Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 15

My phone buzzed way too early in the morning for my liking. I groaned as I reached for it with closed eyes. It has been a week now since I spread mom’s ashes with Lucas, Leo and Hailey. I started going back to regular classes and thankfully hadn’t fallen too far behind.

‘Hello?’ I answered, not caring I sounded hoarse from sleep.

‘Good morning, am I speaking with Olivia Brewer?’ An elegant woman’s voice came through. I cleared my throat, sitting up on the bed more.

‘This is her. May I ask who I’m speaking with?’

‘Hello, Ms. Brewer, my name is Tammy and I’m the genealogist who performed your BRACA gene test.’

My heart stilled and my palms sweat as I awaited for her to continue. Do I have the gene?

‘I am sorry to inform you. You carry the BRACA gene. You have options, and it isn’t a certainty you will get breast cancer, you’re just more likely than others. I suggest having regular screenings. The results were sent to your PCP as well, and she should reach out to you to explain your options further. Do you have questions for me?’

I was frozen for a moment, letting the line go silent. I had the gene, just like mom. It was scary to think. I pictured mom’s withering body and then imagined myself looking the same. I swallowed hard before I answered.

‘No, no questions. Thank you for letting me know.’

‘Of course. Have a good day, Ms. Brewer.’

‘You as well.’

I hung up, sitting up on my bed, staring at the indigo wall across from me. I had officially moved into Mom’s loft yesterday. This was my first night sleeping in this bed. I was all alone, trying to digest this information.

Lucas: Open the door. I’ll be there in two minutes with breakfast.

The text surprised me, as I wasn’t expecting him today. Lucas and Leo both had been very helpful and comforting throughout this whole thing. Lucas felt like a completely different person. It was a side of him I never imagined I’d see, and it had definitely muddied the water again. I opened the door as Lucas appeared before it.

‘Good morning, Rose. I have your favorite.’ He smiled widely at me as he stepped inside. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him, before his lips met my forehead. He hadn’t kissed me, hit on me, or tried to have sex with me since mom died. I think he was trying to respect my grieving.

‘And what is my favorite?’ I asked him, closing the door, and turning to him.

‘Banana nut muffin, and a caramel frappe.’ He produced the items on the table as he spoke. He wasn’t wrong, either.

‘How’d you figure that out?’ I raised a brow at him.

‘I have my ways.’ He winked at me, taking a seat at the small round table pushed against the wall between the living room and kitchen.

‘Hmm, I am not sure I like that.’ I took a bite of my muffin with a smirk on my face.

‘I think you do.’ He leaned forward, rubbing his thumb over the corner of my lips at the crumbs.

‘How do you know I wasn’t saving those for later?’

‘I’m terribly sorry. I’ll leave your crumbs alone.’

‘Good.’ I nodded, taking another bite and intentionally getting a lot of crumbs around my mouth.

‘I lied.’ Lucas told me as he leaned forward and licked the crumbs off the corner of my mouth. I froze as he did the same to the other side. My lungs filled with deep breaths, loving the sensation of his tongue against me. I hadn’t noticed I had missed it until now.

‘Lucas.’ I let his name slip as a kind of warning.

‘Yes, Rose?’ He leaned back in the slightest, having our noses barely touch.

‘Kiss me,’ I whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hold back.

‘Are you sure, Rose?’

I nodded my head, within seconds feeling his hot lips on my own. I was so hungry for him. A week without him had apparently been too much for my body as it quivered for more. Lucas held the back of my neck, deepening the kiss further. His tongue swept over my bottom lip before he caged it between his, pulling back with it. I moaned as he did it, opening my eyes to see the hunger in him as well.

‘Take me, Lucas,’ I told him, grabbing his face and pulling it back towards me. He didn’t fight it, running his hand up my thigh, squeezing it around my hip. He kissed me further, sliding his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues wrestled with one another for dominance. Lucas broke our kiss first, moving his lips down to my neck above my collarbone. My breath came out shaky as the pleasure pooled inside me. My breathing was heavy with lust as I held onto the back of his neck, pushing him deeper toward me.

He grabbed my legs, pulling me with my chair towards him. My legs wrapped around his waist, with me practically on his lap now. He slid his hand under the oversized shirt I had worn to bed. There was no bra on, allowing him to squeeze at my breast. I moaned, feeling taken over with lust between his mouth on my neck and his hand on my breast.

‘Lucas..’ I moaned his name, almost pleading, causing him to smirk against me.

He stood with me attached to him as he carried me to the couch. His large hands slid my shorts and underwear off while I took my shirt off. He pulled his pants down enough to release his massive manhood. I licked my lips happily as he used it to spread my wet folds. He slapped it against my clit, causing me to yell in surprise.

I gripped onto the top of the couch as Lucas grabbed both my legs and held them up against his chest. He inserted himself into me with ease, slapping against me quickly. I moaned loudly as he continued his rhythm. He was thrusting into me with a force both painful and pleasurable. He was hungry for me too, like he’d been starving this whole week, and I was the first meal he was having.

Deeper, Lucas!’ I almost yelled, feeling myself getting close already.

Lucas obliged my request, forcefully thrusting against me until I was seeing stars. I yelled with a high-pitched squeal as I came against him with my legs still pressed against his chest. He continued his rhythm, forcing me to ride out the waves of ecstasy. He came deep inside me a few minutes later, making me moan again as his seed hit my cervix.

‘Fuck, Rose. I’ve missed you.’ He groaned as he kissed me passionately again.

‘I could say the same.’ I smirked at him, feeling a pleasurable high I hadn’t felt in a while.

Lucas kissed my neck, then my stomach, before he stood back up, sliding out of me. He handed me some tissues to clean myself up with. He was so damn handsome, the way he pushed his hair back over his head. His tattoos were damn sexy, moving with his muscles. I heard my phone vibrate again, making me sigh as I saw the number. So much for staying in this blissful high.

Lucas’ P.O.V.

My Rose had let me have her again, and I was floating way above the clouds. I had missed being deep inside her all week. She needed time, and frankly, I would have waited longer if I had to. I stopped seeing all the other girls in my life the moment I decided to make Rose my own. There’s no competing with her. She’s perfect. I watched as she grabbed her phone, sighing at whoever was calling her. I curled a brow at her curiously, but she didn’t oblige my curiosity with an answer, instead of answering the phone, holding a finger up at me.

‘Hello?’ she answered. ‘Yes, she told me this morning.’ Another pause, as whoever was on the other end of the line responded to her. ‘I understand, but I would rather not do that if it’s avoidable. I know I’ll need to be screened more often if I don’t, but I don’t feel a mastectomy is the route I want to take.’

My heart stopped as I picked up the words she was saying. I quickly sat beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist and taking her free hand with my other one. She almost pushed me away, but decided against it. I was grateful, because I’m currently doing this more for myself than for her. She can’t be sick. She can’t die on me.

‘Yes, I understand. I won’t miss any appointments.’ Another pause, as I strained to hear the other half of this conversation. ‘That’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow then.’

She hung up with a heavy sigh before she leaned into me. I was glad she was leaning on me, but my mind was still trying to process everything. How am I supposed to help her with this? I could find the best oncologist and get her seen right away.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, grabbing her shirt and putting it back on first, making me let her go.

‘What’s going on, Olive?’ I used her real name to let her know how serious I thought this was.

‘Olive, huh?’ She smirked at me for a second before it fell with a sigh. ‘My mom had me get tested for the breast cancer gene before she passed. I got my results this morning. Lucky me, I have it.’ She rolled her eyes at her last statement. I swallowed hard. The news wasn’t good, but at least she didn’t have cancer already. It’s good she got tested, and now she can stay ahead of it. I could see the worry and stress plaguing her at the moment.

‘I’m glad you got tested. You can’t miss your appointment.’ I warned her.

‘Yes, I know.’

‘Good. Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?’ I offered because I would love to take her. I want to be there for her.

‘No, it’s fine. I don’t know if they’d let you.’ She laughed, making me smile a bit. Her laugh is beautiful, like chimes in the wind.

‘Okay then, I’ll drive you there. What time is the appointment?’

She thought about it with her arms crossed, staring at me. She couldn’t decide. I was feeling upset, worrying over her as she stood there, deciding whether to let me in. I was tired of this game. I want her now.

‘Fine, it’s at 9 tomorrow morning,’ she informed me, easing some of my tension.

‘Okay, I’ll come pick you up around 8:15. I’ll bring breakfast.’

‘Thank you,’ she muttered under her breath, but I caught it. ‘I need to get ready for class, so I’ll let you let yourself out. Thank you for breakfast.’

She headed up to her bed in the open loft. She was actually going to get dressed. I didn’t want to leave, so I stayed, leaning against the wall, and watching her change above. Her tattoos had a white bandage on the top over her ribs. She had added onto it and I didn’t even notice until now. I was enthralled inside her. I didn’t pay enough attention. I wonder what she got?

‘What are you doing, Lucas?’ She had noticed me standing here, staring at her.

‘Watching my Rose.’ I winked at her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, but there was a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

‘Well, your Rose isn’t your Rose, and she has classes to get to,’ she corrected me as she hurried down the stairs. ‘Goodbye, Lucas.’

‘I’ll give you a ride,’ I offered her, hoping she’d say yes. Maybe she still wants to spend time with me the same way I want to spend time with her.

‘No, thanks. I have the car mom left me, and I’ve been itching to drive it.’ She had this excited look on her face, like a small child about to play with their favorite toy. Who am I to deny her fun?

‘Fair, I can relate.’ I nodded as I stepped closer to her again, closing the space between us. My arms wrapped around her beautiful waist, bringing her flush against my chest, feeling her breast press against me. I leaned down so her lips were a few centimeters away.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked, slightly annoyed, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she stared at my lips, making me smirk.

‘Getting my goodbye kiss, of course.’

I let my lips graze hers as I spoke, making her take deep breaths as she tried to remain calm. It made me happy to see I could make her have such a powerful reaction to me. I gently kissed her soft, plump lips, parting them with my own as I held her face with my hand.

‘Go out with me, Rose.’ I didn’t phrase it in a question. I wanted her desperately, but she shook her head in my hands.

‘I can’t.’

‘Why not?’

‘You’re not serious about me. I’m just another one of the girls you see.’ She shrugged, stepping away from me this time. Her words crushed me, but I kept my playful smirk on my face.

‘But I am serious about you, Rose.’ I rubbed my knuckles over her cheek. ‘Come on, just one date?’

She was clearly thinking about it, chewing on her lip. I wasn’t sure which way she’d lean, so I stepped closer again. I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles as I looked into her icy blue eyes.

‘Say yes, Rose. Please?’

She sighed, like this was the hardest decision she’s had to make. I felt myself winning her internal battle as she bit her lip. Looking into my eyes, she gave me the smallest of nods. I smiled so widely, excited she had said yes. I grabbed her and spun her in a hug before placing her on the ground again, kissing those sweet lips one more time.

‘Thank you, Rose. You won’t regret it,’ I promised her, already thinking of the perfect date.

‘Yeah, yeah. I hope you know since you’re not exclusive, I don’t plan to be either.’ She raised a brow at me, dropping my excitement a decibel.

Was she talking about Leo? I know they went on a date the day her mother died. Had it gone well, despite how it ended? It’s not like Leo told me the details. I’m glad they haven’t slept together yet.

‘I’ll see you later. I need to go or I’ll be late.’ She dragged me to the door as she talked, pulling me into the hall and locking her front door. ‘Just text me when you want to have that date. Bye, Lucas.’

She waved at me, running down the hall before I had time to collect my thoughts. I couldn’t decide if I was excited or anxious. I am glad my Rose said yes, but I wish I was the only one in her life right now.

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