Sasha Swift

Chapter 24 The Bar


Sasha has been locked in her room for two days. Giving her space I leave food by her bedroom door several times a day to remind her to eat. The tray always returns empty so I at least know she is eating. The only thing she spoke to me about was a request to bury Greta under the willow tree. She didn’t have the strength to do it.

I searched the house for clues before I cleaned it up and I know for sure it was the Royal Council. I could smell them, all of them. I was disgusted with myself that I ever called them family. They are the worst kind of monsters.

Today is the third day of Sasha being held up in her room. I so badly want to talk to her, to comfort her. But she is shutting me out. For good reason I guess. I did lie to her, and break her heart. But my heart is breaking also knowing the woman I love is hurting and I have no idea how to help.

I begin rummaging through the cabinets trying to figure out what to cook for dinner when I hear footsteps. I turn around and see Sasha. I expect her to look terrible messy hair, bloodshot eyes, and maybe some dried-up drool on her face. But no she looks beautiful.

Sasha has on a short royal blue dress with black fishnet stockings. She has on black five-inch heels and her makeup is darker than usual. Her golden hair flows down her body. But her face hides any emotion she is feeling.

“I’m going out. You can join me if you want.” She says and I’m baffled.

“Are you sure? We can stay in if you want?” I ask because I’m not sure where her mindset is right now. Also, she has a sexy Gothic vibe going on and I’m definitely aroused.

Sasha doesn’t answer me just starts walking away. “Be ready in five or I’m leaving you.” She states and I know she is serious.

Using my vamp speed I change clothes into jeans and a royal blue button-down shirt. When I’m finished I stand beside Sasha and run my hand through my hair.

“Ready love, let’s go.” I smirk and she narrows her eyes at me and looks me up and down. I may have purposely matched with her.

The ride into town is quiet. Sasha doesn’t speak and I decide not to try and force her to. When she is ready I will be here for her. No matter how long it takes.

We arrive outside the same bar I first saw Sasha at, O’Dells. We get out of the car and I follow Sasha in. Not even a few steps in I hear a high-pitched scream.

“Bitch your back! I missed you so much! Where have you been?” The bartender comes around and hugs Sasha.

I growl. I never realized they were so close. The bartender must have heard me because she looks past Sasha at me. She has a big grin on her face. She looks back at Sasha and playfully smacks her.

“You hooked up with this hottie and never told me. You better come give me details right away.” She grabs Sasha’s hand and leads her to a seat then goes back around to the bar. I find a seat next to Sasha.

“Bourbon neat.” Sasha and I speak at the same time and the bartender smiles.

“Y'all are so cute you even order the same drink. Cutest couple ever! I ship.” She says before she turns around and starts making our drinks.

I elbow Sasha. “Maybe this is a sign we should get back together love. Everyone ships us.” I whisper and Sasha rolls her eyes.

“No way I’m letting you slither back into my bed, snake.” She answers and I make a hissing noise and run my hand up her exposed back.

“My snake wants to do lots of things to you, but I promise not to bite.” I whisper in her ear and nibble her earlobe.

I feel a sharp pain in my leg and look down to see she stabbed me. I groan and pull it out and put it in my pocket. Thank God for fast healing but now my jeans are ruined.

The bartender gives us our drinks and Sasha downs hers and asks for another. The bartender makes her another and then focuses her attention on me. “So I never caught your name.” She says and I smile and put out my hand for her to shake.

“I’m Zane and who might a beautiful woman like yourself be?” I kiss her hand and she blushes.

“I’m Kandy and Sasha you better put a leash on him. I can see he is trouble.” I hear a glass slam down and we both turn to see Sasha who is frowning.

“Yeah, he is. Hit me with another.” Kandy gives me a look and I think we both are concerned for our girl now.

Three hours and many drinks later Sasha is very drunk. The bar is full and I have to keep my attention on the troublemaker beside me. Sasha has been laughing nonstop and telling ridiculous stories of her travels to Kandy.

I nudge Sasha and she snaps her head toward me. I've been remaining quiet our whole time here. So she is probably surprised I want her attention now or she forgot I was here. “Are you ready to go home yet love?” I ask and she shakes her head no.

“Oh no, I’m having way too much fun. I think I met my soulmate, Fred, here.” She wraps her arm around the middle-aged gentleman beside her who looks angry at first but smirks when he sees a beautiful lady is the one touching him.

“I’ll be whatever you want lady.” He snickers and I growl.

“She’s taken mate, back off. She just had too many to drink.” I tell him but he doesn’t back off. He wraps his arm around her waist.

“She looks more than capable of making decisions for herself man. Maybe you should back off.”

I lose all control. My feet move on their own accord and I grab the man’s arm that is wrapped around my beloved and pull him off the barstool. He lands on his ass groaning. Before he can make a move I break his arm. He yells in pain.

“Jerk! I’ll kill you.” He threatens me and tries to get to his feet but falls back down in pain.

“Keep your gross hands off her or else!” I warn him again.

“Oh my God Zane I have the best idea!” Sasha says grabbing a beer bottle off the bar then she turns back to the man whose arm I broke. “Bar fight bitches!” She screams and smashes the bottle over his head.

Chaos erupts. The wanker who touched my girl wasn’t alone. His three friends come to his defense. I begin fighting two and I see Sasha jump on one’s back and start yelling again.

“Unleash the fury yes!” She yells and puts him in a chokehold. He falls over unconscious and she drops him.

The whole bar begins fighting. People are thrown over tables, beer bottles are smashed over heads, pool sticks are used as weapons, and Kandy screaming profanities for us all to stop. The whole night is an adrenaline rush I didn’t know I needed.

When we get back to the house Sasha leads me to her bedroom and starts kissing down my neck. Her hands roam all over trying to undress me. I yank off her dress and lay her down on the bed.

Her hips grind against me and she pulls off my shirt she finally figured out how to unbutton it. I start to unbuckle my pants when I stop and wonder if this is what she wants. She's drunk and vulnerable right now.

“Sasha we should stop.” I whisper and she bites her lip seductively.

“No, we shouldn’t. You belong to me and I’m yours. I need you Zane please, help me forget. Just for a little bit.” She pleads and her green emerald eyes sparkle at me and I know I won’t be able to resist.

Taking off my pants and boxers I smash my lips onto hers. Her hands roam through my hair before she grabs my hard cock and shoves me in. She moans and I hold onto the pillow gripping it.

“Sasha love you feel so good.” I moan and her lips meet mine again as we make love.

She is my drug. I crave her. I’m addicted to all of her. The good, the bad, and everything in between.

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