions, but thought better of it.

‘She kind of told Rose about John and Ivy.’ I plopped on the chair beside him, finally feeling like I didn’t want to climb the walls. My anxiety settled down until I saw Leo looking kind of upset.

‘Why would she do that?’ Leo shook his head.

‘Your guess is as good as mine.’ I shrugged.

‘Who are John and Ivy?’ Hailey suddenly asked, reminding me she was there.

‘John’s my dead older brother.’

‘Ivy is my dead, almost, fiance.’ Hailey’s eyes widened in shock. Her mouth opened and closed a million times as she tried to think of what to say.

‘Mierda.’ Now, I don’t speak Spanish, but I know my swear words, and that’s definitely one. ‘I am so sorry, guys.’ Hailey was upset at herself for asking. She shook her head multiple times afterwards, having some sort of inner dialogue.

‘Don’t worry about it. We’ve healed. It’s been a year and a half already,’ Leo assured her with a small smile.

Ivy will forever hold a place in my heart. I loved her so deeply. It broke me in two to lose her. I wouldn’t eat, sleep, or even move. I remember being a mess on the floor, too fatigued to even get on my bed. Leo and I grieved separately for the first few months before we came together again. We helped each other out, lifting each other off the ground, literally. Leo is the closest thing I have to a brother.

We all spoke about lighter topics as we waited for someone to tell us about Rose. Leo and I kept asking Hailey questions about Rose, which she happily obliged. I enjoyed using any and every opportunity I could to get to know Rose better. Hailey shared how she was the one to teach Rose how to maintain her curls. I smiled, thinking back to this morning.

‘You guys are good for her. She’s always been insecure with guys. She’s never had them pay her much attention until she started college,’ Hailey told us both. ‘She told me about your whole six month plan thing. I think it’s a great idea. I just hope the one of you she doesn’t choose can be man enough to still be her friend. She’s starting to care for you both, and it’s going to hurt her to lose either one of you in the end.’

Leo and I sat silently for a while, contemplating Hailey’s words. I imagined how I would feel if she chose Leo. Could I handle being around the two of them? The thought alone caused a sinking feeling in my stomach. I know I’d have to, because Leo is my best friend. It’s not like I could avoid them, but I could go overseas for a little while and give myself time to get over Rose. Yeah, I think I’ll move abroad if she chooses Leo over me.

‘Are you Ms. Brewer’s family?’ A doctor in scrubs came out, asking us.

‘I’m her sister.’ Hailey stood up, regarding the doctor. The doctor narrowed his eyes at her, probably wondering how they could be related when they looked so vastly different.

‘Surgery went well. She’s currently in recovery, where we will keep her for an hour or two to monitor her. She should be good to go home once we remove the drain. Thankfully, she won’t have to keep it in. Call the office to schedule her one week follow up. Her biopsy results should come back in a day or two, but with the weekend coming up, she won’t hear from her doctor till Monday, if not Tuesday. In the meantime, let her rest. She’ll be sleepy and possibly a little woozy from the anesthesia. Monitor the incision so it does not get infected. Do you have questions for me?’

‘When can I see her?’ She asked.

‘A nurse will come and get you as soon as she wakes.’

‘Thank you, doctor.’ Hailey nodded, taking her seat again. I could breathe a little easier, knowing everything went well. My breathing won’t be right until we know if it’s cancer or not. I hate that we have to wait another day or two to find out.

‘I am assuming you’re both going to go to Liv’s flat after this?’ Hailey looked at us, assessing as she waited for our answer.

‘I already told her I would be pampering her after surgery,’ Leo answered first. I figured as much, but I was disappointed it wouldn’t be her and me for the rest of the day.

‘I don’t plan on leaving her side,’ I confirmed.


Hailey smiled at us sweetly. I was glad Rose had such a good friend. Hailey and she were almost as close as Leo and I. I think with everything Leo and I have gone through we’re bonded for life, no matter what happens. About 20 minutes later, the nurse called Hailey back. Rose had woken up. I wished I could go back to see her as well, but I was glad she at least had Hailey. I watched them lead Hailey away to the back.

I’ll see you at your flat, Rose.

Olive’s P.O.V.

I woke up shaking uncontrollably all over. The nurses laid warm blankets over me, even though I was sure I wasn’t cold. I kept swallowing, feeling like I would throw up at any second. The nausea was something I was not expecting. My brain felt foggy, trying to recall where I was and what was happening.

Anesthesia is a strange thing. I feel like I lost time in my life. I was neither asleep nor awake. It feels like I have this enormous gap in time I can’t account for. As if I closed my eyes in the surgery room and then opened them back up to find myself in an unfamiliar room. It doesn’t feel like time passed between closing my eyes and opening them, but I know it did.

Hailey was at my side, holding my hand. She gave me her sweet smile, but I could see the worry behind her eyes. The nurse handed me a throw up bag when I complained of nausea. They monitored me for a little while, checking my blood pressure and seeing how I was feeling. Hailey let me know Leo and Lucas had been waiting with her the whole time, making me feel better knowing she wasn’t waiting out there alone.

‘Thank you, Hails.’

‘For what?’ She cocked her head to the side.

‘For being here with me. For always looking out for me. I love you.’

‘I think the anesthesia still has a hold of you,’ she laughed.

‘I mean it, Hails.’

‘Alright, alright. I love you too, Livie.’

After about another half hour, the nurse came, explaining my after care instructions. She then told me I was free to get dressed and leave. I was ready to get out of this scratchy hospital gown. Hailey let me get dressed on my own. I slowly opened the gown up, sliding it off my arms. There was a large white bandage over the side of my breast where the incision had been made. I wanted to look at it, but knew better than to tear the bandage off right now. It’ll be another day or two.

I got dressed, opening the curtain to find Hailey patiently waiting. She smiled at me again as the nurse had me sit in the wheelchair. I felt embarrassed being wheeled out of the hospital, feeling it unnecessary as I was sure I could walk on my own. Leo and Lucas had apparently left when Hailey was called to my side. She told me they would more than likely be waiting for me at the flat.

She wasn’t wrong. I noticed their cars whenever Hailey pulled in. She helped me out of her car, linking our arms and telling me to lean on her if I needed to. In truth, nothing hurt too bad right now, but my head was spinning from the effects of the anesthesia.

‘There’s the girl of the hour,’ Leo said.He smiled at me as we approached him and Lucas in the hall. They had both been waiting by my door, each with their own bag of goodies. I wasn’t sure what was inside, but I was curious to find out.

‘How are you feeling?’ Lucas asked.

‘Dizzy, nauseous, like the whole thing was just a dream,’ I shrugged.

‘Let us in, Liv. I tried to pick your lock, but your door is too good. I couldn’t surprise you like I wanted to,’ Leo pouted.

‘You tried to pick my lock?’ I laughed, imagining him knelt before my doorknob with his lip ring swinging back and forth as he focused.

‘I wanted to get in.’

Hailey opened the door with her key. I had made a copy for her. She’s the only one to have a key here besides me. I haven’t told dad about mom’s flat or even her life insurance money. He doesn’t deserve to know anything about the life she built for herself here. I had been ignoring his calls for the last week. I’ve always resented him for what he did, but him being my only parent, I felt I had to respect him. All I feel towards him right now is a deep anger and a brewing hatred. I can’t stand him. He says he is sorry, and he has sobered up more since I’ve left, but there’s no taking back what he did.

The moment my front door opened, I was berated by questions raining from ‘are you okay’ to ‘do you need anything?’. Hailey had sat me down on the couch, and I watched all three of them run around the flat like panicked chickens. They doted on me, refusing to let me get up off the couch for anything.

‘Unless you can somehow magically go to the bathroom for me, I’m going to have to get up,’ I said with a raised brow. I laughed as Leo let go of my shoulders, making an O face in understanding. I walked past him to the bathroom, seeing Lucas upstairs in my room. I furrowed my brow as I watched him. I couldn’t tell what he was doing from this angle. I’ll check and see what he was messing with later.

‘Are you hungry?’ Hailey asked me the moment I stepped out of the bathroom.

‘Starved.’ I nodded.

The nausea had finally disappeared, giving way to a gnawing hunger. I couldn’t eat before surgery so my stomach had nothing in it but acid. Hailey brought me some Spanish rice she made with shredded chicken. She said it’s called arroz con pollo, which just translates to rice with chicken. I love when she makes this for me. It’s so comforting and very delicious. It’s the only dish Hailey can make.

‘Thank you, Hailey!’ I smiled widely at her.

‘Anytime, Liv.’

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