Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 13

It was time for my date with Leo already, and I had no idea what he had planned. I honestly was feeling odd about it. I kept trying to get my head into the right mind frame, but it somehow kept going back to Lucas. Last night’s events kept playing in my head. He seemed so serious when he, in not so many words, said he’d change for me. I know I was reading too much into it. He probably didn’t want to leave.

‘You look cute.’ Hailey snapped me out of my thoughts.

I had worn a floral patterned, light pink dress with a small jean jacket and wedged sandals. Hailey had done my makeup, giving me a more natural glow. She said I needed to look more of the innocent girl next door type for this date. I didn’t see why. I should just be myself, not some innocent version. A lot of makeup was needed to cover up the marks Lucas had left as well.

‘I don’t know Hails. Is this okay?’ I sighed, not feeling very excited.

‘Yes, go out and explore. See what you like. Julius was only one guy. You need to see what else is out there, aside from Lucas. Don’t feel guilty and enjoy yourself!’ she scolded me, knowing me all too well.

‘Yeah, okay,’ I reluctantly caved to her words. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, having Hailey squeal with excitement as she raced to the door. I walked slowly behind, seeing Leo standing at the door, dressed nicely. He had a pair of slacks on with a button-up shirt. He was a more casual formal, which worried me for where we were going.

‘You ready?’ He smiled widely at me.

‘Yup.’ I nodded, grabbing my small brown purse off the hook by the door.

Leo held his arm out for me, which I took with a slight reluctance. This date would start once I took his arm, and I was feeling pretty nervous about it. I was worried the makeup would melt around my neck, revealing the deep purple mark Lucas left me last night. I would almost think he did it on purpose. My hand grabbed the nook of his elbow, beginning our date.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked him.

‘There’s a new restaurant I want us to try. My mom’s friend is the chef there,’ Leo answered me as he opened the car door for me. I was worried he’d take me somewhere fancy.

‘That’s cool.’ I smiled at him as he closed the door.

I took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves before Leo entered his car on the driver’s side. He drove us to a very elegant-looking restaurant with glass walls near the entrance and very modern decor inside. We were sat quickly despite the large crowd waiting in the foyer. It made me feel bad for them all. I don’t enjoy having so much privilege.

‘This place looks very nice, don’t you think?’ Leo asked me as he opened the menu before him.

‘It’s very elegant, that’s for sure.’ I opened my menu, wanting to pass out from the sheer lunacy of the prices. ‘Leo!‘ I scolded him. ‘This is way too much.’ I shook my head crazily, still astounded.

‘Don’t worry about it. Remember, the chef is friends with my mom.’ Leo tried to ease my worries, but I didn’t like the idea of him spending so much money on me. I stared at the menu a while longer, unable to decipher what half these dishes were. I also still couldn’t stomach the prices of most of them.

‘Leo, I honestly don’t know what to order.’ I bit at my lip as I kept looking at the menu with furrowed brows.

‘I can order for you, if you like. I think I know what you’d want.’ He offered, and I quickly nodded my head, trying not to make a fool of myself here. Leo ordered some food I couldn’t pronounce when our waitress came by with some white wine. I’m surprised they allowed him to order, considering he’s not 21. I also despise white wine.

‘What do you like to do for fun, Olive? Surely going to parties isn’t the only thing.’ He winked at me. I laughed, shaking my head no.

‘Yeah, definitely not. I like to read. I love to go on runs. Hikes are my jam, as well as camping. I also like to fight.’ I was on a roll, and had forgotten to stop myself before the last one.

‘Fight?’ He raised a brow in question.

‘Mhmm, like in a ring,’ I explained, trying to avoid his blue eyes.

‘Hmm, I can’t picture it,’ he mused as he took a drink from his glass. I hadn’t touched my wine except to taste it, and confirm I still hate it. He didn’t take his eyes off me the entire time. So I think he caught how offended I was by his words. I’m definitely a fighter and I thought I gave off an intimidating aura, but I guess not.

‘What about you?’ I asked him.

‘I like to watch sports at the stadium. I love watching scary movies. Also, I like to spend time with my friends playing football or soccer. You know I actually have a baseball scholarship?’ He raised his brows at me like I should be impressed, which I was.

‘That’s awesome. I want to see you play one day.’

‘I would like that.’ He smiled back.

Our plates were brought out, and I wondered where the rest of the food had gone. The portion was likely to feed a small child, moreover an adult. I couldn’t believe how expensive the food was for so little of it. I picked up my fork, wondering what exactly it was Leo had ordered us. The meat was very tender, cutting like butter against the knife. It looked good, but tasted a little too gamey for me. I ate it all, not because I was hungry, but because I would not have Leo waste any money.

Leo paid for the overpriced food, making me feel guilty, but he didn’t think of it at all. He left a nice tip, which gave him a plus in my book. He grabbed my hand, leading us out of the restaurant and towards a busy strip mall across the street. I hate going shopping. I never did much shopping as a kid or a teen. Now, as an adult, it’s the last thing I want to go out and do. I mainly order clothes online because I hate feeling like other people are watching what I pick to wear.

‘What are we doing now?’ I asked him.

‘Thought we could look around and see if there was anything you liked,’ he offered.

‘I hope you’re not planning on buying me anything else. The meal was very expensive, Leo!’ I scolded him and his poor use of money.

‘Liv, you don’t have to worry about it. Money isn’t an object I have to worry about,’ he assured me, making me feel slightly disgusted with him for a moment.

‘Tell me you didn’t just say that.’ I stopped walking, forcing him to take a step back so he wouldn’t pull me forward.

‘What?’ He seemed genuinely confused.

‘Just because you have a lot of it doesn’t mean you need to spend so much of it. For example, our food just now, aren’t you still hungry?’ I asked, hearing his stomach rumble.

‘Maybe a little, but I am fine.’ He shrugged.

‘That was way too much money for too little food. I am not trying to be ungrateful, but I also don’t like to spend too much money.’ I sighed, feeling this date wasn’t going the best.

‘I understand, Liv. I am sorry I made you feel uncomfortable,’ he squeezed my hand as he spoke. He meant it, but honestly, Leo didn’t know me well at all.

He still has this nice, sweet and innocent image of me in his head, which is very inaccurate. I feel like it’s the version of me he wants, this non-existent one. Leo is sweet, and he’s been through a lot with his dad. I know I can lean on him, but honestly, I don’t know if he understands me well enough. This date has proved it to me.

‘How about you pick where we go next? Obviously, I’m not doing the best job,’ Leo laughed nervously as he scratched at the back of his head. I looked around, trying to think of where to go, when I saw it in the distance. The dim lighting inside with the neon sign overhead called to me. Jimmy John’s Arcade.

‘Let’s go there.’ I smiled up at him as excitement rolled through me for the first time. Leo smiled back at me as he noticed where I pointed.

‘Are you sure that’s where you wanna go? I won’t go easy on you,’ he teased, making me laugh.

‘I’m sure.’

To make my point, I pulled him by his hand towards the arcade with a giggle. The familiar scent of sweat, Windex, and whatever was spilled onto the dark blue carpet, soaked up by the padding underneath for all eternity, hit me as I entered. I took a deep breath, transporting myself back to when I was a teenager and would go to the arcade Friday nights with my only friend, Ian. I had been determined to beat the high score on Pacman.

Leo and I played many 2 player games, from street fighter to racing games. Leo wasn’t kidding when he said he wouldn’t take it easy on me. He was good at these games, making me question how often he’d been to an arcade. I didn’t lose every time, but Leo definitely had more victories than me. I laughed at his comments and the way he tries to block my view to win a few times.

‘Cheater!’ I pushed him playfully. ‘I could have won if you hadn’t covered my eyes.’

I laughed as I complained. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling. I looked at my phone, realizing we’d been here for almost two hours now. I had wanted to get back to mom before two o’clock but now it was three. I looked at Leo with my smile fading.

‘I need to get back to my mom,’ I sadly admitted.

‘Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Liv. I know it’s important you spend as much time with her. Let’s go. I’ll take you to the hospital right now.’

He walked so quickly I practically had to sprint to keep up. I appreciated that he wanted to get me back to mom so fast. Leo was a sweet and caring guy, and although the date had not gone well at first, it ended wonderfully. The arcade was what we needed to let loose and enjoy each other’s company.

Leo stopped right by his passenger side door. He leaned down towards me, getting so close to my face again. I didn’t move as he leaned in, letting his lips meet mine. I was curious to see how they would feel. They were soft and warm, like plush marshmallows. The kiss was short and sweet, leaving me with a light blush on my cheeks.

‘Thank you for today, Leo.’ I smiled up at him as he opened the door for me. He shook his head no at me, making me furrow my brow for a moment.

‘Thank you, Liv. I know it was not going great until you took us to the arcade.’ He smiled at me, shaking his head no. ‘Let’s get you back to the hospital.’

My phone rang as he came around to the driver’s seat. It was the hospital.

‘Clear!’ I heard the doctor’s shout from Mom’s room.

They had us wait in the hall right outside her door. All I could see through her room window was her limp hand dangling off the bed. Leo held me close to his chest as I cried, waiting for them to tell me she was okay. I knew her time was coming, knew it would be before the end of the week, but it still shocked me to get the call. The doctor shook his head, calling her time of death, killing me inside. I turned, burying my face in Leo’s chest. I couldn’t look anymore. It wasn’t enough time. This week was not enough.

‘I’m so sorry, Liv,’ Leo whispered to me as he rubbed my back soothingly.

I couldn’t speak. All I could do was silently cry. She may have been gone for half of my life, but she was still my mom, and getting to know her again this past week has only made the pain worse. I wish I had more time with her, but cancer is a scary and unexpected thing. Leo led me away, telling the nurses to send any paperwork to my house. He placed me in his car and drove me home in silence. He said nothing, but he held my hand the entire way.

‘I’m here for you, Liv,’ he assured me. ‘I know part of what you’re feeling.’

‘Thank you, Leo.’ My voice cracked from not having used it but to cry for the last hour. We got to the penthouse where Hailey was waiting for me with my favorite blanket and hot tea. She wrapped me in her arms, soothing me like an older sister.

‘I got it from here, Leo. Thank you,’ she told him, as her way of getting him to go.

‘Text me if you need me, Liv,’ he said from the doorway, kissing my forehead before he left.

Hailey let me lay my head on her lap while she ran her fingers through my hair, letting Disney movies play on the TV for comfort. The tears had dried up inside me, unable to produce more. I felt oddly numb…numb and weak. The doorbell rang, surprising us both, but I didn’t have the energy to even lift my head off her lap. Hailey got up, running to open it. I couldn’t hear who it was, but I heard whispers before the door closed again.

‘Who was it?’ I asked, not seeing her but feeling her in the living room.

My head was lifted and placed back on a lap, but it wasn’t the cushiony soft lap of Hailey. No, my head was met with denim and hard muscles. I turned, looking up to see Lucas. He ran his fingers through my hair with a deep look of concern on his face. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, as if seeing me in pain made him uncomfortable.

‘What are you doing here?’ I asked him.

‘I’m here for you, Rose. Shhh, watch your movie. It’s the best part.’ He pointed to the TV, but I kept looking at him, trying to make sense of this. Why’d he come here for me? There’s no sex in this, no gain for him, yet here he is. Not only is he here, but he’s here comforting me. I felt myself relax as he continued to play with my hair, his eyes fixed on the screen before us.

‘This is my favorite one,’ he told me, making me turn to look at the TV to see what had been playing. It was Lilo and Stitch, which is one of my favorites too.

‘Mine too,’ I whispered, keeping my eyes on the screen now.

Lucas continued to rub my hair and my arms, relaxing me so much I must have fallen asleep. I woke up in my bed, but I wasn’t alone. Lucas laid beside me, his hand over my stomach, but his body was on the other side of the bed. I think he was giving me space while letting me know he was here. I found comfort in him, scooting closer, wanting to feel his warmth more. His sleepy self didn’t mind, as he cracked a small smile.

It was only three in the morning, but I was having a hard time trying to go back to sleep. I kept picturing mom’s face when I was little and then mom’s face yesterday. She always had the most beautiful smile. I’ll have to plan a funeral or a memorial or whatever it is. I have no idea what I’m doing, considering I’ve never had to handle something like this before. Lucas rubbed my stomach with his thumb.

‘What are you thinking about?’ He asked me in a sleepy tone.

‘How to plan a funeral.’

‘Come here.’ He pulled me closer to him until both his arms were wrapped around me and my head was in his chest. ‘Don’t think about that now. We’ll figure it out together with Leo. We just helped do it for his dad so we can help with your mom. You’re not alone, Rose. Go back to sleep.’

He rubbed my arms, soothing me with his touch and his words. He brought me enough comfort to lull me back to sleep. I dreamt of mom, waking up with a couple of tears streaming down my face. Lucas wiped them away before I opened my eyes. He stared deeply at me, holding my face in his hands. He pulled me towards his lips, kissing my forehead tenderly.

‘Good morning, Rose.’

‘Morning.’ I whispered, unable to call it a good one.

‘Do you feel up to eating?’ I shook my head no, not having the energy to get up or even chew. I also had little appetite.

‘I figured as much, so I made you this. You still need something in your stomach.’ He handed me a green smoothie, making me sit up.

‘Thank you, Lucas. This is very considerate of you.’

I took a sip, worried it would taste terrible, and would have to drink the whole cup because I am too polite. Thankfully, despite its color, it was very delicious. I gulped it down without a problem, feeling a little more energized now. I was still mainly feeling numb emotionally. It was an odd feeling, one I knew I needed to be careful of. I can’t fall into a depression again. My phone buzzed on my nightstand, causing me to jump as it broke the silence. I grabbed it, seeing Leo’s name.

Leo: Lucas told me you need help planning your mom’s service. I’m coming over in an hour. I’ll bring the binder my mom made. Don’t worry about anything, Liv. We got you.

Leo’s text made me feel a little better. It was nice knowing they were here to help. I hated that Leo had gone through this. It was tragic for us both.

Olive: Thank you, Leo. I honestly appreciate it. I doubt I could afford most of it.

My phone rang with an unknown number. I rarely answer unknown numbers, but I felt compelled to answer this one.


Lucas looked at me curiously. I could tell he wanted to know who was on the phone.

‘Hello, my name is Daniel Warren. I’m a lawyer from Frank and Fran. Is this Abigail Rose’s daughter, Olive Brewer?’ A man asked, filling me with worry. Why would a lawyer be calling me?.

‘Yes, this is her.’

‘I am so sorry for your loss, Ms. Brewer. I am..I was your mother’s lawyer. She has left a will, and you are the primary beneficiary. Is there a time you can stop by my office today so I may read it to you? I know you’re dealing with a lot, but her will has her plans for her burial and money to cover it,’ he explained, suddenly making me feel antsy to get to his office right away.

‘Yeah. I’ll be right there. Is there a way you could text me the address?’ I asked him, getting off the bed and scrambling through my drawers.

‘Yes. I’ll send it right away. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.’

‘Thank you. I’ll see you soon.’

I hung up, quickly changing. Lucas found his way to me again, grabbing my sides and turning me to face him.

‘What happened?’ He furrowed his brow, concerned for me.

‘It was my mom’s lawyer. I need to go to his office. Mom left plans for her burial and he needs to read her will to me.’ I explained. ‘Can you let Leo know not to come yet? I am not sure when I’ll be back. I’ll text you both whenever I get home again.’

‘Want me to come with you?’ He offered, but I shook my head.

‘No, I’ll take Hailey. Thank you, though. Go be with Leo until I get back.’

‘If you say so, my Rose. Please, text me if you change your mind or if you need anything.

‘Okay.’ I nodded as he leaned down and captured my lips in a very tender kiss.

‘I’ll see you later.’

He left my room with me staring at his back. He was devilishly handsome even with his tousled bed head. I enjoyed watching him walk away. His ass was a pleasant distraction, my eye candy of sorts. I shook my head, snapping myself out of the Lucas spell. I need to go. I grabbed Hailey and had her drive us to the lawyer’s office. A sweet receptionist, who gave me sad eyes when I told her who I was here to see, greeted us.

‘Ms. Brewer?’ A younger guy came out to the lobby for me. He looked to be in his late 20s with dark brown hair, groomed neatly to the side.

‘That’s me.’ I stood, following him to an office in the back which read Daniel Warren.

‘As I said on the phone, your mother has plans laid out for her burial. Of course, you don’t have to follow her plans, but it was what she wanted.’

‘I want to do what she wanted,’ I assured him with a nod.

Hailey held my hand as Daniel read the will. Mom wanted to be cremated and have part of her ashes spread at the top of her favorite trail. She hoped I would keep an urn with the rest of her wherever I would like. He informed me mom had a half a million dollar life insurance on her before she developed cancer. The money would go entirely to me. My mouth dropped open. I had never had so much money in my life!

Daniel gave me names of excellent accountants and investors, but Hailey told me she knew some she would rather I use. Mom had a flat she had purchased which now belonged to me. He gave me the address and the spare key. I also got Mom’s classic 1966 convertible Ford Mustang. I felt like Mom had left me too much, and I wondered how she had amassed all these things.

‘I am sorry for your loss, Ms. Brewer. Your mother was truly a wonderful woman. I know she was a part of a lot of volunteer organizations. They’ll probably be reaching out to you throughout the week to let you know if she had left any personal items with them.’ Daniel told me.

‘Thank you.’ I got up from the chair, feeling this meeting was over. Daniel wrote the address of Mom’s place down for me, as well as where the car was parked.

‘Your mother planned everything out, didn’t she?’ Hailey shook her head in surprise.

‘Seems that way.’

I quickly texted Lucas and Leo to meet me at mom’s place. I want to get this planning done, but I also want to see where mom lived. Hailey drove us there quickly, speeding past yellow lights, and skipping some stop signs. I told her I may be in a rush, but I wasn’t looking to die. She laughed at my comment and continued to drive like a madwoman. Mom’s flat wasn’t very far from Lucas’ apartment, actually. Go figure.

‘Ready?’ Hailey asked me as we stood before the burgundy door of my mother’s flat.

‘I think so.’ I nodded, opening the door slowly.  A strong and nostalgic smell hit me hard. It was mom, her perfume she apparently had not changed throughout the years. I haven’t smelt this since I was 10. Mom didn’t smell like this at the hospital, and it is so comforting, yet painful, to smell it right now.

The place was absolutely stunning. It was cozy with an open floor plan. There were many dead plants hanging, as well as ones on planter ladders. I’d have to get rid of those. There was so much sunlight in this place it warmed my heart. The kitchen was beautiful, with shelves instead of cabinets and a large kitchen island with a couple of bar stools. The soft, round rug in the living room made me want to take my shoes off and dig them into its fibers. The bed was on a loft to the right, up the stairs. There was no door and could be seen over the rail. It was the only thing upstairs, if you can even actually call it an upstairs. I could see it from the couch if you looked up and right.

The place was wonderful, and I couldn’t believe Mom lived here by herself for so long. I can’t believe I’ll be living here. It was nice to feel close to Mom again. Hailey and I sat on the large circular couch, staring at the glass coffee table beside us.

Time to wait for Lucas and Leo.

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