Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 23

‘Rachel, how are your studies coming along? Are you still on the path to becoming a teacher?’ Sarah asked her.

‘Yes ma’am, I am. I start my internship next year. Everything is going great,’ Rachel answered with a smile.

‘I wish you would have followed in your father’s footsteps and became a doctor. Teachers have such a lousy job with a measly salary.’ Sarah’s words surprised me. Hell, they surprised Rachel, too.

‘It’s not always about the money. Being able to do something you love everyday and call it your job is a benefit in itself. Being a teacher is noble, and yes they don’t have the highest paying job, but they make a decent salary.’ I am not sure why I wanted to dig my grave today, but I did. Sarah’s attention was now fully on me, but it was worth it as Rachel shot me a look of gratitude from across the table.

‘Are you studying to become one as well?’ Sarah arched a brow at me.

‘No, actually, I’m studying to be an aerospace engineer.’ Sarah looked stunned by my answer as she held her fork, full of food, in the air, halfway to her mouth.

‘Very impressive,’ Kane commented in her stead. ‘What made you choose such a field of study?’

‘I’ve always loved looking up at the stars, but I knew I would never want to go to outer space myself. I figured why not help build the things that take us there instead? The idea of knowing something I created could one day be floating in space amongst the stars makes me happy.’

‘So I’m sitting at the table with a future rocket scientist?’ Lisa smiled.

‘I guess so,’ I laughed.

‘Intelligent and beautiful,’ Lucas added with a wiggle of his brow, which only worked to widen my smile.

We all finished our lunch, following Sarah out to the shore. There were lounge chairs and beach umbrellas set up for us to use. Sarah kept her hand firmly in place above her head to hold her hat down from the cool, blowing breeze. I had taken my heels off the moment we reached sand, allowing my toes to sink into the soft warm grains.

‘I know I apologized in advance already, but let me say it again. I am sorry about my mom. She can be particular about things,’ Lucas whispered to me as he grabbed my hand.

We made our way to the chairs taking a seat, Lucas shared the lounge seat I had chosen. I clutched onto my purse wondering if perhaps I should leave the small gift inside of it. I can’t imagine she’d like it now. I wonder what she would think of it? It’s probably best if I keep it.

‘Happy birthday, Sarah.’ Kane pulled out a couple of tickets from his pocket, handing them to her. ‘They’re concert tickets to the symphony. I figured we could go together like old times.’

‘This is perfect, thank you Kane.’ She smiled up at him like a small child. It was a sweet scene to see, making me feel a little better about her.

‘Here you go, Auntie. It’s from Leo and me.’ Rachel handed over a small, rectangular, velvet black box. Sarah carefully opened it, exposing a beautiful thin charmed bracelet.

‘It’s beautiful. Thank you guys.’

She quickly handed the bracelet to Kane, holding her wrist out for him to clasp it onto her. I could tell Kane and Sarah had a very close sibling bond. He cared for her, and took care of her the way an older brother should. She held her hand up, twisting her wrist as she examined the bracelet now dangling off her. It was gorgeous, with two small thin charms. One charm was of a horse and the other of an ice skate. I wondered what they each symbolized. Were they tied to a memory, or did they stand for something else?

‘Lucas and I did not give you something we could wrap. We had a hard time coming up with something to give you. You know, you’re very hard to shop for,’ Lisa said with a playful tone. ‘We finally decided on a vacation. The three of us haven’t gone on a family trip in years. We booked your favorite cabin and planned out a whole vacation for just the three of us.’

Sarah’s eyes began to turn pink as tears pooled, threatening to spill down her cheeks. She was emotional at the mention of her cabin. It made me happy to see how much she loved her children, despite her odd comments. She held them in high regard, expecting a lot of them, but loving them whether they met her standards or not. Now I feel like I have to give her my gift. I can’t be the only one to not give her something. I knew I was coming to a birthday party. What kind of jerk wouldn’t bring something?

I guess I’ll choose being embarrassed over being an ass. My fingers almost shook from my nerves as I opened my purse and searched for the small gift. It wasn’t anything amazing, just a brown leather-bound journal with a heavy gold pen. I held it out to her with a shy smile. I tried to fight the blush of embarrassment from my face, but it was practically impossible.

‘Oh, is this for me?’ She asked, very surprised.

‘I felt wrong coming without a gift. I am sorry it isn’t much. I don’t know what you like.’ I told her. ‘It’s a journal for you. I wrote my favorite inspirational quotes on the top of each page for motivation. I’ve always found it therapeutic to write in a journal. My mother was the one who got me started.’

I pictured the millions of journals hidden away in a box in the back of my closet. They haven’t been touched or looked at in a while. A lot of those memories are ones I don’t want to revisit. Sarah took the journal with a polite smile. She opened it in front of me, running her hand over the saying I wrote on the front page.

‘I love it, Olive. Thank you. It’s very kind of you.’ She clutched the journal as she spoke. I think I actually believed her. ‘I haven’t written in a journal since high school, I think it will be nice to do it again.’ I gave her a light nod with a warm smile.

‘I’m glad you like it.’ The attention was drawn away from me as everyone began to have their own conversations.

‘You keep a journal, Rose? Am I in it?’ Lucas asked with a playful smirk and an arched brow. I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t help the smile on my lips.

‘Yes I write in a journal. As to whether or not you’re in it, I’ll never tell.’ I gave him an equally playful grin.

‘Mmm, no fair. Maybe I’ll find it and read it for myself,’ he said, making me lightly punch his arm.

‘You’ll do no such thing.’

‘Pretty please?’ He gave me those puppy dog eyes as he asked.

‘No way.’

‘That’s fine, Rose, one day you’ll let me in,’ he whispered into my ear, causing my heart to race.

He sounded so certain about it. I stared deep into his eyes, not shying away from the intense feelings he was bringing out of me. I know I’m falling for him already and it scares me, but I’m going to trust him. I pray he doesn’t hurt me.

‘I’ll let you read my past journals. You can work your way up to your journal.’ I offered him, because I felt I could trust him with the most inner thoughts of my past.

‘My journal? So I am in it.’ He smiled widely. ‘I will take whatever you are willing to share. Thank you, Rose.’

He made me blush, not expecting him to thank me for offering him a journal I wrote when I was 8. Maybe I’ll start him with my highschool ones instead. Those are the formative years after all. I felt a sort of excited nervousness at the idea of him reading my current journal. The one sprawled with my millions of thoughts about him. Honestly, it feels like this journal is dedicated solely to him.

‘Yes, you’re in it, but you don’t get to read that particular one until you finish all my high school and previous college ones. You have a lot of reading ahead of you if you ever want to get to yours.’ I giggled at him.

‘I can’t wait.’ He smiled so sweetly my heart forgot to beat for a moment.

Don’t hurt me, Lucas. Please, don’t hurt me.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

‘Happy birthday again, mom. I love you.’ I kissed her cheek again as I said my goodbye.

I was ready to take Rose to her flat and get my first journal. I wanted to dive right in. This woman before me intrigued me greatly and getting to see into her mind was the greatest gift I could ask for.

‘I love you, too. Thank you for being civil with your uncle.’ She squeezed my arm lovingly.

‘It was nice to meet you, Sarah.’ My polite Rose held her hand out for my mom to shake. Mom didn’t do handshakes, bringing her in for a hug instead.

‘The pleasure is all mine. I hope to see you again. Thank you again for my gift,’ Mom said with a smile. I was shocked, and happy to see Rose had brought a gift for her. She amazes me everyday. Surprising me with something new. I guided her outside, making sure to hold her tightly against me as we stepped over the gravel.

I won’t ever let her fall.

‘Thank you for coming with me, Rose.’ I kissed her beautiful rosy lips before opening the car door for her. She blushed, which she’s been doing a lot more of lately. I wondered why.

‘Thank you for bringing me,’ she whispered.

I ran to the driver’s seat, pulling out of the driveway quickly. I tossed my phone onto her lap with a smirk. She knew what I wanted without having to ask. She opened my music app, putting on some Lumineers as she hummed along, too shy to sing fully. Hopefully soon she’ll be comfortable enough with me to sing aloud. She has a beautiful voice, one I could listen to for hours.

I parked in front of her building, opening her door for her. As usual, she accepted my hand, letting me help her out of the car. I was glad she no longer rejected it so much. She would take it any time I offered it to her now. I kissed her knuckles lovingly.

I told her I loved her without meaning to when I opened up to her about what had happened to me. I was half asleep at the time and felt vulnerable, yet comfortable enough with her in my arms to admit it. The words kind of flowed out of my mouth, but thankfully, she was asleep. She hadn’t heard me. I don’t want to scare her off with my strong emotions. I feel like she’ll run away if I come on too strong. She’s like a fawn, quick to run if she sensed danger. Not physical danger, but emotional danger. This woman can handle physical threats just fine.

‘Okay, where is my first journal?’ I asked her the moment we entered her flat. She let a laugh out, turning to smile at me. She was amused with me, but I was fine with it. Anything that makes her smile is fine with me.

‘Hold on. I have to find the right one. Come help me,’ she said, leading me upstairs. She disappeared in her closet hidden beneath the hanging clothes. She pushed 4 large white boxes out. That’s a lot of journals.

Each one was labeled with years. At least she had a system. She found the correct box, and asked me to pick it up and take it to the table downstairs. It was heavier than I thought it would be, but I managed to get it downstairs while she placed the other ones back in her closet. She’s strong.

‘Okay, so pretty much this box is my whole high school life. This corner is freshman year, this one is sophomore, this one is junior, and this one over here is my senior year.’ She pointed to each corner as she spoke. ‘Start here and work your way up.’

‘That’s going to take a while. I can’t wait to read what you were like in high school.’ I admitted. The sheer number of journals made this a more daunting task than I had anticipated, but it meant I’ll get to know her even better.

‘I’m exposing myself here, Lucas.’ She bit at her lip as she stared at the worn journals.

‘I know you are, Rose. I will treasure these, and the words you’ve written inside them. Thank you for giving me the chance to read them.’

I grabbed her chin, pulling it up so her eyes would meet mine. Those blue eyes were like the sky on a bright summer’s day, a beautiful light blue. It was easy to lose yourself inside of them. I kissed her lips with all the love I could pour out to her, only pulling away when I could no longer breathe.

I rested my forehead against her own. Closing my eyes and focusing on the feeling of her close to me. The warmth of her skin, the smell of her breath, and the heat of her lips were all things I enjoyed immensely.

‘Can you do me a favor?’ She asked me.

‘Anything, my Rose.’ I opened my eyes, standing straight again.

‘Can you unzip me? I can’t reach it.’ She pointed to her back, making me smile in amusement.


I slowly unzipped it, letting the sound of it fill the room. I kissed her exposed back between her shoulder blades, letting my hands push the fabric of her dress off her shoulders, kissing those as well. I saw the hairs on her arms rise as goosebumps erupted down her body. She enjoyed the feeling of my lips on her skin.

‘Lucas..’ she whispered my name in an almost plea.

‘Yes, my Rose?’

‘Will you take control again?’ I knew exactly what she meant, making me smile with excitement.

‘With pleasure.’

My fingers found the clasp of her bra, quickly unstrapping it, pulling it down along with her dress. When I got to her hips, I made sure to hook my finger at the hem of her underwear, taking it off along with the dress. I squatted down, having her step out of it.

‘Keep the heels on.’ I told her, finding her naked form in only heels hot as hell.

She nodded with a deep blush as she bit her lip. My dick twitched in my pants with all the blood flowing to it. Seeing her like this made me all kinds of excited. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt with one hand as she watched me hungrily. I watched her the entire time, admiring her body. I finally saw the new tattoo she had gotten on her ribs. It was a pink breast cancer ribbon with mom written along the side of it.

I tossed my shirt to the side as I closed the space between us. Her skin felt so smooth against my hand as I trailed it down her back towards her plush peach bottom. I squeezed it tightly, causing her to bite her lip the way she loves to do. My lips kissed her neck softly, trailing up until I reached her earlobe. My tongue brought it to my mouth allowing me to suck on it for a moment before going back to her neck, this time sucking at it as well. I loved leaving marks on her body. I wanted everyone to see she was taken, even if she technically isn’t.

With her body pressed against mine, I lifted her legs around my waist, carrying her up the stairs. I placed her gently on her bed as I shed my pants. Her eyes widened as they always do when she stares at my erection. I smirked at her, letting her admire my body for a moment. My mouth landed on her breast, flicking her nipple with my tongue. She moaned as she arched her back, taking slow heavy breaths of pleasure.

‘You’re so beautiful, Rose.’

Taking my dick in my hand, I aimed it perfectly against her entrance. Using my tip I teased her until she was dripping wet for me. I slowly inserted myself all the way in before pulling all the way out again. I loved seeing her squirm with pleasure. Eventually, I slid right into her with a quick thrust. I stayed there unmoving for a moment, making her moan and sway her hips in a pleading manner.

I grabbed behind her knees dragging her, with my dick still inside, until she was at the edge of the bed and I was standing. I wrapped her legs around my waist holding onto her thighs as I began to thrust quickly, and roughly, into her. Her moans encouraged me to go faster, harder, until she was screaming in pleasure.

Fuck, Lucas!’ She moaned. ‘Faster!’

I complied happily, increasing my speed. The sound of our skin slapping against each other filled the room along with her screams and moans of pleasure. I let my finger slide between her ass cheeks. She puckered for a moment before relaxing. I played with her as I continued to thrust into her. Her moaning increased until she let out a high pitched squeal with her walls clenching against me in her pleasure. I didn’t stop either, continuing my torment until she was screaming my name again.

Rose somehow gives me more stamina. I’d never gone so long before, but after a couple of hours, I finally let myself cum. I loved knowing she had my seed deep inside her, and it would be in her for a few days, even if wasn’t. Rose was out of breath, lying beside me on her bed. Her body glistened under the light from the sheen of sweat all over her skin.

‘Stay with me?’ She asked me.

‘I would love to. I have to get some clothes first, but I promise I’ll hurry back.’ I kissed her sweet puffed lips. I was rough with them while we were going at it. She loved it, so I didn’t stop. I got up, found my clothes, and quickly dressed.

‘I’ll be right back, Rose. Anything you want for dinner? I’ll get it on my way back.’ I called from downstairs. I saw her naked body lean over the rail.

‘A big juicy burger sounds good to me.’ She smiled down at me.

‘Alright, big juicy burger coming right up.’

I left quickly, running to the car. I wanted to get back to her as soon as I could. Today went so well, I was having a hard time believing it. My eyes spotted an old beat-up pickup truck parked in front of me. My mind began to wonder what a car in such a beat-up state was doing here. I watched as a muscular man with dirty blonde hair and a scruffy beard got down from it and headed into Rose’s building. He must live there, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this truck before. I shook my head, focusing on the task ahead.

Don’t go anywhere, Rose. I will be right back.

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