Sasha Swift

Chapter 25 Meeting the Queen


“You know how I know you’re my soulmate?” I ask Zane as I lay my head on his chest and his arms wrap around me protectively.

“Hmm is it because I licked every inch of your body last night?” He smirks and I blush. Last night we made love numerous times. Then twice this morning. My body is honestly exhausted. I never knew how flexible my body could be.

“No silly. It’s because last night when we were fighting we both grabbed a chair to hit over that guy’s head. But we both stopped when we saw the other and instead kicked him away. When you grabbed me and kissed me it was so passionate.” I smile. “I don’t think I could have that with anyone else.”

Zane laughs and kisses my forehead. “Maybe we’re both just badass fighters. I do feel bad for poor Kandy. She has to clean the whole bar before her boss returns today.”

“Maybe we should go help her.” I suggest and Zane flips me over so he is on top.

“Let’s just stay in bed love.” He whispers. We’re both still naked and he begins kissing down my stomach. I’m already getting excited about the way this is headed.

“Zane.” I moan when his tongue flicks my sensitive bud.

I grip his hair that I love to play with so much. His tongue seems to hit that perfect spot when my bedroom door busts open. I jump and Zane pops his head back up from under the blanket growling. I quickly cover up more.

“Hey, guys I- wait am I interrupting something?” Theo asks.

“Yes!” Zane and I answer at the same time.

Theo rolls his eyes and sits on the end of my bed. “You two need to come with me. Queen Merda has important information for us. She said she needs you both back home.” Theo informs us and Zane groans.

I cover my body more with the sheet and Zane sits up straighter. But then I remember something. “Theo, how did you find my house? The cloaking spell is still up?” I ask and he laughs.

“Oh, that. I’m an elf I cracked that ward like it was nothing. Plus I could hear you guys.” He smirks.

A pillow hits Theo and Zane growls at him. “You need to learn to respect our privacy elf!” Zane yells and Theo stands up and runs out of the room.

I climb on top of Zane straddling him. I start kissing his neck. “Think we can be quiet. I’m not done with you yet, my beloved.” I smirk and Zane kisses me back deeply and the fun begins.

An hour later I head into the kitchen. After a quickie and then another round in the shower I finally clawed Zane off of me. The man has lots of stamina. If it was up to him we wouldn’t leave my bedroom all day.

My hair is in a high ponytail and I have on one of my black jumpsuits. I go to sit at my spot at the kitchen island. Theo has food laid out all on the counter. It’s a whole breakfast feast and I’m starving. I notice someone cleaned up the place. It must have been Zane. He is definitely a keeper.

“This looks delicious Theo thanks for cooking.” I tell him and he turns around with a plate and fork in his hand.

Taking a bite of his food and then chewing and swallowing it he answers me. “I didn’t think you two were ever going to leave the room.” He chuckles.

“We weren’t.” Zane walks into the kitchen answering with his mouth in a straight line.

I feel a presence behind me and arms wrap around my waist. Zane bends down and kisses my neck. “Eat up love you deserve it.” He whispers and pulls a plate full of food in front of me.

I begin eating and Zane sits beside me. Two coffee cups are placed in front of us. Thanks to my coffee addiction Zane now has embraced the dark side and begun drinking coffee. I look up to see Theo staring at me with a grin on his face. He claps his hands together.

“So like I said Queen Merda has invited you two to come back to our home. Well, she invited Swift but I told her Zane would insist on coming so she said he could come too. But no one else.”

Zane scoffs and I smile. “That’s sweet Theo. Did Queen Merda say who hexed her?” I ask.

“She did not. She said she would only talk to you, Swift. So I volunteered again to come to get you. I’m so excited to take you guys home with me!” Theo exclaims excitedly.

Zane and I glance at each other. He smiles and places his hand on my thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. So much has happened in the last few days. Finding out I’m part fae, fighting with Zane, making up with Zane, and losing Greta. Now I’m about to go into Elf Country. This time I’ll talk to the queen and see their world. It’s just all so much.

“If you are not ready we can wait a little longer. You’re still grieving. Maybe we should put off work for a while.” Zane whispers but I know I can’t put this off. No matter how sad I am.

“No, I’ll go. This is important.” I answer and Theo squeals in front of us.

“Yes! My parents are so excited to meet you, Swift. I showed them a picture of you and they said you are so beautiful.” He gushes and I start to choke on my food and Zane growls.

“What do you mean? How do they know what I look like? You said they don’t have a cell phone.”

“I drew a picture of you of course. Elves are wonderful artists.” He says so confidently and I know he is serious.

As we drive towards Elf country Theo tells us more about what to expect. “Queen Merda lives in her castle. No one is allowed to enter without her permission, Everyone always eats dinner together and brings something to contribute so it’s always a giant feast.”

“It sounds delicious.” I interrupt rubbing my stomach and smiling.

“It is. “Theo answers and continues. “When an elf turns sixteen the queen pairs you off with your wife or husband. You can either live with your family or build your own house. When the queen turns twenty-five she chooses who she will mate with. The heir will live in the castle and take over when the other queen dies.”

I’m completely shocked by this. Zane is listening also but his expression never changes. I’m sure the frown on my face shows how I feel about the subject. I interrupt Theo. “So you don’t get to choose who you spend the rest of your life with? And what’s with the queen choosing a guy to have sex with? Does he even get a choice? What if she chooses someone married?” I ask with disgust in my voice.

“Helping the queen produce an heir is a golden and rare opportunity. Anyone would be proud and happy to do it. It’s the greatest honor one could have in our kingdom. The wife would not care.” He answers but I’m still uncertain.

“So what happens after the baby is born? What happens to the dad?”

“Well, he becomes one of the queen’s servants. There are many great jobs in the castle. Maybe a butler or chef if he is lucky.”

Zane starts laughing and I elbow him. I’m appalled Theo thinks it’s so normal. To bare a child and then not be a part of their lives while watching them grow up from a distance. It sounds terrible. I’m not sure I like any of the elves’ rules. I wonder if I can kidnap Theo so he doesn’t have to return.

Two days later we make it to elf country. The trip through the enchanted forest wasn’t as creepy since I wasn’t alone. Plus the trip was shorter since Theo knew a shortcut.

We arrive at the same clearing where I collapsed last time. Except now I don’t hear a screaming female voice trying to kill me.

“So no creepy scream this time?” I ask


“Oh, that was me sorry. I had to make sure you weren’t a trespasser. Good thing you’re a fae or you would have died.” He answers smiling. Theo’s always happy demeanor is kind of creepy but you get used to it.

Theo looks from Zane to me with a serious look for once. “Remember what I said. The castle is off limits without permission, no fighting or killing anyone Zane, and if someone offers you food then eat it.” He tells us with his eyes narrowed at Zane.

“Fine, I’ll behave. But I won’t like it.” Zane pouts with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

We follow Theo over to a bush. Placing his hands on the bush it parts. Behind the green bush is a giant tunnel. It’s at least seven feet high. The outside is made out of brown vines and the only light source is fireflies that float around.

“It’s beautiful.” I whisper as we start walking through the tunnel.

Theo leads us as Zane holds my hand and I walk behind him. The walk takes about five minutes before the tunnel ends and we’re in another clearing.

Looking around I see we’re in a village. There are different colored log cabins around, beautiful gardens full of fresh fruit and vegetables, and kids running around playing happily. Everyone looks happy and healthy despite their weird rules.

We continue walking past houses. All the elves we pass stare at us. Most smile and wave. Others look terrified. I’m not sure if it’s because of me or Zane. Vampires are an elves’ worst enemy.

Finally, we reach a brown cabin with a bright red door. Before we can knock the door opens. An elf with long brown hair, big blue eyes, and slightly taller than Theo stands before us smiling.

“Theo! Swift! You’re here! I cooked lunch and it just finished. I’m so happy you are here. Oh, wait this must be Theo’s friend. The vampire right?”

Zane smiles and holds out his hand for her to shake. “You must be Theo’s sister. You’re so lovely. It’s a pleasure to meet you finally. I’m Zane.”

“I’m Theresa his mom. He doesn’t have a sister you silly. Please come in, all of you.” Theresa blushes and we all follow in behind her.

Inside the cabin, my mouth starts to water. Whatever his mom cooked for lunch smells delicious. I look around and see how adorable their house is. The living room is small. The carpet is Tan. There are two red couches and a recliner a man sits in rocking back and forth with a deadly scowl on his face.

Zane and I sit on one of the couches. Theresa sits across from us on the other couch and Theo stands beside her.

“Theo told me all about your travels together. I haven’t left home in so long that I forgot how the outside world is. Tell me are the beds as terrible as Theo says they are? Your poor back Swift.” Theresa speaks and I try not to roll my eyes.

“Not all beds are terrible. Theo just happened to be with me when I slept at a crappy motel.” I tell her and I hear Zane try not to laugh beside me.

“I’m so glad.” Theresa smiles. “Oh wait lunch!” She shouts and runs into the kitchen. Theo sits down in her spot smiling at me.

“Just wait until you eat my mom’s cooking. It’s delicious.” Theo exclaims and I hope he is right.


Theo ends up being right. Theresa is a wonderful cook. The food is delicious and I may never leave this place. I’m in food heaven. Zane even loved the food. And since vampires’ first love is blood, I would say the food is really good.

We sit around the dining table and eat lunch and talk. Theresa asks lots of questions about the outside world and I try to answer without making the world look as bleak and crime-ridden as it is. She also showed us baby pictures of Theo to embarrass him.

Ted, Theo’s dad never once talked to us. He would grunt in response when talked to but never uttered a word. Now as we sit in the living room continuing to chat he still refuses to talk. His facial expression still shows his disdain for us being here.

“I can’t believe Theo never told you about his butterfly phase. The poor little boy cried so bad when he realized elves can’t fly.” Theresa smiles at us as she speaks.

“Mom that’s not something I go around telling people. It was so embarrassing.” Theo whines and Zane and I laugh.

“It’s okay Theo we all have embarrassing stories. Right Zame?” I smirk and turn to Zane beside me.

“Nope never. I’m the coolest guy I know.” Zane brags.

“Hey we should-” Theo begins to speak but Is interrupted when someone comes in the front door. It’s a male elf in a red and green police uniform.

“The queen has requested your presence at the castle.” He speaks and we all look around at each other.

“Well let’s go!” Theo speaks first and hops up out of his seat.

Zane stands up first then grabs my hand pulling me up. The couches are comfortable but they suck you in. We all say goodbye to Theresa and Ted and follow the elf outside.

The walk to the castle takes about ten minutes. The whole walk is quiet and I wonder if Zane and Theo are as nervous as me. I never met royalty before. Human or supernatural. And the last time I saw Queen Merda I stabbed her hand. So this might be awkward.

The castle is made of stone and has green vines decorated on the outside. The double doors are dark oak wood and I take a breath as the two gentlemen open the doors.

“Presenting Queen Merda.” An elf announces from somewhere inside. He is loud but I can’t see him anywhere.

Inside the walls and floor are made of stone also. There is a giant gold chandelier hanging above us and pictures of past queen elves line the wall. We walk on the thin red carpet following the two elves.

After a short walk, we reach another set of double doors. The two men stop and open the door but don’t step inside. No one moves and we just stare ahead.

Inside sits Queen Merda on the biggest gold throne I have ever seen. It’s lined with red and green jewels that shine brightly like they are polished daily. Her throne is in the middle of the room and on each side of her is a young female elf dressed like a maid.

Zane takes the initiative first and grabs my hand. He starts walking dragging me beside him. Theo follows and walks beside us. The room is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Hopefully, no one can hear my nervous heartbeat. Standing before the queen Theo kneels. Zane looks at me and shrugs.

“You may rise, Theo. We are all friends here. Well, I hope we will be. Welcome, Swift and Zane to my kingdom. I do hope your visit has been grand so far?” She asks and her voice is rich and velvety. Definitely a voice of a queen.

“It’s been lovely thank you. I was happy to meet Theo's family.” I tell her with a small smile on my face.

“So why are we here? Do you know who hexed you or anything useful?” Zane asks bluntly and I elbow him for being rude.

The queen does the one thing I least expected. She laughs. Her laugh echoes throughout the room and even the servants around look surprised. She smiles.

“Straightforward. I like it. And I do not know who hexed me. But I believe they wished to use me as a weapon. Whoever did it wanted Swift dead. And I don’t believe they will stop until it happens.” She answers and I feel Zane squeeze my hand tighter.

“So do you know anything?” Zane growls and I see all the elves around tense up. I grab his arm and hold on tightly to try and calm him down. The last thing I want is for him to kill the elf queen.

Queen Merda looks unfazed. She smirks and snaps her fingers. I see all the elves around shuffling out of the room. Soon it’s only us four left.

The queen sighs. “Great now we can speak freely.” She motions for us to get closer and we all take a step forward. “I’m sorry I can’t be more help. Whoever it was left a note in my personal quarters. They told me to meet them at Squires Market. I assumed it was the council since very few know of our existence.”

“How many people know of your existence?” I ask curiously. The note had to be left by someone she knew. I doubt the elves would try to kill their queen.

“The council obviously, Mary Beth an ogre from Westport, Stan a leprechaun, and Greta.”

When she says Greta’s name my throat dries up. I miss her so much and I had no idea she knew the queen of elves. She never told me. And now I wonder what other secrets she kept from me.

“How did you know all these people Queen Merda? I thought you didn’t like outsiders?” Theo asks with a concerned look on his face.

Queen Merda’s smile disappears. “Being here is so lonely sometimes. Everyone sees me as a queen. I wanted to be normal for once. So I broke the rules. I sneak out twice a month. For the council meetings and poker night with my friends.” She smiles and Zane looks amused.

“Poker night with a leprechaun. I bet he almost died every time he lost some money.” Zane smiles and Queen Merda laughs.

“That he did Indeed.”

I wave my hands frantically. This is all just too much. “Greta and you played poker together? She never told me this. Why? And now she is dead. Whoever hexed you probably went after her also.” I feel like I’m going to cry and Zane wraps his arms around me as I bury my face in his black shirt.

“I’m sorry Swift. I never knew they would target her. When I went to the market I was ambushed. The next thing I remember is waking up here in the castle. Everyone had to explain how I was missing for days and you had found me. Swift the vampire hunter saved me. Along with Theo and her beloved of course.”

I slowly remove myself from Zane even though his comfort is what I need right now. But I know I need to find out the truth. I need to know all the information Queen Merda can spare. Because again my parent was killed and now someone has to pay.

“So if you never asked for my help. Then how did Greta know to send me to you?”

Theo speaks up instead of Queen Merda. “She called us. Said the spirits told her about Queen Merda. She wanted to help. She offered your services. We all heard the stories about you and agreed you were our best option.”

“Whoever took me is still out there. I hope you find them. I never wanted to cause harm to anyone. I remember hearing the people at the market screaming. They must have been terrified. I just hope no one else dies because of me. Despite my past actions, we are peaceful creatures.” Queen Merda speaks softly.

I understand how she feels. Death seems to surround me and it is taking out the people I love. Like her, I don’t want anyone else to die because of me. I have to find who is after me and who tried to use Queen Merda as a weapon against me. This has to end now.

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