Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 14

The knock on the door had me jumping off the couch. I opened it to find Lucas and Leo standing tall. They were each a good foot taller than me, but normally I didn’t care. When they’re together, standing side by side with their arms crossed, I totally care.

‘Come on in.’ I gestured for them to step in as I moved aside.

‘I brought names of crematoriums and funeral homes.’ Leo held up a thin binder as he stepped in first.

‘Thank you.’ Lucas stepped in after him, kissing the top of my head as he entered. Leo looked at him with narrowed eyes, to which Lucas just shrugged.

‘This place is nice,’ Leo said as he spun around the center slowly, looking around.

‘It’s homey,’ Lucas added.

I closed the door, feeling a little scrutinized by these two here. They live in large houses, and are standing here in this quaint loft saying it’s nice. I took a seat, grabbing the binder from Leo. We all called different places and got prices as well as asked about urns. All 4 of us made calls and wrote down information. Eventually we found a place that was nice, affordable, and held a wake before the cremation.

‘I need to find out who all of mom’s friends are to invite them.’ I bit at my lip as I wondered how I would go about it. I am not exactly sure how to find her friends since I don’t know the name of a single one.

‘I can help,’ Lucas offered.

‘Yeah, he’s great at finding people online and tracing friendships and stuff.’ Leo nodded in agreement.

‘Awesome, thanks.’

‘Anything for you, Rose.’ His statement had me blushing for a moment. I started wondering why he was here. Is he being kind or is he wanting something later? I hope he isn’t expecting anything, because I know I’m not ready yet.

Lucas hopped online, finding mom’s social media and then finding all her closest friends for me to contact. We set the service for tomorrow at 2. I’ll spread her ashes around sunset at the coordinates she wanted. It was closer to evening now as we finished with most everything. Just needed to contact a couple more of her friends.

‘You guys want food? I can order something.’ I offered.

‘That sounds great!’ Hailey called out. ‘Get some Chinese food from the place we saw around the block.’

‘Okay, I’ll walk there and grab it,’ I told them as I headed for the door.

‘I’ll come with you,’ Lucas and Leo spoke in unison. Hailey did a terrible job of suppressing her smile at their offer.

‘No, it’s fine. I want to be alone for a little while.’

The air had a chill to it with the sun setting. It woke me up and made me feel something more than this numbness deep inside me. I held my arms as I walked, fighting the nip in the air. The sidewalks weren’t as crowded here, making it a nice quiet walk. I chewed on my cheek as I thought about mom. What did she like to do, or where did she like to go? Had she been to this place before?

I opened the door, hearing a chime over my head as I did. The workers behind the counter greeted me in unison. I gave them a small smile and a curt nod as I made my way to the counter and looked over their takeout menu. I was so lost in thought I hadn’t noticed a man approaching me.

‘That looks good.’ Leo came up behind me, pointing to some noodle dish on the menu.

‘Leo, I told you I wanted to come alone.’ I sighed.

‘I know, but I also know you don’t need to be alone with your thoughts right now.’ He didn’t look at me as he spoke, keeping his attention on the menu.

He was looking out for me, the same way Lucas must have looked out for him. I watched him from my peripheral, admiring his jawline and soft lips. He was a very handsome guy, and it killed me how attracted I still was to him. Our date hadn’t exactly gone to plan, but he was a good guy. I think if there was to be a next time, I would have to plan it out. I’m not sure Leo has ever been with someone who wasn’t rich before.

‘Thank you,’ I whispered to him.

‘I’m here for you, Liv. I know what you’re going through. Still going through it myself. Don’t shy away from me, okay?’

Leo wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, placing his chin on my shoulder. I leaned into his chest, enjoying the comfort he was bringing me. The moment was cut short as the worker came to take our order at the counter. We placed our order, and of course Leo refused to let me pay.

‘You wouldn’t have had to spend so much if we hadn’t come over, so let me pay, okay?’ He squeezed me again as he spoke.

I nodded my head, because it honestly wasn’t much. I think Leo likes to express his affection through gifts and monetary objects. I am not one to enjoy such things, but I know he does it with good intentions, so I’m trying to get used to it. In fact, Julius never gave me much of anything, despite being pretty loaded.

The worker brought our food to us in two bags. Leo grabbed them both as I thanked the man, leaving a tip. I chased after Leo down the sidewalk, grabbing one bag. He raised a brow like I shouldn’t have taken one, but I raised one back.

‘You’re too much, Liv.’ He smiled at me.

Leo had a very sweet smile, one which made you feel the same joy. I smiled back at him, batting my lashes, even though it’s not a thing I normally do. The moon was half full tonight, with clouds constantly covering it, causing most of the lighting to come from the streetlights. Leo held my hand as we walked, interlocking our fingers, and giving it a light squeeze.

‘I’m sorry our date was horrible, Liv, I didn’t think it through. I didn’t have you in mind. Like I did, but I didn’t. I wanted to give you new experiences, but I should have realized it wouldn’t be the experience you wanted.’ Leo sighed, referring to the restaurant and trying to take me shopping.

‘You’re right, but I know you meant well. Maybe next time, I’ll plan it out and you can pay for everything,’ I joked, making him chuckle.

‘Next time, huh? So I didn’t totally fuck it up?’

‘Yeah, you didn’t totally fuck it up.’ We reached the loft in no time. Leo held the door open for me like a gentleman, allowing me to enter before him.

‘After you, my lady.’ He bowed his head in the slightest, making me let out a laugh.

‘Are you okay?’ Lucas asked me, being the first to see me enter the loft.

‘Yeah, I’m fine. I got the food.’ I held up the large bag, which was quickly taken by Leo.

‘Correction, I have the food,’ he said with a cheeky smile as he placed both bags on the table. I wonder if going on another date with Leo is a good idea or not?

‘Hailey!’ I yelled at her as she continued to mop, swaying her hips side to side over the blaring salsa music. ‘Hailey!’ I yelled again when she didn’t hear me.

She was humming along as she helped me clean mom’s loft the next day. Eventually, I gave up on yelling, tapping on her shoulder instead. She turned with a smile, grabbing my hands, and trying to make me dance with her. I wasn’t in the mood. There was a lot to get done before the service today. I shook my head at her, making her pout for a moment before she grabbed the stereo remote and muted it.

‘What’s up?’ She cocked her head to the side.

‘I need to go get the flowers for today and take them to the funeral home and sign the release papers for mom’s body. Do you want to come with me?’ I bit at my cheek, hoping she would say yes. I didn’t want to be alone.

‘Of course!’ She nodded, dropping the mop and giving me a big hug. ‘Let me clean myself off first.’ Hailey and I ran around town for a while, just getting what was needed. I signed the papers, avoiding looking at mom’s body. It felt odd knowing she was there, but not truly there.

‘I am sure you’re tired of me asking, but are you okay?’ Hailey turned to me as we entered the elevator. I stared out at the hall, seeing a familiar pair of broad shoulders. He turned, spotting me at the same time. What’s he doing here?

Leo was wearing a pair of khaki slacks, loafers and a baby blue button down which accentuated his beautiful eyes. His hair was tossed in a messy way, but you could tell it was done purposefully. He looked extremely handsome, and as his eyes landed on mine, I felt almost exposed under his gaze. He arched a brow at me, recognizing me too, before the elevator doors closed.

‘Earth to Olive!’ Hailey waved her hand in front of my face.

‘Sorry, Hails, I don’t know how I am, honestly. I am sad, overwhelmed, and all around numb. I hadn’t spoken to her in 11 years and then we had this week, and now she’s gone. It’s killing me, but I know I’ll be fine. I did fine when she left me the last time.’

My last sentence sounded colder than I meant it to, but it was the truth. Mom had left me a while ago, and I survived fine without her. I know I’ll be okay, just sad for now. Hailey stayed silent until after the elevator doors opened again.

‘Liv!’ I heard someone yell from behind us before we reached the exit doors.

I turned to find an out of breath, Leo, making his way to us. He jogged over to Hailey and me, who stared at him in surprise. He stood straight as he reached us, giving himself a moment to catch his breath before he spoke.

‘I thought that was you.’ He smiled at me.

‘So you ran down two flights of stairs because you thought it was me?’

‘Well, yeah.’ He chuckled nervously, scratching at the back of his neck. It’s his nervous habit. ‘I wanted to make sure you were okay.’

‘You did all that to make sure I was okay?’ I was surprised by the effort he had put in. ‘You know, you have my number. You could have called.’

‘I enjoy seeing and talking to you in person, so of course, I’ll run down two flights of stairs to see you.’ His answer made me blush, and my heart swoon. It was sweet, and I hadn’t noticed he felt this way about me.

‘What are you doing here anyway, Leo?’

‘My dad’s business wants to buy this hospital. I’ve been in charge of the company since his accident. I was touring the entire facility with a group. It’s really boring.’

‘It sounds important. Shouldn’t you get back to it?’ I raised a brow.

‘Probably.’ He sighed, slumping his shoulders. ‘Can I get a hug from you to keep me going?’

I smirked at his request, rolling my eyes happily. I opened my arms towards him to show him my willingness. He grinned merrily as he wrapped his well toned arms around my waist, leaning down so his face was in the crook of my neck. He kissed me there, surprising me with a rush of emotions I wasn’t expecting. His face stayed there a moment before pulling away.

‘Thank you, Liv. Text Lucas and I when you’re ready to spread your mom’s ashes. We’ll be there, I promise,’ he said as he jogged back to the group he had run away from.

Honestly, I was surprised to see Leo or to hear he was in charge of his dad’s business. I didn’t think about those kinds of things with his father passing away. A lot of responsibility ended up falling on Leo’s shoulders. I feel he’s too young to be worried about this kind of stuff. He looks like he knows what he’s doing, which makes me wonder how young these guys are when they are taught to run a business. How long had his father been grooming him to take his place before his accident?

‘I like Leo. I think he’s very sweet and very smitten with you.’ Hailey smiled at me as we walked towards the door again.

‘I think I like him too.’ I admitted.

‘Stop fidgeting, you look good,’ Hailey scolded me as I pulled at the collar of my black dress. It felt like it was choking me, but maybe it’s just the panic inside. I don’t know how to do this. I have never held a wake before. Thankfully, it wasn’t one of my experiences.

‘Do you think they’ll show?’ I asked Hailey, worriedly.

‘If they were her close friends, then yes, they’ll show.’

Surely enough people emerged out of the woodwork. They introduced themselves to me with sad smiles as they entered. The room was small with a few chairs for us to sit and view mom, who I had dressed in a white sundress I’d found in her closet. She looked stunning with her makeup on. You would think she had fallen asleep. As everyone arrived and greeted one another, I thanked them all for coming and asked if there were any memories of mom they wanted to share. It didn’t take long for someone to volunteer knowledge of her.

‘Some of you already know me, and some are fresh faces. I’m Linda. I was Abi’s first friend in New York about a decade ago now. Abi looked so scared when I first laid eyes on her. She had just arrived from New Hampshire and had no idea what she was doing. After getting to know her and seeing her stay at the homeless shelter I volunteer at, I offered for her to stay with me. She and I bought the loft she lives in together. She got her life together, going back to college and investing her money well. When she got tired of my shit, she bought my half of the loft from me.’ Linda laughed along with a few others, who must know her well. ‘To Abi!’ She raised her glass of water.

‘To Abi,’ everyone joined.

People continued to go up and talk about mom. She volunteered a lot, mainly at the women’s shelter. She ran charities, was very smart and apparently funny. Mom was loved by every friend here. Not a single one of them had a complaint about her. I felt oddly proud, but also jealous she flourished so well without me. I was her daughter and I doubt any of them knew about me when they first met her. How long did she wait before telling them about me?

‘She helped me get out of my abusive relationship, having been through it before. She told me the right words to keep me from returning to him again. I’ve lived outside that man’s cage for 5 years, all thanks to this woman.’ She gestured to mom. I think her name was Penny. ‘I can’t express how much I needed her at that time. It hurt me to see her hurting over her daughter.’ Her eyes landed on me.

Things continued on for a while. Sob stories, funny stories, touching stories. They were all beautiful, piercing my heart deeply. I was hugged and kissed goodbye as they all left when mom was taken to the crematorium. A few promised to come visit me at mom’s loft, and one even lived in the same building.

‘That went well.’ Hailey smiled at me, hugging me again. Hearing all those stories, seeing the life mom had lived these past few years, had helped me heal a little. I felt a sort of bittersweet feeling in my chest.

‘Yeah, it did.’ I nodded. I jumped when I heard my phone buzz on the table, breaking the silence. Hailey and I both giggled at my reaction.

Lucas: We’re headed to the spot now. We’ll wait for you here. We didn’t want to cramp the wake. It felt more like something for you and your mom’s friends to share.

Lucas’ text made me feel even better. I was feeling all the love from everyone.

Olive: Thanks, we’ll be up there soon.

Thank you for everything you did for me at the end, mom.

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