Sasha Swift

Chapter 29 The Date


I'm completely shocked. I was surely going to the ogres would lead me to some sort of clue as to who killed Greta. But I’m still just as lost. Greta and Mary Beth are both dead. Queen Merda was hexed. They probably didn’t kill her because she is a royal council member. And Stan the leprechaun is missing. No clues as to if he was taken or just left. His whereabouts are completely unknown.

We tried to find him. We really did. But when we reached his house we found it burned to the ground. There was no scent of anyone else there. To make it worse no body was recovered. Stan could be anywhere. Like the others, he could be dead. It's been two weeks of looking for him non-stop.

I'm exhausted. All I want to do is give up. We are not any closer to finding answers. The more we dig the more questions we have. I decide to call it quits and drive home. Theo has also returned home. Zane is with me and is the only one not ready to give up. He says he is going to make some more calls. Reach out to more people. But I think we have used up all our resources.

When I get home I change into an oversize cotton shirt. It's black and comfy. I like it. Laying in bed I decide to take a nap. My dreams don’t help me relax because all I have are nightmares. Everyone around me dies and I’m the only one left. Feeling someone rub my back I wake up.

“Zane! What are you doing?” I ask rubbing my eyes to wake myself up more.

“Sorry love I wanted to ask you something.”

“Ask me what?” I’m suspicious of him. Zane doesn’t ask he usually just does whatever he wants.

“I want to know if you will go on a date with me. To dinner?” He asks and I notice he actually sounds nervous.

“You want to take me on a date?” I smile. “In the middle of all this craziness. The one thing on your mind is a date?” I wrap my arms around his neck looking into his eyes lovingly.

“Well, it’s not the only thing on my mind. But I figure we save that for dessert love.” Zane winks and I smash my lips onto his. His kiss deepens and we kiss more before I pull away.

“Yes, Zane. I would love to go on a date with you.” I answer and he pushes me back onto the bed. My back hits the pillow and Zane kisses along my neck.

“You’re perfect love.” He looks into my eyes deeply. “What would I do without you?”

“Starve.” I tease. “Now get off me so we can both get ready.

I take a quick shower, alone, despite Zane begging to join. Then I do my makeup and hair. I leave my blonde locks down and decide to put in some loose curls. My dress for tonight is maroon, with an off-the-shoulder neckline and it is covered in lace. Matched with tan shoes I feel fabulous.

Walking into my living room Zane is ready to go. I stop walking when I see him. He looks so handsome. He has on a three-piece black suit. It looks expensive and his shoes are shining like they were just polished.

“Ready to go love? We have a reservation.” He asks and his deep alluring voice has me already wanting to skip straight to dessert.

“You made a reservation? I guess you thought of everything.” I smile and grab ahold of his arm. He is my man candy tonight and I will proudly show him off.

We step outside and a black sports car is waiting for us. I hold onto Zane tighter. “Umm, whose car is this? Zane, do you have a car?”

“I do. I hardly drive it. Thought it would be useful for tonight. Do you like it?” He asks spinning the keys around on his finger.

“I love it!” I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss. “After tonight we're going on a million dates.” I gush. I am just so happy. It feels nice to have some normalcy in my life. To feel like an actual twenty-one-year-old woman, not just a vampire hunter.

We drive into the city. Not Greenwolf but the metropolitan on the other side of it called BlueSky. Zane holds my hand the whole drive and tingles constantly shoot up my arm. I still can’t believe it. I’m on a date, with my boyfriend, correction my soulmate who loves me. I never thought this would happen to me. I thought I would die single and alone while out on a hunt one day.

Zane and I go to a seafood restaurant called Barney’s. It’s along the beach and we sit on the deck facing the ocean. There are lanterns lit, beautiful pink roses decorate our table and classical music is playing. I’m pretty sure nothing can be more romantic than this.

After eating our appetizer and ordering our food I decide to tell Zane something important. “Zane I have decided I will move in with you.” I tell him as I hold my hands nervously. “I’ll still keep up with Greta’s house. But I want to take this next step with you.”

Zane looks surprised by my answer. He asked me a month ago to move in and I said I would think about it. At the time I thought he was crazy. We were just getting serious. Moving in together is a big step. But then I lost Greta. I miss her so much. But I know she would want me to be happy. Zane makes me happy. I can’t handle being alone. I know I have abandonment issues but with him, everything is better. Hopefully, he still wants me to move in.

I let out a fake cough to help with the awkward silence. “So was the offer still on the table or do I need to go hide in a cave somewhere to avoid embarrassing myself more?”

Zane smiles. It’s probably the biggest smile I have seen on his face yet. He reaches over and grabs my hand interlocking our fingers. “The offer never went away love. I want you. Today, tomorrow, and forever.”


I’m so happy she said yes. I thought she completely forgot about me asking her to move in. We practically live together now anyway. The only difference will be turning my house into a home for both of us. New furniture, decorations. Whatever she wants she will get.

I never thought I would be in a committed relationship. Sasha has changed me for the better. I’m not sure if it’s her being my beloved or another deep-rooted bond. But I know that I care about her happiness more than my own. I was instantly attracted to her when I saw her. The more I get to know her the more I love her.

Love has never come easy to me. I’m not sure the last time I ever felt loved by another person. My childhood was all about proving myself to those around me. I never felt accepted by family or friends. Feeling unloved resulted in me never wanting to love another person. Which is the reason why I never seriously dated.

But with Sasha, love came easy and fast. I can be myself with her. She can be herself with me and together we make love so strong no one or anything can break it. Knowing she wants to live with me as much as I want to live with her. It’s the best gift an asshole like me can receive.

Finally, our food comes out and we start eating and making light conversation. Sasha tells me about her childhood. Learning different types of karate and getting in trouble for school. I always knew she was a troublemaker. You can see it in her eyes.

As I look into Sasha’s eyes admiring the way they light up when she talks about her work I can’t help but love her more. I’m not sure how things will play off against the Royal Council. They want her and I know they won’t stop until they get what they want. I need to make the most out of our time together. If it comes down to it I will sacrifice myself for her. I just hope it doesn’t come down to that.

“Sasha, do you want to go look at the beach?” I interrupt. But her smile tells me she doesn’t mind.

“Sure let’s go. I haven’t been to a beach in forever.”

We get up from the table and are hand in hand. I throw money on the table to pay and we walk away. Sasha takes off her heels once we reach the sand and walks barefoot. We walk and admire the sunset.

Time slips away from us and now it’s dark. We walk over to a secluded area that used to be an old pier. We stand underneath it and Sasha walks away from me and rubs her hand along one of the wooden poles.

“You know. This is pretty romantic and we’re all alone. No around to hear us.” She whispers and I already have a bulge in my pants.

“That we are love. Maybe we should find something romantic to do.” I run over to her and grab her by the waist and spin her around Sasha laughs and I set her down.

“I love you, Zane.”

I grab her chin so she knows how serious I am. “And I love you.”

I smash my lips onto hers. She kisses me back and I put all my love and emotion into the kiss. I want her to know there is no one else. She is it for me. No one else even comes close.

Her hands wrap around my neck and I grab her hips hoisting her up as they wrap around me. I hike her dress up and lucky for me it’s short. Sliding her panties to the side I stick a finger in feeling her wetness. I rub her clit causing her to moan.

“Zane please!” She calls out and I begin kissing along her collarbone.

“You’re mine Sasha, forever.” I grab the back of her hair and pull her head up to look at me. “Say it. Say you’re mine.”

I drop my pants and boxers. Lining myself up against her wet folds. I slam my hard cock into her. Sasha instantly screams out my name as her hips rock against me.

“Zane! Fuck I’m yours, baby!”

Her back is against the old rotted wood as I relentlessly screw her brains out. She is getting wetter by the second and it feels so good. Her hands are wrapped around my neck as I grip her perfect ass making sure to leave my fingerprints.

Our lips mold together perfectly as our tongues meet and fight for dominance. The kiss is passionate and deep as we both try to control our moans.

I pull away and begin kissing her neck. Finding the perfect spot I lick it first then sink my fangs in tasting her delicious blood. Sasha moans and I can feel her walls gripping my cock. I’m not going to last much longer.

Releasing her neck. I move to her lips kissing her gently. A faint trace of her blood is on my lips and I know she tastes it.

“Cum for me love.” I beg and pull out then slam into her aggressively. Rubbing her clit I felt her legs tremble.

“Zane please!” She moans as her wet cunt tightens around me. I moan her name as I fill my seed inside her.

Slowly letting her legs go I pull her dress down. Even though we had sex outside I don’t want anyone to see her precious body but me. I take a step back giving her room. Sasha fixes her hair while smiling at me.

“That was amazing. Round 2 at home?” She asks arching an eyebrow.

“Definitely love.” I slap her ass and we start walking hand in hand back to the car.

Driving back home I can’t help but keep glancing at Sasha. Everything about her is perfect. Even the sex feels amazing. Better than anything I had before. Whether it’s rough or slow and passionate it all feels like making love to me.

“What are you thinking about?” Sasha asks me and I try to think of something clever to say.

“Just how- Bloody hell!” I shout as something hard hits the hood of my car.

I pull over and Sasha and I immediately get out of the car. Both of us curious about what I hit. Probably an animal.

“Do you think it’s dead?” I ask as we walk toward the giant dark shadow.

“If it is I know a good place to bury the body.” Sasha answers and I look at her shocked. “Sorry, I meant I hope whatever animal you hit is alive and we should definitely call the authorities.”

I roll my eyes at her but once I hear her gasp I stop and look in front of me. Sasha was wrong. It’s not an animal. I bend down and roll over the body. It’s Stan the Leprechaun. His heart has been ripped out.

“Shit, it’s Stan! Someone killed him. Just like the others.” Sasha whispers and holds herself nervously.

“I can’t believe it. Who would do this?”

“Zane. Look at his pocket. There is a piece of paper sticking out.” She points out.

Listening to Sasha I look at his pocket. She is right there is a wrinkled paper sticking out. I grab it and straighten it out to read it.

Bring us the girl or more bodies drop.

I feel something sticky and flip the paper over. On the other side written in blood is my name.

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