Sasha Swift

Chapter 28 Ogres


Hanging upside down. My arms tied to my side really have me rethinking my life’s choices. The most recent choice I regret is letting Swift go off by herself. The last one is pissing off a horde of Ogres.

Theo is beside me also tied up. Luckily for him, he isn’t upside down. But still, the situation we are in isn’t the best.

“Zane, we aren’t going to tell Swift about this are we?” Theo asks with pity in his voice.

“We can’t. No way she wouldn't let us live it down. It’s embarrassing mate.”

“You’re right it’s very embarrassing.” An angelic voice answers and I know never to doubt her again.

“Swift!” Theo calls out. “Help, please. Zane’s big mouth got us into trouble.”

Growling I have to argue back. “It wasn’t my fault. The whole thing was just a misunderstanding love. Trust me.”

Swift walks up slowly and even upside down she is beautiful. I hear cutting and I fall on the ground landing on my back.

“Tell me, Zane. What exactly happened when I left you two alone?”

3 hours earlier

“I can’t believe you let her go alone.”

“What were you thinking?”

“Anything could happen to her. We’re supposed to be protecting her?”

Theo has been nagging me about letting Swift go off alone. This walk through the mountains has become dreadful. Not even the glorious views can make up for Theo making me feel like rubbish.

“What if they find her and we aren’t around? I won’t forgive myself.” Theo whines and I can’t take it.

My eyes go red and I flash him my fangs. “Shut up Theo! Don’t you think I feel terrible enough? I don’t need you to remind me every bloody second! She is mine! My Beloved! My worries, not yours!” I snap and Theo looks at me grinning.

“I know you didn’t want her to go.” He pauses. “Then why did you agree?”

Sighing I figure I better tell him the truth. “She wouldn’t forgive me. Swift is full of pride. If I stopped her from going. She would think I don’t believe in her. Which I do, I know how tough she is. But still...”

“Still you’re afraid she could get hurt.” Theo finishes my sentence and I nod in agreement.

“I wouldn’t forgive myself either if something happened to her. But we have to trust she can do this alone. Even if we don’t like it, Theo.”

Theo folds his arms and stomps his foot like a child. Of course, I forget he is a child being only fifteen. “I don’t like it. And I hate how she refuses to give me chocolate ice cream anymore!” Theo fusses and I laugh.

“You threw up all night after eating five tubs of it. She is looking out for you.” I remind him.

“Hmph I can take care of myself. It’s ridiculous.”

“You’re ridiculous Theo.”

“No, you are!” Theo argues back.

“No, you!” I yell and get in his face towering over him.

Theo shoves me. “No, you’re ridiculous! I’m great!”

We keep arguing and shoving each other when I hear a twig snap. “Theo, did you hear that?”

“Nice try. You’re just mad I was winning.” He smirks.

“No really. I think I heard something.” I take a look around and notice nothing looks familiar. “Theo, where are we?”

“Oh, Zane you’re so silly. We are...” Theo looks around confused. “We’re ummm.”

“Face it Elf were lost. How could this happen? You said you knew where we were going?” I throw my hands down frustrated.

“It’s your fault. Not mine. You distracted me, vampire!”

“Rubbish! It’s all on you. Don’t worry I’ll get us back on track.”

Theo comes up and shoves me. “No, I will get us back on track!” He yells and I shove him to the ground.

“Come on tough guy. Fight me.” I tease Theo.

I just watch him with my hands on my hips. I doubt he will try anything.

“Aargh!” Theo shouts and tackles me. We roll around throwing punches when a net unexpectedly falls over us.

I try to rip the net off but the more I move it the more it closes in. I begin biting it but my fangs do nothing to pierce through. It’s definitely magic.

“Give up vampire. We caught you and your little elf. You’re ours now.” A female voice calls out.

I look up and see five ogres standing around us in a circle. I forgot how hideous they are. Large, grayish blue color and large noses. They smirk and I growl at them.

“Theo do something you said you knew them!”

“Umm, I lied. I thought we could befriend them when we got here.” He shrugs and if I wasn’t tied up I would kill him.

Present time

“And that’s how you got captured. Too busy arguing with Theo that you weren’t paying attention?” Swift teases me.

Standing up and dusting off my clothes I watch Swift cut down Theo gently.

“Thanks, Swift. You really are the best!” Theo praises her and I frown.

“I could have got us free... you know eventually.” I roll my eyes folding my arms across my chest and Swift comes up and kisses my cheek.

“Sure you could have. I’m sure you had some grand plan to escape and find MaryBeth right?” Swift asks but I refuse to answer. I know she is just being sarcastic. “Come on guys let’s go.”

Swift walks away not even giving us another glance. Theo grins widely at me and walks behind her practically skipping. I am really annoyed now because I didn’t want her to be right. But I follow anyway. But there is one thing on my mind.

“Love how did you find us?” I ask her. The ogres turned out to be more aggressive than I thought and she just waltzed in here like she owns the place.

Swift stops and turns to face me. The smug look on her face tells me I won’t like the answer. Let’s just hope I don’t have to kill someone for touching her.

“I walked up to the front gate and introduced myself. They let me in and I explained how my idiot friends were supposed to be here. From there we had tea then I came and got you.”

“You had tea. Without us?” Theo ask sounding very offended.

“I was thirsty.” She claims then turns around continuing to walk through this maze of a building.

We enter into a lobby of some sort. The female ogre and two others I recognize are also present. They all sit at a cheap wooden table with matching chairs. Swift takes the only empty chair. I stand behind her my hands on her shoulders.

“You’re friends are idiots.” The female speaks.

I open my mouth to answer but Swift turns to face me quickly. Her eyes narrow and I know she wants me to keep quiet. It’s easier said than done though.

“Thank you for not eating us.” Theo speaks softly from beside me.

“We were going to make stew. You lucky Swift showed up and save you.” One of the guys says.

“Your kindness is appreciated. If you don’t mind can you tell me and my friends more about Mary Beth?” Swift asks and I notice her voice is kinder than usual. She is brilliant.

“Mary Beth not like us. She thought she was smarter. She seeks friends far away. We tell her it wasn’t a good idea.” The female ogre speaks.

“You mean the poker nights with Queen Merda?” Swift asks even though she already knows the answer.

“Yes. They would meet at a different spot every time. She is my sister. I tell her it’s not safe. But she not listen. Now she is dead.”

“Dead?” Theo asks surprised. I’m surprised also but stay quiet.

“Yes dead. We find her this morning. Someone had slit her throat. The smell was odd. A vampire.”

Swift and Theo both gasp. Everyone turns to face me. It’s awkward but I play it off and act like it doesn’t bother me. Vampires are always the bad guy it seems.

“My sister had no ties to vampires. Please, Swift. Find who killed my sister.”

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